Lord of the House

Vol 11 Chapter 149: Jinghu Military and Political

"It seems that Dong Yuan really gave up resistance this time..."

In the Xingyuan Council Hall, Gao Zongting marked Deng Yu's troops who were heading north to defend Lishan from the map, and the movements of Huaixi and Suizhou's army were also marked without thickness on the map, clearly indicating that they were heading north. Movement, the vanguard has crossed Huaibei from the vicinity of Pingchang Pass.

Nowadays, those who stay in Xinyang and along the banks of the Laihe River are mainly the remnants of the Nanyang Army led by Yuan Guizheng, Liang Chengyi and Liang Chengdong.

When Liang Chengchong led his troops to withdraw from Nanyang East to Tanghe, they were defeated by the enemy cavalry. Liang Chengchong was wounded by arrows at the time and fled to Tongbai Mountain, where there was a shortage of doctors and medicine, and he failed to escape into Xinyang in time through the blockade of Yanhu. He ordered his troops to flee into Pingchang Pass with the body, and the remnant army in Nanyang was controlled by Yuan Guizheng, Liang Chengyi, and more than 10,000 soldiers and horses.

Song Fu turned around and stared at the map for a moment, then nodded and said, "It's good that Dong Yuan doesn't jump over the wall in a hurry, the threat of the flanks will be weakened a lot, and the main force on the southern front can rest assured to go north..."

"Having his eggs and sons in his hands, is Dong Yuan's dog jumping off the wall not afraid to tear off his own eggs first?" Zhou Pu said disdainfully.

Lin Fu laughed and discussed the military deployment with the left and right: "Don't worry about Dong Yuan's dog jumping over the wall and biting our flank, I want to adjust the deployment. After Zhang Gou and Zhao Bao led the troops to cross the Han River, they went north from Jingmen to pursue the enemy's rear soldiers. Ma, limited to Nanzhang, and no longer go too deep, so as not to be strongly counterattacked by the enemy in Xiangyang; Chen Zuo immediately led his troops north, followed Zhou Tong into Fancheng, and expanded westward and northward to contain the enemy; He led Zhang Gou and Yu Wencheng to the north to take over the front line of Pinglinbu and Zaoyang, mainly concentrated in Zaoyang, ready to go north to recover Nanyang at any time; Hu Yuer also immediately led his navy along with Ao Canghai to the north from Shicheng— "Do you think this arrangement is okay?"

Although it would take a few days for the main force of the Huaidong Water Camp to come from the lower reaches of the Han River, as of the 30th, the main force of the Huaidong Army who had assembled on the front line of Shicheng included Chen Zhu, Zhang Gou, Zhang Jiheng, Yu Wencheng, Zhao Hu, Zhou Pu and the troops of Hu Yu'er of the navy, together with Liu Zhenzhi, Huang Zuyu, Sun Zhuang and other troops who had entered the front line of Fancheng and Zaoyang, there were nearly 140,000 elite soldiers of the cavalry and navy.

Ge Cunxin led more than 20,000 main troops of the Second Water Battalion, and four or five hundred warships have traveled from Hanjin to Changlin, and it will take seven or eight days to advance from Changlin to Zhongyi and Longzuishan.

In addition, Cao Ziang led 15,600 troops of Tang Fuguan's troops to guard Suizhou, Lishan, and Chaishan to ensure that the main flanks of the Huaidong Army's northward movement were not threatened; in Hanjin and Huangpi, Fu Qing led Su Pinxiao's navy and some parts. There were more than 15,000 troops on foot and cavalry, 80,000 prisoners were imprisoned, and they ensured that the Huaidong Army in the north had no worries about the food route and the back road.

Zuo Chengmu looked at the dazzling signs on the map, and sighed in his heart: Although Yanhu's troops in Xiangyang and Nanyang add up to 150,000 or 60,000, in terms of military strength, they are no better than Huaidong at all. The main force of the army was weak, but after the loss of Fancheng, Yanhu's 150,000-60,000 soldiers and horses were separated by the Han River on the north and south lines. Only the narrow passage of the Danjiang River on the west line could connect them, and they completely fell into the stagnation described in the military book. It was as if Huaidong's neck was in his hands, and the more he struggled, the weaker his strength became.

Of course, the Huaidong Water Camp is limited by the wind direction and current flow, and the main force moving northward is very slow. It is difficult to completely cut off the Han River before the main force of the Yanhu South Line withdraws northward. However, as long as Ye Jiluorong knows the forbearance and does not want to occupy Nanyang in the face of Huaidong's strength, and shrinks to Guanzhong through Wuguan, Zuo Chengmu does not think that the main force of Huaidong's army will go north at this time, and it will still be. It will be able to deal heavy damage to the main force of Yanhu's western line.

Fu Qinghe stayed behind the governor of Hanjin and Liangmo. In front of the army, Gao Zongting, Song Fu, Ao Canghai, Zhou Pu and Song Jia assisted Lin Fu in making military decisions. Zuo Chengmu, as a military envoy, could also attend military meetings.

Gao Zongting looked at the map and said: "Ye Ji Luorong is not slow, he assembled two hundred warships in the east of Xiangyang to prevent our naval pioneers from directly piercing in, and another two hundred ships were assembled in the grinding ditch in the west of Gucheng. The boats ferry people to Baiyang Pass. It is less than 50 miles from the Jiaogou to Baiyang Pass. Two hundred boats can go back and forth day and night, crossing three to five thousand people and horses."

"We have 4,000 navy elites and 80 warships in Shicheng, enough to break through the enemy's naval blockade east of Xiangyang!" Hu Yu'er, the navy general who entered Shicheng first, asked the battle road, but he was not willing to obey the order. Just led the troops to the front line of Longzuishan to wait for the fighter plane.

"Let's see if Zhou Tong can make the enemy's navy in chaos in the upper reaches, otherwise it will be difficult for you to lead the troops from Longzui Mountain to the north to capture the fighter plane. From Xiangyang to Zhongyi, the Han River turns a right angle, and the water surface suddenly widens from three to four hundred steps. At more than 2,000 paces, the water conditions are very complicated, and the upstream advantage is too great. And the Han River from Longzui Mountain to the north is too shallow, and the Jiyun-class warships may not be able to maneuver flexibly in the waterway. The enemy can completely They scuttled a few ships to delay us for two or three days; they didn't block this waterway, they just wanted to fight a beautiful counterattack to boost morale, we can't do what they wanted..." Lin Bie said.

Lin Fu personally vetoed his proposal, and Hu Yu'er smiled wryly and stopped fighting. The battle of Jingxiang was so heroic and macroscopic, but there was no chance for the water camp to perform, which made him somewhat regretful.

Seeing the disappointment on Hu Yu'er's face, Lin Fu smiled and comforted him: "The military is a strategist, and you will surrender to the enemy without fighting. Even if you don't have a chance to show this time, don't be mad. You really want to fight, this war I transferred you to Haidong in the past, don't complain!"

"The privy envoy sends Hu Yu'er to follow." Hu Yu'er replied.

Gao Zongting tapped the map lightly and said, "It's also because Dong Yuan dragged us for a few days, and Ye Jiluorong has a chance to stabilize his position. If Zhou Tong's side can succeed, it will be a hard fight..."

Zuo Chengmu also knew the meaning of Gaozongting's words.

Today, at least three to four thousand enemy soldiers can withdraw from Gucheng across the river to Baiyang Pass, and the main force of the Huaidong Water Battalion advances from Changlin to Zhongyi, which will take at least six or seven days to defeat from Zhongyi to the north. The enemy's blockade in the east of Xiangyang may take seven or eight days - such a long time, enough time for all the main forces on the west bank of the Yanhu Han River to retreat to the area west of Wuguan via the Danjiang and Wuguan Rivers!

If it weren't for Dong Yuan's release of water, the time for Chen Zhihu to lead his troops into Nanyang would have been delayed for three to five days; if it were not for Dong Yuan's threat to the flank, the Huaidong Army could even go north without worrying about the collapsed troops at the southern foot of Dahong Mountain. , this battle may even wipe out Yanhu's troops on the western front - because of Dong Yuan's ambition and greed, the Huaidong Army had to delay for a few days on the southern front to solve the threat of the Huaixi Army to the flank first. .

Even after five or six days of delay, Ye Jiluorong's main force on the west bank of the Han River was told to relax his mind, to be able to hold his position, to retreat to the front line of Xiangyang in an orderly manner, and to carry out limited military deployment in the rear, and even More than 10,000 soldiers and horses have already crossed the river and retreated to Baiyang Pass.

Based on Dong Yuan's actions alone, Lin Fu did not ask for an order to behead him in front of the army, even if it was polite.

What Zuo Chengmu thought in his heart, Lin Fu didn't care. After negotiating, he asked Gao Zongting to go directly to draft the order, and asked Zuo Chengmu: "Hu Gong should come to Shicheng today?"

"As soon as Dexin entered the city, he went to the post house to wash up and then came to see the Privy Council!" Zuo Chengmu said.

"Sin, sin," Lin Fu said busyly, "Hu Gong is a family and state official, guarding Jingzhou to contain the main force of the enemy's western front, and making a great contribution to the great victory of Jingxiang, how can we be so neglectful? I'll go to the inn to meet Duke Hu..."

Zuo Chengmu thought to himself that although Hu Wen, Mu Leng and his son had completely given up their ambition to separate Jinghu Lake, they were personally named by Lin Fu as the first contribution to the victory of Jingxiang. Yu Xinyuan is bound to resign. Will Lin Fu let Hu Wenmu replace the vacated deputy prime minister?

At this time, although the prime ministers of the political affairs hall did not have great power, their status was far less than that of other generals and officials. It was just that Lin Fudaiyuan, as the prime minister of the old dynasty, was attached to the new dynasty, and it was written in the history books. Locally, what choice will Hu Wenmu make: Shoujue returns to his hometown and replaces his son with Huaidong?

Thinking of this, Zuo Chengmu couldn't help but worry about his name after getting up, wondering if he would resign and go back after this battle?

After Hu Wenmu and his son entered the city, they entered the inn to wash up and waited for Lin Fu to summon him. Hearing the crowd in the courtyard, he pushed open the door and saw Zuo Chengmu accompanied several people into the courtyard. With a knife and a short moustache on his lips, it was the same as the rumored appearance of Lin Fu, and he immediately bowed in a sincere and frightened salute: "Xiaguan Hu Wenmu is not good at guarding Jingzhou, and I came here to ask the privy envoy to sin!"

"Hu Gong led a lonely army to defend Jingzhou, and did not retreat for more than 20 days in a **** battle, containing hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers and horses, and this hospital was able to wipe out most of the enemy on the eastern front. What is the crime of virtue and justice?" Lin Fu picked up Hu Wenmu, who was bowing to him.

Hu Wenmu came to Shicheng only to get this assertion. With this assertion, as long as the Hu family follows the trend and guards its duty, whether it is the old or new dynasties, the wealth of the Hu family is always indispensable. Enough.

Hu Wenmu immediately presented the list of Jinghu generals and ministers and said: "The war in Jingxiang has subsided, there is no need to set up camps to govern and defend the war, and the Privy Council and the six ministries have a new system under the direct jurisdiction of the prefectures and counties. I cut off the Jinghu camp so that the provincial money can be used more for the people's livelihood; this official has been old and rested over the years, and no matter how difficult it is to hold political affairs, I would like to resign and return to my hometown to enjoy a few days of happiness..."

"The Hu captives are not yet destroyed, the country is in trouble, and the Northern Expedition is on the horizon. This country is still without Duke Hu's service," Lin Fu advised, "Furthermore, the center also needs a veteran, prudent and knowledgeable, such as Duke Hu, to be in charge. Dare to invite Duke Hu to return to Nanshan in later years..."

Hu Wenmu repeatedly refused, and Lin Fu repeatedly retained, Hu Wenmu reluctantly said: "The lower officials should work hard for the people, so that the Privy Council will make the Northern Expedition event..." The word "court" was not mentioned at all.

Seeing that Lin Fu kept Hu Wenmu in the center, Zuo Chengmu also temporarily pressed his mind to retire.

After the banquet, Lin Fu invited Hu Wenmu and Zuo Chengmu to discuss the military and political arrangements for Jinghu and Xiangtan together.

Lin Fu intends to bring Hu Wenmu into the center, but his son Hu Xuechang is in his prime and will keep him as the prefect of Eastern Hubei, responsible for cooperating with Jiangzhou in the suppression of the remnants of Liang Zishou occupying Mubu Mountain; Chun and other counties were drawn out, and the newly established Huangzhou Prefecture ~ www.readwn.com ~ Jiangxia Prefecture, including Jiangxia, Hanjin, Huangpi and Changlin counties, including Xiangtan in the south and Jingxiang in the north, is the core area of ​​the two lakes. It will also be the political, military and economic center for the governance of the two lakes in the future, as well as the core center and depth that will support the Nanyang and Xiangyang theaters in the future. General Lin Fu will directly make Fu Qinghe supervise the military and political affairs of the two lakes, as well as the affairs of Jiangxia and military preparations. , placing Jiangxia directly under the control of Huaidong.

The Cao family retreated to Liangchuan to recuperate. Although they lost Guanzhong, the Cao family's vitality was greatly damaged. However, the two Sichuans were thousands of miles away, and they were easy to defend and difficult to attack. Cao's family had ambitions to go east. Jingzhou will set up a town with water. The army is the main force, with Su Pinxiao as the main general, integrating the not so strong naval forces in Xiangtan and Jinghu to prevent Cao Jiadong from coming out.

Since Hu Wenmu completely gave up his ambition to separate Jinghu Lake, in addition to Huangzhou Prefecture, Lin Bie will be located on the east bank of the Han River, and there will be Suizhou, Xiaochang, and Shicheng three houses, including Jingmen and the cities north of Jingmen, Nanyang and other places. There are enough places to place Jinghu generals, so that he has an explanation for the generals who have followed him for many years. Hu Wenmu naturally has no opinion on Lin Fu's military and political arrangements for Jinghu after the war.

The elites of the Jinghu Army were almost exhausted in the battle of defending Jingzhou, but there were still 30,000 troops in the remnants.

Lin Fu also pushed the Huaidong Army's military merits to appreciate the fields to the Jinghu Army, so that some of the Jinghu Army's meritorious generals could get enough allotment fields to return to the people to support Jinghu's life. As for grain fields, there are tens of millions of acres of farmland near Suizhou that can be directly allocated to meritorious generals; more than tens of millions of acres of suitable wasteland can be used for cultivation in the hinterland of Jingxiang. .

Zuo Chengmu thought that if Jinghu had such an arrangement, it would be considered a good start and a good end. He didn't have the strength to respond, and his ambitions were just a disaster... My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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