Lord of the House

Vol 3 Chapter 87: Soldiers retreat

Chen Zhi, the commander of Dongcheng, was seized with courage, and before half of the incense sticks were burned, he and his subordinates all withdrew from the open space in front of the door. He also felt that he didn't have the face to say anything nice to Lin Bing, so he retreated. The Tugeng Road was blocked by Dongchengwei's troops and horses. Chen Zhi didn't have the mind to organize the queue, and he didn't even order a retreat. He rode a tall horse and went south through the green crops. Walk. Some were riding, some were walking, and the queues were scattered and scattered in a mess. Those ordinary soldiers were also at a loss, and the people behind blocked Yang Shulin's view and had no idea what was going on in front of them. When they saw the commander fleeing south from the field, they were afraid that the storm would fail and the people inside would be killed, and swarms of swarms rushed to the south. The spread of panic is very fast, people around you run wild, and only those who throw away their troops and abandon their armor follow...

Lin Bie watched in the fence and was amused, angry, and hateful. That's the case with the greedy officials who mistaken the country. How can the scene of the troubled times come so clearly in front of him? For those with a little ambition, seeing a soldier with such a weak combat power in front of him, three-point ambition probably breeds great ambition. Ge Fu, Wu Yanqing, Zhao Shuhan, Ge Siyu, and even Zhao Qinmin also shook their heads and sighed when they saw the scene in the fields in front of them.

At this time, the corner whistle rang again, and everyone thought it was strange. The soldiers and horses of the army and horses had all withdrawn. Why did the warning whistle sound again?

Surrounded by a high wall on the outside, to go up the turret, either go around the north and south gates, or use a ladder to go up. Zhou Pu walked down to the corner tower, waved his hand to let the rope ladder go down, he climbed up like a monkey, watched the enemy's situation from the corner tower more than 40 feet high, climbed down again after a while, and reported to Lin Bie: "Those who follow the Dongcheng lieutenant soldiers Hundreds of scoundrels who came over, only when Chen Zhi was about to storm the main gate, they circled to the side of Yang Shulin and broke through the fence from the southwest corner and the middle end of the west wall, and dozens of people poured in..." Zhou Pu squatted down , and show the broken fence to Lin Fu and the others. These scoundrels also have smart people. The broken fence points are all behind the surrounding house. Dongchengwei's men and horses retreated as if they were fleeing, but they blocked Yang Shulin's view, and these rogues didn't notice the abnormality at the main entrance at all.

"Okay, the whistle is ringing, close the door to catch the dog!" Of course Lin Fu was rude to the fat meat that came to the door, and summoned Cao Ziang and other refugee recruiters to discuss how to send someone to intercept them from the front, seal them from the side and chase them away. They all rushed to the enclosed courtyard on the west side with only a high outer wall, trying to catch as many rascals as possible.

"Broken hand and leg?" Zhou Pu, Cao Zi'ang and others asked.

"Am I so cruel?" Lin Bie asked back with a smile, and added, "Catch the rabbit alive for silver!"

In Zhao Qinmin's heart, Lin Fu was really daring, but he couldn't say anything after thinking about it. These scoundrels broke into the fence, and they themselves fell into the net. If Lin Fu didn't catch them and extort money from their family, it would not be Lin Fu.

Zhao Shuhan, Ge Siyu, Ge Fu, Wu Yanqing and others were speechless when they heard Lin Fu speak so straightforwardly. Lin Fu asked the guard Wu **** to **** them to the thatched cottage to wait, so as to avoid the rabbits slipping through the net and accidentally hurting them.

Lin Fu and Zhou Pu used a rope ladder to climb up the turret to watch this rabbit-catching show.

Whistle Zhong Changming, Cao Zi'ang and others split up and led the refugee recruiters armed with bamboo spears out of the fence gate. Those Dongcheng lieutenants and horses who had started to flee even thought that the men and horses were chasing them, wishing their parents would give birth to four legs. . Chen Zhi and his followers at the front were surrounded by the rebels, and they completely lost their ability to dispatch command and judge. Listening to the whistle blowing, Lin Su, who even they thought was daring, led the refugees to kill them from behind and rushed to Donghua Gate. Official run away.

"Jingzhong, Jingzhong," Lin Fu looked at Dongchengwei's men and horses throwing weapons and armor in the field and fled, leaning over and shouting to Lin Jingzhong under the corner building, "You pick dozens of people and go to the south field to collect weapons, armor and scattered people. All the horses are picked up - at the moment of windfall, if you don't take it, you will be punished!"


Chen Zhi fled more than ten li in one rage. He did not hesitate to use his horsepower, beat him fiercely, and ran wildly in the fields. At eleven or two li, he fell off his horse three times, and a good horse also ran half to death. Looking at the situation from a high place, only to find that there was no chasing behind the enemy except for Dongchengwei's soldiers and horses rushing through the fields. Chen Zhi's will was frustrated, but he was also afraid of making things so bad, so he went back to the city in a mess and would scold Wang Xueshan, and he gathered the rebels on the official road of Donghuamen.

The soldiers were brave and had no fighting spirit, and when they fled in a fit of rage, they only thought that the armor and weapons in their hands were tiring. The cavalry was not good at riding, and the field was not as smooth as the road. None of the 200 cavalry did not fall off their horses. When they fell, the horses were startled, and they had no time to chase. They simply spread their feet and fled for their lives. There were less than thirty war horses gathered, and they even had the heart to die.

Chen Zhi sent people to pick up the soldiers, armor and horses scattered in the fields, and the men were so frightened that they sent out hundreds of people who kicked and scolded Chen Zhi. The men soon returned with empty hands. After Chen Zhi asked, he learned that hundreds of people were sent from the fence to pick up the soldiers, armor and horses. They asked for it, but they didn't give it.

Chen Zhi was so angry that he stomped his feet and yelled, "You are soldiers, soldiers, bandits, soldiers, bandits, you are actually afraid of these bastards!"

These chaotic soldiers all looked at Chen Zhi and asked him to take the lead in asking for weapons. Chen Zhi hesitated for a long time, thinking that with Lin Fu's temper, he would not return the weapons and horses to him in vain. At this time, he did not have the courage to ask Lin Fu strong, but after losing so many weapons and horses, Wang Xueshan naturally also won't spare him.

Chen Zhichou was about to cry. So many weapons, armor, horses and horses were lost. If he wanted to hide from the sky, he had to pay for it himself, and he might be able to cope with it. Otherwise, it would be dismissed and investigated. If the chaos just now was exposed again, he would be worried about whether his life could be saved. Jiangning government's civil affairs and military affairs are not under the jurisdiction of the county governor. However, the Jiangdong inspectorate has the right to supervise Jiangning government. Chen Zhi felt that if Wang Xueshan was in a hurry and could not protect him, it was difficult to say that his life could be saved in the hands of Gu Wuchen. Since Chen Zhi became the captain of Dongcheng, he has done a lot of corruption, bribery, and extortion. He bought a house to support a concubine and honored his superiors, and he spent a lot of money. The furniture he accumulated was far from enough to pay more than four hundred soldiers and armor One hundred and seventy war horses.

However, Wang Xueshan wanted to make the two battalions of Dongchengwei into a model of Jiangdong County and even the southeastern counties. Equipment, even if the cost of deduction and corruption in the middle is removed, each armor is worth a lot. The more than 170 horses were all war horses produced in the northwest region. When I first asked for them, I felt that these horses were too strong; these war horses alone were worth tens of thousands of taels of silver.

Chen Zhi was so angry that he beat and scolded the soldiers under him, hating that they usually bully the people and dominate the market like a vicious tiger, but at this time, he was so humiliated and unsatisfactory. Those old soldiers were beaten or scolded without saying a word, knowing that the superior was aggrieved, but if they were asked to go to the Hekou to ask for soldiers and horses, they all had to take the lead in Chen Zhi, and they did not have the courage.

At this time, only a dozen scoundrels who escaped the net fled back to the official road of Donghuamen, and when they saw Chen Zhi's men gathered on the official road, they cried as if they saw their parents: "General Chen, Lord Chen, please help, Dongyang raised his son to kill, Dongyang butcher started to kill, hundreds of us were killed by him surrounded by the fence, only a few of us were quick and escaped, General Chen Ah, Lord Chen, you want to avenge our injustice..."

The hairs on Chen Zhi's back were so frightened that it exploded. He then remembered that there were five or six hundred street rogues in Jiangning City following their team today to watch the fun, and he had completely forgotten them just now.

When Chen Zhi saw so many people escaped, he thought to himself that these rogues in the market were even bigger than his troops, so he hurriedly grabbed one of them and asked what was going on. After I asked, I found out that these market scoundrels watched the south gate of the fence to be occupied by Dongchengwei's troops. They could not see the excitement if they blocked it. Some people suggested to go around the side of the poplar tree and break the fence from the west side of the fence. Who would have thought that Dongchengwei's men and horses would be evacuated in a blink of an eye, and they would become a rout of troops during the retreat? However, their vision was blocked by Yang Shulin and the surrounding house. They broke through the fence and rushed in. They blocked the front, and sent people to outflank the back road. Only a few people saw that something was wrong and escaped.

How do they know Lin Fu's mind, only when Lin Fu has a heartless killing ring.

I heard that five or six hundred market rogues were all massacred by Lin Fu, but Chen Zhi seemed to have grabbed a life-saving straw, embracing the dozens of market rogues and his subordinates who escaped and walked to Donghua Gate. Lin Bing cut off people's hands and feet in the street, and he could be said to be arrogant and domineering. He was so brutal that he slaughtered hundreds of scoundrels. What was the difference between rebellion and rebellion? Even if these scoundrels break through the fence, they must not massacre like this.

In this way, Chen Zhi thought that even if he had to bear the scolding of running away from defeat, it would be better than going bankrupt and compensating so many soldiers and horses.

Donghuamen was jointly guarded by the military commander Dongchengwei and the town army under the Jiangning garrison. Arrangements were made here~www.readwn.com~ and most of the chaos troops brought in were temporarily placed near Donghuamen. He took his escorts and rushed straight to Wang Xueshan's mansion to ask Wang Xueshan to report Lin Fu's massacre of civilians.

Wang Xueshan is doing his best to make up for the loopholes and clues that Zhao Qinmin may have brought to him by defecting to Gu Wuchen. Others have been in the inner house behind the government office, and the chief aide Ma Weihan has already left for Yanjing before noon, bringing gold and silver jewelry to lobby. The ministers in the court were in case someone would speak for Wang Xueshan after Gu Wuchen's memorial came to Yanjing.

Wang Xueshan listened to Chen Zhi's report, and did not believe that Lin Fu was so bold that he dared to slaughter hundreds of civilians, so he took the carriage to Donghuamen to check the truth. Hundreds of soldiers from Dongcheng lieutenants brought back by Chen Zhi lost their helmets and armor, and dozens of them escaped with their heads broken. Zhi's orders to report back to Wang Xueshan. Besides, more than a dozen rogues in the market even complained with blood and tears. They told Lin Fu about the butcher and the murderer, and followed five or six hundred rogues, only to escape back to dozens of people. Wang Xueshan couldn't help but believe it. Deep in his heart, Wang Xueshan was willing to believe that Lin Bie was bold enough to slaughter civilians, so that Gu Wuchen could be deeply involved in it.

"Go to Uncle Qin!" Wang Xueshan said categorically, standing on the gate of Donghua Gate, watching the deepening of the official road extending into the distance.

The massacre of hundreds of civilians is like a rebellion. The incident happened in Jiangning, the capital of the capital, and it is beyond the Jiangning government's ability to handle it. It needs to be dealt with by the southeastern chief minister, Jiangning Military Secretary, and Jiangning garrison general Qin Chengbo. At dusk, Wang Xueshan and Chen Zhizai Surrounded by dozens of close followers, they rode on fast horses and rode to Qin Chengbo's mansion. The sound of horses' hooves reverberated like a torrential rain on the long street, making people panic. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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