Lord of the House

Vol 3 Chapter 65: people in groups

When it was getting late, Lin Mengde rushed over.

Among the deceased yesterday, there was a man who was loaned to Jiyun Club by Lin Ji Warehouse. It was an old man brought by Lin Mengde from Shanglin. He was loyal to the Lin family. Mengde was sent to help, and he was very dedicated. When the murderers attacked the camp last night, he wanted to light the thief to stop the spread of chaos. He stabbed more than a dozen knives on his body. Lin Mengde bought a coffin from the city and wanted to transport this loyal man back to Shanglin for burial.

Along with Lin Mengde, there were more than a dozen Dongyang Township parties, and there were ten vehicles that were in short supply.

Seeing that the camp has been surrounded by wooden stakes, bamboo sticks and thorns, the twilight is slightly dark, and camp fires are lit around the camp, and there are special people to take care of them. On the left side of the camp, there is a team of swordsmen and archers from the soldiers and horses of Jiangning Prefecture stationed to prevent it from happening again. Last night’s tragedy—this was also the special care given by Zuo Sikou’s joining the army and Zhang Yubo to Jiyun Society—although the refugees in the camp had not dispelled the panic and sadness caused by yesterday’s massacre, they did not show much panic. There were even dozens of people organized to guard the camp with homemade guns and bamboo. The seriously injured were transported into the city by horse-drawn carriages in the afternoon to recuperate. Lin Mengde knew that after the massacre happened last night, Lin Fu still had enough ability. Take control.

The only shocking thing was that there were dozens of corpses who died in last night's massacre in a shack in the northwest corner of the camp that was temporarily used as a mortuary. Since there were not enough coffins to buy from Quyang Town, there were more than a dozen people covered with white cloth. He took the door and parked it in the shack. Outside the mortuary, there were dead people burning yellow paper. In the deepening twilight, the piles of burning yellow paper looked particularly gloomy.

Lin Meng took a long sigh, and he asked Lin Fu, "Master Gu hasn't been here yet?"

"Master Gu took someone to Jiangning Mansion in the afternoon to ask for jurisdiction, but he blocked it back," Lin Fu said. "Jiangning Mansion only agrees to send people to supervise the investigation, but does not agree that the case should be taken over by the Senior Prosecutor..."

"Sigh..." Lin Mengde sighed again, there was Zhang Yubo in the Jiangning House's army and horse division, and Gu Wuchen really didn't need to send someone to supervise it. Although Zhang Yubo will try his best to help this side, the Jiangning House's military division is mainly controlled by the local forces in Jiangning House. In this case, everyone suspects that someone in the locality targeted Gu Wuchen. In addition, other officials are perfunctory to investigate the case. It was only after Gu Wuchen cleared Jiangdao prison that Lin Fu completely controlled Jiangdao prison, but Zhang Yubo did not have such a good luck. Except for the left and right Si Kou, the soldiers and horses of Jiangning Prefecture were officials from Beijing, all other officials were selected from Jiangning Prefecture, and the squad leaders, pawns, bowmen and horse infantry were also local dignitaries or military households in Jiangning. He was born, and he was under the strong pressure of Wang Xueshan, the governor of Jiangning Prefecture. Zhang Yubo had the name of a superior, and his control over the army and horse division was really weak. Besides, last night's raiders were brutal and unusual, and their methods were seasoned and vicious. I am afraid that the soldiers and horses would not be able to deal with it, but the police and envoys could not take over the case from the Jiangning Mansion, so there was no official name to come forward, Lin Meng sighed. Said, "According to the usual practice, if this case is dragged on, I'm afraid it will be over. After all, all the people who died are irrelevant refugees - have you heard that Chen Zhihu led his troops to Wu County, and the upset refugees blocked the road, Take the cavalry to kill the refugees in the road as murderers?"

In such a world, it's no wonder that Lin Mengde has the mind to calm down.

Lin Meng had to wait until it was dark before rushing over. After hearing the news in the early morning, he had been doing his best in the city to help with the shortage of wound medicines and to vacate the premises in the Dongyang Guild Hall to accommodate the injured who were transferred to the city. Lang Zhong treated and nursed, and also organized the township party to donate money and materials. At this time, the cohesion of the township party was also reflected. It took only half a day to donate money and materials that exceeded one million dollars, and more than ten people followed Lin Mengde to **** ten vehicles of donated and urgently purchased supplies out of the city to visit.

The Qu family, Qu Wuyang's only son, disappeared for too long. The Qu family dragged on for a few days, but no one could be found, and no one came to the door to extort money. The son of Qu Wuyang was a famous son in Jiangning, and he did not show up for a few days. The county and Jiangning prefecture notified in concrete form.

Of course, the Qu family did not dare to say that Qu Wuyang’s only son, Qu Wenbin, disappeared outside Yangshulin on the night of the refugee massacre. Due to the amazing wealth of the Qu family in Jiangning, the disappearance of Qu Wuyang's only son immediately became another major case that alarmed Jiangning after the massacre of the estuary refugees.


Since the Office of the Prosecutor did not have jurisdiction, the staff under the Jiangning Bingma Division were very perfunctory in investigating and handling the case, and naturally no clues could be found. After a few days of peace and quiet, Zhang Yubo was also under pressure to withdraw the sword archer back to the city.

Lin Fu didn't ask, he couldn't be too demanding of Zhang Yubo. Within a few days, Chen/Yuanliang, the magistrate of Moring County, and Zhao Shuhan, the head of the Jiangning Criminal Department, came to visit, and they couldn't do anything about the case.

When such a thing happened, Lin Fu couldn't get out of it. He returned to Prison Island to handle official business during the day. Before nightfall, he brought his guards to the shore and took advantage of this incident to increase the number of guards. to twelve people. Although Prison Island has no jurisdiction over the estuary, Lin Fu brings his guard soldiers to the shore for the night every day, and even sometimes Lin Fu is delayed on Prison Island when he has something to do, so he first sends Zhou Pu to lead the guard soldiers to the shore. Come to be vigilant, others can't say anything more.

Probably also the landowners and the Qu family of the land on the inner side of the river embankment wanted to distance themselves from the massacre of the refugees. They didn't want Lin Fu and the police envoy to put their suspect targets on them. Lin Jingzhong went to the Quji rent collection store to ask questions. Regarding the land rights of the river embankment, the landlord, who had not been exposed, came to the door the next day and agreed to sell the more than 200 mu of land inside the river embankment to Jiyun Club at a price of 7,000 yuan per mu.

For fertile fields with an annual harvest of five or six stones, even in the south of the Yangtze River where grains are cheap and cheap, the price of seven thousand dollars per mu cannot be considered high.

The Qu family wanted to clear their suspicions, and they did not make things difficult for Jiyun Club over the issue of the right to collect rent, and they canceled the previous lease agreement without paying a single penny. The more than 200 acres were originally rented by 12 tenant farmers. Jiyun Society paid the tenants money for young crops, and hired these tenant farmers to work for Jiyun Society. The land rights issue that has been delayed until now, but when the tragedy happened. After that, it was solved, which can also be said to be a blessing in disguise.


On the 8th day of the second month, Ye Kai's Zhengye Hall completed the engraving of the two sets of engraving plates of "The Book of Raising the Prison", and also printed four copies of the sample book and sent it to Hekou. On this day, Zhao Shuhan, the head of the Jiangning Punishment Department, was bringing his friends to Hekou to visit Lin Fu. He picked up the thick sample book with a strong fragrance of ink, and felt overwhelmed for a while, covering up the tears with his sleeves.

In the Spring and Autumn Period, Sun Bao, an uncle of the Lu people, once said that "there is morality in the greatness, followed by meritorious deeds, and secondly there is meritoriousness. Although it will not be abandoned for a long time, this is called immortality." A bachelor's degree is regarded as the core morality that he pursues throughout his life. To establish morality as a saint, to make meritorious deeds to help the world, to save the people from danger, to make a statement is to write a book and make a statement to pass it down to the world. Because the standard of virtue and meritorious deeds is too high, more scholars and scholars take making a statement to pass down the world as their lifelong goal.

Zhao Shuhan is conceited about his talents, and deep in his heart, he also desperately desires to be able to write a book and pass it down to the world. Today, his wish has been fulfilled, how can he be treated calmly? Zhao Shuhan later found out that Lin Futuo Zhengyetang actually cost more than two hundred taels of money to print the book "The Book of Prison". With his regular salary, even if the whole family did not eat or drink, he would have to save for ten years. He rubbed it excitedly. The leather cover, looking at Lin Fu for a while, didn't know what to say, put the sample book on the table, took a step back, and gave Lin Fu a long bow: "Shu Han can't thank you, Brother Lin, please accept this gift... …”

"Brother Zhao broke me. My name in the prison office has already deceived the world. I would never dare to accept the big gift from Brother Zhao again." Lin Fu hurriedly stepped forward to hold Zhao Shuhan in his arms. .

Along with Zhao Shuhan, he came to Hekou to visit Lin Fu, the general secretary of Jiangning's Ministry of Industry, and Scott Siyu took another sample book and said with a smile: "Good Zhao Shuhan, you still hide from me such important matters as writing a book and establishing a book. Say, do you really treat me as a friend? You should be fined for paying for the drink today. Lord Lin, don't be humble. I have heard you and Brother Zhao talk about the prison management for many days. You are really talented in prison management. I will do it A fair judgment, you are definitely not deceiving the world. Master Gu's use of you to rule the prison island is really insightful..."

Lin Bie laughed, grabbed Zhao Shuhan's arm and sat down together, and said, "After the engraving plate is made, the printing will be fast. One hundred volumes will only take ten days and eight days. I think this is good, Brother Zhao. Don't think that the cottage here is simple. After the booklet is made, I will pick a day. Master Ge and I invite some colleagues to come over. First, to celebrate the publication of the manuscript, and secondly, to mention the knowledge described in the prison book. Brother Zhao also gave it to him on the spot. We give a lecture, which is regarded as a lecture on the classics..."

"Where am I qualified?" Zhao Shuhan hurriedly declined, "Brother Lin, please don't embarrass me."

When it comes to opening the scriptures and giving lectures, even the county school teaching and decree are officials of the eighth grade, the government school and government officials, and the ministers and officials are all local celebrities. These are all people who are officially qualified to teach the scriptures. Not counting the countless private schools, there are also many folk academies in this dynasty, but all those who are qualified to invite them to give lectures on the scriptures are all celebrities. The famous author is the Xixi Society at the foot of the Sheshan Mountain in Moling County. The first person to teach the scriptures was Chen Xiyan, a great Confucian of the world and a former minister of the household.

This place is less than thirty miles away from the Xixi Academy at the foot of the Sheshan Mountain. Zhao Shuhan really did not dare to give lectures here.

Lin Fu looked at Zhao Shuhan's friend Ge Siyu who was sitting beside him, and asked, "Brother Ge, what do you think?"

"It must," Jiangning's Ministry of Industry Secretary said excitedly, Scott Siyu, "We won't invite Mr. Daode from the Xixi Society. If the miscellaneous arts and craftsmanship are not up to the standard, then we will invite those who are not upright. The classmates and students of the stream came to listen to Brother Zhao's lecture..."

"How many people will come?" Zhao Shuhan said.

"If no one else comes, I will sit down with Master Lin and listen to your lecture, is that enough?" Ge Siyu said.

"You want me to invite you to a drink, just say it..." Zhao Shuhan had no choice but to bite the bullet and agree with Lin Fu and Ge Siyu.

"It's a good thing," Ge Siyu said with emotion, he carefully brought a sample book to him, and looked at the sunset light from the window, "For this reason, it's worth getting drunk today. ." He asked Lin Fu, "How much money do I have to pay before I can take this book home!"

"If you come to listen to Brother Zhao's lecture, this book will be given away by Jiyun Club for free - we have set a date, whoever comes here to listen to Brother Zhao's lecture for three days, the book will be given away by Jiyun Club for free!" Lin Fu said, "Of course, Now, we will entrust Zhengyetang to print one hundred copies, and we will end with one hundred copies."

"How is this made?" Zhao Shuhan said.

"How can it be prevented?" Lin Fu asked Zhao Shuhan, and then Ge Siyu, "Brother Ge, what do you think?"

"Then I'll take this book first because it's cheap," Ge Siyu laughed again, "Such a thick book, such a good print, can't be printed without three or five thousand dollars, I really can't come up with such a book. With the money, I can only reluctantly come to the day to listen to Brother Zhao’s lecture.”

Ge Siyu took out a sweat towel from his arms and carefully wrapped the book. He had a short beard, and he was a fat man with a bold temperament. It was cold in spring and his clothes were thin.

Ge Siyu's father was originally a master craftsman in the Jiangning Ministry of Industry, but he was rewarded for his merits and lost his craftsmanship. Like Zhao Shuhan, he was the most leisurely and cold-hearted official in Jiangning City, even worse than Zhao Shuhan.

After Jiyun Club solved the land rights issue on the river bank at the estuary, it was ready to start construction in the next few days.

Zhao Shuhan took Ge Siyu to Hekou to visit Lin Fu, saying that he was bringing his visiting friends to drink, but in fact it was La Ge Siyu who came to help. Ge Siyu inherited his family learning and worked in the general office for a long time. He is very proficient in the construction of general construction, which is the talent that Jiyun Society can use for the construction of the project.

Zhao Shuhan has profound attainments in the history of calligraphy and scriptures. His calligraphy and painting skills are top-notch, and he is welcomed by his colleagues in Qingliu; Ge Siyu was reluctant to lift people in the examination. Besides, he is a child of a craftsman. With a belly full of knowledge, he is still rejected by those Qingliu colleagues. Zhao Shuhan was demoted to Jiangning, and his interest shifted to miscellaneous arts and craftsmanship. It didn't take long for Ge Siyu to become good friends with him, and it has continued to this day.

It is said that people are divided into groups and things are gathered by similarities. After the massacre of the displaced people in the Hekou, Zhao Shuhan invited Ge Siyu to meet Lin Fu, and only a few days later, Ge Siyu introduced Lin Fu as a confidant. Jiyun Society is building a large-scale construction project in Hekou, and Ge Siyu also plays his part as a supervisor and designer. Ge Siyu worked as a secretary in the Jiangning Ministry of Industry and Shiben was a freelancer. He was worried about nothing to do all day. These days, after going to the yamen with Zhao Shuhan every day, he went straight out of the city to Hekou to help him. Tie him and Zhao Shuhan or other friends who came with him to have a good drink.

Not to mention other things, the Jiyun Society is making great construction projects, and before the spring flood comes and the river rises, a deep water channel for the Qianshi ship to be directly moored in the riverside must be dug out on the riverbank~www.readwn.com~From Jiangning Prefecture Gong Cao and The Jiangning Ministry of Industry secretly invited a few master craftsmen to do things. These master craftsmen were either apprentices brought out by Ge Siyu's father, or they were under the jurisdiction of Ge Siyu themselves. For Ge Siyu's enthusiasm, Lin Fu certainly could not ask for it. He asked Lin Jingzhong to prepare a carriage for Zhao Shuhan and Ge Siyu these days.

Zhao Shuhan has become very cautious now. Although the manuscript was entrusted to Zhengyetang for printing before the festival, he did not mention it when the manuscript was not printed, because he was afraid that it would end up because of other unforeseen circumstances. The accident turned into nothing, so it was only at this time that Kasushiyu knew that his friend's book was about to be published.

Ge Siyu wrapped "The Book of Carrying the Prison", and couldn't help but smell the rich ink fragrance at the tip of his nose. Not only was he happy for his friends, but he was also very envious in his heart.

Lin Fu saw Ge Siyu like this, and asked with a smile, "Brother Ge's family will be the study of construction, do you have the idea of ​​handing down the book?"

"Can you also write a book with the miscellaneous arts?" Ge Siyu's eyes lit up.

"Why can't you, Brother Ge has never read the "Jiangzuo Jing" written by Li Cunhan, the young supervisor of the Jiangzuo Temple in the previous dynasty?" Lin Fu asked with a smile.

"..." Ge Siyu also became embarrassed with a bold temperament, and said, "In the general business, Li Cunhan is the same as the ancestor. How can I expect to compare with the ancestor."

Construction will be done, to put it bluntly, it is construction engineering. Because the Jiyun Society wants to build construction, in addition to hiring a master craftsman in Jiangning City, he also searches for the ancients to see if there are monographs on this aspect. Who would have thought that for thousands of years Only 400 years ago, Li Cunhan's "Jiangzuojing" was handed down?


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