Lord of the House

Vol 12 Chapter 2: Jiangning Trend (2)

Luo Wenhu is not yet qualified to participate in the small-scale private banquet held by Lin Xuwen at his private house tonight for Hu Wenmu; and after entering Jiangning, he will first go to Jiangning, the deputy envoy, and the military Qin Chengzu, who will **** Hu Wenmu to Beijing. This team of forbidden troops returned to the barracks and settled down in Jiangning City first...

The Huaidong Army did not require that the families of the generals must be concentrated in Jiangning or Chongzhou. While requiring the generals and relatives to settle their hometowns, they even encouraged middle and senior generals to bring their families to their posts.

It's just that most of the Huaidong Army's elite troops and horses were frequently mobilized with the development of the war, and there was no fixed station. The generals preferred to settle their families in Chongzhou and Jiangning, where supplies were not so scarce.

Luo Wenhu was transferred to the Military Intelligence Division, and his family was naturally moved to Jiangning to settle down.

At the beginning, Sun Zhuang Xu Luo Wenhu selected two entourages to go with him. Luo Wenhu brought Zhou Sheng and Tian Su along with him, and then recommended Zhou and Tian to go to Jiangxia to enter the war training school. After he arrived in Jiangning, he was surrounded by runners. No one is available.

Luo Wenhu first sent Jiaxiao stop to wait in Chongyang Gate. He rushed to the Privy Council of the Imperial City to make an assignment with Qin Chengzu, who stayed behind. Qin Chengzu appointed a military attache named Sun Xiangjun to lead Luo Wenhu to the Military Intelligence Department to recognize the generals. The face is familiar, and Luo Wenhu will stay there temporarily to help with official business; and it is not an easy matter for Luo Wenhu's family to settle down in Jiangning. Qin Chengzu asked Sun Xiangjun to undertake it together, not to call Luo Wenhu first come. Jiang Ning was at a loss.

After going to the Office of the Ministry of Military Intelligence, Sun Xiangjun left for a while because of an urgent matter, and Luo Wenhu wandered around the imperial city at will. Never thought of getting lost, Luo Wenhu walked for a long time before he could find the way back to his original place, but Sun Xiangyang couldn't find him, so he left for other errands.

Xiangyang City has been captured, but any large-scale war will not be easy to end. The direct result is that the generals in the Privy Council are so busy that their feet are full of smoke-Luo Wenhu holds the inlay that the Ministry of Military Intelligence gave him to prove his identity. The silver and bronze medals, a stack of beautifully printed military tickets, and the designated residence address, stood at the gate of the imperial city and looked at the long street outside, feeling a little confused for a while: Jiangning City was too big, and Sun Xiangjun could not be found. , He didn't even have a copper in his pocket, he didn't know how to find his place in Tongtuoxiang, and he didn't even know how to meet the family waiting in Chongyangmen.

"Is Luo Wenhuluo joining the army in front?" A carriage came from behind and stopped at the south gate of the imperial city. An official in plain clothes lifted the curtain and stuck his head out.

Luo Wenhu had seen this person when he was in the Military Intelligence Agency just now, and when he heard someone call him "Master Qian", he hurriedly saluted: "Wenhu has seen Master Qian..."

"Lord Qian, Xiaoren Qian, Brother Luo can just call me Qian Xiaowu," Qian Xiaowu asked with a smile, "Just now, Sun Xiang's army was full of yard and couldn't find you, but I didn't expect you to come here... "

"Sun Xiangjun was in a hurry and left for a while, so I walked around the courtyard. I didn't think that I lost my way, and I went wrong with Sun Xiangjun. I thought that Sun Xiangjun also had an urgent matter, so I went to Chongyang Gate to pick it up. The family can go to Tongtuo Lane again..." Luo Wenhu couldn't remember who Qian Xiaowu was, but just smiled and agreed.

"That road is not too close. There are dozens of cities across Jiangning City, and Chongyang Gate is not the main gate. It is difficult for ordinary people to touch the road. Besides, on this day, the wind is tingling in the bones, and Sun Xiangjun's muddled ball , I don’t know the seriousness of the situation, how can I leave you? Another day, I will tell Master Qin to call him a **** head,” Qian Xiaowu said, “Enze and I were originally going to have a drink, and Lele alone is not as good as everyone Lele. , then accompany Brother Luo to pick up the family, and let someone send the banquet to Tongtuo Lane, which can be regarded as cleaning the dust for Brother Luo..."

Luo Wenhu only saw a young official sitting in the carriage, and smiled and nodded to him: "Chen Enze has seen Brother Luo!"

Luo Wenhu suddenly remembered who Chen Enze and Qian Xiaowu came from... One was the head of the Chongzhou boy. At this time, Chen Enze, who was serving as Jiangning's kobe officer, was really a disciple of the Privy Council; the other was before the rise of the Privy Council. Afterwards, Qian Xiaowu, the deputy envoy of Zhidu who was in charge of the inner government of Duke Chongguo's mansion; there were not too many generals and ministers in Jiangning City who were heavier than the two of them.

Where could Luo Wenhu ask Qian Xiaowu and Chen Enze to accompany him to pick up the family and go to Tongtuo Lane? Qian Xiaowu and Chen Enze really had nothing to do after today. They rejected each other in front of the imperial city gate, half dragged and half dragged Luo Wenhu into a carriage and went to Chongyang Gate, and told the entourage to go first with military tickets. Tongtuoxiang placed some necessary living materials for Luo Wenhu.

With Luo Wenhu into Jiangning, he has his widowed mother, one wife, one concubine, and four minor children.

Luo Wenhu knew that the Huaidong Army was not extravagant. He had already told his mother to dismiss the other servants. Only one old servant was old and incapable of making a living, so he brought him to Jiangning. With four silver dollars, he still didn't know how to maintain the livelihood of his mother, wife, concubines and children, old servants, and himself, a total of nine people. Fortunately, he still had some savings.

The Privy Council demarcated eight alleys in the north of the Zangjin Bridge to facilitate the residence of the middle and senior generals of the Huaidong Army in a small group. Tongtuo Alley is just one of them.

From Chongyangmen to Zangjin Bridge Tongtuo Lane is nearly ten miles away. On the way, Qian Xiaowu called for two carriages to bring Luo Wenhu’s family and the boxes and cages that accompanied them to Tongtuo Lane.

On the way, I made a special circle to ask Luo Wenhu and Jia Xiaoneng to get to know Jiangning City. They also passed by Chongguo Gong, walked through Zangjin Bridge, and passed a heavily guarded yard, when I heard a thunderous sound coming from the yard. The movement shocked Luo Wenhu and wondered how the thunder had struck in the winter.

Chen Enze, who was sitting in the carriage, frowned slightly, and said to Qian Xiaowu, "The yard of the Ordnance Superintendent should have been moved out long ago, which has made people panic. When the lord comes back, it should be mentioned..."

"The thing that the lord regards as a treasure, can you ask the lord to agree to move out of the city? Besides, there are thunderstorms in the winter, no matter how panicked people in Jiangning city are, the panic will change, good omen, good omen," Qian Xiaowu laughed and said, "But , I went to Master Sun a few days ago to ask, the military supervisor will not let the yard out, but the next experiment of the fire and sulfur will be moved out, and there is no room for the experiment in the city. "

Luo Wenhu knew that the Fu Huo Sulphur Recipe was a commonly used elixir formula for alchemy practitioners in the previous dynasty, but Emperor Qi Ning of the previous dynasty collapsed due to the alchemy technique, so he banned the alchemy technique in all aspects. Since the beginning of Yue, you may be able to see rough records related to the fire and sulfur recipe in the classics, but very few people know the details—

Huaidong has admired craftsmanship, revitalization of complex science, or revitalization of alchemy in recent years, but it is unknown, but listening to the tone of Qian Xiaowu and Chen Enze, the privy envoys attach great importance to this fire and brimstone. The courtyard is actually next to the Chongguo Gongfu across the river, making Luo Wenhu curious about what this fire and brimstone party is, but he also knows the discipline of the Huaidong Army, and some things are not easy to inquire about.

"Sun Xiangjun is really careless," Qian Xiaowu said, seeing that Luo Wenhu was a little confused when he first entered Jiangning, "I think there are many things without Brother Luo, please introduce: Although Jiangning is not in the north, it is hard to feel cold in the cold weather, but A stove can be burned indoors. Now that the war is beginning to end in various places, the prices of goods on the market in Jiangning are still very expensive, and it is not easy for Brother Luo to live in Jiangning with a large family only on the monthly salary. Grain, meat, noodles, charcoal and other materials enter Jiangning, and the generals can receive a certain amount of daily necessities every month with military tickets..."

Luo Wenhu just remembered that the stack of beautifully printed military tickets he had just received from the Ministry of Military Intelligence had such a role.

The military tickets were written with the words "one yuan", "one corner", "two corners" and "five corners", and there were a hundred and ten pieces, which were said to be settlement expenses. It's just that Sun Xiangjun didn't have time to explain it to him, so he disappeared. Luo Wenhu thought about it at this time, "one dollar" may be a silver dollar to Huaidong, but he doesn't know what "one corner" means.

However, after listening to Qian Xiaowu's introduction, Luo Wenhu no longer has to worry about how to support a family in Jiangning. Although he can't be rich, but supporting his family is not a problem - he didn't expect that Lin Tie would be outside Qianzhuang Flying Tickets. , intends to try out the banknotes in a small range, so that the banknotes can be gradually issued as an auxiliary supplement to the silver dollar system in the future.

"The colleges run by the Privy Council in Chongzhou, Mingzhou, Jiangning and other places mainly recruit students from all over the world. Brother Luo can recommend admission if he has children and nephews over fifteen years old; , Chongzhou and other places have set up a number of public schools, if the children of general officials are underage, they can enter the dormitory. There is also a women's school in Jiangning, and they all enroll girls from various families for free admission to dormitory; it is not recommended for private individuals to ask for seats in the West..." The carriage stopped in Tongtuo Lane, in front of the independent courtyard assigned to Luo Wenhu by the Privy Council, and introduced Huai The situation of East Public School.

In the past, the children of senior officials could study at the Imperial Academy with the children of the clan, which was obviously not a treatment that ordinary generals could enjoy.

Although there are academies in many places, the academies teach Confucianism, and it is not for underage children to enter. Wealthy families teach underage children, and most of them hire Xixi to run private schools and private schools. Luo Wenhu naturally hopes that his four underage children can read and read, and he can't afford to hire Xixi privately at this time. There are public schools and even women's schools dedicated to their daughter's dormitory, which is even better...

There are three entrances in the front and back of the single courtyard, but it is not big. In addition to the kitchen, there is barely enough room for eight or nine people to live in. There is also a guard room vacated. The staff took care of the miscellaneous affairs and guards for him, and the department will specially distribute the supplements, not Luo Wenhu's private officials, and he does not need Luo Wenhu to pay.

Huaidong forbids generals and ministers to hire private officials to assist in handling official affairs. If additional officials are required for official affairs, they can apply to a company. There is a distinction between generals and officials, but there is no personal dependence.

Luo Wenhu, Qian Xiaowu, and Chen Enze walked slowly on the road. Qian Xiaowu led a group of people who had already pulled a large cart and parked it in the yard. They used the military ticket Luo Wenhu just gave him. do.

Luo Wenhu's wives and concubines and two young daughters also had the discomfort and unease of entering Jiangning for the first time. Many novel objects that they had never seen before were pulled in the four-wheeled carriage. However, Luo Wenhu's two sons were young and wild, and they crawled forward. The latter helped with the arrangement.

Qian Xiaowu, Chen Enze, and Luo Wenhu didn't care about these stray things, they swept out a quiet room, but asked people to set aside the banquet brought from a nearby restaurant, and talk about trivial matters in Jiangning while drinking.

Luo Wenhu fought with the army before, and knew that Lin Fu's administration of the Huaidong Army had a different style~www.readwn.com~ has a completely different style from the traditional style. After chatting with Qian Xiaowu and Chen Enze, only then did he know that Huaidong's generals were in Jiangning and Chongzhou. The life of the people is also very different from the traditional atmosphere.

While eating the wine, a small official came in to look for Qian Xiaowu and whispered to him; Qian Xiaowu looked solemn, and Chen Enze asked, "What's the matter?"

Luo Wenhu entered the Military Intelligence Division with the rank of commander and joined the army, and many secrets do not need to be concealed from him, Qian Xiaowu said directly: "There is news from the palace, saying that the old witch has come up with a dirty idea again, saying that he will reward Huaidong generals and officials. Sir, the Duke and Earl are as cheap as the pickled cucumbers on the market, and they say that they still have to seal the real estate; they can't let them mess around with this matter, but the news always has some bad influence..."

Luo Wenhu was pondering who the "old witch" in Qian Xiaowu's mouth was referring to, but he also knew that the title of the jue-jue and soil was not the same as Xiaoke, so he thought that this old witch was referring to the one in the Longevity Palace?

Luo Wenhu thought to himself: If Huaidong’s generals really accepted the title of Emperor Yongxing, then there might not be any motivation to overthrow the Yuan clan and establish a new dynasty. The person from the Wanshou Palace probably had this idea; but he thought again, The privy envoy brought the great merit of standing up the mountains and rivers, not only in the hearts of Huaidong generals and officials, but no one can replace them, but the two emperors before and after Yuanyue, one emperor fled the capital and died in the vortex; The prestige of the imperial family had long since declined to the extreme during the Jiangning war. At this time, Huaixi and Chuanshu were not strong enough to threaten and contain Huaidong, and the privy envoy might directly abolish Emperor Yongxing and establish a new dynasty...

Different from what Luo Wenhu thought, Chen Enze scratched his forehead and said, "This old witch is a little hateful," and Luo Wenhu said apologetically, "I have to rush to the Guogong Mansion to discuss this matter with Lord Qian. I'll send the wine to another day..." My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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