Lord of the House

Vol 3 Chapter 100: April Fang Fei (1)

Lin Bie, Zhou Pu, Lin Jing and others stood on the east beach of the prison island to watch the sunset, and the sunset fell on the bushes and wild grass in the desert.

The wild grass in Dongtan grew wildly to about half the height of a person. Although it was dry grass, it could not stand upright. On the water-soaked mudflat, green reeds sprouted.

"..." Lin Bie looked at the red and **** sunset, knowing that it was not easy to have such a situation in a few months, and he was full of emotion for a while.

On the prison island, Sun Geng, the head of the secretary office, is in charge of the daily prison affairs and the work of the prisoners, Yang Shi is in charge of the military guards and guards, and Zhao Hu and Zhou Pu are in charge of the new military soldiers, military guards and warship training; the river mouth is settled. Cao Zi'ang, Lin Jingzhong, Qian Xiaowu and others were responsible for the management of refugees and laborers, and Zhao Qinmin and Lin Mengde were invited to join the construction of the estuary. Zhao Qinmin and Lin Mengde took care of them. ; The defense force on the side of the river mouth is weak, so secret agents have been used to monitor the defense, and the crow master Wu Qi is in charge.

Among these people, Yang Shi and Zhao Qinmin are Gu Wuchen's cronies, Lin Fu is not qualified to take Zhao Qinmin as his own, and Gu Wuchen is quite satisfied with the situation of Hekou.

The old worker Ge Fu, the bamboo craftsman Zhao Zuigui'er, Ge Siyu, Zhao Shuhan, Wu Yanqing and others actually made up for many technical deficiencies such as the construction of the estuary and the labor of prisoners on the island.

The first batch of young men recruited to recruit migrant workers was almost completely divided. Forty military guards, more than forty chariot and boat oarsmen, and the boatmen and There are more than 60 sailors, more than 40 employees of Jiyun Club, and more than 40 handymen, and some people who were disabled in the refugee massacre were also placed in watch, guarding the bells and lights of the corner tower, and guarding the gate of the surrounding house. Of course, there are also very few. The indolent or unreliable outcasts are mercilessly expelled.

Dongyang Mansion is next to Jiangning, and people from Dongyang will flock to Jiangning in large numbers to work as laborers, porters, or to find work in the workshops run by the Party in Dongyang Township during the slack farming season. Thanks to the guarantee of the Dongyang Township Party, these Dongyang children can be distinguished from the refugees stranded on the north bank and can cross the river.

In order to avoid the infiltration of forces with ulterior motives in Jiangning, Lin Fu naturally used the local people guaranteed by the Dongyang Township Party as much as possible. Lin Mengde played a very important role. Most of the laborers on the estuary were recruited from the banks of the Shiliang River using merchant ships under the name of Lin Kee Warehouse.

Hekou invited the Dongyang Township Party to build it together, and the Dongyang Township Party was naturally accustomed to using the children of the township to work. Although due to the influx of refugees, the price of labor in the suburbs of Jiangning is very low, but due to the local sentiment, whether it is Jiyun Club or other Dongyang Township Party hires, the price of labor for the children of the township is always 20 to 30% higher than the price of local labor. So that it can get food and clothing in Jiangning and send the surplus home to subsidize the family. It is this kind of local affection that also enables the village party and the children of the village to form a strong group and form a force in a different dungeon.

The three-masted thousand-stone ship will be trained in Longjiang Lake for half a month, and then it will be trained in Chaotian Dangli so that it can be used as an arm in larger waves. .

In late March, before the arrival of the plum rainy season, Lin Fu sent three Wupeng cargo ships to transport hundreds of stone grains, seeds, cloth, medicinal materials, iron utensils, etc., as well as a thousand taels of silver to Changshan Island. It is also convenient for Changshan Island to sneak into Songjiang and Chongzhou and other counties to exchange for some scarce supplies back, so that those who are desperate will not count on it to be shipped here. The high-quality soldiers and armors that were hidden in private were not in a hurry. In the end, Lin Fu was still worried that he would encounter officials and bandits in the Yangtze River hijacking the ship. The Wu Peng cargo ship was only escorted by three or five people, and there was no power to fight back. Lin Fu Xu was escorted by the people. If you encounter robbers on the river or at sea and there is no way to escape, you can abandon the boat and escape. Rice grain, iron utensils, medicinal materials, cloth, and even silver are not worth cherishing. They are all things that are easy to obtain. If they are robbed, they will be robbed. When it comes to good things, it is better to wait for the Qianshi Ship to sail into the Yangtze River and prepare Wuwei before sending it to Changshan Island.

Looking at the deserted beach, Lin Jingzhong built two temporary camps, one large and one small, with wooden stakes in three or five days. There was also a leveled training ground between the camps. Four vehicles and boats were towed to the shoal. It's not difficult to get to Lin Bie.

"Yang Pu sent Gu Siming, what are you going to do with it?" Lin Jingzhong asked Lin Fu.

"Let him cause trouble for Zhao Qinmin. If he dares to break the rules on the Hekou side, you can tell me again." Lin Fu said.

Gu Siming is the son of Gu Wuchen's cousin, and came to Jiangning with Gu Wuchen. Gu Wuchen couldn't let him idle around in the city all day, doing nothing. Gu Tianqiao was very diligent in managing the tea shop for Jiyun Club. After the New Year, he also brought his wife and young son together. After receiving Jiangning to settle down, Gu Wuchen asked Yang Pu to send Gu Siming to Hekou and asked Lin Fu to arrange for him to do a job.

Gu Wuchen brought the people, and Lin Fu naturally wanted to take them. Jiyun Club and Prison Island would not let Gu Siming intervene, but left them to Zhao Qinmin.


By the end of March, the personnel transfer in Southeast China, which had been discussed for nearly half a year, was finally finalized.

Yue Zhiqiu, the minister of the Ministry of War, who only gained the upper post after Chentangyi's fiasco last year, is also a member of the Chu Party. After Chentangyi's fiasco, he personally went to the Yanshan line to supervise the battle and played an important role in stabilizing the northern line of defense. The backbone of the use, this time has been given a heavy responsibility, and has been appointed as an envoy today. He will go to Dongmin to supervise civil affairs, armaments, and supervision. He has become the new governor of Dongmin County.

It stands to reason that Yue Zhiqiu is more familiar with the northern defense. If he wants to reuse him, it is more reasonable for him to supervise the governor Yanji defense area. Lin Fu and Gu Wuchen know the subtlety of it. All of this came from the internal arrangements of the Chu Party. The Yanshan defense line was the most important thing at this time. There were too many senior officials and veterans. Yue Zhiqiu was still young, and the defense of Yan Ji was difficult to control. Besides, the situation in Yanshan is particularly difficult even if it is supplemented by the elites from the southeast. If Yue Zhiqiu is defeated in the Yanshan defense line, the advantage that the Chu party has finally saved in the DPRK will be destroyed. Rather than having many scruples, it is better to let Yue Lengqiu go to Dongmin to accumulate wealth and hope.

Lin Fu was quite speechless. At a time when the dynasty was in turmoil, the Chu party still regarded the power of one faction as the top priority. The temporarily stabilized Yanji defense area still seemed to be in crisis and the situation of power struggle was serious.

Li Zhuo, the former governor of East Fujian, was also honored, and he was appointed as the guard of Jiangning with the rank of the young master of the prince and the minister of the Jiangning army. select.

From late March to early April, Jiangning City regained a rare calm. It seemed that everyone was holding their breaths and waiting for Li Zhuo to come to Jiangning to take office. a fire.

These days, Lin Fu has exchanged a large amount of redemption copper coins in Hekou into official silver and sent them to Chen/Yuanliang and Zhang Yubo. Instead, Jiyun Club needs a lot of copper coins to settle the wages. Nearly 30,000 catties of copper coins are piled up in the warehouse. Hundreds of kilograms of copper coins are scattered out in the daily settlement of wages.

The construction of the bamboo hall and the second enclosed house is intensified, and the construction of the outer walls of the third and fourth enclosed houses is also approaching the end. The carriage and horse access road connecting the south gate of the fence to the Donghuamen Official Road was quickly built. Drainage ditches were dug, the excavated soil was rammed on the roadbed, coke **** was laid, and a large number of laborers were recruited. As long as a large amount of silver was scattered, The suburbs of Jiangning are rich in materials. From the Donghuamen Official Road to the north, the 10-step wide sidewalk for carriages and horses can advance a hundred steps a day. Lin Bie thought that the speed was not fast enough, the rainy season was coming soon, and the speed of road construction would be greatly reduced in the rainy season, so he started to pave the road from the Hekou Limen to the south and the middle of the carriage road to the north and south at the same time.

The money for road construction was shared by the four merchants in Jiangning Prefecture, Moling County, Yudao and Hekou. Wang Xueshan and Chen/Yuanliang both sent the first batch of 500 taels of silver very simply. To throw the silver into the river mouth, they all pledged to donate five hundred taels of silver one after another, and the five hundred taels of silver from Prison Island were naturally held by Jiyun Club first.

In the past half a month, the turmoil in Jiangning City has almost completely subsided. In the turmoil that Dongcheng Wei bewitched Shijing's attack on the estuary, he finally released more than 20 people as the first criminal to the thirty-two people who were imprisoned in Jiangdao prison. , By early April, nine people were still being held in the prison island prison.

These first criminals, Lin Fu entertains them with wine and meat every day~www.readwn.com~ It's just that the wine and meat provided to these first criminals in the prison are not free. If they pledged a donation, the price of the wine and meat provided by the prison island is only twice as expensive as that of the fan tower. Compared with the style of the big prison in the city, it is already much restrained. But not knocking on any bamboo sticks here would be too disciplined. Lin Fu also specially instructed Chang Sun Geng to take charge of this matter personally, and the other prison officials were very disciplined after the prison was cleared. The transfer order to transfer Liu Xilin, deputy commander of Yunqi from Dongyang Prefecture to Jiangning as the captain of Dongcheng, was jointly signed and issued by the Jiangning General’s Office, Jiangning Prefecture and Jiangdong’s Office of the Inspector at the end of March. To Jiangning to take office.

On April 12, Master Loach and 60 boatmen and sailors, who had been training in Longjiang Lake for nearly 20 days, finally moved the three-masted thousand-stone ship from Longjiang Lake to the mouth of the river with the assistance of Longjiang Shipyard craftsmen.

Because the main mast of the Qianshi Ship is as high as ten feet, and the main bridge hole of Jiuweng Bridge, which spans the Jinchuan River and connects the Donghuamen Official Road, is only six feet high in this season, under the operation of many craftsmen, boatmen and sailors, the flowers are hard to grow. Ballasted for two hours and passed through the main bridge hole of Jiuweng Bridge at an incline; thousands of people along the coast gathered to watch this as a rare event.

Lin Fu came to Jiuweng Bridge and rode on the river bank to watch the Qianshi boat pass through the bridge hole. After the boat passed through the bridge hole, it temporarily moored at the ferry of Jiu Weng Bridge. Lin Fu invited Zhao Shuhan, Ge Siyu, Ge Fu, Wu Yanqing, Zhao Qinmin, Lin Mengde, Gu Siming and others to board the first large-scale commercial cargo under Jiyun Society. Sailing to watch the event.

The big and small loach commanded the boatmen and sailors to raise the sails quickly. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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