Lord of the House

Vol 5 Chapter 60: Partisan surprise attack

(Second, ask for a red ticket)

Zuo Pavilion is located in the north of Changli County, about 20 miles away from Linyu Pass. This is a military village belonging to Jibei Town.

Although it was early spring in the south of the Yangtze River, in the northern regions such as Changli and Linyu, the wind and frost were still cold, it rained at night, and a thin layer of ice still accumulated in the early morning.

"The border wall between Longkou Pass and Linyu Pass has been broken in four places, which can be used by our army to return to the north. Yejier, you go first!" The first prince Yeji Luorong is the eldest brother of the East Huhan King Yejier. He and the third prince Ye Jiduodi sat at the head of Yejier and discussed with the generals in Yejier's army about matters.

When the tribes of Donghu came out of Bulun Mountain, Ye Jiluorong went north and south with his father Tianshun Khan at the age of fifteen. For 30 years, he has made outstanding military exploits. He is also the most powerful prince of Donghu. There are more than 5,000 iron cavalry directly under his command. This time he entered the bandit as the commander of the northern line, leading 40,000 cavalry to contain the Yanjing defenders of the Yue Dynasty and the tenth division of the King of Qin on the northern line. More than a million people.

When King Tianshun Khan made his fortune in his early years, his wives and concubines were taken away by the enemy. Ye Jiluorong was born eight months after his wife was rescued. According to the custom, the chiefs born to the wives and concubines who were rescued from the enemy must be killed. For some reason, Tianshun Khan did not kill Ye Jiluorong when he was soft-handed. He also raised him and made him lead the army.

Although Ye Jiluorong was very similar to Tianshun Khan in appearance, he still could not avoid the doubt of bloodline. In addition, Ye Jiluorong was good at fighting and not good at people's livelihood. Before Tianshun Khan died, he discussed with all the princes and ministers to get the Khan The king passed to the more prestigious second son Yezier, but not to Yezi Luorong.

Because of this special relationship, when the generals discussed matters, only Yeji Luorong would call Yejier by his name.

Ye Zier looked at the exquisite jade Zhang seized from the Lu palace in his hand, and when he heard that Ye Ji Luorong asked him to go first, he smiled: "I will stay in the rear of the palace, and you and Duodi will separate the east and west lines to exit the customs. The matter is It's settled, don't argue with me..."

Linyu Pass (Shanhai Pass) was the first pass in the Southern Dynasties. Even though a large number of Jibei troops were transferred to King Qin in Gyeonggi, there were still 20,000 elite soldiers in the Chongzhai dangerous pass around Linyuguan, and they brought more than 300,000 soldiers to the north. The movement of the guards.

Although several side walls have been broken through between Longkou Pass and Linyu Pass, the terrain is still steep, which is not conducive to the passage of the army. On the other hand, the sea ice in the west of Zuoting is still several feet, and it has not yet begun to melt. It extends four or five miles from the coast, and people can walk on it. It is easy to be attacked by the Linyuguan defenders and form a rout.

Yezier decided that in addition to the army of the temple soldiers, the main force should go out in two ways: one is the commander of Yeji Luorong, who will break through the border wall to exit the customs, and use the heavy troops to stand at the important villages of Linyuguan, so that the defenders dare not dare Out of the customs; one route, Ye Jiduodi, commander, escorted the prisoners to Zuoting Xihaibing, bypassing Linyuguan and out of the fortress.

Ye Jier did not dare to let Ye Ji Luorong stay in the rear, for fear that he would lead a side division to surprise Jinhai after the army was safely out of the customs.

Ye Jiluorong saw Ye Jier's non-negotiable appearance and decided everything about leading the army. He turned his head to the side angrily, knowing that he could never hide his thoughts from Ye Jier, who had a lot of heart, but how was the anger in his heart? Can it be eliminated? How will I explain to Nayan and Natuzhen's parents after they go back? Could it be that Nayan and Natu lost their lives in the Southern Dynasty by accident?

Ye Jiluorong was not reconciled. He had the heavy responsibility of supervising the northern line before, so he could not disrupt the overall deployment for his own hatred. He sent troops to monitor the Jinhai villages, and even ordered the generals not to fight, but after the army was safely out of the border, he It is absolutely possible to lead a partial division all the way to teach Jiangdong Zuojun a lesson!

With an unquestionable attitude, Ye Zier made all the generals retreat to arrange the exit, leaving Ye Ji Luorong behind, and said earnestly: "What are you thinking, I understand, but what are your chances of winning if the remote divisions attack the village? Do you want my Dadonghu's eagle to fold another wing to increase the prestige of Shu Zilin Bie?"

"If there is no chance of winning, after the fall of Jinan, why did you send Duo Di to lead troops to attack Yangxin?" Ye Jiluorong asked in dissatisfaction.

"Since the defeat of Ningjinbao, my iron cavalry is stronger than field combat and clumsy in siege is a fact that can be seen with open eyes, but since the victory of Chentangyi, the generals have been rash again," Yezier said. " If you and I are at peace, this is all right, but the Southern Dynasties are dark and weak, and there is a chance for success. Our army has to strengthen the skills of foot warfare and offense and defense. The rise of the Jiangdong Zuo Army is very surprising. The sparseness, the ineffectiveness of restraining the generals, and the continuous capture of fighters for the Jiangdong Zuo Army. You and I will see that the Jiangdong Zuo Army in the Southern Dynasties was still only a small part, and after the Cangnan and Jinhai battles were defeated, I still sent Duo Di to lead the army. In fact, when the army attacked Yangxin, I didn't have much hope of winning. Maybe because of this kind of thinking, it was doomed that Yangxin could not be attacked, but my original intention was not to make Yangxin a dispensable. The small town is captured. The tactics and military system of Jiangdong Zuojun are also detailed by Xiong Qi. You should know that Jiangdong Zuojun is an excellent model for us to learn foot warfare and offensive and defensive warfare, so Yangxin has the meaning of fighting... "

"But Yang Xin lost too badly!" Ye Ji Luorong said.

"It is better to lose early than defeat late," Ye Zier said. "If there is a chance to fight dignifiedly, I will not stop you from leading your army to fight against Jiangdong Zuo army. Even if you lose, you will not be defeated. Instead, you will learn from your opponents and improve yourself. It was a good opportunity, but it was attacked by a side division that was surrounded by the enemy, and if it was defeated, it would be the defeat of the entire army... How can I make you the queen?"

Yezi Luorong had to admit that Yezier was right. After the main force left the customs, he led a partial division to attack Jinhai. It was good to be able to capture it. If he was frustrated and retreated, those southern troops who usually regarded them as tigers and were afraid to avoid them would rush up to take advantage of them.

Ye Jiluorong smashed his fists and smashed the table in resentment. He was not reconciled: Jiangdong Zuojun was only three thousand underdogs, Yan was a rookie of Donghu, and he was defeated and died; During the war, Timur was taken prisoner; Ye Jiduo also broke his leg. In the four battles before and after, Donghu's men lost nearly 6,000 troops. If you add to the defeat of the fleeing soldiers, the loss of troops will be nearly 20,000.

From a strategic point of view, breaking the border and entering the pirates this time is an absolute victory. One hundred thousand soldiers and horses broke the border. After more than four months, they fought for more than a thousand miles. More than 20,000 surrendered soldiers followed them out. After this battle, Donghu's strength will be greatly strengthened. But the fact that they were defeated in four battles with Jiangdong Zuojun was like a camel horse **** stuck in everyone's heart, making everyone not excited.

It was too bad to be defeated by Jiangdong Zuojun!

"This Lin Bie," Ye Zier stood up from behind the table, "only from the point of view of his ability to manage the army and fight, he is a bit more powerful than the Su Hu of the year. It can be said that Father Khan was careless at the time, but Yangxin’s offensive and defensive battle, not the third brother, if you go with me, how confident are you that you can capture it?”

Ye Jiluorong was slightly startled, but thinking about it seriously, Yangxin is really not easy to attack. Even if there is enough time, the best way is to besiege the defenders and the people in Yangxin and starve to death. He also closed his mouth and did not mention the matter of leading the army behind the palace.


Jinhai Wukou and Changli Zuoting are more than 300 miles away in a straight line, and there are important towns such as Jizhou and Ninghe in the middle.

Lin Bie Zaikou had not thought of the idea of ​​Ye Jiluo Rong, the new king of the Eastern Captives, to lead a side division to attack Jinhai by surprise. Although the war was temporarily fading away, the burden on his shoulders was not lightened.

The Jiangdong Zuo Army stationed the camp in the silt under the seawall, and the Dongyang remained in Jinhai as the ship bound by Lin. In addition to the Dongyang, all the ships berthed in Jinhai were from Dengzhou and other places; entrusted by the Jiangdong Zuo Army, they traveled between Shandong and Jinhai to transport food and other materials.

However, most of the sea-going ships in Shandong are two-masted or even single-masted, and the capacity of three to five hundred stone should be counted as a large ship. Thirty to fifty ships, the total capacity is about ten thousand stone, and the speed of traveling by wind is far away. Not as good as the southern duplex schooner. The key is that during the war, a large number of refugees poured into the eastern and southern regions of Shandong, and Jinan Prefecture, Pingyuan Prefecture and other prefectures and counties in Shandong were also trapped, which made the materials in Shandong also in short supply, causing the food price in Shandong to rise sharply, and the people were struggling.

Lin Fu returned to the Dongyang to rest. He was used to the swaying of the wind and waves, but he slept soundly on the boat. After Yannan went through this catastrophe, and the Dayue Dynasty went through this catastrophe, it would take at least half a year to recover its vitality.

The livelihood of people in Shandong, Yannan, and Gyeonggi is a big problem, and the destroyed waterway is a big problem. The Yanshan Line of Defense is also a big problem that needs to be solved urgently.

Donglu's entry this time proves that the Yanshan defense line is too thin and there are too many loopholes. Without making up for it, the Donglu will enter the invaders for the second, third, fourth and even endless times until the foundation of the Dayue Dynasty in the north is completely established. destroyed.

How to make up for the loopholes in the Yanshan defense line, and how much it will cost to make up for these loopholes, this is also a very headache.

Lin Bie thought that these problems might not be his turn to worry about, but his marriage must be a headache.

The opinions of Cao Zi'ang, Lin Mengde and others are obvious. The Chu Party is too unpopular, let alone others, just Zhou Tong, Yang Yihang, Ma Yigong, Geng Quanshan, Chen Dingbang, and others they want to win over, and they all hate the Chu Party. . If you don't keep a certain distance from the Chu Party, how can you draw them over?

Sun Wenwan.

Lin Fu didn't have a deep impression on Sun Wenwan. If he could control his temper, of course he wanted to marry Su Mei, but everything would be better if he could control his temper.

Probably Lin Mengde, Cao Zi'ang and the others couldn't think of any suitable candidates, so they rushed to the doctor and thought of Sun Wenwan. After all, the Xihe Club is also a worthy candidate.

If I had known this earlier, I would have married Liu Yue'er directly as his wife, and it would not be too outrageous for a widow to remarry, at least it wouldn't drag her on until now, putting herself in a dilemma. Lying on the bed, he still couldn't help thinking: Is it possible to straighten Liu Yue'er? Or they should send someone to stop Lin Mengde.

"Dong dong dong!" There was a knock on the hatch from the outside.

"Come in." Lin Suyi was sitting on the head of the bed, not knowing what else was going on at this time. Seeing Lin Mengde and Cao Zi'ang pushing the hatch door open, he didn't expect Lin Mengde to be on the road yet, and asked with a smile, "What's the matter? ~www.readwn.com~ Uncle Mengde came over and asked me to see you off?"

Lin Meng blushed, knowing that Lin Fu was still dissatisfied with the matter of forcing him to marry, but there was no way, many things must be considered before and after the cause and effect and interests, Lin Fu's marriage has become an important bargaining chip, this bargaining chip cannot be used by others.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to leave in my dream," said Cao Zi'ang, "Chang Kingdom has fallen."

"Ah!" Lin Bie jumped up from the bed and sat up like a wolf struck by lightning, "When is the news?"

Changguo County is the Zhoushan Archipelago in later generations. The fall of Changguo can only be lost to the hands of the East China Sea pirates, which means that the East China Sea pirates will obtain a stable and large enough advance base in the southeast waters of Pingjiang Prefecture.

The topographical advantage of Changguo far surpassed that of Xisha Island. With the luxury family behind it, it would not be a problem for East China Sea bandits to gather 30,000 to 50,000 troops in Changguo.

Can Jiangdong and Liangzhe endure a powerful enemy with tens of thousands of troops under the armpit of the southeast?

It is necessary to prepare heavy troops in Jiangdong and Liangzhe to prevent East China Sea invaders. How much financial resources can the Dayue Dynasty, which is already riddled with holes, be able to prepare heavy troops on the Jiangdong and Liangzhe sea defense lines?

Lin Bie felt that the problem was really serious.

"Changguo fell eight days ago," Cao Ziang said with a wry smile. "However, the reason why I can't leave in my dreams is because of another incident. The imperial court has just issued a very strange special decree to the southeastern counties..."

"What does the imperial court's special decree for the southeastern counties have to do with whether Uncle Mengde can leave?" Lin Fu asked suspiciously.

"This is the transcript that was just sent back from Beijing," Cao Zi'ang handed a piece of paper to Lin Fu, "This is the special order issued on the 16th... Since the special order was sent directly to the counties through the Department of Communications and Political Affairs , Hejian Mansion didn't have a copy either, we have to come a few days late." My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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