Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 1: broken waves like snow

(The Yanyun Tribulation Scroll is over, and the new Taohai Fury has begun. You must vote for a red ticket!)

The broken waves are like snow, and the clouds are like mountains. Yuan Yan is standing on the deck, her dark and crystal clear eyes are fascinated by the blue and clear water, like a large piece of sapphire embedded between the sky and the earth. The heart was clear, and the panic and sadness in the dream all dissipated like a cloud of smoke at this moment.

Yuan Jianhai was seasick, and was so dizzy that he almost vomited out his internal organs. Since he got on the boat, he was groggy and had no time to wake up. Zuo Tanggui proposed to take a boat by sea to Jinhai and then go ashore to Yanjing. At this time, Yuan Jianhai could not wait to kick Zuo Tanggui into the sea. He did not expect that sea dizziness would be so painful, and he decided to pay attention to this life. by boat.

After Jinan was recaptured, Yuan Jianhai did not go back to Jinan, and stayed in Yangxin with other people from Prince Lu's mansion.

After the Donglu captured Jinan, they did not enter the city of Jinan. After looting, they set fire to the whole city, and the bodies of tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians defending the city were scattered everywhere in Jinan city. At this time, Jinan had become a dead city. Without a few months of cleaning up, it would be impossible to live in, and Yuan Jianhai and the people of Lu Wangfu could not go back. It was not until the end of February that a special edict came from the palace that Yuan Jianhai brought Yuan Yan, the youngest daughter of King Lu, to Beijing.

By the end of February, a large flooded swamp area had formed in the northwest of Yangxin, and all roads were destroyed. Due to the warmer weather, the rivers along the coastline are also unfrozen, which is not conducive to the passage of the motorcade. They can only take a sea boat to the north to Jinhai, and then disembark and take a car to Beijing.

"In front of you is Jinwei Island. Except for Master Lin's Jinwei Island, there is no island that can accommodate so many people working together!" A boatman standing on the bow deck led the way to help the small county master Yuan Yan pointed out Jinwei the direction of the island.

"Really, where, where?" Yuan Yan is short, only twelve years old, she is just the age to grow tall, she stood on tiptoe, her hair was ruffled by the sea breeze, and she barely saw the Jinhai Island that was exposed to the sea level. On the tip of the island, I couldn’t see the panoramic view of Jinhai Island, and I only hoped that the ship would travel faster and arrive at Jinwei Island earlier.

Zuo Tanggui's face was cold, and he was not excited about entering Lin Fu's territory. Yuan Jianhai was naturally excited when he thought that he could no longer take the boat and suffer from seasickness. They traveled north by boat, and on the way they encountered a fleet of grain transporters from Jinhai to the south to Shandong Deng, Lai, etc. They did not expect that the imperial court would be able to organize so many grain ships in Jinhai at this time, almost seven or eight ten. The fleet knew that they were from Prince Lu's Mansion, who went north to Beijing, and they sent two boatmen to guide them. Only then did they know some of the situation in Jinhai.

After crossing Jinwei Island and arriving at Jinhai, Yuan Jianhai discovered that the whirlpool was many times more lively than expected.

The mouth of the vortex was sealed by a temporary dam. For the convenience and speed of building the dam, Lin Bing directly filled four flat-bottomed boats loaded with sand and gravel to the mouth of the river. Yuan Jianhai and Yuan Yan were the first to see it. It is the eight solitary masts that stand up from the middle of the dam.

For Yuan Yan, after leaving Yangxin, she finally encountered a lively place, as if she was relieved, and the stagnant emotions along the way were suddenly released.

Inside and outside the seawall, there are busy figures of laborers and people carrying their shoulders and shoulders. A large headland stretches out to the southeast of Wukou Village, which separates the beach at the mouth of the Wushui River from the coast to the north, forming a natural sheltered bay. A hundred years ago, Kaihaicao chose the vortex port as the transshipment station, just because of the geographical conditions here. Over the past 100 years, the geographical conditions of this place have not changed much. After a little adjustment, it is Langgang. On the straights, much less.

However, the inland wharf in Zhainan is too small, and it can only park five or six small and medium-sized inland river boats at one time. In addition to restricting the river channel, the transshipment capacity of the Eddy River is also directly related to the loading and unloading capacity of the wharf. To achieve the capacity of twenty boats to load and unload at the same time, the inland wharf must be widened to at least 300 steps wide.

In order to save construction time, while digging the kiln to burn the bricks, the vortex more often dismantles and transports the bricks directly from the surrounding villages.

On the south bank of Hechazikou is the camp of Jiangdong Zuoying and laborers, occupying a large area. Next to the Hechazikou, there is a Seibao-style building just showing its childish shape. The north bank is centered on the transformation of Wukou Village into the Jinhai warehouse, and it is planned to build the Jinhai Metropolitan Water Transport Division Yamen, as well as two military fortresses and a fortress wall to defend the Jinhai warehouse. The Hejian government office and the Jinhai county office will also be moved here. There is no extra financial, human, and material resources to clean up the disabled Hejian County and Jinhai County. Besides, Lin Xuwen has several jobs, so he can't handle official business.

In addition, the Jinhai Salt and Iron Company and the saltworks system were completely crippled. Except for the quick-footed, officials either killed, surrendered or betrayed, and none of the Yanding and the salt households escaped. The imperial court also intends to rebuild Jinhai Salt here. Tieshi Yamen.

The superposition of many factors has made the whirlpool a distribution center for returning refugees, with abnormal prosperity similar to the turbulent autumn. Although the refugees were continuously evacuated inland along the Eddy River, the number of refugees who regrouped at the mouth of the river soon reached tens of thousands. In the north of Wukou Village, there is a large undulating tent, and you can't see your head at a glance. Yuan Jianhai, Zuo Tanggui and others also saw it and wondered: I didn't hear that Jinhai was apart from Jiangdong Zuojun and Jinzhong army. , there are other garrison ah?

What Yuan Jianhai and Zuo Tanggui did not know, Hao Zongcheng led 20,000 Ji Bei troops (including more than 10,000 military horses) to move to Jinhai on March 6th to solve the problem of military food nearby, so that at least every month can help Gyeonggi. Alleviate the pressure on the supply of 40,000 stone grains and 300,000 fodder.

Taking into account the pressure of Jinhai's use of food, the Ministry of Household sent another member of the fifth grade to supervise the Jinhai warehouse, replacing the former Jinhai warehouse supervisor Zhang Wendeng to balance the relationship between the Ministry of Household and Lin Xuwen and Lin Fu.

At this time, more and more people know that the small area of ​​Jinhai Vortex has actually become the throat, neck and lifeline of Gyeonggi and Dayue Dynasty; The critical juncture of waste and waiting has always been sitting in Jinhai.


There are two different systems for the title of royal family and the title of meritorious deeds. After the prince and the county king, the titles of the general of the township and the general of the country are followed by the title of the general of the country. Yuan Jianhai himself was awarded the title of General of the State, and was not qualified to be awarded the title of Prince of the County.

The palace was considerate of the encounters of King Lu's family, and read Yuan Jianhai's achievements in resisting the enemy in Yangxin, and ordered Yuan Jianhai to go to Beijing to receive the title of the prince of the county.

Lin Bie stood behind Tang Haoxin, Hao Zongcheng, Lin Xuwen and others, with Liu Zhi, Ma Yigong, Yang Yihang, Zhang Wendeng, Chen Jintang and other civil and military officials behind him.

The princes and lords of the county are ranked from the first rank, above the Prince Shaobao and the Minister of Internal Affairs Zuo Changshi. Although Tang Haoxin and Hao Zongcheng have much more authority than Yuan Jianhai, according to the rules, they still stand on the seawall to welcome Yuan Jianhai to the port by boat. ,welcome.

Yuan Jianhai was very seasick and lethargic, so after announcing at the port, he was surrounded by the crowd and walked into Jinhai Cangyamen. Here, Yuan Jianhai has prepared a dust-cleaning banquet. Even if he has a headache, he has to insist on participating, and he can't refute everyone's face. Yuan Yan, the head of the small county, was served by her mother-in-law and maid and went to the courtyard to rest.

Lin Fu's mind was not on Yuan Jianhai. Hao Zongcheng led the army to Jinhai. In addition to being close to Jinhai Port for the convenience of military food, he also had the intention of suppressing and containing Jiangdong Zuoying. Lin Fu's mind was not on Hao Zongcheng. At least he and Jiangdong Zuoying worked very hard for the court. It's neat and tidy, the court wants to remove the grind and kill the donkey, and naturally it has to wait until the immediate difficulties are over.

The DPRK and China approved the petitions of Li Zhuo and Yue Lengqiu at the same time in early March.

Promote Li Zhuo as Minister of the Ministry of War, and ask Li Zhuo to go to Beijing immediately after receiving the decree, and discuss the plan to pacify the prisoners; promote Cheng Yuqian to take over the post of Minister of War of Jiangning and Jiangning Guard; in addition to Yue Lengqiu's post as Governor of Dongmin, his powers are delegated to Dongmin Xuanfu envoy, admiral's office, and inspector envoy, awarded Yue Lengqiu the title of Minister of Military Affairs and served as the governor of Jianghuai, restrained the military and political affairs of Jiangdong and Jiangning, led the division north, and had jurisdiction over the pacifying affairs. Gu Wuchen was promoted to Doctor Guanglu from the second-rank rank, and served as the inspector of Jiangdong and the army of Jiangdong Township, under the control of Yue Lengqiu.

Even if Jiangning's status in Beijing is not considered, in normal years, the fixed amount of water under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Homecoming of East Fujian is only 300,000 stone, and the fixed amount of water that can be used locally is 400,000 stone. The fixed number of water under the Ministry’s jurisdiction is 2.4 million stone, and the fixed water amount available to the local government is 1.6 million stone. From these two sets of data alone, we can see how big the actual power gap between the governors of East Fujian and Jianghuai is. .

more than two hundred years. There have been many incidents in Jiangdong County, but the post of Governor of Jianghuai has never been established. At this time, setting up the governor of Jianghuai and letting Yue Lengqiu steal this position is not just for the purpose of pacifying the East Sea bandits and Hongzepu bandits. Lin Fu could see that even though the imperial court never mentioned moving the capital on the surface, in fact, the governor of Jianghuai to strengthen the centralization of power over Jiangdong County and Jiangning Prefecture was to prepare for the capital move~www.readwn.com~ When it comes to seniority ranking, Cheng Yuqian is He was qualified to serve as the Minister of the Army of Jiangning and the garrison of Jiangning, but in the first battle of King Qin, Cheng Yuqian was greedy for life and fear of death, and he was afraid of the enemy. The soldiers went further, he took two steps back, until the main force of the southern line of the Eastern invaders set fire to Jinan City and retreated to the north of the Yellow River. Only then did he lead Jiangdong Qin Wang Shi to slowly follow Yue Lengqiu's **** to "recover" Jinan.

The promotion of Cheng Yu Qian probably also considered that his weakness was insufficient to counter Yue Lengqiu's full power in Jiangdong, but it was not that there was no check and balance on Yue Lengqiu within the Chu Party.

Gu Wuchen did not receive any substantial promotion on the surface, but the words "also supervising the township army" were very crucial and necessary, which made it impossible for Yue Lengqiu to bypass Gu Wuchen and directly command the township army and township camp in Jiangdong County. At this time, several troops in Jiangdong County with stronger combat power, including Jiangdong Zuoying, Dongyang Xiangyong, and Weiyang Xiangyong, who were controlled by Dong Yuan, were all rural troops.

With his eyes closed, Lin Bie could also think that this was a favorable condition that Tang Haoxin won for Gu Wuchen. After all, Gu Wuchen was not qualified to directly serve as the governor of Jianghuai.

Lin Fu wanted to go to Beijing to meet Li Zhuo very much, but as a leading civil servant, even if he was only more than two hundred kilometers away from Beijing, he was not allowed to enter Beijing unless he declared himself. Of course, at the end of the dynasty, there were not so many scruples and taboos. If Lin Fu went directly to Beijing without listening to the propaganda, it would be too dazzling.

Lin Fu was in a depressed mood. He drank some wine at the banquet, and was slightly drunk. He left Jinhai Cangyamen and returned to the camp on the south bank surrounded by guards. Lin Mengde waited for him in front of the Yuanmen and helped him lead the horse, saying : "Mr. Gao Zongting Gao and Colonel Geng Quanshan are here, waiting for you to come back in the camp..." My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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