Lord of the House

Vol 4 Chapter 30: Dingce Xisha Island

In the training camp house built of wood in Dongtan of Prison Island, two copper oil lamps were placed on the thick wooden platform. The lights were sprinkled on the wooden platform. Large-scale map, people familiar with the terrain of the Jiangkou in the south of Chongzhou can see at a glance that this map accurately draws the terrain of Xisha Island, the surrounding river sandbar and Zilang Mountain.

In order to draw this accurate map, Lin Mengde has dispatched a lot of people on Xisha Island in the past month or so and touched the whole island.

"In addition to wind and tide disasters, the main problem of Xisha Island is the unstable terrain. The upstream is impacted and collapsed by the river water, and the downstream is silted up by the sea tide. I found an old map for comparison, and used Zilang Mountain to calibrate it. , I can be sure that Xisha Island moves more than 100 steps towards the river mouth almost every year..." Lin Mengde introduced the topographical survey results of Xisha Island during this period of time.

If you don't know the terrain, you can't blindly transform Xisha Island.

At this time, Xisha Island was nearly forty miles wide from east to west. With the current of the Yangtze River scouring Xisha Island, it would not take two hundred years for such a large island to completely collapse. Here comes the big sand island.

When building a village in Xitan, there is always the threat of river collapse. When building a village in Dongtan, due to the continuous silting of sea tides, it is impossible to find a suitable beach for building a dock. The East-West Beach is so serious, but it is not without it.

Of course, Lin Bie and many people here don't want to spend a lot of energy on building the dock and the dock will be abolished after a year or two.

In this world, the development of the sand island in Jiangkou is insufficient and the experience is insufficient. Perhaps in the future, when the land shortage in Chongzhou or Pingjiang Prefecture reaches a certain level, people will be forced to fight for land from the sand island, and naturally they will gradually accumulate effective governance experience; for future generations, Some experiences become common sense that ordinary people can have.

Lin Fu said: "To overcome the geological defects of Xisha Island, we must start from both internal and external aspects. First, the island's drainage facilities must be fully constructed to eliminate the impact of internal waterlogging on the beach; the other is to reduce river currents and ocean tides as much as possible. For the direct impact on the beach, we can build a horizontal embankment on the periphery of Guanyin Beach to go out..." Lin Fian drew two marks to the north of Guanyin Beach on the north side of Xisha Island with his finger and extended into the river, "When the water is dry, this side The shoals are exposed, and the horizontal embankment is built on the shoal. The horizontal embankment on the east side blocks the tidal siltation of the sea, and the horizontal embankment on the west side diverts the river flow, preventing the river from directly impacting the dock port. In the wind and rainy season, ships can also avoid entering it. , after the winter this year, two roads will be built first, and in the future, it will be necessary to add horizontal embankments on both sides to expand the scale of the dock, but the amount of work will be slightly larger."

"The amount of work is not a little bigger," Lin Mengde stared at the two marks made by Lin Funa's fingernails, "The estuary is mainly for digging water channels, and it takes so many hours of work. Apart from the horizontal embankment, Guanyin Beach , the waterway has to be dug, the stone dam has to be built on the shore, and the west horizontal embankment has to block the river embankment, I am afraid that a big stone dam will be built..."

"Shibazi are built, and soil is filled in the middle. Large boats can be parked in the deep water within two horizontal lines. Small boats can be parked on the outside where silt is easy to accumulate," Lin Fu said. Hong Kong can invest 40,000 taels or even 80,000 taels of silver..."

Cao Zi'ang said: "There is no shortage of manpower in Xisha Island. Organizing 5,000 laborers for six months should be enough." During this time, Cao Zi'ang has organized manpower at the estuary to work on the construction of the river port. The technique of use is quite deep, and they can keep up with Lin Fu's thinking.

Lin Mengde calculated in his heart: The food expenses for 5,000 strong laborers for six months would cost 20,000 taels of silver, and a large amount of stone will be shipped from the mountains in the southwest of Taihu. The budget of 40,000 taels of silver is really big insufficient.

"Fortunately, there is no shortage of money in hand. These money always have to be spent, otherwise it will be a pile of cold dead things." Lin Bie said with a smile, "There is no shortage of labor, but I can't just do this thing. Whether more than 24,000 people can finally settle down will depend on the next half year..."

He got 100,000 taels of silver by fishing in the turbulent waters of Luoyang Lake, but he has not yet started to spend it. He attacked the Shujia Village in Anji, earning more than 20,000 taels of silver. He used the fishing mode on Xisha Island to "eat black", robbing East China Sea bandits and earning discounts. There are more than 80,000 taels of silver, and now there are nearly 200,000 taels of cash in hand, and the nearly 24,000 people to be resettled in Xisha Island are mostly young laborers, and they will not lack manpower on Xisha Island.

It’s just that there are a lot of things to do. Most of the more than 24,000 people still live in simple shacks. Reclamation of wasteland is not an easy task. One hundred thousand mu of wasteland needs to be transformed into two seasons of winter wheat and summer rice. For fertile fields, only the shallow ditches for drainage and irrigation can be spliced ​​together with a length of 200 miles. Counting other projects, it will consume a lot of manpower and materials.

Even if everything is left to fate, the relief wheat seeds distributed by Chongzhou County are randomly scattered into the wasteland, and the food will be eaten by the sky. There are still more than seven months before the harvest next year, and more than 20,000 people on one island cannot live in more than seven months. Time to drink the northwest wind to pass the sun.

Calculated on the basis of the basic survival needs of one person and one catty of rice a day, 24,000 people consume 240 stone of rice a day, and 50,000 stone of rice for seven months.

If everything was done in accordance with the rules and regulations submitted by Chongzhou County and approved by the Minister of Proclamation and Envoy, more than 24,000 refugees would not be able to survive on Xisha Island.

Lin Fu would not really escape and leave Xisha Island, nor would he let Li Shuyi, Hu Zhiyong and others settle the refugees according to the rules approved by the minister of Xuanfu.

Lin Bing's idea is to carry out large-scale commercial reclamation and lease all the land that should have been sub-leased to refugees in the name of Jiyun Society. The planting of cotton, silk weaving and hemp yarn industry on a large scale is developed by purchasing a large amount of raw materials from other counties.

Chongzhou only sub-leases the land of Xisha Island to refugees without granting land rights, which also creates conditions for commercial reclamation.

Xisha Island has waterways leading in all directions, and the surrounding area is a land of fish and rice. Xisha Island temporarily does not grow food, and the rice grains needed can be imported from outside the island.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to resettle more than 20,000 refugees with 100,000 mu of barren and uncultivated land.

If Jiyun Club did not pursue its interests and selflessly aided so many refugees, it would be even more ulterior motive.

Concentrating on large-scale commercial reclamation or the development of Xisha Island can effectively organize so many people on Xisha Island.

Previously, it was the premise that the envoys of Xuanfu and Chongzhou would agree to settle the refugees on Xisha Island. Now, it is to win the approval of Chongzhou County to settle the refugees in their own way.

Lin Bie's **** battle under Jiyang City not only prevented the East China Sea bandits from posing a fatal threat to Xisha Island in the short term, but also wanted the local forces in Chongzhou to see that under the threat of East China Sea bandits, his forces infiltrated Xisha Island and Chongzhou could get more security barrier.

Lin Bie needs to make various efforts to reduce local resistance, otherwise it will be difficult for the local area to allow foreigners to gain a foothold in the local area.

A big factor in the dispute with the Qu family was that the local forces in Jiangning excluded Lin Fu, a foreigner, from fighting for a foothold in the Hekou. Otherwise, even if Qu Wuyang is willing to help Chen Xiyan deal with Lin Fu and Gu Wuchen, the rest of the Qu family can't agree to Qu Wuyang's abuse of the Qu family's resources.

"Has the attitude of Chongzhou County loosened?" Lin Bie asked Hu Zhicheng in the chair car. The communication with the local government in Chongzhou County was all done by the Hu family.

"Chen Kun has already believed that adults are coveting the tens of thousands of acres of Xisha Island resettlement land," Hu Zhicheng said. "According to the information from his staff, he is trying to figure out how to ask for it..."

"Then wait for him to ask for a price," Lin Fu said with a smile. "When the refugees create households, they must strictly control the number of households, and it is best not to exceed 2,000 households. In addition, when discussing with Chongzhou County, they should also use the In the name of the Hu family and Jiyun Club..."

"This is not a problem. Li Shuyi's personnel are all our people. Except for Li Shuyi who may know the details, Chongzhou and the county commissioner do not know the actual number of refugees in Xisha Island," Lin Mengde said. " It is normal for a powerful family in Jiangdong County to control thousands of civilians. Xisha Island is open and has no terrain, and when the East Sea invaders invade Jiangkou, it is less likely that the envoy will be wary, but We must try our best to accommodate…”

Locally, the newly silted land such as river beaches and sand islands is used to resettle the displaced people, and more land is rented for planting. However, when the new emperor ascends the throne, the emperor or the empress or the empress dowager is born, the court generally grants land rights to the displaced people as a sign of The emperor's grace is huge.

At this time, Jiyun Society took this large piece of sub-leased land into its hands, and when the imperial court granted amnesty, it would naturally be easy to get the land rights into its own hands.

More than two hundred years after the founding of the People's Republic of China, land acquisitions have been serious, and local aristocratic families are mostly based on land, and their greed for land has almost reached its peak. , in fact, it is nothing more than the possession of land and money. The Lin family controls Shanglindu in Shanglin, and the biggest benefit is from Shanglindu and its monopoly on Dongyang/product export, but the land held by the Lin family still reaches as much as 400 hectares; Jiangdong County sits on a thousand hectares of fertile land There are not a few big landlords.

Chen Kun suspected that Lin Fu's fundamental purpose was to occupy the land of Xisha Island.

In order to conceal the disaster on Xisha Island, Chongzhou County initially reported the disaster of more than 20,000 drownings and disappearances, and finally reported to Hailing House and the County Commissioner only that Xisha Island was weak and more than 200 people were missing. concealed the scale of the refugees on Xisha Island.

In order to reduce the resistance of Gu Wuchen and others to his disaster relief in Xisha Island, Lin Fu would rather pay money to come in for disaster relief. In his private letter with Gu Wuchen, he only stated that the number of victims in Xisha Island is about 10,000~www.readwn.com~Taihu Raising Food More than 40,000 pebbles in Xisha Island will be used to harvest wheat in June of next year. During the ten-month disaster preparation period, in fact, even if the basic survival needs of the more than 24,000 disaster victims were met, Lin Fu had to put in another 40,000 shi of rice in private. At this time, Lin Fu only got less than 10,000 taels of silver from the food raised in Taihu Lake to distribute to Xisha Island, which was far from enough.

It can be said that apart from Lin Fu and the others, other people know nothing about the situation of Xisha Island. The number of refugees to be resettled in Xisha Island in name must be calculated based on the actual number of households. Things; maybe they know something about the luxury family that has been paying attention to Xisha Island, but everyone is well aware of the troubles of the East China Sea bandits, and the luxury family has no positive influence in Jiangdong.

To control the number of registered households, the scale of land leased from Chongzhou County is limited in name, but there are no other forces on Xisha Island. As long as Chongzhou County finally agrees, how to develop Xisha Island is not a matter of Jiyun Club?

Talking to Chongzhou County in the name of the Hu family and Jiyunshe at the same time is also a distraction goal, reducing the vigilance that some people may have. After all, no one would think that Lin Bie would occasionally help rescue Hu Zhicheng and Hu Qiaoyi's uncle and nephew in the Yangtze River. , there are so deep implication.

Many are external jobs. As far as Xisha Island is concerned, the most pressing thing is to resettle so many refugees and build a dock port that can transport supplies to the island on a large scale and a defensive enclosure building complex that can control the dock port in a limited way.

Lin Fu carefully calculated that if he could establish a foothold on Xisha Island and settle so many people, 200,000 taels of silver was barely enough. In order to achieve this goal, in the short term, he must not lose Gu Wuchen as his backer.


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