Lord of the House

Vol 12 Chapter 11: Inheritance (2)

Su Mei and Xiaoman walked into Dongyuan, and saw a yard full of people kneeling in the courtyard. Xiaoman stood on tiptoe and asked Su Mei in a low voice, "Didn't we stab a hornet's nest?"

Su Mei was also a little flustered. She walked to Gu Yingxiu and asked softly, "Did Lin Fu get angry? Where did he go and leave everyone in this yard here?"

"Have you lost your temper? I don't know. Go ask him yourself?" Gu Yingxiu pouted and motioned for Lin Bie to stay in the study in the left wing.

Su Mei wanted to go in, but Xiaoman held her back, meaning not to go in and be punished for nothing: Lin Fu only told the two of them about the establishment of the heir, and they brought it out at this time, no matter how big it was. The reason is that Lin Fu will not be able to anger them?

Su Mei smiled, patted Xiaoman's hand, and pulled her to push the door in together.

The study room is quite large, and there is only a glazed lamp on the corner table in the outer wing, and the light is dim, but Lin Bie can be seen sitting in the inner wing, sitting with his back to the door, his back is tense, as if his anger has not subsided.

"Husband, Su Mei and Xiaoman have come to ask for their sins!" Su Mei said with her mouth open.

"Oh, come in." Lin Fu turned around, put down the blueprint in his hand, and motioned them to close the door so that the people in the courtyard would not see what was going on inside.

"Aren't you angry?" Xiaoman saw that Lin Fu's face was as usual, and he didn't look like he was going to eat the two of them with his teeth and claws. Then he looked at the blueprint that Lin Fu put on the table, and it turned out to be a complex mechanical drawing. He left a group of people kneeling in the yard, and even had time to sit alone in the study to study mechanical drawings. He really didn't have any anger.

"Why aren't you angry, you two are so bold?" Lin Bie raised his face, but stretched out his hand to pull Su Mei and Xiaoman to him, laughed again, and said, "I was very angry, but look When I found this picture of the water pump on the desk, I was distracted and less angry..."

"During Daqing today, you can't ask people outside to kneel in the courtyard! If you want to scold you, you will be punished, and the husband will punish our sisters." Su Mei said.

"Let them kneel for a while longer," Lin Fu said, sighed again, and said, "After today, this world is actually my Lin family's world: although Emperor Yongxing is in power, there are still three left in the imperial party. Five minions, but they are not enough to worry about. We are planning to weaken Huaixi, Chuanshu and the Northern Expedition. In fact, from today onwards, the struggle for power in the world has actually shifted to Huaidong. In other words, I The resistance to the implementation of the New Deal is actually no longer external, but has been transferred to the distribution of interests within Huaidong... I originally planned to bring up the matter of succession today, but I didn't expect your sisters to do this for me. As soon as they come out; but that's fine, just press them down first, the big deal is to sit down and pay back the money!"

"It's just that my husband's sky-high asking price is too shocking, not to mention that the second uncle and the others bullied Jun Xun's mother and daughter, even Jun Xun herself would not dare to think so," Su Mei said, "Xiao Man and I have been thinking about it. , I thought about discussing with Sister Yingxiu, you can't blame Sister Yingxiu for this..."

"Go back and slap her **** twice to vent your hatred." Lin Fu said.

Su Mei pinched him lightly, not calling him nonsense.

"There are people kneeling in the courtyard. How do you plan to end it?" Xiaoman asked, "There is also a Daqing banquet in the outer courtyard."

"If the Northern Expedition is not successful, I will delay Yuanyue, why not?" Lin Fu said, "You should have heard about the transfer of the rewarding field into the bank, and you should have heard of it in Jiangning. What are the rumors in Jiangning? I'll listen to..."

"As I said, ordinary generals and ministers don't have much disagreement. It seems that the second uncle and the others have other ideas." Su Mei said, and deliberately did not make the problem too serious.

"It's not surprising to have other ideas," Lin Fu said. "When a new dynasty is established, it is a tradition to consolidate the imperial power by consolidating the imperial family. It must be put on the agenda immediately; if they only have more shares in the qianzhuang than ordinary generals and ministers, and no other privileges, they will naturally be difficult to satisfy. If you look at this matter today, Song, Cao, Qin, and Sun are all opposed to the establishment of Zhengjun is the heir, but it was the second uncle, Xu Wen and Mengde who came out in the end—what does this mean? It shows that the establishment of heir is not a private matter for me, nor is it a public matter for the generals and ministers in Huaidong, but The internal affairs of the Lin clan; it shows that this person kneeling outside has regarded the three thousand miles of rivers and mountains as the world of the Lin clan from today. This is contrary to what I want to 'abolish the court and establish a country'. The foundation of the new policy I want to implement is to abolish the imperial court and establish a country. The monarchy needs to be established, but the clan does not need to be enshrined; the prime minister must be solid, but the prime minister cannot be concentrated in one person and must be dismembered; there will be back and forth behind this. Even if I can’t go against the trend, I have to lose face and bargain with others…”

Su Mei was thoughtful, while Xiao Man was confused.

Lin Fu added: "As for today, it's easy to clean up. If you go outside and tell everyone, you will say that I already know that the establishment of a heir is not a personal matter for me, and I don't care about this matter. Let them convene a government meeting to discuss the establishment of a heir. The public meeting was chaired by the second uncle, with eight members from the Lin family and twenty-five civil and military officials selected from the Privy Council to participate in the decision on the establishment of the heir. It is customized; if you want to change it, you need to convene a government meeting for reconsideration..."

"Government meeting?" Su Mei said suspiciously.

Lin Bie nodded and sighed softly, watching the internal disputes, nothing more than the struggle between monarchical power and relative power. The contradiction between monarchical power and prime ministerial power is also filled with complicated open and secret battles between clans, relatives, courtiers and foreign ministers. a clean.

If he wants to make the whole society enter the new pattern of primary industrialization, he must give up the "family world", otherwise he can only go back to the old road, and the illusory king's reality is also an inevitable trend. However, the power of the prime minister is excessively concentrated in the hands of several people. Even if the term of office of the prime minister can be limited, it is difficult to guarantee that it will not be broken through by various special circumstances in the future, and it is difficult to ensure that there will be no ministers of power in future generations. Open, before the wisdom of the people is open, you cannot simply copy the constitutional monarchy of later generations to design the political system.

Thinking of this, Lin Fu said to Su Mei: "I've given in so much, I think they won't have any more opinions - you want them to go to the front yard first, I'll finish studying the blueprint, and I'll have a drink with them. Oh, they want to ask me how I am feeling, and you will say that I am irritable." He looked around and said, "Forget it, the things in this room are quite expensive, so don't smash things to make a big deal," said When I got here, I deliberately raised my voice, "You go and tell them all to get up, get out of the front yard, don't stay here to be annoying!"

Xiaoman stuck out his tongue, and Su Mei said, "Let Xiaoman stay here with you, she can't be fake like this, she won't be able to hide the eyes of those people in the yard..."

Lin Bie nodded and asked Su Mei to go out to deal with the people kneeling in the yard.

Su Mei came out and relayed Lin Fu's remarks about setting up a government meeting to discuss the successor to Lin Tingli, Lin Xuwen, Song Fu, Qin Chengzu and others. After Su Mei finished speaking, she also turned and walked away, picking up Jun Xun and walking away.

"Government meeting?" Song Fu and the others stood up. Some couldn't help rubbing their numb knees and looked at each other. Some were puzzled for a while, but Song Fu couldn't help but look at Qin Chengzu, Cao Zi'ang and others. at a glance.

Cao Zi'ang stood beside Song Fu and said softly, "Is this what the lord's intention is?"

Song Fu took another look at Lin Xuwen, Lin Tingli, and Lin Mengde. Seeing that they were all confused, he nodded lightly, agreeing with Cao Ziang's opinion.

The establishment of the Chu Chu system has always been the foundation of the inheritance of imperial power. Of course, the establishment of Chu Chu is not something that Lin Fu can say alone, but since ancient times, this has always been regarded as an internal matter within the clan. Even if it is specific to establish a certain son as the direct descendant, three or five trusted ministers may be called to discuss according to the system of establishing the direct descendant, and the foreign ministers will not be involved in determining the system of establishing the direct descendant.

Song Fu and the others naturally welcomed such a result~www.readwn.com~ Lin Tingli, Lin Xuwen, and Lin Mengde also looked at each other in dismay. They didn't expect this result: only eight members of the Lin family were eligible to participate in the public meeting to decide on the system of direct descendants.

It's just that Lin Fu has retreated to this point. If they want to fight again, Song Fu and others will not support it. Moreover, under Lin Fu's anger, the three of them don't want to tease Lin Fu anymore, but Lin Fu bites the bullet. With the ruler as the heir, what can they do now? Lin Tingli sighed lightly and said, "I think that's it, the banquet in the front yard is about to start, so I can't tell outsiders to see jokes..."

Everyone went out with different moods. Lin Meng had to drag behind and asked Qin Chengzu, who was also behind, "Are there things that can't be decided in the future, will a public meeting be called for resolution?"

Qin Chengzu thought for a moment, then said, "My lord probably won't have anything difficult to decide. Maybe this rule is made to prevent the powerful ministers from deceiving the lord in the future, right?"

Lin Mengde thought about it too. The government meeting only gave Lin's eight quotas to participate in the decision to establish the heir and the reserve system. It can only be said that Lin Fu's determination to change the old pattern of "family world" will not change. If the old system of "family world" is not implemented, the power of foreign relatives, courtiers or clans cannot be used to check and balance foreign ministers. Lin Tiezai, no foreign ministers can threaten his power, but when future generations succeed, foreign ministers lack limited power. Restrictions will be excessively inflated, and it is easy to concentrate these powers on a few people to form powers that will harm the monarch’s power-the government meeting is actually to disperse, dismantle and restrict the power of the prime minister, so that the power of the prime minister will not be prolonged or excessively concentrated. on a few people.

Although the Lin clan can only have eight people participating in this meeting, the public meeting can really be customized, which means that there will be a way for the royal family to directly participate in political affairs in the future: a quarter of the number of people has been Not too low. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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