Lord of the House

Vol 3 Chapter 122: dark fascination (2)

Lin Fu mixed the memories and emotions of two lives. There was no woman who impressed others in the previous life. The memory of this life gradually penetrated into his heart, and Gu Yingxiu was both loving and loving. People's various ideas and concepts always put their own interests first. Lin Fu has been a human being, and he will not be bound by the morals and ethics of the world, but he can calmly accept the customs of the world's wives and concubines. Gu Yingxiu's seniority is to be regarded as his aunt, but this ethical constraint is external to him at most, and it does not limit his affection for Gu Yingxiu in his heart.

There has never been a medical technique to bring the dead back to life, but many people do not want Lin Tingxun to die to destroy the current balance of power. With Gu Wuchen here, even if Gu Yingxiu can't hold power in the Lin family, she doesn't have to be afraid of being bullied by others, but even if she is young and full of food and clothing, she has been locked in a deep house since then, lonely and lonely, and she can still be called A little bit happy? What's more, the current situation is unstable, the general situation of the world has suddenly changed, and the situation between the DPRK and the Chinese party is severe. When Gu Wuchen can't keep himself from a high position and does not fall from a high place, how will Gu Yingxiu behave at that time?

At the worst, Lin Bie had to take her to Jiangning to join her uncle Gu Wuchen, and thought that she might not be happy if she stayed in Gu's house. Mrs. Gu is also a woman with a strong personality and a conservative tradition. Yingxiu is greatly restrained, and Lin Fu wants her to stay in the estuary. Although it is difficult for her to find a legitimate name that can block other people's tongues in the estuary, no matter what, the name is always easy to find, and the key depends on whether she is willing or not.

Gu Yingxiu's tone of strong persecution and subordination to Lin Bie made Lin Bie's heart rippling.

Lin Bie is neither timid nor pedantic, and he is unwilling to force others. He is afraid that Gu Yingxiu will not be able to pass his own level. Now, when he hears her tone of refusal and welcome, why would he not try again? ? He didn't hesitate, and reached out to grab her little hand again.

"Why are you doing this again?" In the darkness, he grabbed Lin Bie's hand again, and Gu Yingxiu snarled, "Aren't you afraid of being bumped into?"

"Follow me." Lin Fu said, pulling Gu Yingxiu in front of him, staring at her bright eyes in the dark.

"Why are you so cheeky? As soon as you said you wanted to give Miss Liu the title, your heart was greedy for me? I'm your aunt, why are you with me?" Gu Yingxiu was not a timid person, and seeing Lin Bie took the initiative to stab Opening the last layer of window paper, her heart was pounding, and there was an indescribable joy in her heart, Ren Lin Bie grabbed her hand.

"I don't want you to be wronged and suffer." Lin Bie said, putting his hand on Gu Yingxiu's slender waist, worried that she would shrink back.

"I won't be wronged or suffer if I follow you? I think I will suffer greatly in the future! I don't have any status, I can't see the light, and I have to worry about death all day," Gu Yingxiu said, "Even if I don't care about it. Lin family, tell me, my uncle and aunt can let me and you, and the Gu family can let me and you..."

"..." Lin Fu was also speechless, what Yingxiu said was to be scruples, the fashion was like this, he was not yet powerful at this time, and he had to rely on Gu Wuchen to a large extent, so it was difficult to give Yingxiu comprehensive protection.

"Are you afraid?" Gu Yingxiu suddenly laughed. She held Lin Bie's face and stared into his eyes, "You are the one who seduces people like this?"

"You..." Lin Fie laughed instead of being annoyed. The affection for each other could not be clearer. There was no need to hide it, and there was no time to hide it. He leaned over and kissed her hot red lips.

Gu Yingxiu was originally a bold and aggressive temperament. Knowing that she had few opportunities to meet Lin Bie, she could not tolerate any procrastination. Besides, she was also moved by love in her heart and hoped for comfort. Lin Bie asked for a kiss, she would not be twitchy Dodging, only gently closed his eyes and waited for the hot breath to hit his lips, and let the soft lips cover his delicate lips, but he was clumsy and didn't know what to do next, how to cater to him.

Lin Bie lifted Gu Yingxiu's skirt legs and asked her to straddle/sit on his thighs. The weather is already warm in mid-April, Gu Ying wears only thin trousers under her skirt, and Lin Bie wears only a thin long gown. Sitting so boldly and presumptuously close to her body, she can immediately feel the warm body of the other party swaying people's souls. The feeling of people's emotions / desires to the extreme. Lin Bie held Yingxiu's head in one hand and her back in the other, shaved her teeth with his tongue, and sucked the tip of her smooth/tender tongue. Gu Yingxiu felt dizzy and dizzy. If it wasn't for Lin Bie's hand, she was afraid that she would fall off his thigh. She knew what the wooden peg-like thing was on her lower abdomen, and she had an inexplicable desire in her heart, so she gave her I didn't want to let it go, I pretended to not understand anything, but I was embarrassed to move my body so that the wooden peg touched the itch between my legs/legs. Lin Bie's hand touched her body, and it was so comfortable that the itch between her legs was getting worse. The more he touched his body, the more enthusiastically Gu Yingxiu hugged his neck, twisting like a snake in his arms. Lin Bie's hand grabbed her plump buttocks. She hoped that he would grab it harder, or grab it deeper.

No one else came over to hinder Lin Fu and the seventh lady from discussing matters. Even the seventh lady's two personal maids withdrew when Lin Fu entered the back room. They only thought that Lin Fu and the seventh lady had serious business discussions, and the wing room. The lights in the outer room were on, and the lights in the inner room were off, but they were all in the yard next door. Lin Bie and Gu Yingxiu could hear the sounds of talking and coughing clearly. It's a good thing in the room. After a long time, I was worried that the people in the yard next door would be in a hurry, so Lin Bie and Gu Yingxiu reluctantly separated and sat down.

The feelings in my heart faded, and I felt embarrassed for the impulsive feelings just now. Gu Yingxiu took the candle and went to the outhouse to light the fire. I am happy. Lin Bie also felt that Yingxiu was more delicate and beautiful than before, and there was no beauty in everything. He wanted to hug her delicate body in his arms and touch it all over the place. If it wasn't for the concern that the people in the next yard were waiting to talk about things here , he really wanted to get rid of her on the spot.

Gu Yingxiu's maid felt that it was almost time, so she ran back to ask when Gu Yingxiu would return to the mansion. No matter how reluctant Gu Yingxiu was, she had to go back first. She is willing to give everything to Lin Fu, she is more aggressive than Liu Yue'er, she is daring, and she has ideas. She is not afraid of getting pregnant if she gives everything to Lin Fu. It's a big deal to find a place to hide her name and live first; it's just the moment No, not in the right place.

Gu Yingxiu got on the carriage, and didn't want to show her weakness with Lin Fuyi in front of others, so she didn't lift the curtain of the car to say goodbye to him, and directly ordered her mother-in-law to drive back to the Lin family mansion. Sitting in the carriage, she felt a little cold between her legs. In the dark, she reached into the underskirt and touched the crotch of her trousers. It was actually wet. She was startled and felt embarrassed. Will there be so much water? After living for twenty-eight years, I can still have this bad relationship with Lin Fu, even if I don't have a name, even if I don't allow the world to tolerate it, it's nothing.

After Gu Yingxiu left in the carriage, Lin Bie thought about Changshan Island and forgot to tell her, thinking that this sentiment was really dizzying.


In the early morning of the next day, Gu Tianqiao presided over the collection of tea at Shanglindu. In addition to the new tea produced by Gu's tea garden, he also used the name of Gu's family to collect loose tea from tea farmers at Shanglindu, which is called inspection and shipment and payment at the same time. cash.

On this trip, in addition to the tea money for the Gu family, he also carried tens of thousands of catties of copper coins with him.

In the early morning, before the fog cleared, Gu Tianqiao and Sun Jingtang borrowed dozens of people's hands. The boats behind them were as tall as buildings. In front of the stack, more than 60 bamboo baskets and baskets filled with copper coins were placed in two rows. There is momentum.

Lin Fu started the trip two days earlier than planned, and the Gu family was insufficiently prepared. It would take a day or two for the new tea to be transported from Hutang to Shanglindu for loading. Wait. I greeted the rest of the Lin family through Lin Zonghai in advance, and Jiyun Club purchased loose tea in Shanglindu with the limit of 60 baskets of copper coins. It was so lively here in the early morning that the elders of the Lin family and the other six in Shiliang County The tea merchants who collected tea in Shanglindu just watched from the sidelines. A basket of copper coins weighs more than one hundred and sixty jin, and is worth twenty taels of silver. Sixty bamboo baskets seem to be very powerful, but in fact they are only worth more than one thousand taels of silver. Even if there is an opinion about receiving tea in public, it can be tolerated.

On the other hand, the Gu family had limited hands and needed to hire porters and mules and carriages to transport tea to the lake and pond at Shanglindu.

This year, the Gu family produced and purchased nearly 30,000 catties of new tea. One porter can carry more than 50 catties, while hiring a porter alone would require more than 600 people; the mule and horse cart would carry less than 300 catties, and it would take 120 or 30 to hire a mule and carriage alone. .

These two incidents alone made Shanglindu more lively than before.

Zhao's house at the west end of Shanglinli Village also put on lanterns to prepare for the wedding banquet three days later. First buy pigs, ducks, chickens, fish and put them in pots and put them into the pen. First, slaughter a fat pig to reward the relatives who have been helping these few days. The weather is getting hot, and the others have to wait until the day before the day before hiring someone to slaughter them. People in the countryside also eat meat several times a year during the New Year’s Eve. The Zhao family slaughtered a fat pig to entertain their relatives and neighbors who helped the idlers~www.readwn.com~ There are not many families in Shanglin who can With such a wealth, the relatives and neighbors who heard the news and came to help the leisure were several times more than previously estimated. Zhao Hu's father and his mother were very happy when they saw it. All the relatives and neighbors had good words and boasted words, but they also felt sorry for the money that was spent. It costs three or four thousand dollars to buy a fat pig, and the fertile fields in Shiliang County produce less than 4 or 5 shi of rice a year. Buying a fat pig is worth a year's harvest of five or six mu of fertile fields. For two days of entertaining relatives and neighbors who are busy, it will cost a dozen or twenty taels of silver. How can the Zhao family who is used to living a small life not feel bad?

Last night, Lin Fu was also worried that Zhao Hu would give the silver to the family, and the Zhao family was reluctant to spend it, so he personally handed the two pieces of silver to Aunt Zhao, and asked her to go to Shanglindu early in the morning to exchange the broken silver and copper coins and ask her In a few days of wedding preparations, the two major ingots should be spent, and it should be as lively as possible. In addition, Zhao Hu secretly posted dozens of taels of silver to the Guo family, and asked the Guo family to hold a lively banquet in the forest.

In addition, Lin Fu sent someone to ride a fast horse to the county to pay tribute to the county officials such as the magistrate Liang Zuoren, the teacher Lu Dongyang, and the chief clerk Chen Ling, and he made a special trip to pay tribute to Liu Yueer's former husband's family, Xiao's family. Tie, I made an appointment to visit the people in the county in person tonight.

In the eyes of others, they really thought that Lin Fu came back to the forest for three things: first, to sell tea goods, second to get married for Zhao Hu, and third to ask for Liu Yueer's name. To tell the truth, these three things are enough for Lin Fu to be busy, but Lin Fu got away when it was dawn, and left Shanglinli in a riverboat that was common in Hongzepu. Master Loach Ge Cunxin and others went north along the new channel of Shiliang River and arrived at Luoyang Lake before noon.


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