Lord of the House

Vol 3 Chapter 69: Taking silver from the river (1)

Three days later, it was the day of the stinging attack in mid-spring, when the vegetation began to sprout, and the first few peach trees on the northern beach of the prison island also spit out crimson stamens.

In a month or so, the tung trees will bloom, and Jiangning will enter the rainy season.

At this time, although the spring cold has not yet cleared, the river water in Chaotian Dangli has already revealed a light green. The reed fields on the north beach of Hell Island are all showing tender green new seedlings. Groups of ducklings forage among the green reeds, and some ducklings are swept under the water by the surging white waves from time to time. Head out.

Gu Wuchen squatted on the beachhead stone by the water, and watched for a while the ducklings everywhere on the beach. There were also a small amount of yellow fluffy chicks in the middle and goose chicks with light yellow fluff, all of which had grown a little.

Unlike those officials who do not know the grain, Gu Wuchen has been in exile in Saibei for nearly ten years and has experienced a lot of hardships. food. There are three to four thousand acres of beach land on the island of prison. Even if this kind of beach is stocked, it is enough to raise 20,000 to 30,000 birds. When he came over and asked Lin Bie, he knew that there were seven or eight ducks on the north beach. thousand. Jiangning's ducklings and gooselings are very cheap. Even if they can be thrown directly on the river beach, they are only two coppers. Let the duck farmers transport the ducklings by boat and put them directly on the ground. When the river beach comes up, it is enough to send a small number of people to take care of it.

The so-called talent of the world is really not as easy as just talking about it. You can see the whole leopard at a glance. Lin Fu was able to manage the prison island in less than two months, and Gu Wuchen felt that there was nothing wrong with it. Relieved.

What surprised him even more was that Ge Fu, a veteran worker from the Jiangning Ministry of Industry, thanked guests behind closed doors for many years, and was willing to come to the prison island to live in a house.

This is Gu Wuchen's second visit to Prison Island in two months. He wants to accompany others to wait a little more casually, but his pace is slow, but he leaves Lin Fu, Yang Pu and others behind.

Gu Siyuan, who brought Gu Wuchen together, felt that there was a faint smell of water and grass on the edge of the river. He was afraid that he would step on duck **** if he was not careful. He wished he could leave immediately. The son was born, a serious civil official, and he didn't do serious business in prison island, but he only did the lowly thing of raising pigs and feeding ducks. His father was really confused. These chores that can be done by low-level craftsmen, there are What is there to admire? If the news came out, wouldn't it be a joke?

"After the fall, it becomes difficult to find food by the riverside. I'm afraid that ducks and birds should still be raised in duck houses, right?" Gu Wuchen turned back and saw his son frowning, but he ignored him and talked to Lin Fu about raising ducks. Come.

"After the fall, these chickens, ducks and geese can be slaughtered one by one to make up for the meat, and then change again next year." Lin Bie replied.

"Haha," Gu Wuchen laughed, "It's as simple as that, but my mind couldn't turn around for a while... Jiangning Mansion has always been a fertile land, and every inch of land produces gold. It's true."

"Let's not say anything else, it is the hundreds of thousands of acres of beach and waters around this Chaotian Dang, if it can be managed well, raising tens of thousands of people will not be a problem..." Lin Fu said.

Seeing Lin Fu's words, Gu Wuchen looked at Chaotian Dangbei, and asked, "Are you trying to talk about Kaijiang Ban? Tell me not to go around in circles."

"I talked with the old worker Ge Fu. When he first came to Jiangning, it was 60 years ago. At that time, the Hebo Institute still obeyed the rules. One hundred and ten riverside ducks are more than enough to feed four or five people. In the past 60 years, the duck raising tax levied by the river has increased from one and a half yuan to one bird and two yuan. Later, Jiangning Shuiying also came to cross the bar. If you collect water money, you can't see the duck farmers..." Lin Fu narrowed his eyes and looked at the north. After all, human eyesight was limited, and he couldn't see the hundreds of thousands of refugees who drowned on the north bank of Chaotiandang. The criminal law allows prisoners to take money to atone for their crimes, and only those prisoners who cannot afford the redemption money and have been sentenced to more than three years in prison are sent to this prison island. Over the years, the prisoners detained on this prison island have been kept in prison for a long time. The level of 200 people just exited. Just in the past two months, the number of prisoners sent by various prefectures and counties to Prison Island has increased significantly, and there are almost 400 people. There may be other reasons behind the surge in the number of prisoners coming, but the refugees on the North Shore have been submerged for too long, so it can’t be said that it is not an important reason…”

"Kaijiang is difficult to ban, no one wants to spit out the fat they eat in their mouths," Gu Wuchen sighed. As the deputy envoy of the police, it is impossible to ignore the situation of the refugees on the north bank. On the north shore, there are naturally many things about stealing chickens and dogs. Not to mention the surge of prisoners on the prison island, and the rioting of refugees who are killed on the spot almost every day. In addition, the conflicts between refugees and local households are also increasingly intensified. He looked at the mouth of the Jinchuan River at the southern end of the island. He said to Lin Fu, "The Hekou Massacre is basically silent now, and the police officer Si can't take over if he wants to. This month, the refugees and villagers in Gutang County fought twice, and both casualties exceeded 100. The Jiangning garrison general's mansion has successively mobilized the six-battalion town army to station on the north bank... It's so troublesome, but the river ban cannot be opened. Yu Ying should pay more trouble. Besides, Jiang Ning is now the garrison of Jiang Ning's general mansion, and now the general Jiang Ning is waiting for others to take his place. How can he be willing to stop this good thing of collecting money? "

"Is he not afraid that the refugees will make a big mess?" Lin Fu sighed softly.

"He's really not afraid," Gu Wuchen said with deep dissatisfaction, although his voice was soft, "He doesn't have to take much responsibility for the troubles caused by the refugees on the north bank. Gather some military merit and military power and leave..."

Gu Wuchen's remarks are said to be unfounded and unfounded. Lin Fu also thinks that this Jiangning garrison general may have such a dirty mind. After all, there are 30,000 garrison troops under the jurisdiction of the garrison general's house. Everyone, and the 10,000 garrisoned troops in the Yamen of the Admiral's Mansion, they are not afraid of the tens of thousands of refugees who have been left on the north bank to make a big mess.

These people can't wait to be more messy, so that it is more convenient for them to fish in troubled waters.

Lin Fu took a deep breath and asked, "When will this new official take office?"

After the She family officially surrendered to Fenghou, the DPRK issued a document requesting Jiangdong, Liangzhe, Jiangxi, Huguang and other counties to interrupt the supply of money and grain to East Fujian. The Eastern Fujian troops marched north. In the past few months, the imperial court has successively dispatched as many as 50,000 or 60,000 elite soldiers from Dongmin, but the edict that only Jiangning's Minister of War and Dongmin Governor Li Zhuo was transferred to Jiangning's garrison general has not been issued, nor do they know When will it be delayed.

"Everyone is talking about it soon..." Gu Wuchen spread out, saying that in his capacity, he didn't know the exact time.

Lin Fu guessed that, on the one hand, the court wanted Li Zhuo to stay in Dongmin for more time. On the other hand, the court might want to remove all the elite soldiers under Li Zhuo's command as much as possible to prevent Li Zhuo from taking over in Jiangning. The elite soldiers under his command all stayed in the southeast. As long as Li Zhuo cut off the money from the first county in Jiangdong, he could barely raise 100,000 soldiers, and then he might be in a situation where his tail could not be lost.

Li Zhuo has a long-standing reputation, but Lin Fu expects that when he arrives in Jiangning, the situation here will be improved.

Lin Fu and Gu Wuchen turned south along the river beach, Gu Wuchen saw many fishing boats on the water, and asked Lin Fu: "The weather is getting warmer, and there are more fishing boats on the water. Is there an increase in daily fishing on the prison island? "

"I used to send 15 people to fish to get 300 to 400 catties of fish every day. In the past two days, I can get 500 to 600 catties. There is an increase..." Lin Fu said. He also looked at the fishing boats on the water in the distance, and thought to himself. : These fishing boats are not all fishing in Chaotiandang. The Qu family secretly spread the news that they will deliver redemption money in Chaotiandang today. The bandits and bandits around Jiangning House do not know how many people want to fish in troubled waters in Chaotiandang. , after all, 20,000 taels of silver is not a small number for anyone.

Lin Fu just talked to Gu Wuchen about the exile, while observing the situation on the river.

At this moment, the boat of the Qu family's silverware was parked on the water four or five miles away from the southeast corner of the prison island to fish in a pretentious manner. This small boat dressed as a fishing boat had a special mark that was not very obvious. Lin Bie saw it. Lin Bie was thinking: Where is Qu Wuyang hiding at this moment, watching Chaotian Dangli's every move?

"Sir," Yang Pu came over and asked, "is it time to go back to the city?"

"It's still early," Gu Wuchen looked up and said, "I agreed to go to the shore to see..." He had heard that the Jinchuan River estuary was busy, and he wanted to come to see it, but there was never a suitable one. Name, at this time I want to go and take a look.

"I'll arrange..." Yang Pu said.


After tossing it twice, Qu Wuyang didn't do anything else directly after spreading the news secretly this time. In order to prevent other forces rushing to fish in troubled waters to find the boat with silver first, except for the not very obvious signs, this boat is no different from other fishing boats. Even the two cronies were fishermen and went out with fishing gear. The boat that put the silver went out from the mouth of the Jinkou River to Chaotiandangli before noon and waited for the other party to bring people over to exchange the silver. Qu Wuyang led the people on the high embankment on the east bank of the Jinchuan River mouth to observe whether there was any abnormality on the water surface.

Today, there is a lot of things to do in the sky. In the morning, the wife of Jiangning Governor Wang Xueshan took the official boat to the north bank to burn incense. Before noon, the deputy inspector Gu Wuchen visited Jiangdao prison. When Gu Wuchen took the official boat to the prison island, he also returned to the prison island. The waterway with the estuary was closed for a period of time. Fortunately, the boat carrying the silver left the estuary one step earlier, otherwise the waterway outside the estuary would be blocked and it would have to be dragged until the afternoon to pass. Qu Wuyang stood under a hundred-year-old willow tree and saw that there were no other boats approaching on the water around the silver boat. Looking towards the direction of the prison island, he could see Gu Wuchen and Lin Bing's standing at the end of the conversation. Although they were far apart, Gu Wuchen was wearing a scarlet official robe and Lin Fu was wearing a blue official robe, which contrasted sharply with the guards wearing armor and swords.

"Why didn't he kill someone with a knife in Shiliang County, and he made so many waves for him in Jiangning secretly." Qu Wuming spat.

Qu Wuyang looked up at the sky, and estimated that it had been two hours since the silver boat entered Chaotian Dang. At this time, no one came to get the silver. Although everyone was trying to be patient, he couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

Not only Qu Wuyang was anxious, but even the rogue forces from all over the world who heard the news in troubled waters became anxious, and some boats began to move closer to the fishing boats next to them, wanting to find the silver boat before the transaction. To think that any party who gets the money first and exposes the target will become the target of others rushing to kill.

Li Lingzhi fainted, Qu Wuyang did not expect these Kou Yong to have much rationality, and at this time he was also worried that their rogue bandits who came to fish in troubled waters with silver boats found them. In that case, it would be self-defeating for the Qu family to secretly release the news. At this time, the prison island began to close the river again. Four oar boats full of military soldiers closed the waterway between the prison island and the south bank, and drove out the fishing boats and merchant ships within the range. Qu Wuyang saw Gu Wuchen in scarlet official robes and Lin Bie in cyan official robes did not board the larger official ship, but boarded a Wu Peng ship to the south bank, wondering: Gu Wuchen is coming to the estuary?

"No..." Qu Wuming began to pay attention to the matter of Gu Wuchen, the deputy envoy of the inspector, who was on the Wu Peng boat. Out of the corner of his eyes, he noticed that the two cronies who had been pretending to cast nets on the silver loading boat were a little unusual. They stopped their movements and let the fishing nets disguised to catch fish be washed away by the river. From a distance, their expressions seemed to be looking at the water on the other side of the boat. Qu Wuming instantly understood, "Someone is hiding underwater!"

Qu Wuyang stared at the surface of the water with extreme urgency, and saw two people clasping their heads and feet and wearing clothes similar to the color of the river, they turned over onto the boat soaking wet. He had been staring at the water surface over there just now. There was nothing unusual about the water surface for two or three miles around the silver-loading ship. Even the water-sealed warship that Gu Wuchen traveled had a waterway of more than two miles away from there recently. I don't know where these two people dived come.

There were more than two people on the other side, and Qu Wuyang saw that the other side of the silver-loading ship was sticking to the side of the ship, revealing two reflections that seemed to be clusters of iron arrows. Of course, he did not believe that someone could threaten his two cronies with bows and arrows in the water. move. Either a bow or a crossbow, the opponent actually has a crossbow arrow! Among the armaments of this dynasty, the control of crossbow arrows was the strictest. Although it is said that the ban is abolished, the power to have crossbow arrows will never be simple.

Suddenly, several people appeared underwater on the silver-loading boat, and two more people got on the boat. Even the gangsters around the river who wanted to fish in troubled waters, no matter how stupid their brains were, they could see that there was a mystery here. Several bandit boats dressed as fishing boats instantly With action, they all scramble to row over there.

The two cronies of the Qu family held crossbow arrows for the underwater people to keep them from moving, and the two who turned on the boat successively lifted five heavy silver bags from the cabin. Each silver bag weighed 250 jins, and they saw the two people on the boat threw the silver bag into the water one after another, and the people jumped right after them.

How many people did the other party meet in the water? Qu Wuyang and Qu Wuming looked at each other, even if the river was buoyant, the real silver would never be much lighter underwater. He didn't believe that someone in the world could live in the deep and fast-flowing Yangtze River's main waterway, which would weigh 250 pounds. The silver sack is carried out of the waterway for a mile, unless there are four or five people diving in the water together to transport a silver sack together! The other party wants to transfer 20,000 taels of silver in the water, and before that, 20 or 30 water experts will be dispatched to approach the silver-loading ship at the same time - this is impossible, they are far away on the shore and can't see the clues in the water, but The two cronies they sent out had good water skills, and it was impossible for twenty or thirty people to approach the ship at the same time without noticing.

At this time, seven or eight bandit boats were desperately rowing towards the waters over there. Qu Wuyang stared at it. He suspected that there was a boat that belonged to the kidnappers. He no longer cared about the issue of money. Thinking that the 20,000 taels of silver would return to their Qu family, he now hopes that the other party will abide by the letter and bring people back.

Seven or eight fishing boats surrounded the silver-loading boat, and at the same time, seventeen or eight people jumped on it. These seventeen or eight people obviously did not belong to the same force. First, a few people pushed and squeezed into the cabin together. View on other boats. These people also suspected that a boat among them must have been sent by the kidnappers to get the money. 20,000 taels of silver can make everyone's eyes red. Some people have been waiting in the sky since the first day they heard the news, and they became more and more impatient. At this time, they suddenly found the silver boat for the transaction. Ignite, they also don't believe that anyone can transport 20,000 taels of silver ashore from the river water. There is a four-mile waterway from the south bank, and the prison island in the distance is farther away, and it is still against the water. Bandit boats disguised as fishing boats kept coming around from behind. When Qu Wuyang stared at the water to find out which boat his son might be hiding on, the people who were already entangled in seventeen or eight bandit boats suddenly started to take action. After killing, one person drew a sword, and they all hurriedly drew their swords to fight. The other bandit boats that came here thought that they had already found the silver, and when they saw the fighting here, they rushed over like flies that saw blood.

"Damn it!" Qu Wuyang looked at the chaotic scene on the river. The two people who jumped into the water and their accomplices never surfaced again. Qu Wuyang suddenly realized that the other party just tried his best to come to the surface. To get the money, he never thought of letting him go. He watched as the two cronies who were sent out did not bring any weapons, they were the first to kill the bandits who were in chaos~www.readwn.com~ Qu Wuyang ruthlessly He punched the willow tree trunk with a punch, no matter how **** the punch was, he hated it to death, his eyes were red, and the mouth like a mad dog scolded the river: "The unbeliever, the turtle egg/child who dare not show his head, Qu Lord, he will smash your corpse into ten thousand pieces..."

The incident happened very suddenly. The martial boats that closed the waterway saw so many fishing boats on the water gathered together and suddenly started fighting. They were also inexplicable. It looks like he wants to protect Gu Wuchen from behind.

Lin Fu and Gu Wuchen had just boarded the river bank on the west bank of the estuary at this time. Gu Wuchen was also confused by the sudden chaos on the river surface. It was completely impossible to see which side was fighting with which side.

Lin Fu looked up at the east bank of the mouth of Jinchuan River, and could vaguely hear Qu Wuyang's scolding, he just pretended that he didn't hear anything, turned his head and said to Gu Wuchen: "The 36 people who died in the refugee massacre, except one After they were transported back to Shanglinli for burial, the other thirty-five people were buried in the cemetery in front of them. Lin Bie dared to invite adults to sacrifice to these innocent dead souls..."

Gu Wuchen was worried that the gangsters fighting on the river would attack the prison island, but Lin Bie looked like he was okay. Then he saw that the prison island was already on guard, and the guards were orderly taking the prisoners who were working outside the high walls in an orderly manner. He escorted him back to the high wall, put his mind at ease, and said, "Of course I have to go to worship first..."


PS: Ask for a red ticket.

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