Lord of the House

Vol 12 Chapter 31: Jeju New World

The newly-formed town divisions have to train in Haeju, and after the storm season, they will cross the sea to go to Korea to participate in the war.

However, Luo Wenhu and more than a dozen staff generals of the newly-formed town divisions rushed to Haidong with Chen Enze and others before the storm season to familiarize themselves with all aspects of the Goryeo battlefield, so as to wait for the newly-formed town divisions to be transferred. , better adapt to the battlefield.

The staff department plays an increasingly important role in assisting the generals in military mobilization and command, sharing the responsibilities and burdens of the generals, reducing the rate of decision-making mistakes, and limiting the generals' specialization in military power. If there is any negative effect, it is a large-scale increase in the number of middle and high-level officers. At the same time, there must be a complete system of the Lu Hai Division Command School, which is responsible for the training of staff and chief officers.

Lin Fu rose up in Jianghuai, and used more than ten years, step by step, to establish a military and political system, completely subverting the traditional cognition of Luo Wenhu and other subordinate generals.

The last time I adapted to Hainan Airlines, the battleship formation only stayed in Jeju for half a day, and Luo Wenhu and others did not have time to land in Jeju City, so this time, we had the opportunity to take a good look at the core of the Haidong Commercial Road. Transfer to Hong Kong City.

It is hard for anyone to imagine that ten years ago, Jeju Castle was just a deserted beach facing the mountains and the sea.

Even in the early days, they just rented more than 300 acres of deserted beach from the country of Danluo to build a small village facing the water. The small cape bay surrounded by the cape hill was used as a harbor, and the outer periphery of the land was only built with stone walls for defense.

The real development of Jeju Castle came after the decisive victory of the Seogwipo War in the eleventh year of Chongguan.

Not only the area surrounded by stone walls around the original Jeju Village was officially designated as the port and urban area of ​​Jeju, but also the surrounding tens of thousands of acres of hills and plains were leased to extend the periphery of Jeju.

After Jeju's status as a core transit port on the Haidong Commercial Road was established, more than 200 large maritime merchant ships would park in Jeju every year.

The berthing and trade of a large number of maritime merchant ships made the population of Jeju City expand rapidly.

From less than 2,000 people in the early days, in less than seven or eight years, it has rapidly increased to a settled population of 40,000, with a similar number of seamen, sailors and migrant workers living together in the city.

In terms of population alone, it is already a rare prosperity in this world. Numerous towns and emerging industries, such as industry and trade, have prospered rapidly, providing sufficient tax revenue for Jeju City.

Chongzhou was the core of Huaidong’s early operations. In order to operate Chongzhou, Lin Bing’s cumulative investment in the construction of the city and port was no more than one million silver dollars; however, Jeju’s investment in the construction of the city and port over the years has gone far beyond that. More than this number, most of its sources are the income of ship berthing fees and city commercial tax.

The prosperous maritime trade and the gathered groups were probably the most civilized and most receptive to new things back then.

Except that the lighthouse on the North Cliff Point, which is more spectacular than Chongzhou, is the landmark building of Jeju City, disembarking from the port and entering Jeju City by horse-drawn carriage, it was already sunset, and the generals such as Luo Wenhu discovered that Jeju City was on both sides of the stone street. Every five or six steps, there is a cast-iron column glazed street lamp, and the lamplighter is called to light it. The long street of nearly 2,000 steps looks like a galaxy after night, making Jeju City a city that never sleeps at night.

The bustling atmosphere blowing in front of him made Luo Wenhu and other generals feel like setting up a new world.

One of the most important tasks of the staff general is the arrangement of logistical money and food.

Looking at the three or four hundred glazed headlights on both sides of the long street, the cost of the glazed lamps is irrelevant. Just how much lamp oil these glazed lamps burn in a night and a year is an extremely terrifying data. ; Without the input of extremely cheap Bala kerosene, no matter how rich Jeju City is, it cannot afford such consumption.

Both Chongzhou and Jiangning are strongly influenced by tradition. The completely new Jeju City, its prosperity and its completely different appearance from the old world, is the most core and concentrated expression of Lin Fu's New Deal thinking.

After Lin Fu was in charge of the government, he transferred Lin Jingzhong back from Jeju to serve as the governor of Jiangning and became the top chief executive of the capital. In the eyes of many people, Lin Jingzhong was the first to follow Lin Fu.

Luo Wenhu has also heard a lot of these words in Jiangning, and he is suspicious: Lin Fu wants to completely overthrow Yuanyue and take control of the military and political power. Jiangning's governor, such a key official position, naturally cannot fall into the hands of outsiders. However.

Luo Wenhu stood on the long street of Jeju City with everyone at this time, and could only deeply feel that Lin Fuqi used Lin Jingzhong as the governor of Jiangning, not entirely because of old times.

Jeju City has gone through several officials. In the early days, it was Zhao Hu, the commander of the forbidden army. At that time, it mainly focused on military defense, fighting against pirates, and protecting the Haidong business road. After Lin Jingzhong was appointed as the inspector of Jeju, Jeju was separated from the military and government, and the large-scale construction of Jeju Castle officially began. At this time, the Jeju City unfolding in front of Luo Wenhu and others was actually formed in Lin Jingzhong's hands; Chen Enze, on behalf of Lin Jingzhong, went to lead the Jeju Governor's Mansion in less than half a year.

"Yingcheng is to the north of Qiwei Mountain, but what the lord means is that you should come to Jeju City to live for a few days first," Chen Enze said with a smile to Luo Wenhu and others in the carriage, "feel the breath of Jeju City. , but don't indulge in it; three days later, there will be a cruise ship to send you and Song Xueshi to Fujiang, and when you return from Fujiang, you will live in Yingcheng..."

Chen Enze also holds the title of military staff of the Haidong Travel Department. Lin Fu has a dual leadership system for the staff. Luo Wenhu and other staff officers of the new town division are not only under the jurisdiction of the new town division chief, but also under the military staff department. Jurisdiction.

Luo Wenhu and other staff officers and officers have been particularly severely impacted by the old and new systems and new and old things during this period of time, and because they have been thoroughly baptized by the New Deal thinking and the new world, can they truly grasp the Huaidong Army's different tactics and strategies. thinking.

The Jeju Governor's Mansion is also very different from the traditional government buildings. In the heavily guarded courtyard, the main body is a single-family, huge palace-style plastered brick building. The overall height is more than 30 feet. It can be seen that this brick building is actually divided into three floors.

Jeju officials are divided into two groups. One is that they are recruited almost from the people who live in Jeju to manage the civil affairs. However, the main officials of the Governor’s Office are directly dispatched by the Privy Council’s Selection and Officials Division, and most of them do not have a house in Jeju.

In addition to the governor's official residence, officials and generals were dispatched. Behind the main building of the governor's mansion, there was a specially equipped post house; Luo Wenhu and others lived in the post house temporarily.

Not only did Chen Enze personally accompany everyone to settle down in the post house, but Ma Yigong, the commander of the Haidong Camp, also led Pan Wenshu and other generals to come over to wash the dust for Luo Wenhu and others.

Of course, apart from Luo Wenhu and other newly-appointed generals and officers of the town division, there was another person who came to Jeju with the boat, which was the main reason why Ma Yigong had to come forward to preside over the banquet. The person was Song Shixian, who was a relative of Lin Fu and was a scholar of Chongxueguan along with Jiang Yue and Ge Siyu.

Song Shixian worked in the Ordnance Supervisor. This time, he put aside his research work and went to Jeju with his team, just to observe the solar eclipse in half a month.

A solar eclipse is an eclipse of the sun, which has been recorded dozens of times in history books. Although there are many affiliations, Song Shixian, Jiang Yue, Ge Siyu and others, who are proficient in astronomical calendars, have long regarded it as a normal astronomical phenomenon, and have been able to calculate solar eclipses from the ancient calendar and existing astronomical knowledge. ability to cycle.

Because the eclipse phenomenon has many side effects, and it is usually regarded as a bad omen by the people at the time.

When Jiang Yue was serving in the Tianjing Division of Yanjing earlier, he predicted that the latest solar eclipse would happen in the near future.

Lin Fu was worried that the solar eclipse would cause negative psychology to the world's psychology, which would be harmful to the promotion of the New Deal, so he asked Song Shixian, Jiang Yue and others to calculate the exact time of the solar eclipse and announce it through the Dibao in advance to eliminate all kinds of bad omen attachments say.

Song Shixian and Jiang Yue separately calculated the solar eclipse, and both came to a specific time, but the two people's conclusions deviate by nearly half an hour.

Song Shixian and Jiang Yue, who would admit that they were bad, and they couldn't argue, so they could only stab the koan to Lin Fu.

Lin Fu asked Ge Siyu to put aside his affairs and review the matter. In the end, it was found that Song Shixian speculated that the solar eclipse was based on the records of the Sitianjian of the former dynasty, and its observation point was in Luoyang, the capital of the former dynasty. Jiang Yue used to be the junior supervisor of the Yuanyue Division, but the calendar information in his hand was contained in the current dynasty, and the observation site was in Yanjing—the deviation in the estimated time of the solar eclipse directly pointed to the different locations of astronomical observations.

Later, Jiang Yue and Song Shixian organized manpower to find out all the solar eclipse records in history and calculate, and found that the time difference of the solar eclipse is directly related to the east-west position difference of the same latitude of the observation point.

After coming to this conclusion, Lin Fu instructed Jiang Yue and Song Shixian to put aside other affairs in their hands, and immediately organized troops to set up in different regions such as Jingzhou, Hanjin, Luzhou, Chongzhou, Changshan Island, Jeju Island, and Fujiang. A dozen groups of observation points, independent observations of the solar eclipse expected to occur in a month's time.

This matter is not a top secret, and it is even announced through the newspapers controlled by the Xuanzheng Secretary and the specific date of the upcoming solar eclipse. Song Shixian and Luo Wenhu spent a few days on the boat, and they frankly told them the purpose of coming to Haidong. This matter itself requires the military's strong cooperation.

Luo Wenhu and the others don't understand, why does Lin Fu attach so much importance to such a thing? The resources used are almost equal to the mobilization of troops and horses on the scale of the town division.

Of course, Lin Fu didn't think so, and was even extremely excited: the time difference of the solar eclipse independently calculated by Jiang Yue and Song Shixian was actually the longitude time difference phenomenon that later generations were accustomed to.

Lin Fu never thought that the time difference can be calculated from the astronomical calendar, but this is extremely important~www.readwn.com~ The eclipse time difference is actually the factual basis for overturning the geocentric theory and proving that the earth rotates around the sun as a round body It will also lay the most solid theoretical foundation for the determination of longitude and the application of latitude and longitude method to navigation in the future.

Even now, with Jiang Yue, Song Shixian and other most outstanding miscellaneous scholars, their cognition of the world is still limited to the traditional geocentric theory of "the sky is round, the earth is the center, and the stars revolve"; Who among them would believe in the conclusion of their "round the earth and the center of the sun"?

Only by asking these most outstanding miscellaneous figures to draw the conclusion of "the center of the earth and the sun" from their own theoretical calculations and practical observations can they be truly convinced. Only through them and the group of craftsmen and scholars around them can new theories spread and take root.

Although this matter is not directly related to the current war, Lin Fu does not take it as seriously as the Northern Expedition. In the name of the government, he directly issued an order to the Zhuji Division, asking them to fully cooperate with the observation of this solar eclipse. Ma Yigong, Chen Enze and other officials attached great importance to Song Shixian's arrival.

Jiang Yue, Song Shixian and others who participated in this observation were also very excited and excited. Only people like Jiang Yue and Song Shixian could know how important this observation would be: once the actual observation results, follow the Their calculations are consistent, and will completely break the previous sage theory and the study of yin and yang, and determine the real theoretical basis for miscellaneous studies.

In the dust-cleaning banquet held for Song Shixian, there were two other figures, one was Zhang Yubo, who was recently dispatched by the Metropolitan Court to serve as an inspector in Jeju, and the other was Zhao Shuhan, who accompanied Zhang Yubo to Jeju with the ship. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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