Lord of the House

Vol 12 Chapter 61: Prelude to the Northern Expedition

(It’s really worthwhile to add more updates the night before. I have a bad cold and have been dizzy for the past two days. I’m sorry everyone.)

In late March, Beiyan Fan Wenlan was ordered to patrol Dengzhou and inspect military equipment; and on March 28, led by a majestic Lin Zhengjun-class battleship, three Jinhai-class battleships, including ten The first new task force of the Jinghai Division of the two frigates sailed into Haizhou Port completely for the first time and showed it in front of the world.

The new task force fleet consists of 12 new warships in the center, and an old warship guarding the flanks. The entire fleet consists of 32 old and new warships and supply ships, soldiers, auxiliary soldiers and Sailors numbered eight thousand.

Although the new warships have been berthed at Haizhou Port many times before, the muzzles of the new warships are closed with guard plates when they enter the port. The whole looks like a merchant ship with one or two more cabins; It was difficult to arouse enough vigilance among Yan Hu Mi.

At this time, the new warships sailed into Haizhou Port in a formation and showed it to the world. The new warships were still at the core of the entire warship formation. Anyone with a little heart could see that they were actually the main battleships of the Huaidong Army.

In the past, the main fleet of the Jinghai Division rarely sailed into the main port of Haizhou, and more often they were stationed in the military port of Dongxilian Island, which was more than ten miles away.

On the 28th of March, the Jinghai Marine Division's fleet sailed into the main port of Haizhou for review. Anyone with a little vision could guess that this was going to leave the port for a big fight, not to mention that there was still a lot of trouble ahead. A new type of warship that has never been seen before; for a time, countless people flocked to the dock to watch the grand occasion of the Jinghai Division's reorganization and departure from the port.

On the core wharf of the main port of Haizhou, there were many armored soldiers, blocking the onlookers from the periphery.

Yang Shi, deputy commander of the Jinghai Division and in charge of the newly formed special mixed town division army, will personally lead the first newly formed fleet to fight the first battle. Standing in front of the dock, waiting for the fleet to enter the port.

Lin Fu, Song Fu, Gao Zongting, Sun Jingtang and others were sitting on the high platform later, watching the entire fleet enter the port, and conducting the final review of the first new task force leaving port for the battlefield.

The fleet's entry into the port is orderly and slow, and everyone needs to wait patiently.

Lin Fu was impatient, and turned to look at Shi Fengtai, the supervisor of the Liandao Crossbow Farm, who was standing a little later, and asked, "Yanlu used Wu Mancheng to make a flame-throwing crossbow, and it took only twenty steps to break through the leather armor; When using a crossbow, can you also break through twenty steps of outer armor?"

The detailed news of Beiyan's trial production of the fire crossbow was also quickly spread from Yanjing's inside line to Haizhou earlier, and it has become a fresh topic in Haizhou for the past two days.

"Song Xueshi led me and others to build a bronze crossbow, but we could only shoot down enemies at twenty or thirty paces," Shi Fengtai said, "Wu Mancheng, Fan Wenlan and Chen Fu were also called the three young masters of Liaodong in his early years, and he knew how to fight fire from just a few words. The secret of the crossbow, with the success of three months, it is indeed a well-deserved reputation..."

Gao Zongting, Wu Qi, Ge Cunxin and others were not very nervous after learning the news of Beiyan's trial production of the flame-throwing crossbow.

The flame-throwing crossbow with a range of 20 to 30 steps and the ambulance with a range of 400 to 600 meters with a shotgun, and a fire crossbow with a range of 1,000 to 3,000 meters with a solid projectile, the gap to be bridged is too great—

The Ordnance Superintendent's earliest prototype of the fire crossbow, which was trial-produced seven years ago, had a shooting distance of thirty paces.

The fire crossbow, which has a shooting distance of only thirty steps, can not only play a role in defending the fortress, but also can not replace the bow and arm crossbow with a hundred steps on the battlefield. , The position of the crossbow shot at 150 steps, and the position of the bed crossbow between 250 steps and 400 steps.

It can be said that the fire-breathing drama passed down in the palace of the previous dynasty almost explained the principle of the fire-fighting crossbow, and the prototype of the fire-fighting crossbow was successfully trial-produced as early as seven or eight years ago.

However, even after the successful trial production of the Fuhuo crossbow, the resources invested in the military supervision equipment over the years are no less than the battle of Jingxiang. It is nothing more than the development of more powerful gunpowder and the manufacture of barrels that can withstand stronger explosion pressure. , continuously improve the machining accuracy of bore tubes and projectiles, and develop matching aiming and field marching technologies - the development of this series of technologies depends on the overall development of Huaidong's technical system, which takes tens of thousands of people and more than ten years. How could it be possible for Yanlu to surpass the past in just three to five months?

Even in the early high-intensity and high-density drills, the Huaidong Army initially developed the army tactics of ambushing fire and crossbow, and trained the first batch of artillery commanders and qualified gunners.

The sight glass was equipped to the brigade camp in advance, which can be said to be preparing for the installation of the fire crossbow; only the fire device has updated three generations of technology in just six or seven years, from the early fire rod, fire door, match rope, to the At this time, the equipment that uses flint to hit the fire is barely satisfactory.

Even in prioritizing the development of the single-person fire crossbow (musket) and the heavy fire crossbow (artillery), there were differences within the Huaidong Army. In the end, Lin Bie waved his hand and decided to give priority to the development of artillery.

The four-pound fire crossbow weighs only four hundred pounds. Equipped with a tractor and dragged by mules and horses, it can easily enter the battlefield with complex terrain. A four-pound fire crossbow can fire 60 lead pellets at a time, and the formed barrage can effectively kill people and horses 300 meters away. At least in the early stage of limited resources, the development of artillery can significantly improve the Huaidong Army's combat effectiveness. force.

Today, the Ordnance Supervision and Artillery Factory can cast up to 80 light and heavy artillery pieces per month; in the past year, including the early production artillery pieces, the number of light and heavy artillery pieces installed by the Huaidong Navy and the Army has reached 1,200. More than 100 guns; two of them are newly formed task forces, each equipped with 480 light and heavy artillery guns.

In comparison, the Denghai town division was equipped with three crossbow battalions, with less than 200 light and heavy artillery pieces, which was considered a small firepower; while the Fengli and Huaiyang two armies and seven town division divisions were only equipped with a total of 200 guns at present. Artillery, as long as it mainly relies on traditional warfare for combat.

At this time, when they heard that Yanlu had successfully trial-produced a flame-throwing crossbow that could kill twenty-step men and horses, how could Gao Zongting and others be indifferent?

"There are hundreds of millions of people in the Central Plains. Even if you pick one in a thousand miles, you can pick out thousands of talents. The key is to open our minds, not to be conservative and stubborn," Lin Fu smiled lightly, and then added He said to Shi Fengtai, "The Northern Expedition is imminent, and the Fire Crossbow should be able to show its might, but you can't slack off, and strive to make the Fire Gun also be installed in the camp before the Western Expedition..." Having said this, Lin Fu frowned. , For him with the memories of later generations, he felt somewhat awkward about the Fuhuo and Fuhuo guns, and discussed with Gao Zongting and others: "This Fuhuobao also sounds awkward, should we just call it a musket; Fuhuobo? Can it be renamed artillery?"

In today's world, "cannon" was interpreted as "fire burning". Song Fu, Gao Zongting and others heard Lin Fu say the word "artillery", which was actually even more awkward. However, there is really nothing to argue about such trivial matters. It is nothing more than setting a standard for the world to call it. Lin Fu said this, and everyone praised it.

Lin Fu said to Shi Fengtai again: "The musket matter must be hurry up, otherwise the logistics of the Western Expedition will be under great pressure."

Recovering Yanjing, it is not unpredictable for the remnants of Yanhu to flee to the northwest, and they may not even be able to annihilate Chen Zhihu's troops on the Weishui Plain. , then it will face severe logistical challenges.

Only after the muskets are installed, the armor of the infantry can be lightened, which can greatly reduce the pressure on the logistics. For thousands of years, except for a few prosperous dynasties in the Central Plains, the vast majority of regimes in the Central Plains are difficult to implement effective control over the vast northwest. The severe logistical problem is definitely one of the most critical factors.

At this time, Yang Shi led the staff and officers to walk to the reviewing platform in a uniform pace, and loudly requested the order: "The first task force of the Jinghai Division has newly formed the first task force. …”

Lin Fu replied in a loud voice: "I ordered the newly-formed first task force of the Jinghai Division to leave the port to fight in front of the enemy, and hope that the soldiers will fight bravely and serve the country..."

Yang Shi turned towards the staff and officers, pulled out his command knife, and shouted in a deep voice: "Fight bravely and serve the country!" The staff officers and the surrounding soldiers all shouted in unison, and soon the battleships outside the port also responded. Loud whistle.

The crowd watching on the outside of the wharf heard the announcement of the battle order. Although they didn't know where the fleet was going to kill, it was undoubtedly the prelude to the war. People with transparent minds immediately cheered: "Master Wang's Northern Expedition. Now, Master Wang is on a northern expedition..."

The pre-war review was very brief. Lin Fu signed the battle order on the spot. After Yang Shi led the staff to board the flagship in a small boat, he issued a flag requesting departure from the port. Lin Fu sighed and laughed with everyone around him. Dao: "The battle of the Northern Expedition just kicked off like this, isn't it a bit deserted?"

Song Fu, Gao Zongting and the others all smiled.

In order to conduct the Northern Expedition, Lin Fu only summoned Song Fu, Sun Jingtang and others from Jiangning to Haizhou, and temporarily incorporated them into the Northern Command. The departure of the First Fleet has actually opened the prelude to the Northern Expedition?

In the past, the military continued to strengthen the Changhuai Army, which only made the situation on the Hehuai defense line tense, but the Jianghuai hinterland was still difficult to feel the tense atmosphere of the imminent war-of course, after the newly-formed Special Mixed First Fleet left Haizhou, Lin Fu quickly signed it again. The martial law order, from April 1, began to impose an indefinite curfew on Jiangning, Haizhou, Xuzhou, Shouzhou and other cities, which really made the situation in the mainland suddenly tense.

At the same time, many mobilizations signed by Lin Fu earlier also came into effect on April 1. The colonies in Haizhou, Luzhou, Shouzhou, Suizhou and other places will officially form 16 new groups from April 1. Assembled brigades and dispatched to Nanyang, Xuzhou, Yizhou, Haizhou and other near enemy defense lines to assist the main force in the battle; at the same time, they also sent Yijiang, Huangzhou, Jiangzhou, Yuanzhou, Shangrao, Chongzhou, Mingzhou, Jinan On April 1, 24 preparatory brigades were formally formed in the troops of , Quanzhou, Yizhou and other places, and the prelude to the Northern Expedition was opened as if the ground had been pulled up.


Koryo Shaocheng County is located at the southern mouth of the Han River, less than 100 miles away from Hanyang City, the capital of Koryo, and guards the mouth of the Han River in the north, making it a veritable gateway to Hanyang.

Shaocheng is located in the center of Hanjiang Bay, which is actually the later Incheon City of South Korea. Although it faces the sea, it is surrounded by Hejin Islands. The seas between the islands and the land are intricate reefs, shallow waters and large differences in altitude. When the tide is low, a large area of ​​the beach is exposed, and the passable waterway is a low-tide area, which makes ships with deep drafts and unfamiliar waterways come in and run aground.

Although the Haidong camp army has the advantages of warships and is invincible in the East China Sea, it was not conducive to the complex hydrological conditions of the Korean coast in the early stage. Mainly block the coast of Goryeo, rarely enter the islands and reefs to engage in close combat with the Goryeo Navy, and landing harassment will be less likely to occur.

Therefore, Shaocheng, due to its unique hydrological and geographical conditions and gateway situation, became the main port of the Goryeo Navy in the west of Hanyang City, protecting Hanyang and the mouth of the Han River from the attack of the Huaidong Navy.

In the seventh year of Mandate of Heaven, Ye Jibaishi led his troops to support Goryeo and was mainly stationed in Shaocheng.

In addition to shielding Hanyang from the west flank from the attack of the Haiyang Army and the Haidong battalion belonging to Huaidong, Ye Jibaishi also intends to further control the Goryeo Marine Division in his own hands. Even if something happens to Yanjing in the future, he will Shaocheng Haizhou rushed back to Yanjing much faster than by land.

On April 2, Gaoli Shaocheng had not yet felt the tense atmosphere of the impending war.

The Yanjing general came to Shaocheng with the fire-breathing crossbow, and Ye Jibaishi and Gaoliping Huaishui urged Quanchen to watch the fire-breathing crossbow at the school grounds in the west of the city.

The envoy Yezier, as the chief engineer officer, went to the military to test the flame-throwing crossbow. The reason was to warn the troops to be wary of the Huaidong Army's new type of war weapon ambush crossbow that may be newly equipped by the battalion generals - watching the flame-throwing crossbow at twenty or thirty paces Inside, he fired shotguns to beat several puppets beyond recognition, and urged Quanchen and other Goryeo generals to smack their lips and scream: "This crossbow doesn't seem to have a long range, but if you use it to defend a city or fight on water, it will definitely have a miraculous effect..."

Du Quanchen can be regarded as a famous general in Goryeo. The Haidong battalion army has suffered many losses in the battle against the Goryeo naval division in the near sea, and it is in the hands of Duquan Chen—Du Quanchen realized that the Korean naval division and Huaidong were on the warship. Therefore, we try to avoid the far-sea battles as much as possible. Instead, we use the complex terrain of the offshore islands and reefs to lure the Huaidong Navy ships into the ship to fight, which has been successful many times.

Several large warships that Huaidong had captured for the Goryeo navy on the Goryeo battlefield in the early days were also folded in the hands of Du Quanchen, and they also propped up the name of Duquan Chen's famous navy general in Goryeo.

Ye Jibaishi thought that he was still capable of urging officials of power. This flame-throwing crossbow did not seem to have a long range, but it fired a dozen or twenty scattered particles at a time. The deck of the warship was relatively narrow, and seven or eight flame-throwing crossbows were fired at the same time. It can cover the entire deck of the enemy ship when it is on the ship, which is much more efficient than a team of archers shooting arrows at close range.

Thinking of this, Ye Jibaishi felt a little regretful. The principle of the flame-throwing crossbow is very simple. If you ask the Koreans to learn from the past, and let the Korean water masters use this to strengthen their power, I am afraid that it will be difficult to control in the future.

Of course, Ye Jibaishi didn't care much about the flame-throwing crossbow being used in foot combat. The shooting distance of 20 or 30 steps was too short. Although the projectile had a certain penetrating power to the leather armor, it could not penetrate the iron armor, nor could it shoot through the armor. Through the large shield, at a distance of twenty or thirty paces, the armored soldiers rushed up with the large shield~www.readwn.com~ The flame crossbowmen will be defeated.

"With a flame-throwing crossbow, you must first occupy favorable terrain," Ye Jibaishi also commented, not wanting to call the courtiers in the front, "Therefore, there are cities and water battles are useful, but foot-battles are clumsy. Shaocheng's side Be vigilant, don't let the enemy lure out, even if you call it, it won't work..."

Recalling Quanchen frowned slightly, Goryeo regarded Beiyan as the suzerain state, and Ye Jibaishi was the eldest son of Emperor Beiyan. He led a 20,000-horse infantry army to come to aid, and Goryeo Prime Minister Zuo Jing quickly appointed him to take charge of the military affairs of the Western Front of Goryeo, and urged Quanchen to do his work. Goryeo generals are subject to his rule.

Ye Jibaishi was known to have a great temper in Yanjing. He would not always have a good face towards high-ranking officials such as Ye Jiluorong and Ye Jiduodi, and how could he have a good temper towards ministers of vassal states such as Chen Quanchen? However, Ye Jibaishi was in great power, especially the 20,000-horse infantry in Shaocheng were all the elites of the Juqu Department loyal to Ye Jibaishi.

Beiyan trial-produced the flame-throwing crossbow in three months, while Huaidong said it took less than three years to make the fire-throwing crossbow. Naturally, the level of the ambush-fire crossbow and the flame-throwing crossbow cannot be compared. Ye Jibaishi said that this kind of crossbow "steps" Battle is clumsy", somewhat frivolous.

Du Quanchen was thinking about how the flame-throwing crossbow could be used in water battles, but he was fully thinking about the situation of the side-to-side battle, but he did not know that the appearance of artillery would completely revolutionize naval warfare tactics-at this time, the alarm bell rang abruptly and hurriedly. The alarm bell struck Ye Jibaishi and urged Quanchen, making their hearts tremble, but when they saw the smoke rising in the direction of Hejin Island in the west, it indicated that a large group of enemy ships was approaching from the waters on the west wing.

Du Quanchen and Ye Jibaishi looked at each other in amazement: there was no major movement from the navy of the Haidong camp army in Asan, where did the large number of enemy ships come from? Could it be that the main fleet of the Jinghai Division in Haizhou is attacking? My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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