Lord of the House

Vol 12 Chapter 33: star observatory

Song Shixian led dozens of disciples and craftsmen, Lin Fu asked Chen Enze to take care of everything, and temporarily put the observation of the solar eclipse over the participation of the Haidong camp in the Korean Civil War.

After the banquet, everyone else dispersed, but Chen Enze, the governor of Jeju, couldn't be sloppy. After asking his followers, he found out that Song Shixian and Zhao Shuhan were going to Anlan Mountain.

Anlan Mountain is a single mountain in the north of Jeju City, with a height of no more than 40 feet, but when Lin Fu decided to order Song Shixian and Jiang Yue to preside over the observation of the solar eclipse, he also ordered the Jeju side to make preparations and wait for Song Shixian to come over. That is, to observe a solar eclipse.

Chen Enze has been in Haizhou for nearly a month, and Anlan Mountain in the north of the city is the address of the star-viewing platform chosen by Zhou Guitang, the governor of Jeju County.

After disembarking, Song Shixian took Chen Enze to Jeju City, but his children and some craftsmen took several vehicles of observation instruments to the Anlan Mountain camp.

The time is very tight, in addition to observing the solar eclipse, we must further observe the celestial astrology to prove that the "stars are moving and the stars are turning".

The so-called "stars move and buckets" is actually more than a thousand years ago, the master of astronomy and calendar of Langzhong left Chang Gong to summarize the experience of predecessors in astrology, and realized that with the passage of time, the relative relationship between astronomical phenomena in the constellation (that is, the star table) A phenomenon in which the location will change; therefore, for thousands of years, literati and poets have often used "stars and buckets" to describe the time sequence changes and the passage of time.

In addition to the time factor, with the difference in the north-south direction, the position of the astrology on the Hunxiang star table will actually change; the current Huaidonghai merchant ships use the astrometry to compare the north-south position in the East China Sea and the South China Sea, which originates from this principle. .

When Song Shixian and the others came to Jeju this time, they also wanted to observe by the way whether the phenomenon of "stars shifting and buckets turning" would occur at different observation points in the east-west direction.

Although the astronomical observation methods in the world are still quite simple, and the observation of solar eclipses is only with the eyes, the observation of astrological phenomena has been able to produce a precise armillary sphere instrument that can accurately determine the calendar of the year long before the dynasties. .

Jiang Yue is famous all over the world for presiding over and supervising the construction of the armillary sphere.

The armillary sphere he supervised can be said to be the culmination of astronomical calendar and mechanical manufacturing in history. In terms of craftsmanship, the various contributions he made to Huaidong, just by supervising the construction of the armillary sphere, is enough to make him stand at the pinnacle of Sejong's craftsmanship.

When Yanjing fell, the armillary sphere, which was nearly ten stories high, naturally had no way to be transferred from the star observation platform of the Sitianjian and fell into the hands of Yanhu.

However, Jiangning is the companion capital of Yuanyue, and there are also six central temples such as the six temples and nine temples, and the Jiangning Sitianjian also operates normally.

Although Jiangning's Tianjian does not have the large and precise armillary astrograph as in Yanjing, it also has two bronze instruments handed down from previous dynasties. Although Jiang Yue, Song Shixian and others intended to build another super-large armillary sphere, they just didn't have the energy.

This time, Song Shixian is going to install one of them forever on Anlan Mountain in the north of Jeju City to observe the stars.

Chen Enze came to Anlan Mountain in a carriage, and Song Shixian couldn't wait to ask his children to install the Armillary Sphere on the star-gazing platform that had just been laid with stone foundations overnight. The installation and alignment of the armillary sphere is far from a success in a day. It fell on the stone platform and first set up a long tube telescope.

When Chen Enze climbed Mount Anlan, Song Shixian was about to take Zhao Shuhan to observe the starry sky through a mirror...

"Lord Governor, came here too." Zhao Shuhan bowed his bow as he watched Chen Enze come on stage.

Facing Zhao Shuhan's little wing attitude, Chen Enze felt uncomfortable - Zhao Shuhan was invited by Lin Fu to teach miscellaneous studies in Jiangning Zhutang. They all learned the basics of miscellaneous studies from Zhao Shuhan.

Before the estrangement caused by political differences, Lin Fu regarded Zhao Shuhan as a friend, so why didn't Chen Enze and others regard Zhao Shuhan as a teacher?

It’s just that time has changed. Chen Enze was only twenty-eight years old at the time, and he was already in the high position of the governor of Jeju Prefecture; Zhao Shuhan was self-exiled to Haizhou, and he only served as a counselor in the governor’s office of Jeju, standing with Chen Enze. It turned upside down.

Chen Enze said with a smile, "I just wanted Master Zhao to bring Song Xueshi here." Looking at the sight glass that was more than one meter long on the stand, he said to Song Shixian, "I was in Haizhou, and I heard that there was a construction company in Haizhou. The star-gazing telescope, I didn't expect it to be made..."

"Shuangjing Naige, an old worker who personally polished it with water jade, can make two frames. I brought one to Jeju." Song Shixian said.

Chen Enze thought about dispelling the embarrassment between him and Zhao Shuhan, and pointed at the long tube mirror deliberately, and asked, "Does Master Zhao know what this mirror is?"

"There is a phantom mirror in the Western Kingdom of Thailand, which can make distant mountains and rivers as close as you can see." Zhao Shuhan, a scholar of heaven and man, although he has not stood in front of the mirror to take a closer look, but with his extraordinary knowledge, he said, "Scholar Song Song It is said that this mirror cannot see the sun, it looks like a scorching sun, and it will be blinded for a long time, and it is also said that this object is made of water jade, and it can also be made of white glaze. The method of fire, and the previous "Su Chen Liang Fang" also recorded the use of various methods of fire, it said: 'Anyone who makes fire should knock on a stone to make fire, or use a jade mirror to get it in the sun, the sun's fire is wonderful'; "Chen Shu" records, 'There is a kingdom of Borneo in the southeast sea, and the fire is full of pearls. The big ones are like chicken eggs, and they are flat and round like water jade. In Japan and China, Ai Chengzhi will get fire, and if they are placed on top of the ants, they will look like flies. It was named Chaoxia Fire Pearl, and later entered the Champaign Kingdom, and the nobles regarded it as a treasure in the world'... and its various wonders that people in the world did not see, Zhao Youqin, a scholar of the Sejong period, called it 'Xu Tou Xiang Gathering' in his "New Book of Revolutionary Elephants". That's why. And "Book of Mozi" also said, 'The man of light is like a shot'..."

Zhao Shuhan's remarks not only moved Chen Enze greatly, but Song Shixian also bowed down and said, "People in Jiangning say that I have stolen Brother Zhao's position as a great scholar, and I am still quite dissatisfied; I heard Brother Zhao's words today. , I am convinced that I will return to Jiangning, so I will resign from the position of Grand Scholar to Duke Chongguo, and let Brother Zhao live there..."

Song Shixian's remarks did not take into account the words of other scholars with political views, and Chen Enze did not care about him, but Zhao Shuhan's remarks did indeed explain the principles of optics thoroughly.

"A man of light is as bright as a shot", which is translated into a simpler word, which means: "When the light shines on a person, it is as straight as an arrow"; cutting ice to make fire or using a jade (crystal) mirror to make fire is actually a convex lens The function of converging light, the predecessor Zhao Youqin explained it clearly with the simple four-character "Xu through meeting" - "Xu" means sunlight, and "above the word ant, see it like a fly", it means The magnification of a semi-convex or convex lens.

These optical phenomena and the principles behind them have been recorded and thought deeply by the ancients for thousands of years. It's just a pity that these trickle-down thoughts have not been able to systematically summarize and speculate.

Including the prototype of the sight glass, it has actually been circulated in the Western Kingdom of Thailand, but the Western Kingdom of Thailand regards it as a magic mirror to confuse people, and it has not been used for military, astronomical observation and other practical purposes. On the contrary, in the Jianghuai era, there were rich people who made magnifying glasses with water jade so that the blind could see things.

From a magnifying glass to a telescope, the reason why it is so difficult is that two lenses with the same focal length and curvature are difficult to grind, which is very labor-intensive and labor-intensive. It took several years to cultivate more than a dozen skilled grinding and mirror craftsmen. Fortunately, the mirrors manufactured are very practical, and there is a great demand, so that we can continue to improve grinding and mirror technology and cultivate more of professional craftsmen.

It was only in the second half of last year that the Huaidong Army began to grind monoculars in small batches, which could see fine objects three to five miles away. Two more were built recently.

Zhao Shuhan can guess the reason based on the shape of the telescope he sees - he is really one of the three or five people who know the World Expo and are good at thinking.

It would be a pity if such a person could not serve the new empire.

Zhao Shuhan certainly understood why he couldn't be included in the Chongxue Hall. He said that Song Shixian had no scheming, but it was even more embarrassing in front of Chen Enze. He thought that his words just now showed some obvious traces of showing off. In the ear, what will people think?

Song Shixian devoted himself to studying miscellaneous studies, but he was not familiar with common affairs, so he said to Zhao Shuhan: "Brother Zhao should remember that in the Book of Heavenly Officials, "Yin Yin is at noon, Xingju is at You, and in May, Stomach and Ang Bichen go out, saying: Enlightened 'wait for words?"

Asking Song Shixian to talk, Zhao Shuhan asked, "Does Song Shixian want to observe Suixing?" The sentence Song Shixian recited just now refers to the position of Suixing in the sky in May, and only Zhao Shuhan is so well-informed. Those who remember it can quickly understand.

"Of course," Song Shixian said, "Brother Zhao, do you still remember the words of Suixing Xing recorded by Qu Tan in the "Kaiyuan Zhanjing"?"

In addition to Zhao Shuhan, there are really not many people in the world who can keep up with Song Shixian's solitary book editing; of course, Zhao Shuhan can know that he has spent the past ten years sorting out the world's canon and compiling "Artisan's Canon". After a little recollection, he recited the sentences about Suixing in the "Kaiyuan Zhanjing" almost exactly, "There is a saying in the "Kaiyuan Zhanjing": Shan Yingzhi Sui, Shetige is in Mao, Suixing Zaizi, going out with Beard Maiden, Xu and Wei Chen in the evening, its shape is very bright, if there is a small red star attached to its side, it is called an alliance... Does Master Song want to look at this small red alliance star with the help of a telescope? ?"

Suixing is the Jupiter familiar to later generations. It is the brightest star that the naked eye can see above the night sky, but Jupiter is not a lone star. In the dark place of the starry sky, there are many satellites around Jupiter. Can vaguely see a small red star, called Jupiter's allies.

Although there is still half a month before the observation of the solar eclipse, Song Shixian, Jiang Yue and others have actually overturned the old saying that the sun, moon and stars travel around the earth and the sky. Observation of the old star with a mirror.

In addition to the "Little Red Star" recorded by their predecessors, they also clearly saw the other four small stars moving around the Sui Xing - this alone can prove that the place where they stand is not the only center of the constellation in the muddy sky. It has directly shaken the old saying of "the heart of the world"...

Lin Fu did not ask Song Shixian and Jiang Yue to announce this conclusion in a hurry.

After all, there are only two large star-gazing telescopes at the moment, and announcing the conclusion through the Dibao will only cause violent quarrels. Confucianism was established as an official school and used by the imperial family. It began in the former Han Dynasty, and its status has been consolidated for more than a thousand years. How can it be so easily shaken?

The observation of solar eclipses is something that many scholars and the general public can participate in; there will be time deviations in the occurrence of solar eclipses in different locations~www.readwn.com~, which will be a matter for many scholars and the general public to participate in. Evidence.

Even some stubborn people will not believe even if they see it with their own eyes, but there are bound to be people who believe what they see with their own eyes.

Song Shixian had a conversation with Zhao Shuhan at the banquet. Seeing that he almost independently deduced the solar eclipse and jet lag, when he met a confidant who could compare with him, he naturally couldn't wait to pull him to the Observatory to observe the stars.

One of the disciples compared the Hunxiang star table and pointed the telescope at the direction of the old star. Song Shixian motioned to Zhao Shuhan to watch the old star first.

Zhao Shuhan has always remembered this little red star next to the old star recorded by his predecessor Qu Tan, but he didn't have a pair of natural eyes, and no matter how many times he watched the stars at night, he couldn't see the little red star. In fact, this little red star is just a legend for many years. It is absolutely impossible for orthodox Confucian scholars to admit that Suixing has satellites; and the predecessor Qu Tan recorded this little red star and cautiously called it the "alliance" of Suixing .

With the help of Song Shixian and his disciples, with the help of Song Shixian and his disciples, he can see the old star by fine-tuning the telescope, and he can see it carefully. , stunned there, in addition to the legendary little red star, there are clearly three little stars beside the old star...

"How?" Song Shixian was quite proud of Zhao Shuhan's shock. He saw four little companion stars beside Suixing more than half a month ago, and his heart was also turbulent.

Seeing that Zhao Shuhan didn't say anything, Chen Enze walked to the front, only to see crystal tears on his cheeks, and whispered: "Master Zhao..."

"Chao Wendao, it's okay to die in the evening," Zhao Shuhan turned to look at Chen Enze, put down all worldly fame and fortune, and said, "When Enze is asked to send a message to his old friend, Zhao Shuhan only wishes to guard this star-gazing platform in his life!" My QT room Open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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