Lord of the House

Vol 3 Chapter 159: Dark crossing Chencang

Going upstream, the speed of the boat was very slow, and it did not enter the territory of Tuzhou until dusk the next day.

It is the flood season, entering the territory of Tuzhou Prefecture, and the water surface of the Yangtze River is quite narrow, which makes the water in this section of the river turbulent.

Two corpses floated far away. It's no wonder, since this morning, dozens of floating corpses have been seen floating upstream. At this time, without Lin Bing's additional instructions, the boatman on the front boat hooked the floating corpse with a long bamboo pole, looking for someone who could verify his identity. items were sent to the ship.

"It's a bronze brand, and the floating corpse came from Qingyang. He is also a scholar and his surname is Cui." Ge Cunxiong, the master of the loach, handed Lin Bie the tooth brand he took off from the floating corpse.

The floating corpse had already been pushed away by the boatman with a bamboo penny and the water flowed down the river. Lin Xulu was afraid of bad luck, so he leaned over to take a look, but did not take the copper sign.

"The flood disaster in Qiupu this time is not small." Lin Mengde came over and took the copper sign and sighed. The floating corpses encountered in the river today were all drowning and died. The counties in the south floated.

"Natural and man-made disasters can never stop." Lin Fu sighed softly and asked people to put away the copper sign, maybe it would be useful in the future.

Generally speaking, when local floods occur, the government will organize civilian boats to salvage floating corpses along the river. Lin Fu and the others could encounter dozens of floating corpses along the way, and it can be predicted that many people drowned in the Qiupu flood.

In the previous dynasty, Jiangnan was divided into Jiangnandong County and Southeast West County. When Taizu founded the country, most of Jianghuai was merged into Jiangnandong County and called Jiangdong County, Jiangnanxi County was renamed Jiangxi County, and Qingyang County was located in the west of Qiupu House. The mountainous area is the dividing line between Jiangdong and Jiangxi.

Judging from the household registration of the corpse in Jiangliu, the mountainous areas in the western part of Qiupu have suffered from heavy rains and accumulated floods. It is very likely that even the mountainous areas in the eastern part of Jiangxi County are flooded, but the floods in the mountainous areas in the eastern part of Jiangxi County are mainly discharged into the capital Poyang Lake. It will be a few days later.

Thinking of this, Lin Fu raised his eyes and looked at the river bank. Several groups of riders followed the fleet on the bank, and there were also several Wu Peng sailboats on their tails. I wondered if there was a water village in Poyang Lake in Jiangxi. Power is hidden in it.

"Just stop here for the night, or are you making another trip?" Ge Cunxin, the loach master, asked loudly across the water from the stern deck of the Dongyang.

Lin Fu looked at the reeds in the north for a while, and asked Lin Mengde beside him, "Is it here?"

"Yeah." Lin Mengde nodded affirmatively.

"Then stop the boat for the night." Ge Cunxiong, the little loach master who was following him, informed the boats to prepare to dock.

"Which way to stop?" Lin Xulu asked Lin Fu. He saw that there were many suspicious people on both banks along the way. According to what he meant, he should continue the night flight, so that he could enter the Yuxi River before noon tomorrow and return early. Dongyang, this heart can rest in peace as soon as possible.

"Let's stay on the north shore." Lin Fu asked the boats to go to the north shore and choose a near shore to anchor and stop for the night.

The Yangtze River has turned a corner here, forming a large piece of river beach pollution on the north bank. During the dry season in winter and spring, these river beaches are exposed to the surface of the water. At this time, in the flood season, this large area of ​​river beach sewage is not submerged in the water, and grows into a large green reed.

Lin Xulu looked at the unusually lush reeds along the river on the north bank. After the setting sun sank into the distant mountains, the reeds were dark and boundless in the twilight. Lin Xulu thought to himself: If there are dozens of thieves boats hiding in the reeds, they will not be able to notice.

It was getting dark, and several campfires were burning on the shore, and the riders who had followed all the way also dismounted and prepared to spend the night on the shore. They knew that the ship couldn't send people ashore to drive them away, and they watched with impunity, like a pack of wolves adorned with prey. On the other hand, the few boats that were walking behind them were afraid of a sudden attack here, so they didn't dare to get too close and stopped far away.

After a simple dinner, Lin Xulu went back to the bed and lay down for a while.

Listening to the sound of the wind, the sound of the waves, and the slight sound of the drizzle hitting the canopy of the boat, I couldn't sleep peacefully. I sat up, put on my boots, and opened the cabin door, only to find that most of the lights outside the cabin were out. , only a solitary lamp under the cabin awning still emits a faint light, and even the figure of the guard on duty on the deck cannot be seen clearly, and there seems to be a lot of people standing on the bow.

It was pitch black all over, the rain fell on the river, shimmering and shattering, and the reeds were pitch black. The campfire on the river bank was also put out by the rain, and it was unknown if the stalking riders had changed places to hide from the rain.

"What about the lights, who is in charge of watching the lights, and why did they turn off the lights?" Lin Xulu saw two shadows approaching, thinking they were boatmen on duty, and asked loudly, "How do you see the night, let the thieves take advantage of the darkness at this time? How does it feel?"

"Third brother, I asked people to turn off the lights." Lin Bie's voice came from the darkness.

Lin Xulu was a little embarrassed, touched his nose, and was about to ask Lin Fu why he had turned off the lights, when he heard a subtle noise from the depths of the reeds. He looked over vigilantly, but the depths of the reeds were pitch black, and nothing could be seen, but the sound became more and more obvious.

Enemy attack! Lin Xulu's mind was instantly occupied by this thought, he walked to the side of the boat, turned around and asked Lin Bie, "Old Seventeen, did you hear any sound?"

"There are boats in the reeds..." Lin Bie said.

Lin Xulu wanted to say something, only to find that the Wuwei on this ship were all standing on the deck wearing rain scorpions. He thought that Lin Bie had noticed something strange in the reeds and arranged for him, so he sighed and stared at the sound. from where.

When Lin Xulu saw that the six Wu Peng boats came out of the reeds, the six boats were only about twenty paces away from the Dongyang, and the first boat hung an oil lamp at this time. Although the light was dim, but the two sides approached, Lin Xulu was shocked to find Lin Jiyuan in uniform standing neatly on the bow.

"Why is Jiyun hiding in the reeds?" Lin Xulu asked in surprise.

"I asked Jiyuan and the others to come here," Lin Fu patted Lin Xulu's shoulder, "We started from Jiangning, and there were several people on the shore and in the river who bit us and followed us. The waterway to Dongyang will not be quiet. Everyone should be careful along the way; I'm afraid more people will be eyeing the estuary. When Jiyuan and the others get on the boat, we will go back to the estuary immediately, and then to the waterway of Dongyang, Jiyuan will **** you."

Lin Xulu's mind was a little knotted, and he couldn't understand why Lin Fu made this arrangement. He thought to himself: Did he know that someone would be bad for the estuary, so he deliberately moved Wuwei from the estuary to lead the snake out of the hole. At this time, he wanted to Bringing Wuwei back just happened to kill a carbine?

The rope ladder was put down from the boat. Lin Jiyuan, Chen Shouyan and the more than 200 rural Yongyuan rope ladders they took to Dongyang to serve as guards for Gu Wuchen climbed the "Jiyunyi" rope ladder. Zhou Pu and the little loach master Ge Cunxin led Zhu Wuwei down the rope ladder to Wupeng. On the boat, the whole process was carried out by a faint copper oil lamp, orderly and without any disorder.

"You are similar in size to me. I will wear this official robe to let those who follow me know that I am still on the boat." Lin Fu stuffed Chen Shouyan with the cyan official robe he had changed earlier, and then climbed the rope ladder and went down to Wu Peng. Get on the boat. "When we hide in the depths of the reeds, you will immediately lift the anchor and set off to lead away everyone who is on the shore and in the water."

The waterway to Dongyang will not be peaceful either. Lin Mengde and the loach master Ge Cunxin stayed on the boat and did not go back with Lin Bie. When the six Wu Peng boats that Lin Fu and the others transferred to hid in the depths of the reeds, Lin Mengde ordered to set sail.


"The boat has moved, dog/brother, Lin Bie is really cunning. They thought they were going to stop here for the night, but they suddenly wanted to get rid of us while it was dark..."

On the river bank, under a simple shelter made of varnished cloth and a few bamboo poles under the weeping willows, two men were half-squatting and staring at the reed field~www.readwn.com~ Although the sky was dark, the river water had some weak reflections, which could make it clear Reluctantly, through the rain screen, I can see the blurred shadow of Dongyang and other ships. Dongyang lifted anchor and set sail, and the general situation could be seen on the shore.

"Quick, tell everyone to pack up their horses and prepare to set off. This time, they can't be lost again." A man spat, rubbed his hands together, and straightened his saber, then ran to untie the mount tied to the willow tree.

Lin Jiyuan and the others were going down the river, and they were in a mastless oars boat. Lin Fu will use this reed to cross Chencang secretly, and the detectives on the shore are not aware of it at all, not to mention that they never expected that Lin Jiyuan and Chen Shouyan had returned from the Dongyang Hexian frontline for several days, and they led Xiangyong to hide in advance last night. A day and a night have been dormant in the reeds.

The river boats following there were farther away from the Jiyun Club and the Lin family's fleet, and they cleverly used other boats for Lin Fu to block the view. It was even less clear that Lin Fu would choose to do things here. The She and the Lin family's fleet suddenly lifted anchor and set sail, and they quickly shouted the boatmen and sailors, and went upstream with the fleet of Jiyun Society.

The boat is on the river, and there are no reefs and rocks in this section of the river. Although it is quite slow and troublesome to travel against the current, it is not necessary to use manpower after all. The tracking fleet was okay; the sentries on the shore were riding horses, and the road was very muddy after the rain. It was a torment to travel in the rainy night, but they were more worried about losing the boat this time.

Fortunately, in the early morning when the sky was bright, both the Jiyun Club and the Lin family's fleet appeared in the field of vision. The "Lin Bie" in the official robe is still standing on the bow with a saber around his waist. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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