Lord of the House

Vol 12 Chapter 41: quartermaster

Going north from Guanyun is Haizhou, which is the Xingyuan station of the Northern Command, and the headquarters of the Northern Eastern Front Corps composed of Fengli Army, Denghai Town Division, and Jinghai Division.

The core of the strategy formulated by the Military Staff for the Northern Expedition lies in the words "East by East". Therefore, the North Eastern Front Corps is the top priority of future military construction.

The Fengli Army consisted of Liu Xilin, Zhang Gou, Chu Zheng, and Han Caizhi, plus the independent Denghai Town Division and Jinghai Division under Chen Zuo. Before the large-scale expansion began, the North Eastern Front Army The total number of troops is more than 120,000.

120,000 troops and horses were deployed in clear layers on the Yihai defense line from the north to Yishan and the south to Huaishui. Haizhou City was mainly used as a logistics support base.

A large number of logistics personnel have gathered, and even if only chartered ships can enter Haizhou after the port is closed, the city of Haizhou is still lively.

In Guanyun, after taking the slack of the old bureaucrats like Zhou Wenyun and entering Haizhou City, Lin Fu can really feel that there are still such a large group of people in this world. They are deeply concerned about the New Deal and the different traditional military and political systems in Huaidong. Approved and supported.

Behind Huaidong, in addition to the Jianghuai merchant gentry and maritime forces with strong pragmatic style, the more solid foundation is those generals and their families who originally had nothing but gathered under the Huaidong battle flag, as well as the Huaidong Army A huge logistical group derived from it.

Under the old system, they suffered from hunger and cold, were displaced, and even had to sell their children and daughters in order to survive. Traditional ideas and motivation? The vast majority of them are eager to further smash the old system and old traditions.

The new system gives them and their families the guarantee of survival, and gives them the glory of being rich and honorable and dying. They may not have thought enough or deep enough, but their support for the new system is sincere from the bottom of their hearts.

In Guanyun, Lin Fu felt that the world was difficult, and there were still great opposition forces hidden under the surface of the water; even in Jiangning, Lin Fu had to always consider balancing the interests of Huaidong, but after arriving in Haizhou, he felt that the world was going Much simpler, he felt that the world was still firmly under his control, and that there was no resistance at all to implement the New Deal.

According to the tradition of "the body is born and the skin is born, and the parents receive it", dissecting a corpse in this world is a heinous crime that is so serious that it will be sentenced to death.

Zhang Ji, a Huaidong medical officer who was born in the Jianghu Langzhong, and others proposed to dissect cadavers in Huaidong very early in order to study the structure of the human body in order to better develop surgical medicine.

This kind of courage to rebel against tradition and develop new learning is quite common in Huaidong. However, about the autopsy, Lin Fudu was worried that if the matter was leaked, it would cause an uproar, and finally listed it as the highest military secret in Huaidong, and secretly promised Zhang Ji and other medical officials to conduct it secretly.

The rapid development of Huaidong's surgical treatment level in ten years is not rooted in the first aid skills taught by Lin Fu, but the courage of Zhang Ji and other medical officials to break the tradition and the painstaking research in the past ten years.

Jiangning's execution of war criminals by dissecting corpses instead of slashing was actually a roundabout method proposed by Zhang Ji and others to break the traditional obstacles to dissection and new medicine.

Zhang Ji, who eventually received a bachelor's degree from Chongxueguan with Wu Jiye, worried that the development of anatomical medicine in Jiangning would be hindered by the world, and requested to go to Haizhou to preside over the Haizhou Military Medical Bureau.

Haizhou was originally a small coastal town, the city was dilapidated, and the population was small. However, because it became the core logistics support base of the Northern Army, many affairs were controlled by the military, so the weather was new, and it became the most advanced development of new learning and new craftsmanship in the Central Plains. Prosperous place.

Even in Chongju, where Lin Bie has the deepest roots, the traditional inertia has developed new learning and new craftsmanship.

In fact, the military is not only the most staunch support force for new learning and new craftsmanship, but also the largest purchaser of new learning and new craftsmanship.

The development of new technologies without demand but not knowing how to create them is equivalent to doing things behind closed doors. The new technologies developed are also lifeless. Lin Fu is very clear about this. He is even more aware that he cannot force ordinary people to purchase. Huaidong's new cloth, iron materials, etc., but the procurement direction of the entire military is always under his strict control.

The traditional center maintains armaments, and the extraction of silver is mainly used for salaries, military armor, quilts and other materials, and is mainly recruited directly from government-run workshops or from cheap craftsmen.

Huaidong maintains armaments in a fundamentally different way. Huaidong Army's military supplies, armour, and weapons are only a small aspect. Even if they come from the internal workshops controlled by Huaidong, they are settled by purchasing.

At present, many government-run workshops, except for a few that manufacture weapons, are all under the jurisdiction of the departments and bureaus under the Privy Council.

The funds allocated by the Privy Council to the military department are all settled in silver, and naturally the military department will not be asked to additionally occupy the resources of the government-run workshops under its jurisdiction.

Lin Fu mainly guarantees the military's procurement direction, and consistently focuses on emerging factories, industrial and mining, and maritime trade. Only the military supplies that emerging factories, mining, maritime trade and other industries cannot provide can Lin Bie consider purchasing from traditional industries.

What the military studies is the method of killing, and the most fundamental purpose is to more effectively destroy the enemy and preserve itself. It can be said that it is the group with the strongest pursuit of practicality and pragmatism in the world. It doesn't matter whether it is traditional or non-traditional, the key is practicality, durability and low cost.

Even if there is no war, this year the Privy Council's appropriation to the military department still reaches 12 million silver dollars, which is only slightly less than the consumption of military resources last year.

Due to the increasing development and perfection of the military-controlled colonies, for example, the grain fields in the Haizhou Juntun District have grown to 3 million mu and more than 70,000 colonies; these colonies can directly provide the military with relatively sufficient food, which makes the traditional sense of The food and salaries only account for 20% of the military appropriation.

Other military appropriations are mainly used for the procurement of war weapons, the construction of defense lines, permanent and temporary camps, and logistical maintenance such as the construction of arms control quarters.

Among them, a large proportion of military procurement directly or indirectly supports the development of new technologies, providing a fundamental source of power for the sustainable development of new technologies.

Be sure to measure how large the military's purchase of new technology products, either directly or indirectly, is almost over six million silver dollars this year.

If the military assistance to the Zhen, Saga, and Jinxiang clans is included, including the military loans from Huaidong Bank and Zhushang Yinzhuang to these three families—these military aid and loans are mainly guaranteed to Huai. The Eastern region purchases military supplies and weapons, otherwise the silver dollars will not be so easy to lend out - the total amount of new technology products or direct or indirect purchases by the military this year will almost reach 10 million silver dollars.

Perhaps in future generations, the purchase of 10 million silver dollars is nothing at all; an entry-level ironclad battleship will cost more than that.

But in today's world, before the war, Yanjing controlled hundreds of millions of people, and the annual revenue of the central center was only about 10 million silver dollars. It is quite surprising to use 10 million silver dollars per year to purchase military supplies to support the development of new technologies and new industries. of.

Since the profit margin of military purchases is relatively small, the annual purchase of military supplies of 10 million silver dollars can directly support an emerging industry cluster with a scale of about 300,000 to 400,000 people, not to mention that Lin Bing is sometimes blatant. Direct use of military funds to support the development of new technologies.

Historically, hundreds of years ago, lighthouses were built for the purpose of navigating harbours and steep fjords at night. The first lighthouse in the Jianghuai area was first built by Lin Fu at the mouth of Jinchuan River outside Jiangning City. It was used to guide ships to dock at Jianggang Wharf at night, doubling the utilization efficiency of the wharf.

Although the cost of building a lighthouse is not low, it is very cost-effective to invest in a lighthouse compared to doubling the expansion of the wharf.

Merchant ships arriving at night would rather pay an extra fee for navigation of the lighthouse than stay overnight outside the unpredictable port.

In the past ten years, there have been more than 30 large lighthouses built and controlled by the Huaidong Army; at present, some lighthouses have begun to be handed over to the private sector for operation or construction and maintenance.

The lighthouse needs cheap and high-quality fuel, which directly prompts Borneo kerosene to travel across the ocean to Jianghuai and Haidong.

Transparent glass shades and other new technologies for lighting have a direct relationship with the lighthouse.

The mixed slurry of Borneo ash and lime, fine sand or fine cinder is used for construction, and it is mainly used by the military at present.

The development of Huaidong's shipbuilding technology has the most direct relationship with Lin Fu's determination to develop maritime combat power at that time, followed by the rapid development of sail weaving, large-scale castings and other industries. Although Lin Bie asked these shipyards to supply warships to the military at cost prices, the military paid for the extra cost of developing new technologies, and it was never lenient.

The nearly 800,000 sets of military uniforms purchased by the military this year are all made of new Huaidong cloth; this alone is enough to support an emerging weaving, dyeing and garment industry with a workforce of 20,000 to 30,000 people.

The Huaidong Army consumed more than 20 million catties of meat this year, nearly half of which was purchased from the offshore fishing industry developed in Haizhou, Hecheng, Shengsi and other places.

Lin Fu developed iron smelting in Chongzhou in his early years, and the largest purchaser was also the military, followed by agricultural tools and other civilian goods. Even at this time, the military consumes nearly 20 million kilograms of iron every year in the construction of war weapons and fortresses and defense lines.

The great development of iron smelting and lime industries in Chongzhou and the gathering of industrial workers directly contributed to the increase in coal consumption. The cinder is used for road building and grinding and mixing for construction, and it is also the first large-scale use by the military.

The military is also the largest purchaser of the most advanced car-making technology; almost half of the four-wheeled carriages are directly purchased by the military for use as cargo vehicles.

At present, nearly two-thirds of the iron wire and iron wire rope produced in the iron factory are purchased and digested by the military.

Before entering Guanyun, Xiaoman saw that the first 6,000 Tie Li carts were built, and all of them were purchased and digested by the military management.

Not to mention the brutal war, which made the wounded soldiers rely heavily on the new medical anatomy. Dissecting corpses is still a taboo in society~www.readwn.com~, but in the eyes of military generals, it is really not enough to mention.

The military's large-scale procurement enables new learning, new technologies, and new industries to obtain a basic demand market in the early stage of development.

Now Haizhou has become the core logistics support base of the Northern Corps. Except for the military medical bureau, ordnance bureau, ports, and shipbuilding docks, which will be built and managed directly by the military, almost all materials that can be purchased from outside are in the field. Factories, miners and merchants, such as new cloth, dyes, iron materials, clothing, car-making, lime, tung oil, bristles, kerosene, coal, wood, masonry, and Borneo ash, have all applied for inclusion in the sea. It is one of the procurement targets of the state logistics support base; almost all of them can apply for or have been implemented directly in Haizhou. The newly established workshops, including the military logistics department, employed generals from the Northern Corps or the families of generals from the Haizhou Tun District to work.

Lin Fu decided to set up the logistics base of the Northern Expedition in Haizhou, not Xuzhou or Shanyang, that is to say, he considered to use the huge military procurement to give birth to a new seaport city that is different from the traditional one.

Lin Fu was more willing to live in Haizhou than Jiangning.

On the one hand, the army's thinking is still relatively simple, and there are not so many additional conditions for supporting Lin Bing; on the other hand, Haizhou City is almost a new construction, and the huge military procurement has attracted almost all the factories with a good atmosphere. , industrial and mining owners and sea traders.

Although traditionally women pay attention to "the door is not open, the second door is not stepped", but for ordinary generals of the Huaidong Army who came from poor backgrounds, it is not difficult for people to accept the work of their families. Hiring female workers is already a common phenomenon in Chongzhou, and Lin Fu had to make up for the shortage of labor force early on; it is not a strange phenomenon in Haizhou. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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