Lord of the House

Vol 12 Chapter 56: Taihang Mountain Raiders

Around the beginning of the year, the mountains at the southern foot of the Taihang Mountains at the turn of Jin and Lu were covered by heavy snow.

A caravan consisting of more than a dozen mules and horses and more than 20 men in ge-clothes marched through the Taihang Mountains with difficulty in heavy snow. This is the usual business mule and horse team at the turn of Jinnan and Lubei. They are mainly skinny mules. Only the two leading ones are riding horses.

Most of the men looked lean, with cloth towels covering their heads, facing the cold wind like a knife, their faces exposed, with the sun and the sun.

The business road was difficult to travel between the inaccessible mountains for a long time. The sky was about to twilight, and suddenly there were a few sharp whistles, which sounded like the chirping of big birds; The trees reflected each other, and the shadows of the birds and beasts could not be seen. He turned around and took the sight glass from the hand of the person beside him. He looked at the place where the whistling sounded, and there was a lit torch hanging on the cliff where the twilight was approaching. If it weren't for the telescope, it would be difficult to see clearly at such a distance.

"Should this be Yanziyu?" the leading man asked the people around him.

The map made by Huaidong could not accurately identify every ravine and valley in the Taihang Mountains, and the guide still had to rely on the guides from the Jinnan Mountains to identify the way. There are very few people who have been away from their hometown for many years and can stay in the mountains without losing their way.

The agreement was to connect at Yanziyu, but the connection point in Hebi was destroyed by the enemy, and the eyeliner deployed in Hebi was captured by the enemy. Before the connection point was destroyed, the information was transmitted, so that Wu Jingze and others could avoid the enemy's installation in Hebi. down the trap.

Wu Jingze and others could only take the risk of bypassing Hebi City and entering Taihang Mountain directly, but without a guide, they turned between the mountains at the southern foot of Taihang Mountain for several days, but they still could not accurately touch Yanziyu.

Just when everyone was uncertain about their position, there was a movement of people and horses stamping on the flank of Shenguzi; the caravan immediately guarded the leader of Wu Jingze, but Wu Jingze relaxed: don't look at Yanhu's control of the north, there are already seven In the past eight years, their forces have not penetrated into the depths of the Taihang Mountains. Even if their whereabouts are leaked, the enemy troops who are searching for them will either chase after them or intercept them.

After a while, more than 100 people walked out of Shenguzi, and the leader saw Wu Jingze and said with joy, "It's General Jingze, you guys. The point on the Hebi side was knocked off by Hugouzi, and the connection from Jinan to Taihang Mountains. If it is broken, there is no way to confirm the specific time of General Jingze and the two of you entering the mountain. Wei Tou can only send Yuanshao to the edge of the mountain to wait, but Yuanshao can't confirm that it is you, so he doesn't dare to contact them rashly. "

"It's going well all the way," Wu Jingze asked, seeing that Luo Shoushan, who had been sent to Taihang Mountain by the Ministry of Military Intelligence in the early days to contact him, asked, "Where are the soldiers of General Zhonglong?" After delaying for several days on the road, I was worried that Wei Zhonglong and his troops were too far away from Yanziyu. It is very difficult to transfer in the Taihang Mountains. It may be two hundred miles away. If you want to transfer over, it may not be successful in a month or two. In March, you have to prepare for the Northern Expedition, and the time is very tight.

"Wei Tou is right behind," Luo Shoushan said, "I haven't seen you come in after these days, and Wei Tou is eager to bring troops out of the mountain to pick you up..."

While speaking, I heard a rush of hooves. It wasn't Wei Zhonglong or who was it?

"Jingze has been working hard all the way," Wei Zhonglong jumped off his horse and shook hands with Wu Jingze, who strode up to meet him, "Dexin said you want to come, I hope you can come sooner, these days have been worrying me to death. now..."

"Uncle Wei." A young man beside Wu Jingze came over and called.

Wei Zhonglong turned his head to the side, looked at the young man's face like an old friend, and asked hesitantly, "Are you practicing literature or martial arts?"

"Uncle Wei, I'm Xingwu."

"Haha, that guy Zhou Tong, why are you willing to go to the Taihang Mountains?" Wei Zhonglong slapped Zhou Xingwu, the second son of Zhou Tong, with joy when he saw the old man's son. Solid."

"My father said that a man needs to be sharpened to become a weapon," Zhou Xingwu said. "After eldest brother graduated from the Higher Army Command School, he also rushed to Nanyang for my father..."

"That guy Zhou Tong, at the beginning, regarded your brothers as baby bumps, and now he kicked them all over the world." Wei Zhonglong laughed and said to Wu Jingze, "When Yan Nan met, you and I were both young and strong. , Long Jinghu is fierce, who would have thought that ten years have passed in such a short time, it is the turn of Xingwen, Xingwu, they are fierce and fierce..." He explained to Wu Jingze the generals behind him.

At the time of the Yannan War, Wei Zhonglong, Zhou Tong, Yang Yihang, Ma Yigong, and Wu Tian were the oldest, and they were only forty-one years old. The other four were only in their thirties. , The children of all people are all grown up and put on armour, which inevitably makes people feel emotional.

After the end of the Yannan War, Yang Yihang, Ma Yigong, Wu Tian and others stayed in Jinhai to form the Jinhai Navy. Zhou Tong gave up his post and went south with Lin Fu. Wei Zhonglong, dissatisfied with Yanjing's treatment of the Jinzhong Army, abandoned it directly. After leaving his post, he entered the Taihang Mountains and pulled up his men and horses to make a beard.

After the fall of the North, the resistance forces of Jinzhong and Yanji were unable to retreat to the south for a while, so they all retreated to the Taihang Mountains to defend themselves and insisted on resisting. Together with Wei Zhonglong, there were a total of thirteen families. Over the past seven or eight years, both Yan and Hu have continued to strengthen their nests against the resistance forces in the Taihang Mountains. Unfortunately, four of the thirteen forces were wiped out. In the deep mountains of the north, south and middle sections of the Taihang Mountains, insist on resisting.

Although Huaidong contacted Wei Zhonglong very early, in the early years of Yongxing, Huaidong experienced constant wars and resources were very scarce. The Changhuai Army, Qingzhou Army and Liangjia troops and horses were defeated and retreated to the south one after another, which made Taihang Mountain completely isolated in the heart of the Northland controlled by Yanhu, and it was very difficult to contact and support.

Until the four-year Jiangning Battle in Yongxing, although the luxury family was still eliminated, Jiangxi had not yet entered, and Jingxiang was still in chaos, the whole context of the overall situation could be clearly seen, and the Northern Expedition was not without a shadow at all. Shicai ordered Wu Qi to establish an intelligence network behind the enemy, send more people to contact Wei Zhonglong, and mainly transport hard currency resources such as gold and silver to the Taihang Mountains through various channels to help Wei Zhonglong stick to the chest of the north like a thorn. , it is not comfortable to call Yan Hu.

Wei Zhonglong left angrily back then, because he was dissatisfied with the court, but he was convinced by Lin Fu. Although Wu Tian died in the battle of Jinhai defending the city, his honor was not diminished, and his descendants were also well taken care of when they entered Huaidong. Zhou Tong, Ma Yigong, Yang Yihang and others went out with Wei Zhonglong from the Jinjiang army. All the generals were the core generals of the Huaidong Army, and Wei Zhonglong naturally did not resist joining the Huaidong Army.

Over the years, almost one-third of the generals under Wei Zhonglong's department have been dispatched directly by Huaidong, and many generals have also been sent to Huaidong for training and then come back to serve; it is difficult to transport materials to Taihang Mountain on a large scale, except for gold and silver Hard currency was transported into the Taihang Mountains, and Lin Fu even ordered the Military Intelligence Department to send a large number of craftsmen to enter the Taihang Mountains through the Yanhu blockade to help Wei Zhonglong's team mine and smelt iron on a small scale, build armour, and improve their combat power.

When Wu Jingze came here this time, he was ordered to formally assist Wei Zhonglong in reorganizing his department into an independent town division of Taihang Mountain under the direct jurisdiction of the military.

When they were in Yannan, Wu Jingze and Wei Zhonglong had a brief experience of fighting side by side, so they were not divided. Hearing Wei Zhonglong's emotion that the years are passing by, it is also emotional.

Wu Jingze has been in the army for a longer time, and his eldest son was also sacrificed on the battlefield. However, after the Yuanzhou war, although he took up a job in the local area, he served as Yuanzhou's military officer and sent a sentence. Wanting to go, Wu Jingze still felt that he was suitable for the camp and the battlefield. During his tenure in Yuanzhou, he wrote many times to request to return to the camp, and then Lin Fu would transfer him to pass through the enemy and sneak to Taihang Mountain.

Wu Jingze and others took off their disguise, followed Wei Zhonglong, Luo Shoushan and others to feel the dangerous mountain road, and entered Feimayu where the soldiers and horses were stationed in front of the independent town division to rest. The main station of the independent town division was deeper in the Taihang Mountains.

"Now it's time to make up your mind to fight a big battle," Wei Zhonglong couldn't wait to ask Wu Jingze when he arrived at Feimayu, "Master, how and when does he plan to fight?"

"The military is asking the main force of the Taihang Mountains to independently control the divisions, and all of them will be transferred to the southwestern Jixi Mountains in March to wait for fighters." Wu Jingze said, "When will we fight, whether it will be light or hard, this is still more important. Look at the preparations in the south..."

"What a heart-wrenching fist!" Wei Zhonglong patted his thigh excitedly. He was also very familiar with soldiers. He heard the military order brought by Wu Jingze to move his troops to the north and move to a position where the southwest corner could threaten Yanjing City. Thinking that the core strategy of the Northern Expedition is to hit Yanjing directly, instead of starting from breaking through the Shandong defense line and spreading to the flanks, "You should beat him once and for all!" Immediately afterwards, Wei Zhonglong hesitated again and asked, "Hugou In the past few years, Zi has worked hard in Dengzhou and Liaodong Jian, and built many island fortresses.

"How is the broken ash iron in the mountains?" Wu Jingze asked, "How much saltpeter and sulfur do you have?"

"Cross-section gray iron yields seven or eight thousand catties, and saltpeter and sulfur are about a thousand catties," Wei Zhonglong said. "But to make bed crossbows and scorpion crossbows, you don't need such good iron materials..."

"Other weapons don't need such good iron materials, but the cross-section ash is used to make fire crossbow." Wu Jingze said with a smile.

"Fuhuo Nuo," Wei Zhonglong said, his eyes lit up, "listen to Luo Shoushan's amazing talk about Fu Huo Nuo, a crossbow can blow the mountain away. If it is so powerful, it will be much easier to tear open the sea hole. already."

Wei Zhonglong's group insisted on resisting in the Taihang Mountains, but the materials in the Taihang Mountains were very scarce. They could get a lot of gold and silver from Huaidong to make up for it, and they could exchange materials with the village forces outside the mountains. . Although there is a town division to prepare troops, but the overall combat power is far less than the current elite town division of the Huaidong Army.

"It's not that powerful, listen to his nonsense," Wu Jingze said with a smile, "If it's a solid shot, it's comparable to a medium-sized catapult, but it can fit on wheels, drag it with a mule and horse, and you can go, and when you stop, you can go. It is very convenient to be deployed in front of, behind and in the formation. In addition, Chongzhou's newly built warships can be equipped with 100 fire crossbows per ship..."

"My darling," Wei Zhonglong said excitedly, about to bark, "It's not too bad, Hugouzi can use a hundred catapults to fight Nanyang; now a battleship in Huaidong reaches the time when Hugouzi hit Nanyang. All the weapons, don't you beat them so loudly?"

Wei Zhonglong has been orthodox in the art of war since elementary school, and he naturally knows how powerful it is to use a hundred catapults in a siege. A single battleship in Huaidong is quite equipped with one hundred or eight medium-sized catapults, which is exciting to think about.

"From Hebi to the south ~www.readwn.com~ the blockade is very strict, and it is thankful that people can come here. Iron materials, flame stones, and sulfur cannot be transported, so you can only prepare on the spot," Wu Jingze said. "But with the cross-section ash, it will be easy to make a fire crossbow. The bitter ointment can't be made here, but Hugouzi can't guess that the bitter cream is the main medicine of the fire pill, and he thought it was a dye. I brought 3,000 catties of bitter ointment, and I can smuggle some in in the future, but the rest must be prepared by your side."

Bitter ointment is the most crucial ingredient of Fu Huo Dan, and it is the extract of coke kerosene, but it is not impossible to make it in Taihang Mountains. However, while strengthening the strength of the independent town division in Taihang Mountain, Lin Fu was also worried that gunpowder and artillery technology would spread too early, so the bitter cream was still smuggled in directly from Huaidong.

Before the explosiveness of the bitter paste was discovered, it was used as a raw material for cyan dye. It was very similar to traditional indigo dyeing. Non-Huaidong craftsmen could not distinguish it. Therefore, Wu Jingze and the others pretended to be dye merchants and entered Jinzhong, but they did not give awareness.

Wu Jingze heard that seven or eight thousand catties of high-quality cross-section gray iron had been prepared in the mountains. He knew that it was impossible to build a heavy fire crossbow, but a four catty light fire crossbow could be made twenty, and a four catty war crossbow was also the easiest to build. ——Even if a four-jin battle crossbow is fired, it can be worth 40 or 50 strong crossbows. After the technology is mature, it is easier and less troublesome to build 20 light fire crossbows than to build 8,100 strong crossbows. Moreover, the 4-jin light ambulance crossbow is not as cumbersome as the 12-jin and 24-jin heavy crossbows. It is most suitable for the field battle in Jixi area by Wei Zhonglong, who lacks mobility.

Taihang Mountain's independent commander is weak, and Yanhu is not unprepared for the resistance forces in Taihang Mountain. In order to Taihang Mountain's independent commander and play a big role in the Northern Expedition strategy, it is necessary to strengthen his weapons beyond Yanhu's expectations. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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