Lord of the House

Vol 3 Chapter 56: recruiting (1)

After making an appointment with Cao Zi'ang, Lin Fu, Zhou Pu and Wu Qi returned to Chaotianyi Ferry. The ferry here is the main ferry to Jiangning City from the south, and the Shiliang River also joins Chaotiandang from here. The East-West Post Road crosses in a staggered way, and even without the refugees in Nanchong, it is still very lively. The three of Lin Fu bought a few meat patties to wrap their stomachs at the ferry, and waited for Lin Jingzhong to entertain Chen Shuban and the two yamen from Moring County before bringing them over.

"I just saw people from the Fan family at the restaurant," Lin Jingzhong came over and said to Lin Fu, "They picked people on the other side of the road. I heard from Chen Shuban that the Fan family had several farms in Shangyuan County, and they came from the refugees. Hiring a Zhuang Ke, it is better to say that it is looking for a warrior, a stone lock of 100 catties is placed on the side of the road, with one hand in both hands, I walk for a hundred or ten steps without breathing, and I will distribute a bucket of rice on the spot..."

"Let them go," Lin Fu said. "It's not on our side."

The hereditary fief of Yongchang Marquis is located in Yongchang County, Jiangxi Province. This dynasty has strict restrictions on hereditary kings and marquis. The mansion is separated from the fief, and the fief is also levied by the local government. Restrictions, but at this time the law is relaxed and bans are abolished, and there are very few people who abide by their duties. It is said that even if the vassal family gets rid of their slave status from Yongchang Houfu and buys land to buy farms and farms, it is very taboo, but no one I'll look into these details again; besides, it's not just Jiyun Club and Fanlou who come to the North Shore to recruit people.

"Lord Lin, can you start picking people? Do you want me to let them help you shout twice?" Chen Shuban, a householder in Moling County, asked Lin Fu, hoping that the yamen who brought him could also help.

"Let's do the rough work--" Lin Fu looked at Cao Zi'ang and the others at the pier, and said with a smile to Chen Shuban, a householder in Moling County, "We choose people, and Chen Shuban will take their work. The names and locality are recorded, and if I have to bother Chen Shuban to take them across the river tomorrow, it will delay Chen Shuban and the two yamen officers from being able to return to Moling County at night..."

"Sir Lin is really polite. Your business is important here. If it is possible, I also think that you, Lord Lin, are on duty. What's the delay for two or three days - but you can't tell Chen Zhixian about this!" Chen Shuban laughed Dao, he and the two yamen did not dare to be sloppy about what the magistrate Chen/Yuanliang had ordered. Just now when they were drinking in the restaurant, Lin Jingzhong gave each of them a silver scorpion, saying that it was the reward for these two days. Silver, my heart is even more happy.

Lin Fu and the others found a tea shop by the pier, and took one or two silver to take over the business of the tea shop in the afternoon. Lin Fu and the others wrote more than a dozen recruitment notices on the prison island, asking the tea shop staff to help Post it on the pier. It was only time for a cup of tea, and the door of the tea shop was surrounded by the strong sticks who came to apply for the job. Fortunately, Lin Bing brought four guards and two military officers from Moling County to maintain the order, otherwise the tea shop would have to give these The force sticks burst out.

There are locals who work as coolies at the wharf and ferry, but most of them are refugees from the south of the refugee tide. The road is blocked. In the land of fish and rice in the south, a liter of rice is only three or four coppers. In the north, where the famine is severe, the price of a liter of rice is three times, four times, or even ten times as high. It drives people to death. It will be a famine year, and the government has stepped up its efforts to clear the bandits. They can only drag their families and bring their mouths to Nanyong. They have to find a way to survive and avoid starvation. It is not easy to find a way to survive when they are blocked on the north bank of Jiangbei and can't go further south.

The price of Libangzi is so low that even if you work hard, you can only earn two liters of rice a day. If you can earn two liters of rice every day, that's fine. At least you can support your family. There are so many people on the key wharf. , spread it evenly on each person's head, and it is not bad to be able to find a job to do in three or four days.

Not to mention being able to enter the county yellow book, that is, if you can have a long-term job, you will break your head. Even as long as you drag your family across the river, even begging for a living is a hundred times better than earning a bite to eat for so many people stuck on the north bank of the river.

On the other side of the road, the Fan Family Grange said that they wanted to recruit Zhuang Ke. Thousands of people gathered around, some of them were weak, and they were holding more than 200 catties in both hands and walked a hundred steps until they vomited blood. It's okay to dress well, but there are too many people earning that meal. I heard that this side is also recruiting workers, so of course they all come here to see if there is any hope.

Looking at the densely gathered people outside the door, Lin Fu sighed in his heart that in troubled times, human beings are cheap, and human life is also cheap. They were afraid that too many people would come over. Two liters of rice money a day, mixed with some rice bran and wild vegetables, can barely keep the family from starving to death. This wage is more than half of that in the suburbs of Jiangning, but the tea shop still squeezed the power stick from the applicants. Asking Zhou Pu and Wu Qi to go to the door to maintain order is also to ensure that the people arranged by Cao Zi'ang and the others can come in to apply for the recruitment.

"Take ten taels of silver and exchange it for copper coins," Lin Fu instructed Lin Jingzhong to take the silver and go through the back door to get the copper coins, "Wait to raise workers, whether you accept them or not, as long as you come into the tea shop, each one will give you a pound of rice... …”

"Okay!" Lin Jingzhong agreed, and hurriedly brought someone to accompany him to exchange copper coins. The ten taels of silver were in his arms and felt nothing. Even if it was exchanged for ten taels of Tongbao money, it would still weigh eight or ninety pounds.

Ten taels of silver, the price of a table of wine in the pavilion, can buy thirty stone of rice, mixed with bran and wild vegetables, but it can feed 3,000 families for a day.

Lin Jingzhong exchanged the copper coins, and Lin Fu asked the guys in the tea shop to put some iron basins with river sand on the table. When everything was ready, Lin Fu let people in from outside. A yamen inspected the identity card of the refugees at the table at the door. Lin Fu and Lin Jingzhong followed up with Libang and asked a few words, then looked at their bodies. Whether you are healthy or not, whether you have the strength, the eyes are not flexible, the literate people are asked to write a few words on the sand basin in front of the desk, the unqualified people will be given three copper coins and released through the back door, and the qualified people will go to Moling County. Chen Shu recorded his name on the desk in the household room, took three copper coins, and then a special bamboo stick to go, and asked them to bring their family home to the tea room tomorrow morning to prepare to cross the river.

Chen Shuban, a householder in Moling County, thought that hundreds of people would be recruited, and at least they would have to work for three days. How could he think that Lin Fu and others would move so fast in the tea shop. Seeing people recruiting is the same as running water, and it takes only two hours. Nearly 500 people have come in to see it, and it is still in good order and not at all chaotic.

It is said that one looks at the details, Chen Shuban thought to himself, that Lin Fu has earned such a reputation in just a few months from Jiangning, it seems that it is not a false name.

Lin Fu asked the outside world to temporarily stop letting people in, and asked the tea shop staff to bring tea soup and snacks, let Lin Jingzhong and the others rest for a while, and took the roster recorded by Chen Shuban and said, "It seems that there will be two more hard work. It takes time to finish things..." Although only a hundred porters and laborers can be recruited in name, but he and Lin Jingzhong are very careful. The recruiters either have brothers, or both father and son are prime-aged, and besides poor families, how can there be women The point of not leaving home? Those hard-working and healthy rural women are no worse than men. They have recruited more than 100 people, and there are actually more than 300 people who can use them.

After a short rest, he ate some refreshments to fill his stomach. Lin Fu asked the tea shop staff to help light up the wind lanterns inside and outside the door. They continued to work and recruited a hundred people before the hour. At this time, the outside of the tea shop was still surrounded by refugees who applied for the recruitment, and Lin Fu had nothing to do about it. At least on the surface, the Jiyun Club could only recruit a hundred people. He was not qualified to trample on those people in Jiangning. As a matter of fact, he personally came across the river to participate in the recruitment, and he just made sure that Cao Zi'ang and the others would be able to squeeze people in smoothly. From today's recruitment process, Moling County's householder Chen Shuban and the yamen did not see any doubts at all; to be honest, even if there were any doubts, they would probably turn a blind eye when they took the reward money. What Yuan Liang told them to cooperate with, how could they say anything more?

Lin Fu asked Lin Jingzhong to stay in the tea shop to distribute the remaining thousands of copper coins before closing. He first accompanied Chen Shuban and two yamen servants to the post house to eat and rest.

Lin Fu and the others came out through the back door of the tea shop and went around to the official road in front of the tea house. There were still people in front of the tea house. The houses and shacks built by refugees on both sides of the official road leading to Chaotian Station were very simple, with tree stumps and bamboo poles serving as pillars. The thatch roof, the four walls are rammed with earth walls if conditions permit, but if conditions are not available, branches and thatch are used to make a fence to keep out the wind and rain.

There was no moon in the sky, but the stars were bright. Lin Fu found a high place and looked down. This kind of messy grass hut stretched from the official road to the water's edge. Under the starry night, it looked like thousands of people. A wild grave is generally desolate. In less than three months, so much has changed from what I saw when I passed by here last winter.

The spring water will rise, and most of the beach will be submerged when the official road goes down, but these refugees can't control this~www.readwn.com~ Only the beach where the official road goes south to the sky and the water is unclaimed. They stopped temporarily.

In the middle of the night, it should have been silent, but when Lin Fu and the others walked back to Chaotian Station, they encountered several groups of officers and soldiers arrested and passed by. Jiangning Prefecture and Jiangbei's counties also stepped up their vigilance. Lin Fu and the others returned late at night, and there were many patrols on the way.

Chen Shuban, a householder in Moling County, watched the officers and soldiers arrest people passing by, and joked with Lin Fu: "Lord Lin, this year's Jiangdao prison is probably more lively than before..."

"Hi!" In troubled times, the prisons are always full, the refugees want to find a way to survive, rob and steal, the sturdy and carefree can endure the yamen's meat/sticks, and even take the initiative to go to the prison to eat prison food Lin Fu only felt a little desolate in his heart, but he wanted to talk to someone with a smile, "Every yamen is bound to come, we are only responsible for receiving, and the prisoner's food is also allocated by the Minister of Xuanfu, I don't need to pay for the prisoner myself, who cares about it? Tomorrow? Crossing the river, the eyes are not clear."

Lin Fu and the others walked to the front of the inn, and several black shadows came out from the road to block the road.

"Eat the leopard, get out of the way!" Zhou Pu immediately pulled out his knife and rushed to block in front of the crowd.

"The little people are not malicious, I just ask the adults to take in the food and eat! The little people have nothing else, so they just use their strength to help the messengers." A few black shadows came out and did not do anything else. .

The five people kneeling in the middle of the road under the light of the tall wind lanterns from the Yuanmen gate of the post house, the two in front are a young man with yellow face and thin skin, the other is a little girl in a ragged coat, and the other three are strong men. Even if people wear thick shabby cold clothes, they can still see them all strong and majestic. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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