Lord of the House

Vol 12 Chapter 22: Haidong forces

In addition to Zhen Feng, the governor of Haiyang County, Saga Laiyuan, the governor of Zhuzi Kingdom, Jinxiang Tsuno, the assistant governor of Hyuga Kingdom, Chi Zhou, governor of Dongzhou, and the heir to the king of Danluo. Li Ji et al.

They are all Haidong heroes supported by Huaidong after Lin Fuqin led the elite Huaidong Water Infantry across the sea and the Seogwipo war in the eleventh year of Chongguan.

At this time, the newly appointed governor of Jeju City, Chen Enze, and the deacon of Heishuiyang Shipping Society, Zhou Guangdong, also accompanied Zhen Feng, Zuo He and others to Haizhou to wait for the ride.

Haizhou was originally under the jurisdiction of Yizhou, and changed to Huai'an, and it was also classified as the smelting land of Huaibei Salt Supervisory Division.

Haizhou is located at the intersection of the hills in southern Shandong and the Huaisi plain. There are nearly three hundred miles of coastline, a hundred miles in depth, and nearly ten million mu of salt fields. Since the reform of the Salt Administration, Lin Fu has officially established Haizhou Mansion. In addition to Jiuxian County, three Juntun farms in Ganyu, Xinpu and Guanyun have been split off.

After the defeat of Qingzhou, Chu Zheng and other Qingzhou people insisted on resisting in the Yimeng Mountains, restraining the Hulu and the Xinfu Han army to expand southwards, and at the same time organizing the Qingyi people to retreat southward.

Between Xu and Yi, millions of refugees had been accommodated before, and the number of households was full, and there was no extra land to resettle the households who migrated south from Qingyi and other places.

In the coastal area of ​​Huaibei, although there are large tracts of wasteland and wasteland, as many as millions of mu, the barren salt moraine and tidal flats are easily invaded by the tide. Difficulty living there.

The southern-moving households are scattered, and it is impossible for them to reclaim these barren salt moraine flats in a single piece with their own ability.

In order not to make the households relocated to the south into extreme poverty and refugees, in addition to allowing the wealthy Qingyi farmers to move to Shou, Hao, Yang, Huai and other prefectures to purchase land for resettlement, another nearly 120,000 households in Lin Fu were relocated from Qingyi to the south. The households were incorporated into labor camps, and three major settlements were set up under the Haizhou Prefecture.

Haizhou Prefecture has set up a camp with 600 households, with a total of more than 1,100 camps, which are divided into the jurisdiction of 89 townships.

The efficiency of setting up township offices and camps to collectively reclaim deserted beaches, build embankments and open rivers, and improve soil is definitely not comparable to that of private households.

In addition to the 1 million silver dollars allocated by the military division in the past five years, the three major villages also borrowed nearly 200 silver dollars from Huaidong Bank to purchase a large number of iron farm tools, mules, horses and cattle. , large and small ships, kiln burning bricks, burning lime, planting trees and grasses that are resistant to salt moraine and tide.

Since the official establishment of the village area, in four years, the 140-mile long seawall has been built, the Guanhe River has been cut and straightened, and the Shu River and Si River have been connected. There are several canals connected with irrigation and transportation such as the Xinyi River, and more than 2 million mu of soil have been improved by the flooding method. At present, the millions of households in Haizhou have become almost self-sufficient in grain production. are in the tens of thousands.

Of course, the largest direct investment by the Privy Council in Haizhou is the construction of the Haizhou Military Port.

Haizhou is located at the intersection of the southern hills of Shandong and the Huaibei Plain. The Yuntai Mountains in the territory are the remnants of the Taiyi Mountains. The Yuntai Mountains in Haizhou are connected by Nanyuntai, Zhongyuntai, Houyuntai, east-west Island and other five mountains.

The East-West Link Island is located in the sea, five or six miles away from Houyuntai Mountain, but it is only five or six miles away from the sea, and it has established the most excellent large-scale seaport resources in Huaibei.

The Houyuntai mountain directly invades the sea, making the coast more steep and less silt beaches, and even the Lin Zhengjun-class super-large ships can be directly berthed. Not affected by strong winds and tides.

In addition, one of the most critical factors is that there is a branch current in the East China Sea circulation formed from the southern end of the Korean Peninsula that exists all year round, which can directly reach the east-west island of Haeju. Using this ocean current, the ship can directly touch the offshore waters outside Haizhou without even using astrology...

In addition, Haizhou is adjacent to Yizhou in the west, and Juxian County in the south of Shandong Province in the north, which is an important part of the Xusi line of defense.

In Haizhou, the infantry stationed in the water can attack Juxian, Zhucheng, Jimo and other southern Shandong counties by land; by sea, it can directly attack the southeastern Shandong and the east coast of Shandong - this forced Yanhu not to take the initiative to open the Jiaolai River. The blockade of Shandong made it only possible to adopt the scorched earth strategy of prohibiting sea relocation and passive confrontation in the southeastern and eastern coastal areas of Shandong, thus making it impossible to make use of the coastal areas of southeastern Shandong and eastern Shandong.

Since the third year of Yongxing, the second water battalion of Huaidong Jinghai, the current Jinghai Division, has gradually used Haizhou Port as the main port, and the newly established Denghai Town Division is also located in Haizhou. Before the Xu Si line of defense was stationed in Haizhou, the water infantry troops gathered in Haizhou had reached 50,000.

When Zhen Feng, Saga Laihara, Nagasaki Xiuxiang, Jinxiang Tsuno, Chi Zhou, Li Ji and other Haidong heroes arrived in Haizhou, Lin Fushang was on patrol in Shouzhou.

They were in Jinghai Division Commander Ge Cunxin, Military Staff Officer Yang Shi, Haizhou Prefect Luo Yicheng, Denghai Town Division Commander Chen Zu, Governor of Jeju Prefecture Chen Enze and Heishuiyang Society Director Zhou Guangdong, etc. Accompanied by people, we first inspected the military and political affairs of Haizhou.

Standing on the main peak of Yuntai Mountain, looking to the northwest, outside the old city of Haizhou, the military fort and barracks between Backstage Mountain and Zhongtai Mountain are lined up one after another, like a huge camp city.

Dozens of large naval battleships are stationed in the port outside the mountains in the background. At the north end of the east-west island, a huge lighthouse stands in the defense village, like a small peak standing on the top of the cliff, and it seems to gradually become brighter in the twilight of the evening. big star.

At the southern foot of Houyuntai Mountain, a newly opened canal leads straight to Shuyang, Suyu and other places in the west, connecting the harbor to the hinterland of Xusi.

Even in the heyday of the East China Sea bandits, the connection between Haidong and the Central Plains was not completely broken.

After Huaidong dominated the East China Sea, the voyage from Jeju Island to Haeju and Hakseong was shortened to three days at the shortest, which shortened the voyage from Fukue Island, Songpu Port to Haeju and Hakseong to five days. Huaidong's contact is even closer.

The Zhen family, the Saga family, the Jinxiang family, the Li family and the Chi family, in order to show that they have no dissent towards Huaidong, and at the same time they must learn the new craftsmanship of Huaidong. What's more, dozens of children of Li's and Chi's joined the Huaidong Army as generals and commanders, leading troops to fight—all of which greatly promoted the connection between Haidong and the mainland.

Therefore, Zhen Feng, Saga Laiyuan, Jinxiang Tsuno, Chi Zhou and others said that this was the first time they came to the Central Plains, but they were not familiar with the Central Plains before.

Thinking that Huaidong can transform Haizhou, a small town of salt industry near the sea, into a large military port city of this scale in just three or four years, stationed 50,000 elite soldiers, directly deterring the Ludong area controlled by Yanhu, Zhen Feng, etc. People can still feel the strength of Huaidong, but it is not something that small countries such as Goryeo and Fusang can resist.

Zhen Feng and the others crossed the sea to visit Lin Fu this time. First, they were congratulating the grand event of the opening of the government, and second, at the invitation of Lin Fu, they came to Haizhou to discuss the expansion of the Korean War. Third, they were discussing the future of Haidong area. Power belongs to...

Countries such as Fusang, Goryeo and Danra have always been vassal states of the Central Plains Dynasty.

However, after the rise of Yan Hu in Liaodong, the Qingshui Division wiped out the 100,000 elites stationed in the northern frontier of Goryeo in the first battle, and Goryeo was completely reduced to a vassal of Yanhu under the control of the state minister Zuo Jing and others. When the East China Sea bandits were at their peak, the connection between Fusang, Danluo and the Central Plains was also interrupted.

Yuanyue's local control power is still in collapse, how can it govern the vassal states such as Goryeo and Fusang?

In the eleventh year of Chongguan, Lin Su led more than 10,000 elite water infantry troops to march eastward across the sea. In the battles of Songpo and Seogwipo, the Saga clan and the Goryeo clan army were severely defeated, and the Saga clan and the Jinxiang clan were defeated. And Gao Lizhen and other families surrendered, and completely opened up the business road of Haidong.

In addition to setting up two free trade ports in the Haidong area, Jeju and Fukushima, which were directly under the jurisdiction of the Huaidong Military Division, Lin Fu also cut off Matsuura, Hirado and other places from Kyushu Island, and established them under the jurisdiction of the Danlu Kingdom in name. In charge of the Dongzhou Governor's Office, and headed by Ma Yigong in the Haidong area, he maintained the Haidong army with as many as 15,000 troops in order to maintain the strong presence of Huaidong in the Haidong area.

However, on the one hand, for the purpose of concealing his strength, on the one hand, Lin Fu did not have the center at that time, so there was no way to directly issue a national edict to Fusang and Goryeo in the name of Yuanyue to formally divide the power of the Haidong forces. .

Since the government came into power, Lin Fu officially took over the military and political power of Yuanyue, and the Privy Council set up external vassal divisions to directly manage vassal affairs. The appointment of the King of Goryeo and the highest ruling Dazai of Fusang, at least in name, required the imperial edict of the Yuanyue court to be justifiable.

Of course, in the past, Yuanyue had no restraint on Haidong, but only nominally had the status of the suzerain, and had no binding force on the power replacement of Goryeo and Fusang. Goryeo and Fusang admitted that Yuanyue's national letter was granted, but they only gave Yuanyue face. Even if they didn't admit it, Yuanyue had nothing to do...

But by this time, especially when the government of the national government was strong in the Haedong area with the Jeju Governor's Office and the Haedong Camp Army, the meaning of the credential was fundamentally changed. In addition to having a legitimate name, it has a strong deterrent and operability to directly interfere with the power change of Goryeo and Fusang.

This time, Lin Fu will set up a national edict directly in the name of the Privy Council, designate the Zhen family as King Zhonglie of Goryeo, abolish Li's lordship, and authorize the Zhonglie King Zhen of Goryeo to summon the people of Korea to overthrow the Li family's puppet under the control of state minister Zuo Jing. It will also force Fusang Dazaifu to move to Kyushu Island, and the Saga clan and the Jingo clan will take turns in charge of Dazaifu to govern the Fusang government.

Of course, the old forces controlling Goryeo and Fusang will not easily surrender, and what awaits them is that the war will further expand.

Since Lin Fu led the Huaidong Army to cross the sea, the Saga clan and the Jinxiang clan, with the support of Huaidong, conquered the Ping clan and divided the Osumi country equally; then, the Jinxiang clan also conquered the Changzong Ibu clan. , the Saga clan conquered the Maori clan, and the territory under its jurisdiction has more than doubled compared to the past, becoming the two newly rising hegemons of the Fusang countries...

The samurai controlled by the Saga clan has also expanded from the 1,500 before the Matsuura War to more than 5,000, and the samurai controlled by the Kingo clan has also reached more than 4,000. The combined army is as high as 50,000. The population under control is as high as 3 million, and it has the ability to rival or even replace the Hojo clan who currently controls Dazaifu.

If there is any dissatisfaction, it is that Lin Fu adopted a balancing strategy between the Saga clan and the Kingo clan, so that the two of them were combined to check and balance each other. The ultimate goal of dominating Fusang.

However, the Saga clan and the Kingo clan, either of which thought of fighting the Hojo clan alone, seemed weak, and in fact there was a need for joint operations. There is also an official endorsement of Huaidong's balance strategy, which makes their alliance have a more practical and reliable foundation, and there is no need to worry about stabbing their allies in the back.

Also because the Fukue Free Trade Port directly under the jurisdiction of Huaidong is next to Kyushu Island, the Saga clan and the Kingo clan have benefited the most.

The free trade ports with Jeju and Bukgang as the main body will take over the major maritime trade tasks for Fusang and Goryeo. The sea trade mainly focuses on raw silk, silk cloth, porcelain, coal and iron, armor, cotton cloth, dyes, sucrose, sea salt, grain, horses, leather, gold, silver, copper and precious metals, with an annual transaction volume of up to six or seven million Nearly 100 large merchant ships of Shi, Jinhai and Lin Zhengjun classes are active in the coastal waters of Haidong, with an annual transaction volume of more than 20 million taels of silver.

Although the Jeju Governor's Office controlled by the Huaidong Army had to directly levy about four million taels of tax from such a huge trade volume, the merchant gentry forces gathered in the Heishuiyang Shipping Society also had to take away millions of taels of silver. However, the businessmen behind Fusang and Goryeo, who are controlled by the family, can still share huge profits.

If they could not share the profits, the Saga clan and the Kingo clan would not have been able to form a powerful army of nearly 10,000 warriors and more than 40,000 ordinary soldiers in just five or six years.

The reason why Lin Fu supported the Saga clan and the Kingo clan for the supremacy of Fuso and the relocation of Fusang Dazaifu to Kyushu Island was mainly because the Hojo clan, who presided over Dazaifu at this time, was aware of the violation of the open Haidong trade on its dominance.

Although Fusang's silver production has greatly increased after the introduction of the soot-blowing method, the annual outflow of five or six million taels of silver, tens of thousands of catties of gold, and almost seven or eight times the amount of copper is still unbearable for Fusang at this time. ...

Huaidong's increasingly prosperous trade has created a very strong demand for precious metals such as gold, silver and copper; Huaidong Bank has more than 10 million new silver dollars each year, almost three times the value of copper dollars, which cannot even meet the current needs of Jianghuai and other places.

Although Lin Fu ordered the reopening of silver mines in western Zhejiang, the output of silver mines in western Zhejiang is only 50,000 to 60,000 kilograms per year, and the output of silver mines in southern Hunan and Guangnan is not too much, which cannot satisfy the current newly cast metal of Jianghuai. demand for money.

Although Lin Fu strongly promotes the use of banknotes for settlement of bulk commerce, at this time, banknotes are essentially equivalent to later generations of bills of exchange. The level of banknotes can only continue to absorb gold, silver, copper and precious metals from overseas...

In the past, Fusang made money mainly by iron, so it was not very sensitive to the outflow of gold, silver and copper; the Hojo clan, who controlled Dazaifu, did not have the strength to forcibly close the Fukue Free Trade Port, and came up with a ruthless idea. The coinage law wants to change the old iron coins into silver and copper coins.

Once Fusang uses silver and copper to cast money, it will directly stimulate the domestic demand for silver and copper in Fusang, stimulate the price of silver and copper to rise sharply in Fusang, and prevent Huaidong from absorbing silver and copper cheaply from Fusang. And all the forces that gathered at this time to absorb huge profits from the Haidong trade can endure it.

Therefore, Lin Fu will support the Saga clan and the Kingo clan in their campaign against the Hojo clan. The minimum is to ask Fusang to give up the idea of ​​using silver and copper coins in the next 30 to 50 years. In addition, Dazaifu will be relocated to Kyushu Island. It is also used to add new free trade areas to promote the further expansion and penetration of trade with Fusang.

After the Seogwipo War, Zhen Feng and about 3,000 of Haiyang's children were prisoners of war in Huaidong. Lin Bie released Zhenfeng and Haiyang prisoners back to Korea after the war. After two years of peace, the conflict between Zhen Feng and Goryeo Prime Minister Zuo Jing broke out, officially opening the prelude to the Goryeo Civil War.

Lin Fu envoy Zhao Hu and Ma Yigong successively led the Haidong camp army to participate in the Koryo Civil War, suppressed the Koryo navy, and helped the Zhen family successively take down Shannan County and Guanxi County, and once threatened Hanyang, Guannei County.

Yanhu realized that once Gaoli lost control, Huaidong would be able to directly threaten Liaodong from the west wing with the assistance of the Zhen family, so after three years of Yongxing, he returned the 20,000 Korean soldiers who had helped Yanhu in the southern expedition to the state minister Zuo Jing. ~www.readwn.com~ Maintain the Korean Civil War front south of Gwane-gun.

Korea has less than 3 million registered households, and its actual population is about 5 million to 6 million.

Although the Zhen Clan mastered the three most populous counties in the nine counties of Korea, the actual population was less than two million. In particular, the 20,000 Goryeo warriors returned to the control of the country's prime minister, Zuo Jing, and the Haiyang Army under Zhen's control was extremely difficult in the land battle.

This time the Zhen family needs Huaidong to expand the degree of interference in the Korean civil war and expand the scale of the Haidong army.

Helping the Zhen clan to fight the Korean civil war, on the one hand, Huaidong was out of the need to contain Yanhu from the flank, and on the other hand, it was the need for Korean trade expansion.

There are not many materials that Zhen can exchange with Huaidong, but the coal mine resources in Shannan and Haiyang are especially high-quality.

South Korea's coal has strong firepower and high combustion temperature, and its performance is much higher than that of coal produced in Liyang, Xuanzhou and other places.

From the second year of Yongxing, Huaidong Bank and Heishuiyang Shipping Society have directly borrowed money from the Zhen family and other Haiyang clans, so that they can set up mines in Shannan County to dig coal, and make up for Huaidong and Fusang with Shannan coal and Haiyang coal output. The difference between the materials imported to Haiyang.

At this time, as many as 2 million baskets of Gaoli coal were transported to Haizhou, Chongzhou and Jiangning via Shannan and Haiyang counties every year; as for how the Zhen family and other Haiyang clan enslaved prisoners and sinners of hostile forces for profit from coal, It is not the scope of Huaidong's consideration.

In addition to further expanding the Haidong camp this time, Lin Fu will also provide Zhenshi with a war loan of up to 2 million silver dollars through Huaidong Bank and Zhushang Bank to help him expand his armament from the current 60,000 to ten. million people.

In this way, there is also a place for dumping of the large amount of surplus armor that Huaidong captured from the Battle of Jingxiang. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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