Lord of the House

Vol 2 Chapter 1: Country nobility

The Shiliang River in the east of Shiliang County, Dongyang Prefecture, winds and flows for a long time. In the early morning of late October, just after the first frost fell, the wheat fields on the bank stretched into pieces, and a Upeng boat cut through the river and dragged long water marks.

There was no wind in the early morning, and there was a thin mist on the river in the distance. The waves were as flat as a mirror. Lin Bing stood at the bow of the boat and looked at the large branch of Merlin on the west bank. He subconsciously clenched his fists, and moved forward, After passing through Merlin, it is Shanglin Village.

Although I can only live as Lin Bie in this world, and I also have the memory of Lin Bie in this world, but the sense of alienation through layers of veil can never be revealed. Seeing Shanglin Village in front, I can't help but feel tight Air flotation.

"Brother Lin is close to nostalgia," Zhou Pu walked out in an open shirt, saw Lin Bie standing on the bow of the boat and looked at Merlin, and clenched his fists subconsciously, jokingly said, seeing Lin Bie turning back by mistake, busy He explained, "I heard what Cao Ziang said about this bird-shit-like servant's eyes. Looking at Master Lin, I think these four words are very useful. Master Lin, don't think that Cao Ziang is like this now. He was sour with Mr. Qin back then. A scholar who doesn't squeak, becomes a horse thief and loses his book bag every day. In those days, if you could listen to his scolding mother, he would be happy for a long time - is he not like us now? You can see that he How are we different?"

"I can't see it!" Lin Bie said with a smile, and he could still see obvious traces of a scholar from Cao Zi'ang, "I just thought that Zhou Ye was talking about Cao Ye behind his back, and Cao Ye and the others might also be talking about Zhou Ye behind your back. "The hired boatman was swaying the oars at the stern, and he was not afraid that he would hear what was said here.

"Let them chew their tongues, but they won't kill anyone." Zhou Pu said angrily.

Zhou Pu couldn't go to sea with Qin Chengzu and Fu Qinghe because of seasickness. Before they parted, Cao Zi'ang and Wu Qi didn't make fun of him. Zhou Pu was angry and had no choice but to say that he was usually a stinky mouth.

At the bow of the boat, the young Chen Enze had just taught Zhou Pu a set of boxing exercises, wiped his sweat with a sweat towel, came over and saluted Zhou Pu and Lin Fu, and asked Zhou Pu, "Master, how is my boxing practice? "

"When you hit a punch, you need to sweat profusely and drenched thoroughly before it's called entry. You're still early! You're in the front, pack your things, and we're going to go ashore." Zhou Pu patted Chen Enze with a smile again his head, and said, "Also, when you get to the ground, you have to call my uncle! Be careful not to say anything."

"Calling uncle and master is not a contradiction. Can't uncle be a master?" Chen Enze replied, and went into the cabin to pack up.

Lin Fu looked at the back of the young Chen Enze who got into the cabin and smiled. The other teenagers followed Fu Qinghe and Qin Chengzu out of the sea. Lin Fu only took Chen Enze with him. Although Lin Fu is also proficient in close combat and fighting, he still asked Chen Enze to learn basic boxing skills from Zhou Pu. The uncle and nephew who escaped from the northern Hebei area.

In the past ten years, the Donghu people have pushed the front from the Bohai Sea to the northern Hebei. The northern Hebei has fallen into the enemy's hands many times, the prefectures and counties have disappeared, and the people have been displaced and took refuge in all directions. Besides, the dialect of the northern Hebei is very close to the mandarin. Zhou Pu and Chen Enze pretended to have fled from northern Hebei, and the government could not check it, so he could only be treated as a refugee. Lin Fu then used his capacity as a juror to bail them out and let them get naturalized in Shiliang County.

Zhou Pu has a straightforward temperament, and his bravery is beyond the reach of Qin Chengzu, Cao Zi'ang and others. According to Qin Chengzu's evaluation, only the middle-aged Fu Qinghe can be braver than Zhou Pu.

Zhou Pu, who is brave in battle, is not as murderous as Cao Ziang and others. What is even more rare is that he joined the army when he was young, and he left the army and became a horse thief. He has fought more than 100 times in the past 20 years, but there is nothing left on him. When the scar comes, he takes off his armor and puts on coarse clothes. It is difficult for ordinary people to associate him with the famous Liu Ma Kou.

Meilin used to be Shanglin Village, and Shanglinxi entered Shiliang River a mile ahead.

The water at the mouth of the river is vast and the boats are staggered. The wharf is located on the west bank of Shiliang River and the north bank of Shanglin Stream. The wharf was crowded with boats and boats, and the light boats hired by Lin Fu and the others managed to find a space to squeeze in and dock. The dock yard used to be a row of shops with blue bricks and black tiles. The shop street is three or four hundred meters long. Behind the shops are row upon row of roof ridges. It is the direction of Shiliang County.

Every shop is open, breakfast shops, restaurants, medical halls, pharmacies, gold and silver shops, **** shops, tea shops, warehouses, and inns, and there are more than one hundred. In addition to the shop street in front of you, you can also see an alley extending deep inside, and the street is full of various selling stalls. In the shop streets and in front of the wharf, there are people from all over the country who get up early to go to the market, there are also porters who travel by boat or work as coolies on the wharf, and there are women in red and green. Not so lively.

The boatman jumped ashore to tie the rope, and Lin Bie followed him to help him, and by the way settled the boat fee to him. Zhou Pu jumped ashore and looked at the prosperity in front of him, smacking his lips and exclaiming: "Where is this still a village? The counties in Huai Shang are not so lively!" When he jumped on the pier, he felt that he had said the wrong thing and patted himself. He opened his mouth and said, "I can't mention Huai any more, and I have to change my words to Brother Lin and call you Master!"

Lin Bie settled the boat and came over, said with a smile, "You're embarrassed when you shout, I'm even more embarrassed to hear it - I'm going to make up a story later to tell the people that you have saved my life, I think you still call me Lin. Brother, I'll call you Big Brother Zhou, there's nothing wrong with that!"

"I'll do it." Zhou Pu agreed without hesitation. Although he was very convinced by Lin Fu, Master Zhangkou was really not used to being silent, and he felt that there was no need to strictly follow the details of the plan made by Qin Chengzu. Do.

Chen Enze also came ashore with a package, and was surprised by the prosperity of Shanglin Village. His mind was much more refined than Zhou Pu, and he pressed his voice and exclaimed in Lin Bie's ear: "The streets in Chongzhou County are so lively! "

The history of Chongzhou becoming a land is not long. Today, the county seat of Chongzhou is still tidal flat for more than 200 years, and the land reclamation is not sufficient. Compared with the big cities such as Hailing, Weiyang, Jiangning, and Pingjiang, it is really not prosperous. Zhou Pu and Chen Enze introduced the history of Shanglin Village: "There are some reasons why Shanglin Village is so lively..."

The Lin family is considered a big clan in Dongyang Mansion, and the Lin family ancestral temple was built in Shanglin Village, but the prosperity of Shanglin Village is due to Lin Dengfu, the previous head of the Lin family.

When Lin Dengfu served as the minister of Jiangning's Ministry of Industry, Jiangdong Xuanfu Envoy decided to spend great efforts to dredge the Shiliang River, so that the Shiliang River connected to Hongzepu became the main waterway between the Huai and Jiang waters in Dongyang Prefecture. The original Shiliang River was bypassed outside Shiliang County. Taking advantage of his employment in the Jiangning Ministry of Industry, Lin Dengfu skillfully made the straightened Shiliang River pass through Shangcun Forest when dredging the Shiliang River.

Shiliang County is the place where the north and the south meet. In the past, it was prosperous because of the river. Although the prosperity of the official city was far from that of Jiangning City, it was not comparable to Dongyang City. After the river was straightened, the official market in Shiliang County gradually declined, but the grass market in Shangcunlin (referring to the market formed by the spontaneous gathering of the people) took advantage of the situation to rise. The Lin family joined forces with several other large clans in Shiliang County to prevent Shiliang County from setting up an additional inspection department in Shangcunlin to collect municipal taxes.

Zhou Pu opened his eyes wide, licked his lips with his tongue, and said, "It's said that horse thieves are very powerful in stealing money. I think these local tyrants are much more ferocious than horse thieves, but they don't see blood when they steal money!"

"It's not that there is no blood," Lin Fu said. "Cao Shi thrives in a place where communication is convenient. There is no city or the protection of officers and soldiers. Recruiting Township Yongshouwei Township has basically eliminated the bandits in Cao market of Shanglin Village. The township camp of Shanglin Village has suppressed bandits several times, and its reputation has shaken Dongyang Prefecture, but the bandits in other Cao markets along the Shiliang River are even more serious. It's serious... This is also the reason why we didn't see a grass market in other places after we entered the territory of Dongyang Mansion."

Zhou Pu smacked his lips for a long time, really didn't know how to evaluate it. After a while, he smiled and said, "Brother Lin is also a member of the Lin family. It's really ruthless to say these words."

Even the previous Lin Fu didn't have much affection for the Lin family. Lin Fu smiled and said, "Seek truth from facts, what else is there to hide in front of Big Brother Zhou?"

Zhou Pu looked at a group of village warriors patrolling at the end of the stone street, and saw that their equipment was much better than the sword archers in the ordinary county, and followed the direction of Lin Bie's fingers to see two fast-paddle boats parked by the pier. The boat, habitually wants to smack.

In these years, there is no peace in all places, the town army has collapsed, and the number of sword archers directly under the jurisdiction of the prefectures and counties is limited, and it is difficult to take care of the vast countryside. The funds for the preparation of Xiangyong are all raised by the private sector. In name, they are under the command of the military divisions of the prefectures, but in fact they are all controlled by the local tyrants.

Zhou Pu has traveled to many places in his life, and he has seen many village soldiers and villagers. The village soldiers in most places are busy farming and practicing in their spare time. When they encounter bandits, they gather to resist or pursue them, like Shanglin Village. Township camps with camps set up and standing with five hundred township soldiers are rare. Although Zhou Pu is not good at economics, he still knows how much money it costs to raise more than 500 well-equipped and well-trained rural warriors every year. It can be seen how great the profit of the grass market is~www.readwn.com~ Ben The court decided that the city tax for merchants was 30 to 1, and the official city charged the city tax at the ratio of 30 to 1. In addition, with the exploitation of tax collectors and the government's additional allocation of merchants to buy, the actual tax borne by the merchants in the official city was far greater. Unemployment is higher than the ratio of thirty to one.

Cao Market is a private market that is not officially recognized by the government. The reason for the rise of Cao Market is that, on the one hand, it is located in a place with convenient transportation, which facilitates the collection and circulation of products from all over the country. The ratio is mostly less than thirty to one. Under this circumstance, even if it is not protected by the government and is often plundered by the officials and bandits, the private grass market is still prosperous.

Shanglin Village is located at the mouth of the Shiliang River and the Shanglin River, where the north and the south meet. In other places, the grass market or the ten-day market, or the five-day market; the more prosperous ones, or the three-day market, or the daily market, the Shanglin Village ferry port goes between the north and the south by boats, and the horses and chariots alternate between the county and the county, day and night. The city has already formed a lively and prosperous market town that is not comparable to ordinary county towns.

Even if the city tax collected from merchants is lower than the official ratio of 30 to 1, it is necessary to raise rural braves, and additionally pay part of the city tax revenue to the government symbolically in the form of "tax package" - even so, The annual dividends the Lin family receives from the grass market in Shanglin Village are also several times more than the income from the Lin family’s land rent. Although the Lin family is one of the top ten landowners in Dongyang Mansion, the rent for 400 acres of fertile land in a good year is only more than 4,000 taels of silver. In addition, the Lin family has other warehouses and workshops in Shiliang County. Profitable business.

"...Lin...Lin Bound!"

Lin Fu and Zhou Pu stood side by side in front of the pier and sighed over the prosperity of Shanglin Village Ferry. A big calloused hand put on his shoulder and shouted in surprise. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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