Lord of the House

Vol 11 Chapter 147: undercurrent

(I will update a chapter with 5000 words first. It is more common that I am also sick. There are so many people who get sick in the spring; so I don’t know if the second is more.)

The Huaixi torrent was surging, and it could even be said that the world was turned upside down, but Zhong Rong was oblivious in Lishan, waiting for news to come from Guangshan County...

At noon on the 27th, there was still a drizzle of rain on Mount Li. The cold rain made the road muddy. Dozens of riders, surrounded by two narrow carriages, crossed the mountain road between the Huaishan Mountains and came to the camp of Mount Li. , The rutted plow made the mud fly.

Chen Jingrong lifted the curtain of the car, lit up the token given to him by Zhong Rong, and entered the North Camp of Lishan with the carriage and horse directly.

Zhong Rong heard the news that Chen Jingrong had returned from Guangshan. He had been waiting anxiously for the past two days, so he hurriedly came from Nanying to greet him.

"Mr. Chen," Zhong Rong will be seven feet tall, a head taller than Chen Jingrong. He is extremely burly. He walks towards him, as if a hill is moving. He stands in front of the thin Chen Jingrong and bows. Somewhat funny.

Chen Jingrong had a tired face, and there was too much hesitation and hesitation in his eyes, and he secretly asked in his heart, "Zhong Rong, this thief kills without blinking his eyes, his hands are full of blood, his nature is cruel, and he has no loyalty to the old master. Conspiracy?"

Zhong Rong could also see the hesitation on Chen Jingrong's face. He frowned as he looked at a carriage that was parked in the distance with a dense curtain. Jumping, he asked suspiciously, "Who else came with Mr. Chen?"

Chen Jingrong looked back, since he had already entered the Lishan camp, it was impossible to look back, and he said in a low voice, "The envoy is in the carriage!"

"..." Zhong Rong flashed countless names in his mind just now. He never expected that the carriage would be Dong Yuanyuan, a recruiter from Henan. Dong Yuan came to Lishan Camp in person. He didn't call Zhong Rong ecstatic. He was shocked and suspicious, subconsciously thinking that there must be a big problem in Huaixi, otherwise Dong Yuan would not be able to easily take risks and come to Lishan Camp.

Zhong Rong naturally knew that he was not an honest person.

Chen Jingrong looked at the folds of flesh on Zhong Rong's face and the vertical and horizontal scars, and his heart skipped a beat. Although Zhong Rong and the others were all nominally surrendered to Huaixi, he independently controlled more than 30,000 surrendered troops in Lishan. There is no other means of restraining him, and it would be a big mistake to see him as a harmless big cat.

If one gamble is wrong, it will end with blood splattered for seven steps and the soldiers falling apart. How can Chen Jingrong not be frightened?

Seeing Chen Jingrong and Zhong Rong standing and talking under the light rain curtain, Dong Yuan, who was dressed in Tsing Yi, lifted the curtain and stepped out of the carriage. Doesn't General Zhong welcome this envoy to Lishan Camp?"

Zhong Rong couldn't figure out what was wrong, but Dong Yuan was wearing a blue robe, and his bearing was still extraordinary. Although his face was slightly pale, his eyes were bright, as if there were electric lights hidden in it, so he couldn't stare at him.

Although he had never met Dong Yuan before, Zhong Rong did not doubt that the Dong Yuan in front of him could be dressed up by others—as if he had been stagnant for a while, Zhong Rong pushed down the mountain and knelt down and bowed on the wetlands. : "The recruiters worked tirelessly to see Li Shan, but the last commander could not be far away, please forgive the last commander!"

Dong Yuan stared at Zhong Rong's unusually burly body on his knees, and looked at Chen Jingrong before picking up Zhong Rong and saying, "The envoy came to Lishan Camp because I didn't want you and I to disagree, Zhong Rong. Why would the general be so outspoken!"

"Did something happen to Huaixi?" Zhong Rong stood up and asked impatiently.

Dong Yuan secretly felt that although Zhong Rong's hands were bloody, he was not stupid after all - as long as he was not stupid, things would be simpler, and he was afraid that he would not understand the power of it, nodded and said, "Huaixi is indeed out. Some changes do not need to be concealed from General Zhong: Just yesterday, Ning Zechen, the commander of the Fengli Army in Xinyang, was ordered by the Privy Council to lead his troops to take over the defense of Shouzhou. now..."

Dong Yuan's understatement was as if he had asked Zhong Rong to be stung by a poisonous scorpion, and his face changed suddenly.

Shouzhou is to Huaixi what Jiangning is to Nanyue. Losing Shouzhou, Dong Yuan will lose the foundation of his foothold in Huaixi. Not to mention taking in Li Shan's surrendered soldiers, it is difficult to support 100,000 soldiers and horses under his own command, which means that Dong Yuan has no value at all!

But if you don't vote for Huaixi, what road is there in front of you?

Chen Jingrong watched Zhong Rong's reaction nervously. If Zhong Rong used Dong Yuan's head to cast his name on Huaidong, what would he do?

Dong Yuan knew at the beginning that Feng Li's army had left Xinyang to attack Shouzhou. In his anger, he continued to drink blood that night, so his face was pale with blood loss. Xin Qi galloped to Shouzhou, and ordered not to resist, and then passed a letter to Yuan Guizheng to lead the remnants of the Nanyang Army to take over Xinyang City. Dangerous plan, beware that Zhong Rong has the heart of a jackal! Dong Yuan only said: "I'm still a commander who guards the borders for Dayue. Zhong Rong killed me to join Huaidong. At this time, would Lin Fu not be stingy with his reputation to take in the surrendered general who killed Dayue's commander? Zhong Rong detained me and dedicated it to Huaidong. Are you worried that Lin Fu will detain an innocent privy envoy? Could it be that Zhong Rong still has a way to dedicate me to Beiyan? To gain Zhong Rong's trust, Lin Fu only needs to send someone to send a privy council order to order us to rectify the surrendered army, and then the army of Lishan's surrender can fall apart..." Dong Yuan resisted all the arguments, and went to Lishan alone with Chen Jingrong, standing in front of the army. Before Zhong Rong.

Before Dong Yuan left the Guangshan Camp, Tong Erdan, the Yan general who also called to assassinate Luo Xiancheng, successfully "escaped from prison" from the prison camp, lest Lin Bun take the name of the Privy Council and come to ask for someone.

"I want General Zhong to lead 20,000 troops across Huaibei to retake Queshan, Ruzhou and other places," Dong Yuan said to himself, regardless of the change in Zhong Rong's face, "General Zhong's opinion? "

This plan is also a risky plan: let Zhong Rong have the opportunity to lead 20,000 troops to cross Huaibei and go to Huaibei. From then on, for Zhong Rong, the sea and the sky will be vast. If he leaves Huaixi and goes to Beiyan again, Dong Yuan will be completely blocked. If you die your own way of retreat, if you don’t lead the troops to rebel, you can only resign from the positions of the deputy privy envoy, the general manager of the Huaixi camp, and the recruiting envoy in Henan. In the same way, if Zhong Rong was only mastered by Dong Yuan, he and many of Dong Yuan's direct descendants were all alone in the north of the Huai River, then Lin Fu would not easily attack Huaixi and Dong Yuan again...

Zhong Rong lowered his head, his eyes rolled, and many thoughts flashed through his mind quickly.

He didn't want to use Dong Yuan's head to transfer to Huaidong, but he thought that Dong Yuan and Lin Fu were the same officials in Nanyue at this time, so he used Dong Yuan's head to please Lin Fu, and he would only ask Lin Fu to cut off his head to get rid of him. Show innocence - Dong Yuan can come over, he must be fully prepared. Even if he kills Dong Yuan, he may not be able to escape from Xinyang North, and Ye Ji Luorong sent Tong Erdan to assassinate Luo Xiancheng to make Suizhou army surrender to Huaixi, naturally not Hope to see Dong Yuan kill himself.

Since Dong Yuan said that he wanted to lead his troops to recover Queshan and Ruzhou, it showed that he had no intention of harming him. Zhong Rong also felt a little relieved, suppressed his voice, and said, "Zhong Rong often listens to people's words. ', this son of Lin Fu is so targeted at Huaixi, and he takes Shouzhou without saying a word. Why should the recruiter endure him? If the recruiter uses Zhong Rong as a vanguard to attack Suizhou, Zhong Rong will kill one for the recruiter. Blood is coming!"

"General Zhong, since you have entered Huaixi as a general, you are a general of Dayue, so how can you attack your friendly forces?" Dong Yuan said this, but his tone was not severe, but revealed an indescribable sadness and powerlessness.

"Huaidong has done the 'first year', how can the recruiter be able to do the 'fifteen'?" Zhong Rong said.

Chen Jingrong said next to him: "Not to mention the more than 30,000 elites of the Huaidong Army in Fancheng and Zaoyang; the main force of the Huaidong Army on the southern front and part of the Chizhou Army, a total of 140,000 to 50,000 elites have arrived in Panpo. , Xiaochang line, it only takes three or four days to reach Suizhou from the north. How confident is General Zhong that he will be able to capture Suizhou City, which is guarded by 10,000 Huaidong Army elites, before the main force of the Huaidong Army's southern line moves north?"

Lin Fu secretly ordered Ning Zechen to leave his troops and attack Shouzhou, how could he have no backhand and no defense?

It would be a good move to win Suizhou by surprise, and Huaidong would not be able to pursue the Beiyan troops on the west bank of the Han River. Not only that, Huaidong's troops in Fancheng and Zaoyang will also be forced to retreat south because their flanks are completely exposed, giving Beiyan the opportunity to retake Fancheng and open up the food route connecting Xiangyang to the south and the west bank of the Han River!

As long as the troops and horses on the Western Front of Beiyan did not withdraw from Jingzhou, the Huaidong Army would naturally have no choice but to take the Huaixi Army occupying Suizhou.

However, the premise of everything is that Zhong Rong's Li Shan Jiang army will be able to take the city of Suizhou, which is guarded by 10,000 Huaidong Army elites, by surprise, before the main force of the Huaidong Army's southern line moves north. Is this possible?

Suizhou City could not be taken by surprise. Even if the Huaixi Army joined forces with the troops on the Western Front of Beiyan at this time, even if the troops and horses in the south and west of Guangshan listened to Dong Yuan's orders to fight against Huaidong, even if the army of Li Shan surrendered immediately. To restore morale is used by Dong Yuan and fight hard in the front line, and their chances of winning are also very slim.

Only relying on Chen Zhihu's troops to the north of Xinye, there is no real threat to the Huaidong Army's line of defense in Fancheng, Zaoyang, and Pinglinbu, and it is impossible for them to attack Suizhou. Ye Ji Luorong's 100,000 elites were isolated on the west bank of the Han River. Ye Ji Luorong's troops had to go around the narrow passage of Danjiangkou, Wuguan River and Wuguan to Nanyang. It would take a month to say less. .

Even if Lin Bie was slow enough to drag on for a month, and asked Ye Jiluorong to lead his troops to slowly withdraw to Nanyang, would the military rations of Lishan and Guangshan's camps still last a month?

Suizhou is the testicles and pills of the Suizhou army of Lishan. If Suizhou falls, Lishan's army can descend to Huaixi. If the testicles and pills are held by the opponent, can they fight back?

Listening to what Chen Jingrong said, Zhong Rong could also understand their anger and unwillingness when they first learned that Lin Fu sent troops to seize Shouzhou. Zhong Rong also understands that only the greater the hatred of Huaixi people towards Huaidong, the safer he will be in Huaixi, and he will not betray Dong Yuan to Huaidong.

Thinking of this, Zhong Rong knelt down again and said: "The last general is also deeply injustice for the recruiter, and the nonsense is also filled with hatred and hard to control. I just hope that the recruiter doesn't blame the leader for being stupid, and the recruiter has sent me. I will never quit if I go through fire and water at the end!"

Dong Yuan nodded and said, "General Zhong will immediately inspect the troops and go north. Even if there is any order from the Privy Council, General Zhong will not care about it, he will come down with his own envoy..."


Yue Lengqiu rushed into Suizhou on the 27th day and night.

Because Tang Fuguan attacked Suizhou like a thunderstorm after the defeat, he took the outer city of Suizhou. At present, the outer city of Suizhou is basically intact, only the Changle Palace has been devastated beyond recognition. Luo Xianyi, Wei Zhang and other stubborn Suizhou army generals have given their heads to Xiaoxiao, and less than half of Luo Xiancheng's three thousand direct descendants who survived the war have been sent to prisoner of war camps.

In addition to these, Luo Xiancheng's relatives and children were the most captured, and there were not many Suizhou generals and officials with children in Suizhou City.

The Huaidong field is to treat the field as a public property. The soldiers and soldiers of the camp are reserved for the Huaidong Army. In fact, it is a means to effectively limit the use of soldiers. This is not the case with the field in Suizhou.

The Suizhou army has still not been able to change the old pattern of soldiers as generals. The farmland mode under the auspices of Wang Xiang actually occupied the fertile farmland near Suizhou and assigned them to the generals. Plant it.

That is to say, the troops stationed in Suizhou are usually in the hands of the generals, and the soldiers actually become private servants and slaves of the generals.

The advantage of this is that Wang Ding can quickly change the situation of Suizhou's shortage of military supplies and supplies, and will not affect the interests of the generals; the disadvantage is that the status of ordinary soldiers is even lower, and they have no centripetal force for Suizhou, and they do not show a particularly strong force. combat power.

Therefore, many of the small relatives of the generals and officials in Suizhou lived in villages and manors, rather than concentrated in the city of Suizhou.

Yue Lengqiu was also very clear about Suizhou's field mode. Although it was not perfect, it did improve the bad situation of the Suizhou army in time. Therefore, when he entered Suizhou City, he first asked Cao Zi'ang who was the king to show his respect for the king. Appreciation of the Prime Minister - Lin Fu also just ordered Wang Xiangquan to know the prefect of Suizhou to assist Cao Ziang in handling government affairs in Suizhou, and just came to Suizhou City from Lishan.

"Few of the generals living in the city of Suizhou do not live in their families, so many people have the opportunity to escape to Lishan, otherwise there will be more opportunities for the generals to leave the Huaixi Army after the war." Wang Xiang said regretfully. Although the troops and horses of Suizhou were all surrendered to Huaixi at this time, the Privy Council had the power to relocate the officers. on a tree.

Of course, family members and relatives were originally a good bargaining chip, but the Huaidong Army had not been able to grasp all of these bargaining chips at the moment.

When Suizhou was seized, the most captured were Luo Xiancheng's children and relatives. Luo Xiancheng was really extravagant. There were only more than 120 concubines and concubines under false seals. Duo, this alone made few generals dare to keep their children in the city of Suizhou.

"It's difficult to do both things," Yue Lengqiu laughed, thinking that Luo Xiancheng couldn't fully trust Wang Xiang, otherwise he might be able to make a breakthrough in Jingxiang, "How can I be demanding about everything?"

Yue Lengqiu went north to see Dong Yuan, but Huaixi is still unstable, and he wants to stay in Suizhou to wait and see the situation for a few days.

Cao Ziang, who was sitting opposite Yue Lengqiu, smiled slightly, and didn't care about Wang Xiang's regrets. If he really wanted to take the family as his quality, he would fall into the inferior position, which was not in line with the big picture created by the master. Let these generals from Suizhou go to Huaixi, and they can take all those who have no resistance in the field as officials and then distribute them, which is not without any benefits.

At this time, a guard came in from outside and handed Cao Ziang a secret letter.

Cao Zi'ang read the secret letter and said to everyone present: "Dong Yuan may have secretly met with Zhong Rong at the Lishan camp at this time..."

"He's so bold!" Yue Lengqiu was startled, and Er saved him from saying it. Why didn't he go to danger alone in Xuzhou to persuade Chen Hansan to trap and kill Liu An'er? Dong Yuan even lost his pants. Apart from taking risks, what other tricks could he have to get out of Huaidong's hands?

Cao Zi'ang, Wang Xiang and Tang Fuguan looked at each other and smiled, turning a blind eye to Yue Lengqiu's embarrassment.

Yue Lengqiu also suppressed his embarrassment and said, "Dong Yuan went to Li Mountain alone, probably to prevent him from alienating the army here; Duke Chongguo originally intended to take Zhong Rong's head, so I'm afraid this trip will fail. now..."

Cao Zi'ang nodded, if Dong Yuan couldn't appease Li Shan's surrender in time, they only needed to pass a Privy Council order, ordering Dong Yuan to investigate the crimes of the surrendered generals, and they would be able to put the surrendered soldiers at risk-Dong Yuan went to Li alone. Shan, just wanted to appease Zhong Rong and others before the Privy Council's order was issued.

At this time, if the order of the Privy Council is really going to be passed on Dong Yuan to liquidate the crime of surrendering the army, Dong Yuan will refuse and delay in every possible way, which will make the surrendered general return to Huaixi. .

Cao Zi'ang thought for a moment, and said to Tang Fuguan, "The possibility of Dong Yuan's dog jumping over the wall is not high, but he must be prepared. He ordered Lishan and Luodian to strengthen their defenses in case of a surprise attack by Lishan's troops..."

Zhou Tong went to Fancheng~www.readwn.com~ personally commanded the troops and horses of Fancheng, Zaoyang and Pinglinbu, where there were more than 30,000 elite soldiers and the main force of the third brigade of Sun Zhuang's riding battalion. Nanyang came out.

Cao Zi'ang stayed in Suizhou, and the troops and horses in Suizhou and the east of Suizhou, including Luodian, Lishan, and Chaishan, had a total of more than 15,000 elites and more than 4,000 soldiers from Tang Fuguan's army, guarding several key fortresses. .

Yue Lengqiu knew the possibility of Dong Yuan's rush to jump over the wall, but he really couldn't calculate Dong Yuan's chance of winning. Dong Yuan really wanted to drive Zhong Rong to attack Suizhou, or simply change his banner and surrender Hu, but he wanted to die quickly.

At this time, Lin Fu had no intention of telling Dong Yuan to have no way out and to force him to turn back, nor did he intend to call Li Shan's army to disintegrate immediately - even if he used a trick to make Li Shan's army fall apart, the pros and cons were half and half. Weakening Dong Yuan's power, but cleaning up Nanyang, Xinyang, Jingxiang and other remnants after the war will only be harmful rather than beneficial.

Lin Fu just hoped that he could drive Dong Yuan's troops to the north of Huai Shui first, which would not affect the subsequent battle to recover Xiangyang and Nanyang. Huaidong completely grasped.

At that time, even if Dong Yuan still has 100,000 direct line soldiers and horses in his hands, and he gathers Zhong Rong and other subordinate troops for his use, and secretly colludes with Yan Hu, what else can he make?

When to take risks and when to seek safety, everyone in Huaidong has a clear account in their hearts, Yue Lengqiu sighed in his heart, it is good to be able to take the initiative. However, no matter what, Huaidong should adjust his deployment next, or whether Yue Lengqiu should go north to see Dong Yuan, or he will have to wait and see for two days before he can make a decision. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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