Lord of the House

Vol 5 Chapter 7: Watch the battle at the city gate

In the cold winter and twelfth lunar month, even if the weather is fine, standing on the gate of the north gate of Kuocheng, and the cold wind blows on the face, it is like a knife.

In the distant sky, the frozen Yellow River is like a plain white cloth belt embedded in the vast brown-yellow field, full of shady colors and no greenery at all. The dozen or so refugees who retreated from the north were sparse. Looking at their staggering appearance from a distance, they knew that they had suffered a lot along the way, and they didn't feel much vitality in their ants-like team.

The tighter the battle, the higher the frequency of reconnaissance of the Donglu outposts entering Jinan Prefecture, the bigger and heavier the dark clouds in the hearts of everyone, and occasionally a few birds flying out of nowhere seems to be the only thing left in this wilderness. Living thing,

Suddenly, a group of cavalry came out from the side of the Linhe hills from the north and ran fast in the field. The refugees, who were crawling like ants, seemed to have been poured with boiling water, and they suddenly stirred up. They didn't care about packing their homes, and fled in panic.

That team of cavalry was only about 60 people, with one person, two or three horses, bows, crotch, and brown armor.

"The thief!" Lu Jingyan scolded, the Donglu Outpost Ranger relied on many horses, strong feet and superb riding skills. With a depth of two or three hundred miles, dozens or hundreds of riders dared to intersperse at will, as if no one entered. There is no good countermeasure here.

Most of the Dongmin soldiers were foot soldiers, with only a few hundred cavalry guards, and they could not be released to chase the Donglu outposts. The key point was that the horses they brought from the south could not adapt to the severe cold in the north for a while, and they all languished.

There are more than 2,000 cavalry soldiers in the local garrison in Jinan Prefecture, but they are all one person and one horse, and they can catch them after a short distance of ten miles or twenty miles. No matter how long the distance is, they will be easily thrown away. The horsepower is weakened, and the riding skills are not as good as the Donglu. The cavalry with three or four times the enemy's cavalry chases out. After chasing a distance, they are often chased by the Donglu's outpost rangers. If there are two or three shareholders' rangers nearby Closed, the casualties will be even more terrifying.

When the Donglu Sentinel Rangers first came to harass and reconnaissance in Jinan Prefecture, the garrison also sent cavalry out to drive them away. After suffering a few heavy casualties, they watched Donglu Sentinel riding over to kill the refugees outside the city, and they were indifferent. Just closed the city.

Before the Dongmin soldiers finally decided to go or not to go, Lu Jingyan arbitrarily proposed to take the errand of defending the North City. Seeing the appearance of the Donglu sentry, he didn't dare to use it or not, so he planned to send a team of infantry out of the city. : Why can't you just sit and watch the Donglu sentry chasing refugees so wildly outside the city, this will hurt the morale of the defenders too much...

When Lu Jingyan was about to order his troops to leave the city, another group of cavalry, about 1,780 people, rushed in the direction of Chazikou of the Yufu River in the northwest. Li Xu, fanned out in a fan shape to outflank the Donglu Sentinel's back road. At this time, a team of more than a hundred cavalry from the northwest of the city also rushed to the Donglu Sentinel to meet them face to face.

"Jiangdong Left Army!"

Hearing this exclamation, Lu Jingyan looked back and saw that one of his subordinates was making a fuss.

Lu Jingyan didn't say a word. The only troops stationed outside Xicheng were the fifth battalion of the Zuo Army of Jiangdong Qin's division led by Lin Fu. Although the two cavalry teams that were sending troops to meet the enemy did not raise their flags, he knew that there was no one except Lin Fu. To be able to dispatch horses so quickly, the cavalry team at Chazikou of the Yufu River should have been ambushed long ago.

Lu Jingyan gave up his plan to send troops and stood under the gate of the city, looking at the cold wind-like fields to the north.

The captive sentry cavalry that broke into the plains north of Jinan City did not panic because nearly 300 cavalry came to encircle it. Instead, they first smashed the refugees on the avenue, and regardless of the way back, they gathered and rushed out to the northwest of Jinan City. This unit of cavalry ushered in, intending to defeat each of the three separate cavalry units.

"Too big!"

Lu Jingyan glanced back and saw that across the north gate of Jinan City, the generals and officers of the defending army did not know when Yue Lengqiu came from the other side of the Chengmen Road to the gate tower. Evaluation, I don't know whether he was dissatisfied with Lin Fu's tactical arrangement of dividing nearly 300 cavalry into three groups and intending to surround the Donglu sentry, or was dissatisfied with Lin Fuyu's decision to lead the Jiangdong Zuo Army into Yannan alone.

The sentry cavalry sent by the Donglu and interspersed in depth were all elites. Even the Jiangdong Zuojun had some elites. Lu Jingyan thought that Lin Bing's tactical arrangement of dividing the three hundred cavalry into three groups and encircling them in the field with the elite Donglu cavalry was too much. Even though each cavalry team of Jiangdong soldiers had the advantage of 100 cavalry versus 70 cavalry, the difference in the quality of the soldiers was relatively large, and the distance between the three cavalry teams was too large, leaving enough time for the enemy cavalry to defeat each other.

Lu Jingyan didn't have much affection for Lin Fu, who was a rising star of the Chu Party. A few days ago, he blatantly purchased the armour of the remnant soldiers who fled from the south in the west of the city, making it clear that he was digging the foothold of Jinan Mansion - these remnants should have been collected by Shandong Admiral's Mansion. . However, since Lin Fu claimed to lead the troops to enter Yannan alone, and sent troops to meet the enemy at this time, Lu Jingyan's impression of Lin Fu was slightly better. I don't know if Lin Bie can achieve good results against the small number of underdogs interspersed in front of him.

The cavalry clashed, four or five miles away, but in the blink of an eye, Lu Jingyan saw the Jiangdong Left Army cavalry rushing out from the northwest of the city to meet the enemy. In the wilderness, when the flanks meet, more than a hundred crossbow arrows in the crossbow slot are fired at once.

No matter how elite the Donglu Sentinel cavalry is, in the first round of confrontation, the crossbow is much more convenient than riding a bow. Although it was difficult to reload arrows on horseback with arms stretched out, Lu Jingyan saw that this group of Jiangdong Left Army cavalry had no intention of fighting the enemy at all. The formation is not chaotic.

"This is a strategy..." Lu Jingyan thought secretly, there were two cavalry teams from the north, and the Donglu sentry cavalry, who had disrupted the formation, did not dare to let their horses go after them. , with many casualties.

At this time, Lu Jingyan really saw several teams of infantry walking slowly from the northwest corner of the city. Dozens of "flying paradox cars" ran rampant in front of them. After each line of more than 100 meters, they paused to straighten the formation and pressed the east side that was stagnant on the avenue. Captive sentry ride.

The number of outflanking cavalry in the north increased to more than 300 cavalry. Except for the two teams of cavalry that were originally outflanked from the Yufu River Chazikou, they were still sitting on horseback. The arm-stretched crossbow reloaded the arrows, and did not mount the horse again, but formed a formation between the two teams of cavalry.

On a fast-running horse, the accuracy of crossbow arrows is greatly reduced, but when dismounting to form a formation, there are less than 70 people who can ride on Donglu sentry, so naturally they dare not charge the crossbow array from the front, but the flanks of the crossbow array It also protected the two cavalry teams, and did not give them any space for detours.

Although there is still a large gap on the side of the entire northern battlefield for the Donglu sentries to intersperse and protrude the surrounding circle, this team of Donglu sentries obviously did not suffer, and they stayed on the road and hesitated. Depending on the situation, they still wanted to attack the current situation. of infantry vehicles.

Since the Donglu cavalry broke the border, especially after the Jinzhong soldiers led by Yang Zhaoqi were completely wiped out, they have not encountered a decent opponent, and it is normal to have such a mentality.

At this time, Lu Jingyan also knew that Lin Fu was using the enemy's arrogance and underestimating the enemy's mentality to lure the enemy into the interior line, so he calmly set up a circle...

The Donglu Sentinel tried three times to break into the formation of Jiangdong Zuo Army soldiers from the flank, but they were all repelled by the formation of spears, swords and shields, Modao and crossbows mixed with flying contradictory vehicles. When the group of Donglu sentries were covered in wounds and wanted to break through, the first battalion of Jiangdong Zuo Army had completed their encirclement, and the gap left was only one shot away.

This group of Donglusheng savage is really brave. When they are determined to break through, they just ignore the casualties and attack the flank of the infantry array, press the infantry array to the inside to make the formation scattered, and then stick to the infantry without hesitation. The edge of the array galloped to the outside line and fled along the Yellow River.

The Jiangdong Zuo Army split up a group of cavalry to chase after their tails. They chased down the Yellow River and shot and killed several people and fell off their horses. After cutting off their heads, they turned back and rushed back. At this time, the Donglu Sentinel had also been slaughtered neatly, and the head was cut off together.

When the chasing cavalry returned, a group of cavalrymen separated from the Jiangdong Left Army formation in the northwest corner of the city, each carrying a few **** heads, and threw the heads at the north gate.

The bearded man at the head shouted at the gate of the city: "The first battalion of the Zuo Army of Jiangdong Qinwang's division has cut fifty-seven heads of the savage man. Please send someone from the Shandong Admiral's Office to check..." Immediately afterwards, this team of cavalrymen He rode back to the original place, gathered up the formation and headed for the Sanyuzhuang camp.

"The horseman seemed to be Ao Hu, a subordinate of General Chen. I heard that when General Chen led his troops north, he instigated dozens of people to escape with him, and the sea arrest document was sent to Zhaowulai - how could he be in the Jiangdong Army? Middle?" The **** behind Lu Jingyan said in a low voice.

"Don't talk nonsense." Lu Jingyan commanded in a deep voice, it was not a big deal for Lin Fu to take in a few soldiers in the Jiangdong Army. When the trouble started, it made Chen Zhihu's face ugly, and Lu Jingyan wanted all the soldiers behind him to be taken away. Don't mention it again. He also had some impressions of Ao Canghai, the deputy commander of the forward battalion of Chen Zhihu's division. He was not a person who feared death. Seeing that he had led the cavalry to fight just now, he was also very brave. Maybe he had other difficulties in leading people away from Chen Zhihu's division. Of course, Lu Jingyan was also very puzzled that Ao Canghai had taken refuge in Lin Fu. Lin Fu was only a seventh-rank superintendent, and several battalion commanders under his command had only been awarded the low-level military officer rank of the ninth rank, and Ao Canghai had not left Chen Zhihu's department. He was already a mid-level military officer.

Yue Lengqiu went down the gate of the city gate with a sullen face. The Beicheng guard sent someone out of the city gate to take back the head of the Donglu sentry to record the merit~www.readwn.com~Lu Jingyan looked at the dozens of blood-soaked tablets in front of the city gate. The head, thoughtfully, thought that Lin Fu threw more than 50 eastern prisoner heads at the city gate to show his determination to enter Yannan alone. It's no wonder that Yue Lengqiu's face was ugly. He originally planned to move to Jinzhong with La Linfu; Lin Fu didn't mean to give him face at all, and he proposed to enter Yannan alone, which made him even more embarrassed.

Such a small victory had no impact on the entire northern war situation. From Lu Jingyan's point of view, Jiang Dong's soldiers were still very tender. They all lured more than 70 Donglu sentries into the encirclement of a battalion of troops, and before completing the encirclement, they managed to rush out for nearly 20 people, far from being a powerful army in the world. However, among all the garrisoned troops, guest troops and deserted troops who were stranded in Jinan Prefecture and fearing the enemy, the Jiangdong Zuo Army, who showed a firm will to fight, and was even arrogant enough to advance into Yannan alone, was so dazzling.

From a distance, Lu Jingyan saw that the refugees who were scattered by the Donglu sentries on the north road but escaped the fate of being slaughtered escaped. Many people were kneeling on the road toward the Jiangdong Zuo officers and soldiers who were returning to the Sanyuzhuang camp. kowtow. The soldiers watching the battle on the left and right of the city gate tower witnessed the battle that took place in the northwest corner of the city, and seemed to regain some courage. The guard at the north gate also sent a team of soldiers to drag back the headless corpses scattered on the field, shouting loudly. He wanted to bring the head and the headless corpse to the city and hang it up for public display.

Lu Jingyan instructed the military attachés on the left and right: "Learn carefully, don't look down on the newly recruited soldiers, the fifty-seven heads in the city are not all paper. There are also enemy cavalry attacking, you must use some brains to fight. , you can't even get thirty or fifty heads back, can you?"


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