Lord of the House

Vol 12 Chapter 36: old bottle new wine

"Don't watch the Zhen Clan, the Saga Clan, and the Kingo Clan surrender at this time, but if the Zhen Clan monopolizes Goryeo and the Saga Clan or the Kingo Clan monopolizes Fusang, they may not really be willing to cede Jeju..."

Lin Fu asked Jun Xun to snuggle up to his chest and casually touched her tender breasts. There are some things that don't need to be explained to Gu Tianqiao and Gu Siyuan, but they need to be told to Jun Xun to relieve her confusion and prevent her from thinking wildly.

When Chongguan first met in the eighth year, Jun Xun was still a naive girl at the age of sixteen, but at this time she was a mature, bright and beautiful woman of twenty-seven. It's just that over the past few years, Jun Xun's innocent and charming temperament has not been completely taken off. Although she may not be able to suppress the inner house, her temperament is especially loved by Lin Bing.

Lin Bie was sleeping, and he liked to touch his hands indiscriminately, but Jun Xun held his hand and didn't tell him to move, but sometimes he listened to his fascination, and the key points fell into Lin Bie's clutches, rubbing and rubbing, extremely sensitive. , couldn't help pinching the tight and firm double-strands, and the plump buttocks twisted uncomfortably, and said coquettishly, "Speaking the serious business, what kind of messing is it?"

Lin Bie held Jun Xun's waist and asked her to ride on him. Jun Xun wanted to, but Lin Bie was too strong, so he opened his legs, pressed his waist against the big pestle and sat down, squeezing it. Feeling bloated, Jun Xun just supported Lin Bie's chest weakly, and said angrily, "Why are you talking?"

Lin Bie grinned, wrapped around Jun Xun's slender but very sensual waist, and said: "The responsibility of the empire is to weaken the threat on the territory, but the art is kingly and domineering. , Wang Dao can rule inside the vassal, but not outside the vassal. For thousands of years, how much of the foreign vassal Yanyi has been influenced by Wang Dao? When the empire is prosperous, the threat to the foreign vassal is naturally dismissive, but when the empire is weak, it is It is so weak. Thinking of the rise of Ye Jibu to the Ulun Mountains, his Ding Zhuang is dissatisfied with thousands of people. Even after controlling the Hu Hu in Yandong and Yanxi, Dingkou is less than one million. However, the Central Plains are in Yanji, Jinzhong, Guanzhong counties, there are nearly 20 million dingkou, can you stop it? Compared with Yanhu, the Korean dingkou is more than 5 million, and the Fusang dingkou is likely to be close to 20 million. It is impossible to predict the future trend. To prevent one surname from ruling Goryeo and Fusang, how to eliminate the threat of Goryeo and Fusang to the Central Plains? The political ruler is in Jeju, which not only involves the central control of Jeju in the future, but also how to eliminate the threat of Goryeo and Fusang to the Central Plains. Of course, I also want to give Zhengjun an explanation, and I don't want everyone in the Lin family to keep their eyes on Zhengjun."

Gu Junxun was also worried that the turmoil of succession would have a long-term negative impact on his daughter Zhengjun. I really want everyone to agree that Zhengjun will go to Jeju to become a vassal in the future. Caring for her mother and daughter.

It's just that Jun Xun was ashamed to cross his legs and straddle Lin Bie's body to listen to him talk about family and state affairs in a serious manner. His hot face was pressed against Lin Bie's chest, and he shouted: "Don't listen, don't listen, how can you govern the country at all? , the appearance of a peaceful world..."

"Everyone knows that I am the most anti-Confucian, how can the Confucian Eight Eyes be placed on me?" Lin Fu said with a stern face, but a thought flashed in his mind and stopped there. Jun Xun was shy and beautiful for a long time. Seeing that Lin Fu was no longer chaotic, he raised his head in confusion, looked at Lin Fucha's happy appearance, and asked, "Where do you want to go, husband?"

"The Eight Eyes of Confucianism are to examine things, to gain knowledge, to be sincere, to have a right mind, to cultivate one's self, to align the family, to govern the country, and to bring peace to the world," Lin Fu asked Jun Xun as if enlightened.

"The former sages said 'checking things', saying that the cultivation of mind and nature is not influenced by things, and restores the knowledge of heaven; and also said that knowledge is not influenced by external things, so that one's own mind knows the laws of heaven..." Jun Xun's family background, talking about Confucian justice , even more proficient than Lin Fu. At this time, his mind was attracted to Lin Fu's inexplicable idea, and he didn't care about the shyness, so he opened his mouth to answer.

"If the two eyes of 'checking things' and 'zhizhi' are simply interpreted as 'the truth of things leads to knowledge', and the experimental verification is regarded as the only means to know the truth of things, then Confucianism may not be able to be used by me. "Lin Fu said a little hesitantly.

"How can the Confucian Bamu be interpreted indiscriminately, and the Ge Xun 'Geji' means 'Yu'?" Jun Xun said in a sullen voice.

"The etiquette is to examine things to gain knowledge, and only say, 'Those who want to be sincere in their intentions should first reach their knowledge, and the knowledge lies in the examination of things, and the knowledge of things is followed by knowledge, and the knowledge is followed by sincerity'," Lin Fu said, "As for the word 'ge' What is the meaning of it, but it is the meaning of many Confucianism interpretations after that. Others can explain the meaning of 'government' and 'gejie', why can't I teach it as 'research'? In the end, how to interpret the Confucian eight eyes is not too much. It's just the means of the politicians, the world can't follow me, and I will let them know how cruel the meaning of 'Ge' and 'Yu' is!"

Gu Junxun was startled, knowing what kind of murderous intention was hidden in Lin Fu's words.

The word "Grid" is interpreted as "Yu", and there are two well-known words, one is "incompatible", and the other is "kill to kill". Lin Fudang wants to use his military and political power to re-interpret the eight eyes of Confucianism, even if he interprets the word "gewu" as shit, it may not be impossible...

Of course, Lin Fu wouldn't stand up and go to Confucianism by himself. As long as he has the intention, there are many people who want to do it.

"Reinterpreting the Eight Eyes of Confucianism may buffer the sharp contradictions between the old and the new," Lin Fu said. "That stubborn elm lump must give them a step down..."

Lin Fu also knew that the biggest difference between him and this world was there.

When most people in the world think that truth is known a priori, and the priority is to cultivate one's mind and cultivate morality, Lin Fu, who baptized the future generations, has a concept that is fundamentally incompatible with the current mainstream, that is, he always believes that practice is the only way to test the truth. Standard, this is the root of the distinctive style of Huaidong's military and political "pragmatic and not retreat" under his control.

The reason why Lin Fu admires Zaxue Craftsmanship is not only that Zaxue Craftsmanship is practical, but the more important point is that Zaxue Craftsmanship is different from the mainstream and is the most important empirical study in the world; Suppression makes it difficult to form an academic system that can compete with mainstream Confucianism.

With all the efforts that Lin Fu is doing, he does not have the luxury of immediately suggesting a new learning system that can compete with the old learning.

Could Lin Fu expect a massive solar eclipse observation to completely overturn the foundation of the old school? Will a whole new empirical science be established? Lin Fu didn't have such extravagant hopes. He wanted the world to understand the truth of "experimental verification" or "experimental verification".


The next day, Lin Fu summoned Gao Zongting, Lin Mengde, Song Fu, Sun Jingxuan and others to discuss the reinterpretation of the Confucian Eight Purposes.

Lin Mengde, Sun Jingxuan, Ge Siyu and others were either from merchants, gangsters, or craftsmen. They had the most pragmatic style and were the most determined anti-old school personnel in Huaidong's military and political affairs.

Gao Zongting and Lin Mengde looked at each other and smiled bitterly. They have been deeply influenced by Confucianism since childhood, but the establishment of a new empire will inevitably involve adopting a set of theories as the basis for governing the country. Although Lin Fu strongly promoted new learning, However, the new learning is far from being a system, and it is difficult to undertake the important task of theoretical basis for governing the state.

Re-evaluating the eight eyes of Confucianism, removing the a priori knowledge of Confucianism that does not conform to the new theory, and reforming Confucianism may be the only way to reconcile the contradiction between the old and the new.

Otherwise, the old school will not bow its head, and with Lin Fu's strong political style, it may one day kill the world's Confucian scholars and open the way for the new school.

"What the lord thinks may be a new way; Xu Shi was invited to discuss with Zuo Xiang and Hu Xiang - Zuo and Hu should have superb insights in Confucianism, which is beyond my ability," Song Fu said.

Those who can enter the official sea as a jinshi and the first are all proficient in Confucianism, which is currently an official school, and Zuo Chengmu and Hu Wenmu are naturally the best among them.

"Then you should talk to Ergong Zuo Hu first in private. I'm afraid that Duke Zuo and Duke Hu are also elm wood lumps and spray me with saliva." Lin Fu has never been good at scriptures and Confucianism. He can talk about Confucianism. An idea, but the specific work is not something he can participate in at all. If he really wants to argue with Zuo Chengmu and the others, he may not be able to argue with a hundred mouths. He also knows that he needs to hide his clumsiness when necessary, as long as Gao Zongting and Song Fu carry out his intentions.


"Why do you want to go here?" The crowd retreated, leaving Song Jia in the study room to help Lin Fu handle official affairs alone. She was with Lin Fu all day, and if Lin Fu had any intentions, he would talk to her first. It's strange that Lin Fu suddenly summed up the new Confucianism.

Naturally, Lin Fu wouldn't tell Song Jia that he had a whim when he was "governing the country and the world" under Jun Xun last night. It is not a long-term method; the effective strategy has always been to divide the enemy and win over those who can be attracted from the enemy, so as to achieve the purpose of weakening and destroying the enemy; even if the goal of completely reforming Confucianism is not achieved, it is necessary to split Confucianism into two factions, the old and the new. , tell them to fight each other, and weaken the resistance to the promotion of new learning..."

"You're so tricky as a fox!" Song Jia also thinks about it. Whether it is military, political or daily affairs, there are only a few effective guiding principles. Dividing hostile forces or resistance has always been one of the most effective means. The key is how flexible it is. After using it, there is no other way to think about it.

Lin Fu said to Song Jia again: "You draft a letter for me to Zhao Shuhan and Zhang Yubo, and explain these points in the letter; Zhao Shuhan and Zhang Yubo are in an embarrassing situation. Completely separated, but they are no longer accepting the old traditions, and maybe they can more easily accept the practice of putting new wine in old bottles.”

"You want them to hide their ears and steal the bell?" Song Jia asked.

"No," Lin Fu shook his head and said, "I want them to understand the principle of survival of the fittest..."

"Survival of the fittest?" Song Jia asked suspiciously, "Why?"

Lin Bie patted his head. Survival of the fittest is a common vocabulary after the popularization of evolution and the theory of evolution. People at that time are naturally very unfamiliar. He said: "The situation has changed, and we must actively adapt to this change in order to be better. Instead of stubbornly thinking about the benefits of the past; Huaidong can have today's situation, which is actually due to this... Although the general trend is like this, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be a recurrence. I am determined to send Zhengjun in the future. As far as Fan is concerned, I am afraid that Jiangning will repeat, but in the end, I can keep some newly learned fire in Jeju..."

Song Jia can naturally understand Lin Fu's painstaking efforts and the thoughts he used in Jeju.

Jeju is a newly built city with the most civilized society. Old Confucians basically regarded Jeju as a barbaric land, and they were unwilling to go to Jeju to take root. Therefore, Jeju is the place where new learning takes root and proliferates and is least hindered by old sayings. Fertile soil.

In addition to sending Chen Size, the most trusted and proud student, to preside over Jeju~www.readwn.com~ Jeju, where Zhang Yubo and Zhao Shuhan were exiled, Lin Fu also had a purpose.

On the surface, it seems that Zhang Yubo and Zhao Shuhan are against Huaidong, but their essence has been separated from the old Confucianism.

Zhao Shuhan is actually a more representative representative of the new study than Jiang Yue and Song Shixian. Lin Fu now asks Zhao Shuhan to guard the Jeju Star Observatory. In fact, he completely uses the method of "experimental verification" of the new study to observe the celestial phenomenon and the sea of ​​stars, for the new theory. Lin Fu also Xu Zhao Shuhan opened a school in Jeju, hoping that Zhao Shuhan can really plant the seeds of new learning in Jeju, and not allow the interference of old Confucianism to form a powerful and deeply rooted academic school.

Zhang Yubo advocated not abolishing the emperor, but hoped that Lin Fu would be a powerful minister. In fact, he wanted to find a balance between the old and the new, not against Lin Fu's ruling - he just wanted to pay attention to the maintenance of order; in the end, he just thought that Lin Fu was Bound to establish a new dynasty, but a new cycle similar to the previous Chen and Yuanyue. Zhang Yubo didn't have bad intentions, but his idea was strange if Lin Fu and the Privy Council and the military were kicked away from a distance.

Zhang Yubo was very annoying in Jiangning, but using him in Jeju might not necessarily be bad.

The eldest daughter of Lin Fu's envoy, Zhengjun, was in Jeju, and it was only for one purpose that it was convenient to separate Jeju from Goryeo and Fusang forever. The more main purpose is to make Jeju nominally have the highest clan in the future, so that it can maintain a relatively independent or autonomous status, so that the development of Xinxue in Jeju will be less affected by the fierce struggle on the central side.

Knowing that Ye Jibaishi led his troops to go to war in Korea, although he knew that this might be an opportunity that the military could seize at the moment, Lin Fu still followed the relatively stable military deployment before the implementation. All kinds of things need a relatively stable external environment. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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