Lord of the House

Vol 5 Chapter 63: Kaihaicao

(Second, ask for a red ticket)

Lin Xuwen said that he was going to write a letter and speak out, but Lin Fu shook his head. If he can let his temper, he can't wait to catch Yue Lengqiu and slap him twice, but what good will it be to directly open up the conflict in the current precarious situation?

The Dayue Dynasty was a ship riddled with holes. If the ship sank at this time, the most likely to benefit would not be others, but the eastern captives who devastated Yannan, Lubei and other places beyond recognition.

"I have already asked Lin Mengde to secretly go to Beijing to find Duke Tang," Lin Fu said, "How to arrange the court, Duke Tang should have a plan. Now the most important thing is not whether it will be recovered or not, but how the food shortage in Gyeonggi will be. Solved! Solved the problem of grain shortage, the crisis of the special purpose of supervising grain will naturally not become a crisis."

"It's not just the canal that is blocked," Lin Xuwen, who has worked in the Ministry of Industry for a long time, is very proficient in water conservancy matters, and analyzed, "The river in Pingyuan Prefecture is silted up and the weather is getting warmer, and the resulting disaster is extremely difficult to control. The discharge of the Yellow River and the rivers flowing down from the Taihang Mountains cannot flow smoothly to the east and return to the sea. The land is swamped, and the roads are bound to be impassable. One of the methods that can be thought of at the moment is to adjust grain from Jinzhong and take the Taihang Mountains tunnels. No matter how high the cost, we can never let Gyeonggi run out of food; the second is to transport food from Shandong to Beijing by sea; third, as far as possible, the garrison should be transferred to the coastal areas where food is easy to obtain, so as to relieve the pressure of food supply in Gyeonggi... "

"Big brother is really a capable minister of the world. I came to see big brother because I can hear these three strategies. I was puzzled and troubled before, but now I am suddenly enlightened..." Lin Fu said, "Big brother sent a blunt statement to the book. There is no need for the disadvantages of the special decree of the admiral's grain. Whoever wants to stab this lid, whoever wants to cover it up, let them cover it up. We only do what we think is right. We ask the central government to adjust food from Jinzhong and temporarily open the sea. The three strategies of Cao and the garrison moving to a coastal area with a port to eat, the eldest brother can write bluntly. If the DPRK adopts these three strategies, it is also beneficial to the eldest brother;

To say that Xue Ye, who had a bruised nose and a swollen face, rushed over without any mature thoughts, Lin Xuwen naturally didn't believe it, but after listening to Lin Bing's analysis, he bluntly reported on the matter and offered a solution. , Lin Tie is mature politically.

"Okay, I'll draft the memorial immediately, Old Seventeen, you're here just to be my advisor." Lin Xuwen said.

"Then I will reluctantly serve as a staff officer for eldest brother..." Lin Bie said with a smile.

Lin Fu pays great attention to keeping Lin Xuwen quite polite and respectful in his words and deeds. Although Lin Tingxun established his youngest son as the head of the forest clan before his death, the ten-year-old youngest son can't control anything at all. In the season of wandering and troubled times, the unity and stability of the clan are more important than anything else. Lin Xuwen also understands this truth.

Lin Fu added: "Actually, apart from the three strategies mentioned by the eldest brother, there is no other better way to solve the food shortage in Gyeonggi. Time is really tight, and the food supply in Gyeonggi may only last until mid-April, and every hour we have to We can't wait until the decision is made in Beijing. We don't know how many people will starve to death in Gyeonggi after a day's delay. Right now, the eddy water is not strong enough. I think we should immediately organize manpower to intercept the river and widen the river. Weihe, to improve the navigation conditions from vortex to Gyeonggi, this will be the biggest bottleneck of Haicao... In addition, we must immediately build a large granary in vortex to prepare grain storage. Grain and grass transported by sea will be stored in vortex, as long as Jinhai There is enough food and grass, and it is only more than 200 miles away from Gyeonggi, so it is much easier to transport to Gyeonggi by land, whether by boat or horse..."

"That's it!" Lin Xuwen knew that this was not a memorial to solve the problem, but asked him to stop everything else at hand and concentrate all the resources that Hejian Fu could mobilize to widen the eddy water channel and build a grain transportation post road. , building a grain storage warehouse, these three things come up.

To make such a decision, of course, there are political/political risks. Similarly, it is necessary to have the courage to make decisions. Lin Funeng has risen in Jianghuai, Lubei, and Yannan at a weak age. The courage to make decisions is far from peers can reach. Lin Xuwen pondered for a moment, and said, "Okay, after preparing the memorial, I will go back to Jinhai with you..."


The food shortage in Gyeonggi is not just a shortage of 10,000 or 20,000 shi of grain, but a shortage of millions of shi of grain.

Gyeonggi is responsible for solving the problem of feeding the 100,000 frontier troops in Xuanhua and Jibei towns, 80,000 guards in the forbidden area, and 30,000 to 40,000 military horses. Just to maintain such a large army, one year's military food plus transportation loss, it will be enough. More than three million stone grains are needed.

The Yan-Hebei Plain is an important grain-producing area. In the past, the five prefectures in Yannan and Lubei could solve part of the need for grain in Gyeonggi. This year, not only can we not expect to transfer grain from the five prefectures in Yannan and Lubei, but we also need to transfer a large amount of grain to help the two. Three million refugees. One addition and one subtraction make the food shortage in Gyeonggi even worse and fuel the fire.

Lin Fu still doesn't know how serious the grain shortage is in Gyeonggi, but even in the year when the grain transportation was at its lowest, Gyeonggi had to transfer about 3 million shi of grain from other counties. At present, the grains in the other counties are blocked in the south of Yannan. The lowest estimate is that three million stone grains will be transferred this year to overcome the food shortage crisis.

Based on a carriage with a load of ten stones, three million grains would require 300,000 carts, 600,000 mules and horses, and 300,000 coachmen to transport. Such huge carriages were lined up in a long line and walked on the post road. There will be a long queue of about five or six thousand miles before and after.

In terms of inland river boats with a capacity of 200 stone, 3 million grains require 15,000 boats, 30,000 to 60,000 boatmen, and perhaps hundreds of thousands of extra trackers, lined up in a row on the Cao Canal Road. , and there are long queues that are nearly a thousand miles long.

Water transportation is probably the most spectacular project that Dayue Dynasty undertakes every year.

Major crises are always formed by the concentrated outbreak of multiple factors.

Lin Fu and Lin Xuwen did not return directly to Jinhai from Hejian County, but went north to Weitai by carriage.

The Eddy River connects with the Wei River here.

The Weihe River is the core waterway for inland waterway transportation in the Yannan and Jingji sections. Lin Fu rushed to Weitai and saw that there were Shibazi river embankments on both sides of Weihe River, with willows planted there, and a spacious official road leading to Gyeonggi on both sides. Due to the distance from Pingyuanfu, it is not obvious from here that the Weihe River was seriously affected by the disaster of the Yellow River rupture.

The Weihe River from Weitai to the north has excellent navigation conditions, and there is no problem for the Qianshi grain boat to pass directly.

The key eddy water river is a big bottleneck that tightens the neck, and the navigation conditions are very poor.

Lin Fu and Lin Xuwen didn't stay in Weitai for a long time, so they went east along the Guoshui River. They just wanted to walk on the spot and get first-hand information on the navigation conditions of the Guoshui River.

Judging from historical records and local chronicles, Jinhai vortex mouth was the most important transit port when the sea water was opened. The newly excavated Eddy River was almost 60 paces wide, and the water depth was more than 10 feet all the year round. The river banks on both sides were planted with willow dikes. The large sea-going ships transported the grain to the Jinhai port for transshipment, and exchanged for the inland river-caoboats with a capacity of three or four hundred stone to take the Guoshui River to the Wei River and enter Gyeonggi. When it was at its most prosperous, the boats were connected to each other, which could almost cover the entire Wushui River and the Wukou Port. There was no pressure to transfer four or five hundred stone grains a year. After all, the river was short, only fifty or sixty miles.

It is a pity that Haicao was abolished for various reasons after five years. It has been more than 100 years.

There is no government involvement to maintain and manage the river for many years, but the Eddy River, which draws water from the Wei River, is silted and shallow year by year. There were also several floods in the middle, and the damage to the embankment was even more serious. Now, not to mention the thousand-stone giant ships, even the medium-sized inland river boats with a capacity of hundreds of stones rarely enter the Eddy River because they are afraid of being shallow.

The depth of the waterway of the vortex river is the most important manifestation of the inland river transshipment conditions, and it naturally determines the prosperity of the vortex port as a transit seaport. Surprisingly.

No matter how much grain is stored in the vortex mouth, with the navigation conditions of the vortex river at this time, at most 200,000 stone grains can be transported to Gyeonggi a year. The cost of traveling by land is too high, and besides the destruction of the three houses in Yannan, there are not enough mules and horses. But to the point of last resort, it is also necessary to make people push a single wheel to transport grain into Beijing.

Due to the need to consider the river channel on the spot, Lin Fu and Lin Xuwen were delayed on the road for two days~www.readwn.com~ until the evening of the 26th before returning to Jinhai Vortex. Lin Mengde had already returned from Yanjing. He had to trust Lin Fu to return to Wukou. He hurried out of the stockade to greet him, and said to Lin Fu and Lin Xuwen, "Master Tang came here, and he only arrived in the afternoon, and now he is in the stockade..."

Lin Fu did not expect that Tang Haoxin would personally come to Jinhai from Beijing, and hurriedly entered the village with Lin Xuwen to meet Tang Haoxin.

Tang Haoxin is already seventy-one years old. His beard and hair are all white, and his face is full of tawny age spots. His eyes are not very good. When he was rubbing his eyes, he saw Lin Fu and Lin Xuwen entering the lobby.

Tang Haoxin saw Lin Fu for the first time. Seeing him like this, and walking side by side with Lin Xuwen, he knew it was him, and said loudly, "A hero is a boy, a hero is a boy, Wuchen has such a proud disciple as you, in this life. I have no regrets!" He took Lin Bie's arm, looked at him carefully, and smiled again, "What a good-looking person! He is indeed a rising star of our Chu Party."

"Master Tang is too famous." Lin Fu said with a smile. He went to Hejian County to find Lin Xuwen, and he fell a few times in the muddy water. The conditions were so bad, and there was no change for washing. Dirty like a beggar, and the clothes and armor can see the original color, can this be applauded? According to the river water, Lin Fu felt that his face was disgusting.

When the Chu Party gained power, Tang Haoxin was already sixty-nine years old, and he recommended Zhang Xie, a proud student, to be the deputy prime minister.

"Let's not say more greetings, this is Chen Jingtang, the head of the Ministry of Industry, and I know him in the continuation." Tang Haoxin took Lin Bie's arm and walked into the lobby, "You guess it is good, Gyeonggi will run out of food. It will reopen from Jinhai. Haicao, when will you be ready?" My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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