Lord of the House

Vol 3 Chapter 110: Ice release (2)

"Since Master Fu attaches so much importance to this Lin Bie, I don't see how bad things will be," Sun Jingtang said, "We can't force Wan Niang on this matter. It's a good thing for Wan Niang to be willing. I think this matter is for the time being. Treat it as ignorant."

Sun Jingxuan could only think about it like this. Girls from other families were all filial and obedient, but his own daughter was spoiled by Xihe Club. She was too assertive, so she couldn't be too **** her for a while.

At this time, a young man and woman emerged from a Wu Peng boat, standing at the bow of the boat and asked Sun Jingxuan, "Uncle, are we waiting here..."

"Just wait, after all, I told the Shuiying Sentinel that they were here to discuss business, and let Wen Yao and the others go back to Longzangpu first..." Sun Jingxuan instructed.

The young men and women are Sun Wenbing and Sun Wenpei, the second sons of Sun Jingtang. Sun Jingxuan had only one daughter, and his wife did not continue after his death. Sun Jingtang had one wife and one concubine and had two sons and two daughters. The eldest son, Sun Wenyao, was adopted by the eldest son, Sun Jingxuan, and will inherit the Xihe Society in the future. The second son, Sun Wenbing, also helped in the meeting. Both sons are married and have children. In addition to the third daughter, Sun Wenpei, who was only seventeen years old, there was also a youngest daughter, who was under ten years old, both born of a concubine.

The forces of the River Gang are involved in the fate of the water. Even if they can temporarily accumulate some money, they don't know when they will lose it again. Every few years, the forces of the River Gang fall apart, and it is not easy to mix the River Gang. There are sixteen Jiangning River Gangs that can last for more than four generations, including three of the Sun family. It is impossible for the Sun family to stop and get away in advance. One is that the government will not agree, and the other is that so many congregations can’t just let it go. Under various circumstances, the river gang forces are much more united within themselves, and they themselves are in the middle and lower levels of the food sack structure. There is also competition among the river gang forces. If the internal struggle for power and power is more, it will be more cheap for outsiders.

After a while, Lin Jingzhong came over and asked Sun Jingxuan what he needed. Lin Fu asked Hekou to make arrangements. I think they were dispatched yesterday after hearing the wind, and there was no food on board. Nearly 30 ships and 600 or 700 congregations were parked here for a long time. There must be an arrangement.

"Do you have steamed buns, steamed buns, or porridge here? We'll buy them with you." Sun Jingtang's daughter Wen Pei thought Lin Jingzhong was an errand guy. Sun Wenpei's temperament is also wild and handsome, but she is on the boat with her father all the year round. Her complexion is slightly darker, but she also has a youthful luster like honey. Although she didn't come over last night, she knew about it and even gave Wenwan a cover to leave. It wasn't until the incident happened that I panicked. At this time, when things subsided, I was eager to try, thinking of going to the cottage to see Wen Wan, but afraid of making her father remember what happened last night and scold her, he took the initiative to greet Lin Jingzhong, trying to find an excuse. Go ashore.

"What kind of money do you want, you don't even have breakfast, right? There are more steamed buns and steamed buns on the shore today. Please pick a few people to move in with me..." Lin Jingzhong said.

"Okay." Wen Pei was about to jump ashore.

"You stay on the boat and let Wen Bing take someone there," Sun Jingtang shouted softly. Although everyone loves Wen Wan, the two girls can't get together again at this time. The cousins ​​Sun Jingxuan and Sun Jingtang don't know each other. Lin Jingzhong said politely with Lin Jingzhong, "Trouble my little brother..."

"It doesn't matter, what else do you need, just mention it to me." Lin Jingzhong said.

Sun Jingxuan heard something wrong in Lin Jingzhong's words, and hurriedly asked, "I haven't asked for this brother's name, it's really rude."

"Sun Huishou is very polite. In Xia Linjing, it is the steward of Jiyun Club..." Lin Jingzhong said.

"I'm rude, you look a bit like Lord Lin, could it be Lord Lin's brother..." Sun Jingxuan and Sun Jingtang hurriedly bowed to each other, treating the chief steward of Jiyun Club as a runner. It was rude. Little girl Wen Pei stood on the bow of the boat and stared at Lin Jingzhong. She only thought that he was much younger than her second brother. How could he be the chief shopkeeper of Jiyun Club?

"You're welcome, Lin Fu and I are clan brothers," Lin Jingzhong said, "Lin Fu was waiting for the two leaders of Sun Hui in the cottage, and Uncle Meng De was also there. He said that he was here for the second master; Just arrange for me to…”

Sun Jingtang and Lin Mengde are not very familiar with each other, but they know that Lin Mengde has a close relationship with Lin Fu, and one of them has also found someone to ask Lin Mengde to ask. I would rather spend more money and hope that Lin Mengde can talk. To resolve the matter, because there was a person separated, Lin Meng got the letter too late, and now he arrived at Hekou. Unexpectedly, the matter has been resolved smoothly.

The two brothers Sun Jingxuan did not delay here, so they asked the two congregants to carry the silver they had prepared on the boat last night to the shore, put the silver ingots on a tray, cover them with red silk, and go back to the cottage together.

Lin Fu, Lin Mengde and Wu Yanqing were talking in the front hall, watching the two halls behind Brother Sun Jingxuan walk in with a tray of silver coins, and asked, "Sun Huishou, what does this mean?"

"Apologizing to Lord Lin, it's a trivial matter," Sun Jingxuan said.

"What I said to Sun Huishou on the bow of the boat was not a lie. I regard Mr. Fu as an uncle, so I feel very guilty about what happened last night. If Sun Huishou is like this, Mr. Fu will come back to Jiangning after recovering from his injury. , what face do I have to go to see him? Besides, Mr. Wu is also sitting here... Please Sun Huishou go back." Lin Fu immediately sternly expelled the guests.

Sun Jingxuan was also embarrassed, and Lin Fu's words also made it clear that what happened last night was entirely due to Fu Qinghe's face, so he didn't pursue it, although it seemed that it was also caused by Fu Qinghe's letter-Sun Jingxuan was busy asking the congregation to bring the money back, and Lin Fu did this. After changing his smiling face, he invited Sun Jingxuan and his cousin Sun Jing to come to the seat, and Lin Mengde also greeted them.

Although the Sun brothers were unfamiliar with Lin Mengde, but if they got it, please come forward for this trip.

"What I said to the sentry just now was not all about coping. There is something to discuss with the two of you..." After Lin Fu asked the Sun brothers to sit down, he poured them tea in person.

Sun Jingxuan was startled, thinking that Lin Fu wanted to directly mention the marriage regardless of the etiquette, calculated in his heart, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Two things," Lin Fu said, "one is that the river embankment ferry terminal has also been initially completed, and the chariot and horse access road connecting Donghuamen will also be completed, and there is no fixed ferry with Chaotiandang North Bank and other ferry ports. If Xihehui is interested, can they put several boats at the estuary, Chaotianyidu, Gutangdu, Qixiadu, Shangyuandu, and Quyang Zhendu? The business will be very light at first, and there will be no lijin left at the estuary. I'll give Xihehui two taels of silver a month, Sun Huishou, do you think it will work?"

"Before the water transport this year, it will be done." Sun Jingxuan agreed without hesitation. Hekou is still very deserted, but even if Lin Bie does not subsidize a copper coin, just because Lin Bie refused to accept the two plates of silver just now, Sun Jingxuan also Without any hesitation, "What's the other thing?"

"Jiyun Club has a batch of new tea in Shiliang County to be transported to Jiangning. The transportation capacity is insufficient. I would like to ask Sun Huishou to send a few ships. The shipping fee is based on the price of Jiangning. I want to ask if Sun Huishou can pull out the boat?" Lin Bie said.

The Dongyang ship is a thousand-stone ship. The thousand-stone is calculated by the capacity of husked rice. Thousands of stones are about 100,000 buckets of husked rice, which is about 150,000 catties. In terms of rice, the Dongyang ship can carry 100,000 catties in a full cabin. With newly picked tea leaves, 30,000 catties can be loaded. In fact, the quality of the new tea is the most afraid of stacking, so there are partitions in the cabin to place tea bags, and enough ventilation space should be left to prevent moisture. The Dongyang ship can only hold 10,000 kilograms of new tea when it is full. Dongyang mainly took the Jiangning-Chongzhou route to support Changshan Island. The other two thousand-stone ships, Xiaoloach, led people to supervise their construction at the Longjiang Shipyard. Although they were semi-finished products that had been smashed in the shipyard before the order was placed, this There are also many improvements proposed by the side, and it will take two months to deliver the ship at the earliest. The new tea of ​​the Gu family will be listed in late April, and Lin Fu will hire another cargo ship in Jiangning. There are also many cargo ships that Jiang Ning can hire. After all, there is a gap in water transportation until after the autumn. The river gang forces have a strong surplus of transportation capacity. Lin Fu wanted to use this to build a good relationship with Xihehui, but he took advantage of the situation and asked Sun Jingxuan to ask for it. .

Once the forces of the river gang are related to water transportation, they will not be able to get official commercial discounts from the government. Except that they can carry private goods along the Cao River in proportion to the water transportation, they are prohibited from self-trafficking goods during the water transportation period. They can only rent the transportation capacity to It is used by other merchants to ensure that the watercraft can be mobilized during water transportation. Although the world law abolishes the ban, it is not a serious and outrageous thing for the Hegang to secretly traffic goods, but the exploitation of short-distance profit and long-distance at various checkpoints is much heavier than that of regular businesses, not to mention profit, just go. It's often a loss-making business. Generally speaking, the river gang will honestly lease its transportation capacity to other firms or merchants or requisition it to the government and the army. For example, during the ten-year chaotic war in East Fujian, the transportation of grain in the southeastern counties was greatly reduced, and the excess transportation capacity did not bring too much self-interest to the Hegang forces, but instead was used to support the logistics supply of the East Fujian battlefield. Even though the route for supplying supplies to the East Fujian battlefield is much shorter, and the wages for work and food are calculated on a per capita basis, the river gang still benefits, but those in the shipyards openly reduce the ratio of 8% of the annual allocation of new ships by half. In short In the end, the River Gang took less than half of it.

For the two things Lin Fu entrusted, Sun Jingxuan could not ask for each of them.

The war in East Fujian was over and a new round of water transportation had not yet started. There were also a lot of idle ships in the Xihe Club. Otherwise, it would not have been possible to mobilize hundreds of ships yesterday. There is no work to do, but the boatmen still have to eat and support their families. Over the years, the average boatman can get only 3,000 yuan for food and labor from water transportation. Usually it takes more than half a year to run, and it is barely enough to feed himself. , not to mention supporting the family, and forcing the He Gang to look for new jobs during the vacant period of water transportation.

Lin Fu just started these things, and the details will be handed over to Lin Jingzhong to discuss with Xihehui. After waiting for a while, he did not see Lin Jingzhong's figure, and he felt strange: Lin Jingzhong took the lead in setting up the Xihehui congregation and handed it over to Jiyun Club. It's enough to do it with my buddy, why did you get away? Shouldn't it be that he wants to send food such as steamed buns and steamed buns to the boat himself, and feed them?

It happened that Qian Xiaowu came over to report the matter, Lin Fu went to talk to Qian Xiaowu under the eaves outside the front hall, and saw that Lin Jingzhong personally arranged for people to send food and soup to the boat, depending on the situation or every boat. , a girl in green clothes followed closely behind her. It seemed that Xihe would meet, and she wondered: Who would it be? Sun Wenwan's personal maid was also in the side hall, talking to Sun Wenwan with Su Mei and Xiaoman.

"Go to the pier and call Lin Jingzhong back before you do business." Lin Fu instructed Qian Xiaowu.

Lin Fu was waiting outside the door for Lin Jingzhong to come back and asked, "Have you found out the girl's boudoir name, family, and Xu Weixu?"

"Why are you embarrassed to ask?" Lin Jingzhong replied smoothly, and then he realized that Lin Fu was running on him. He thought that he had been lingering on the pier for too long. After all, his skin was tender, and his face immediately flushed.

"I know I'm sorry? Then don't stick there!" Lin Bing said, "Come in, I hope you come to talk about things."

Lin Fu had already established his majesty in the center of Lin Jing. Lin Fu's words were neither light nor serious. Lin Jingzhong couldn't understand what he meant, so he followed him into the front hall without saying a word.

When Sun Jingxuan saw Lin Jingzhong come in, he was very sorry for ignoring him on the dock just now. He stood up and said, "Let Director Lin be busy until now..."

Lin Fu said: "Just now, I asked Sun Huishou to do two things. Sun Huishou sent someone to discuss with Jingzhong in detail. Regarding the ferry boat, if the Xihehui wants to set up a point at the estuary, one mu of land can be allocated to the Xihehui. The land does not need to be paid by the Xihe Association. Moring County can issue a land deed, but the construction of the shack on the ground is still a brick and tile house, so the Xihe Association will have to pay for it. The Dongyang Township Party is invited to Hekou. This is the same condition. Sun Huishou, you What do you think?"

"Okay." Sun Jingxuan agreed, building a medium-sized house with a size of one acre here, and a hundred taels of silver is also quite good. The Hekou side is really going to prosper, and the Xihe Association will have an additional source of income here, which is better than It is better to squeeze Chenglong Zangpu and other gangs to grab business during the water transport gap. Even taking this favor back to Lin Bie is far less than the one thousand taels of silver that he just rejected. In order to show his importance, Sun Jingxuan said, "Transporting new tea is not a trivial matter, I will let Jingtang go personally to the Xihehui side. One trip, these many things, I have to trouble Director Lin to explain in detail to Jingtang."

"By the way," Lin Fu asked Sun Jingxuan, "I saw a girl in green on the pier just now. She looks like a member of the Xihe Club. I don't know who the girl is. Did you ever marry someone?"

"..." Sun Jingxuan looked back subconsciously and saw his cousin Sun Jingtang, wondering how Wen Pei came ashore and fell into Lin Fu's eyes?

Sun Jingtang was calm. Xiaoman and Liu Yueer were making tea just now. The beauty of her face is really not under Wanniang's. Although Wen Pei Mao girl is also very likable, he, the father, thinks it is a little worse, let's talk about Wan Niang Mother was imprisoned last night and was not bullied by any other. In the conversation just now, Wu Yanqing also highly praised Lin Fu's character, so he should not be a womanizer... While hesitating, he suddenly saw Lin Jingzhong, who was calm just now, turn red instantly. With a smile on his face, he hurriedly said with a smile: "Lord Lin is talking about Wen Pei? That should be the little girl~www.readwn.com~ is only seventeen years old. She should have promised her earlier, but her mother was reluctant to bear..."

"Jingzhong is my brother, with good character and excellent knowledge. Although he has not obtained any fame, he is also a son of the honorable family, but his vision is quite high. This year, he is in his twenties, and he is a bachelor," Lin Bie laughed. Said, "I just asked casually. I know that a twisted melon will never be sweet. Anything needs to be beautiful and the parties are satisfied. I often hear that there are many girls in the He Gang who choose their own husbands and husbands. , this is really a good thing..."

Lin Fu was afraid that the reconciliation mentioned by Fu Qinghe in the letter to Sun Jingxuan would leave Sun Jingxuan with a heart block, and it would be more detrimental for him to win over the Xihe Club, so he took Lin Jingzhong and the green-clothed girl Wen Pei to speak out to resolve Sun Jingxuan's doubts. Drop, tell him clearly: Sun Wenwan does not agree with this marriage, and he will not force it. Besides, Sun Wenwan has such a strong personality and deep resentment, Lin Fu is really afraid of self-defeating and the house will not be peaceful.

Sun Jingxuan hurriedly said: "The girls of the River Gang are wild..." The boat runners can't tell too many rules, and the same goes for Wen Wan. As the leader of the Xihe Club, he usually stays in Jiangning, but the water transport matters, He never dared to take time off. After he left for more than half a year, the girl had no mother to take care of it, and followed the cousins ​​and other children of the congregation. How could he not be wild? Sun Jingxuan heard that Lin Fu knew that Fu Qinghe was thinking about rubbing him and Wen Wan, but he couldn't tell whether Lin Fu hated Wen Wan or some other reason.


PS: The third update, today should be updated with 11,000 words, which is considered to be the first to pay off the debt for the cold;

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