Lord of the House

Vol 3 Chapter 147: as lady (1)

In addition to the resettlement of the children of the Lin family and the disposal of the Lin family's industrial operations in Jiangning, how to resettle Xiangyong is also very urgent, and it is necessary to make an accurate decision as soon as possible; of ordinary people.

In addition to Lin Jiyuan and Chen Shouyan leading more than 200 villagers, there were more than 200 villagers who came directly to the estuary by boat with Lin Fu. Over the past few days, thirty or forty people from Xiangyong, who had been defeated at the camp on the south bank of Shanglindu, also fled to Jiangning with their families after hearing the news, and Lin Fudu took them in. Coupled with the fact that the Lin family's property in Jiangning acts as a military guard, there are more than 300 people in the Lin family's township in Jiangning.

The army was in chaos, and there were bandits everywhere. Of course, several wives, clan elders, Lin Xulu, Lin Xuhong and others hoped that they would continue to have private soldiers to directly protect the Lin family and family property, but the real problem was that maintaining private soldiers was very expensive.

When the Lin family had a huge family business in Shanglin, the various operations were very large, and a lot of money flowed in every day. Every year, they spent an additional 20,000 to 30,000 silver to support private soldiers to protect the Lin family's family business, so they would not feel exhausted.

The situation is very different now. After the fall of Shanglinli, the Lin family suffered extremely heavy losses, and various industries in Jiangning were also seriously affected.

Although the property brought out at this time can be converted into 200,000 taels of silver, but for a long time, the money was only going in and out. The Lin family's expenses in Jiangning were also a huge amount, especially after Shanglinli was recovered. , but also to invest a lot of money to rebuild.

Keeping private soldiers still maintains such a large expense. Once the chaos in Hongzepu continues for three or four years, nearly half of the cash will be used to support private soldiers alone. How can the Lin family at this time bear it?

Private soldiers need to be supported and money to be spent, but the annual expenditure for supporting private soldiers should be cut down.

Before Lin Xulu came over, several wives, clan elders, Lin Xuhong and other stewards reached a consensus on this.


Xiang Yong has actually been divided into two parts at this time, one in Dongyang and the other in Jiangning.

The more than 200 villagers led by Lin Jiyuan and Chen Shouyan could not be disbanded, and the Lin family had to continue to support them.

This Xiangyong was lent to Gu Wuchen as a guard. Disbanding this Xiangyong would directly fall out with Gu Wuchen.

In addition, this rural bravery is also very beneficial to Lin Tingli in Dongyang.

Jianghuai has no troops to adjust, and all places are mainly defensive. Liu An'er's army has expanded so much that it claims to have 200,000 troops in less than ten days.

Many people are also more aware that the chaos in Hong Zepu will not be quelled for a while.

This time, Lin Xulu brought a list opened by Lin Tingli with him. At this moment, he showed it to a few aunts. The more than 200 villagers led by Lin Jiyuan and Chen Shouyan are expected to spend 12,000 taels of silver each year. Lin Tingli raised 2,000 taels of silver in Dongyang, and the remaining 10,000 taels of silver will be supplied by his family.

After Lin Xulu took out this list, the faces of the third, sixth, and young lady Ma immediately changed, and they all took a breath and asked, "It takes so much money to raise two hundred people..."

"Raising soldiers on weekdays and fighting in wartime cost money absolutely disproportionately," Lin Xulu explained patiently, the money was in his hands, and Lin Tingli also told the Lin family to tide over the difficulties together, with a correct attitude, "Daily training , the armor and equipment may only need to be replaced every few years; in a fierce battle, the armor is likely to be damaged by 20% to 30%, and the consumption of arrows and luggage is also inexhaustible. In addition, the Xiang Yong fights for the Lin family, and the pay and silver are all For those who pay double, there will be casualties and pensions, and some auxiliary soldiers will be recruited... Father just prepares enough according to this, and the specific support will eventually be written off with this side."

Lin Bie knew that this list was a bit false.

The annual consumption of 10,000 taels of silver in the battle of more than 200 villagers is not too much, but the more than 200 villagers led by Lin Jiyuan and Chen Shouyan, Gu Wuchen counted on them to work hard and naturally try their best to take care of them. In order to fight against the rebellion by the government, it was justifiable for him to ask Dongyang Palace to subsidize meals and reward him with silver, but the money he actually wanted to supply from the Lin family was quite limited.

At this time, Lin Tingli was in charge of compiling and training Xiangyong in Dongyang Mansion, and he could not collect Xiangyong from a certain family, and this family was also fully responsible for the reward, silver, armor, and food supply for this part of the rural hero.

Although Dongyang Mansion's treasury silver is limited, the silver needed to suppress the rebellion can be forcibly apportioned with the gentry and nobles in the territory, or it can be added when the autumn grain is collected. If you really think of ways to raise and scrape money, there is always a way. Dongyang Mansion is fertile, the weather is good, the people are quite prosperous, and there have been no troubles for decades, so it is not a big problem to raise money to persist in the war for a few years.

Lin Fu knew that Lin Tingli's list was a bit false, but he remained calm and did not break it.

Lin Fu heard from Zhao Xuhong, the third and sixth ladies talked to him and three clan elders. The money for Yangxiang Yong wanted to be controlled within 10,000 taels of silver every year. If you give it to Dongyang, then the scale of the township in Jiangning will be strictly controlled.

Lin Fu was waiting to take over the cut down Xiang Yong.

Although the third lady, the sixth lady, and the young lady are all women, they still have the ability to guard the silver. It is too much money to hold on to Dongyang. Such a big expense must be known to the eldest son.

There was no discussion on the matter that night.

Lin Fu arranged a single courtyard for Lin Xulu in the surrounding room, so that his husband and wife, as well as the maid, mother-in-law, and entourage, lived temporarily.

The ladies, the clan elders, Lin Xuhong and others first went back to the surrounding room. The discussion here was late at night. Liu Yueer and Xiaoman also accompanied Lin Xulu's wife Zhou until late at night. He talked openly and honestly: "Two hundred township braves are in Dongyang, under the care of Lord Gu, the cost is really not big. My father has the trust of Lord Gu, and is responsible for compiling and training Dongyangfu township brave to resist the rebels, but Dongyangfu gives all the money and food expenses. With Shen Rong in his hands, he could always find all kinds of excuses for him and the private individuals he used. My father wanted to put money in first and train Xiang Yong first. With a certain scale, he was not afraid that Shen Rong would not end up in the end. I accepted the account, so I need support from my family. I was afraid that the three aunts couldn't figure it out, so I didn't say it first and opened the list..."

Lin Fu thought to himself that Lin Tingli had put pigeons for the Dongyang horse infantry in Shiliang County, and finally knew the benefits of holding the soldiers in his own hands.

"Look at it this way," Lin Fu suggested Lin Xulu. "Dongyang's annual expenses should be reported less, but two or three years of expenses will be paid out at a time, so that it can also meet Dongyang's urgent needs."

Once it is used for military training, 20,000 to 30,000 taels of silver is not a lot at all. For training 2,000 rural braves, it will cost tens of thousands of taels of money just to pay for the settlement. Anyway, after Lin Tingli has gathered everyone, there is no need to worry about military rations and military salaries. .

As long as Lin Tingli has trained more than 2,000 villagers, he can completely use the villagers mutiny to threaten Shen Rong; of course, at that time, Lin Tingli was very important in Gu Wuchen's eyes, and Gu Wuchen would also help Lin Tingli to suppress Shen Rong.

"It seems that's the only way to go," Lin Xulu said, "How much money do you think is appropriate to spend?"

"This, I'm not very clear, the third brother should discuss with the seventh brother and the three clan elders first," Lin Fu said, "The reason may not be understood by the third lady, the sixth lady and the young lady. Old and seventh brother can still take care of the overall situation, I think the eldest son is also someone who takes care of the overall situation..."

Lin Fu, Liu Yueer, and Xiaoman personally sent Lin Xulu and his wife back to the surrounding house. On the way back to the cottage, Xiaoman tilted his head and asked Lin Fu, "Does it look good?"

Only then did Lin Fu realize that Xiaoman's bun was inserted into a delicate crested bun, which he had never seen before. He thought it was from Lin Xulu's wife, Zhou, and asked with a smile, "This is a gift from Zhou to you. It’s also generous to take action, but you have to remember that in the future, whoever brings gifts, you must keep a detailed account for me to see. Some gifts can be accepted, but they can be exchanged with them; some gifts cannot be accepted.”

"I know how to teach people, I know," Xiaoman said in a long voice, "Unfortunately, I had to use this crested hairpin as a greeting gift, and I was taught a lesson, and someone got a lot of marriage gifts..."

"What nonsense," Liu Yue'er blushed and said embarrassedly to Xiaoman, and said to Lin Fu in a low voice, "The third lady's mouth is too strong, so people can't refuse, after I go back, I will I'll give you everything."

"You can keep it," Lin Fu said. "It's okay to accept him as a gift."

"..." Liu Yue'er just replied softly, "Yeah."

In the past, although the two had the same intimacy as lovers, and they had no status in the end, this response was like giving herself to Lin Bie. Liu Yue'er's pretty face was as crimson as drinking wine, and it seemed like it was morning and evening. The smoke and frost gathered in the sky made her face delicate and elegant under the lights cast in the distance, and there was an indescribable allure, but Xiaoman was still watching her with his eyes open.

Looking at Liu Yue'er's beauty, Lin Bie was also agitated, wondering if he would like to leave Xiao Man out tonight.

At this moment, a lame man helped a woman come from the river bank pier/passing in front of the thatched cottage, and saw Lin Bie and the two daughters coming, and hurriedly came over to kowtow and say goodbye. Lin Bie had no kowtow rules at the ferry. Seeing the familiar face, he asked the soldiers to back away and asked, "Wang Mazi, why are you still staying at the river mouth, and where did you kidnap a woman?"

"Tell Master Lin to know that the youngest has been sentenced to full sentence and is homeless and unemployed. The mother-in-law brought her two sons to her mother's family and remarried someone else. The youngest has nowhere to go. She was taken in by the shopkeeper Xiaowu and worked in Hekou. I was thinking of saving some money to get my two sons back," Wang Mazi replied as he knelt on the ground, and said embarrassedly, "Zhenniang is not a petty kidnapping, she has just finished her sentence, and her family members Don't want her to go back, the little one can support an extra family by working in the mouth of the river anyway, so I can't watch her beg for food for a living..."

"You also know Lianxiangxiyu, get up and speak, don't kowtow at every turn," Lin Fu smiled and lifted Wang Mazi from the ground. Wang Mazi was the one who escaped from prison and asked for punishment. It has been half a month since he was released. Lin Fu has been outside for more than half a month, and this is the first time I see him~www.readwn.com~ The woman turned out to be a female prisoner, and she is quite beautiful, probably Wang Mazi was in prison When the head pipe was divided, he got involved. Seeing Wang Mazi's lame leg, he asked, "Why, the foot injury on the island was not cured?"

"The little one doesn't kneel when he sees anyone, but when he goes back to the lord, his foot will be healed. He also raised a few kilograms of fat. This foot was accidentally swollen when he was working down the river bank the day before yesterday. After half a month's wages to cultivate at home, I can't be idle at night, so please take Zhenniang out to walk around." Wang Mazi replied.

"If your feet are bruised and you still walk around, you won't be afraid of being lame again," Lin Bie reprimanded and asked again, "My family is short of two servants. If you resent me for hitting you thirty lashes on the island, then forget it. ."

"Don't dare to hold grudges, don't dare to hold grudges, I wish the adults would hit the little ones with thirty more whips," Wang Mazi hurriedly pulled the woman down to kneel and kowtow, "What the adults want the little ones to do, go down the sword and fire, the little ones are willing to be the adults. made."

"As you are like this, let's take care of the goalkeeper's feet for my family first," Lin Fu said. "Tomorrow you will come to Miss Liu, and let her find a place for you to live and arrange the work in the house."

"It's already Mrs. Liu." Xiaoman whispered behind him, and there was still some sourness in his tone.

Only the wife's room can bear the husband's surname, which is the privilege of the wife's room, and the concubine's room must retain her maiden name. Just like Liu Yueer married the Xiao family, others called her the wife of the Xiao family, or the Xiao Liu family; she gave Lin Fu a concubine, and she was like a wife, and she could only be called the Liu family or the Liu family mother-in-law and so on.

In this inner house, it was easy to go from maid to Mrs. Ru, but it was extremely difficult to go from Mrs. Ru to Mrs.

Liu Yue'er was really shy, the blushing on her face subsided, and now even the roots of her ears were dyed red again. Seeing Wang Mazi kowtow to her again to greet her, she was so panicked that she didn't know what to do. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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