Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 6: smuggled grain into Beijing

Seeing the fleet of Jiyun Society arriving in Jinhai, Tang Haoxin breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that before mid-April, the goal of storing 400,000 shi of grain in Jinhai would not be difficult to achieve, but he could not relax.

Before mid-to-late April, the transfer of nearly 400,000 shi of grain from Shandong could temporarily alleviate the grain shortage in Gyeonggi, but it was only a temporary relief. Including the needs of the Yannan relief, almost every month from now on, 200,000 to 300,000 shi of grain will be sent to Gyeonggi to basically meet the needs of the military and civilians in Gyeonggi.

The blockage of the rupture of the Yellow River North embankment and the restoration of the Caolu Road in Pingyuan Prefecture are by no means a one-day effort. The most optimistic estimate will take half a year to toss, which means that in the next half a year, it will be necessary to pass Jinhai to Gyeonggi and other places. The Yannan area transported 1.5 million shi to 2 million shi of grain.

In addition to Jiyunshe's fleet that has the ability to travel to the sea and can directly transport grain from the Jianghuai region to Jinhai, most of the merchant ships that carry grain for Jinhai at this time can only operate in the offshore due to the limitation of ship type and structural strength. sail. Most of the merchant ships are only suitable for the medium-distance sea route from Denglai, Shandong to Jinhai, and cannot transport grain from the farther Jianghuai region to Jinhai.

Jinan Prefecture and Pingyuan Prefecture are plain terrains in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River. They are the main grain producing areas in Shandong, and the fixed water volume accounts for almost half of the entire Shandong. Jinan and Pingyuan were completely devastated and destroyed this time. Not only could they not deliver grain to Gyeonggi, but they also had to mobilize a large amount of food from other regions to help the refugees. The eastern and southern areas of Shandong are mostly mountainous areas, and the grain output is limited.

Lin Fu solved the bottleneck problem of transportation from Denglai, Shandong to Jinhai. Tang Haoxin's biggest headache now is whether the amount of grain exported from other regions to Denglai, Shandong can reach 20 to 30 stone per month. If we get stuck on this bottleneck, even if the transportation capacity from Denglai in Shandong to Jinhai is abundant, it cannot completely explain the food shortage crisis in Gyeonggi.

Tang Haoxin hesitated whether to ask Zhi to go to Shandong in person to see the preparations in Shandong. The key chain could not fall in Shandong. However, Liu Yefei, the new inspector in Shandong, is a trusted confidant of Deputy Prime Minister Zhang Xie. Tang Hao believes that Liu Yefei will not ignore the food shortage crisis in Gyeonggi. If Dongshan really fell off the chain, no matter how much Zhang Xie trusted Liu Yefei, it would be very difficult for Liu Yefei to keep his official position.


The fleet docked at the port, Ge Cunxin and others got on the dock, and first handed the list of supplies to Lin Fu.

The fleet of Jiyun Society includes three 5,000-stone giant ships and ten thousand-stone giant ships, with a total capacity of 25,000 stone. In addition to some scarce materials such as medicinal materials and iron products, it is mainly loaded with 15,000 shi of grain, and the most in short supply in Jinhai is also grain.

In addition to boatmen, sailors and escorts, Lin Xuhong also brought more than a dozen Lin clan and Shanglinli children with the boat to Jinhai this time. This is naturally also Lin Xuwen, who is also the censor of Youdujian, who knows the affairs of the Hejian government, and is the military officer of the Hejian government. The local forces in Hejian Mansion were devastated, and it was the best opportunity for the Lin Clan to extend their power to Hejian Mansion.

Seeing Lin Fu and the eldest son standing at the port, Lin Xuhong, who disembarked behind him, came over and saluted: "Eldest son, Master Seventeen..." When he withdrew from Shanglin in May last year, Lin Xuhong did not feel that his status was inferior to Lin. How many times have been bound, and when it has only been less than a year, I feel that it is inappropriate to continue to call Lin Fu "Old Seventeen".

Lin Bie was slightly startled, thinking about when he became the "Seventeen Master" in Lin Xuhong's mouth. He felt that this title was awkward, but he didn't say anything. He introduced Tang Haoxin beside him and said: "Tang Gong Tang Shaobao , Big Brother Xuhong, come and salute Tang Shaobao..."

"Sister Tang, you always say hello," Lin Xuhong bowed to Tang Haoxin and said, "Master Gu guessed that Tang was in Jinhai, and asked me to send you a letter to you..." He hurriedly asked his entourage to send Gu Wuchen's Find out the private message and send it to Tang Haoxin.

Tang Haoxin smiled slightly, took the letter, and did not rush to open it. He kindly asked some details about the voyage to the outer seas of Heishuiyang. Coming to Jinhai is simply not realistic.

In winter and spring, when the inland river transportation is the most inconvenient, it is the most convenient time for large sea fleets. From the Heishuiyang sea route northward, and then southward by the northwest monsoon, they can go back and forth once a month.

But after April, the monsoon will change from a northwest monsoon to a southeast monsoon, and sea storms will become more frequent and violent. It is a large and sturdy sea ship. After April, it usually only takes the advantage of the southeast monsoon to approach the sea route and sail northward. The speed of going north is not slow, but the speed of the fleet going south is very slow. It takes at least two months for the fleet of Jiyun Club to make a round trip.

In summer and autumn, due to the frequent storms at sea, small and medium-sized sea ships or ships with structural strength meeting the requirements usually choose to hide in safe harbors, and will not easily go to sea, and will never easily go to long-distance shipping.

Taking into account these factors, Lin Bie's huge maritime merchant ship owner in the Jinhai Organization will still only be able to transport grain and grass within the Bohai Bay, where there are relatively few winds and waves, for the next six months. Even if the fleet of Jiyun Society is directly transported to Chongzhou, the maximum grain volume in the second half of the year is ideally 60,000 to 80,000 shi, which cannot be solved at 1.5 million to 2 million shi in Gyeonggi and Yannan. food demand.

The most urgent problem at the moment is the shortage of grain in Shandong. It is necessary to transport the grain from other counties to the Denglai area of ​​Shandong through inland rivers and land transportation.


Lin Fu also thought about this very clearly. The bottleneck was how to transport the grain from other counties to the Denglai area of ​​Shandong. However, no matter how strong he and Jiangdong Zuoying were, there were limits. energy to solve things.

The ship docked at the port, the pallets were set up, and the people were transporting it very quickly. The Qianshi Ship was 60 to 70% full, and 600 to 700 bags of grain were organized. .

Lin Fu didn't have time to stay on the dock to monitor the transportation. He and Tang Haoxin and Lin Xuwen returned to the yamen or temporarily stationed themselves to act as agents. He needed Ge Cunxin to report to him more detailed information on Jiangdong County.

As soon as Lin Fu returned to the tent, Liu Zhi walked in with his tail on.

Seeing Liu Zhi's sneaky appearance, Lin Fu knew that he had something to say, and he didn't invite Liu Zhi into the secret room to discuss the matter. He stood up and asked with a smile, "Liu Guanjun, what can I do for you?"

Jiangdong Zuojun was officially organized as a township camp, and Liu Zhi's so-called title of deputy envoy of Jiangdong Zuojun Guanjun Rong was vacated, and he no longer had a direct relationship with Jiangdong Zuoying, but Liu Zhi was also quite capable and trusted by Hao Zongcheng. He also gave him the title of deputy envoy of Jinhai Guanjun Rong, and became the deputy supervisor of the entire Jinhai garrison and guest army. Even if Li Zhuo successfully persuaded the emperor to agree to the strategic concept of strategic contraction, interior defense, and three-way layout, and to set up an elite division in Jinhai, Lin Fu estimated that Liu Zhi would officially serve as the military supervisor of the Tianjin Navy or to watch the military appearance. To make, to exercise the post of supervisor.

Lin Fu still didn't want to offend these eunuchs, he wanted to have a good relationship with them as much as possible, and he had always been kind to Liu Zhi.

Liu Zhi smiled, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "It is said that these grains transported by the Jiyunshe fleet do not need to be stored in the Jinhai warehouse. At this time, the household department only cares about the grains and grasses transported by Denglai..."

What kind of **** Liu Zhi pouted, Lin Bie knew what kind of **** he wanted.

Lin Fu's provision of food and grass to the Jinhai warehouse and the relocation of the navy is among the plans of the Ministry of Household. .

The food shortage in Gyeonggi has been strictly controlled. In addition to the full amount of stipends provided by officials, ordinary people sell food in fixed quantities at a fair price, but the supply is very small. If the whole family is not hungry, they must buy food from other sources.

Even if the officials in the DPRK and China were able to receive their stipends in full, they would still feel food shortages. After all, there were many servants in the house, and to support so many people, the stipends were also insufficient, so they had to buy food from the grain market.

In the Gyeonggi region, apart from a small proportion of the supply of grain at a fair price, the market price of grain has soared far more than three or four times the price of rice in Jiangning.

Liu Zhi's meaning is obvious, the grain shipped by the Jiyun Society's fleet does not pass through the Jinhai warehouse, but is directly smuggled to the Gyeonggi area for sale ~www.readwn.com~ The profit is definitely far more than that of the Jinhai warehouse.

Of course, Lin Fu knew that Liu Zhi would not be kind enough to tell him to make a fortune. He nodded slightly and said with a smile, "What else does Liu Guanjun want to hide in front of me?"

"..." Liu Zhi smiled and said, "Jibei Army is dispatched frequently and is not subject to local restraint. Every day, hundreds of thousands of stone grains are transported to Beijing, and it will be able to do it without knowing it..."

"The boat docked, and Tang Shaobao also watched it at the pier. It was also difficult for me," Lin Fu thought for a while, and said, "That's good, this time I'll pay an extra two dollars per stone at the price of 1,500 yuan. Qianshi grain is given to Jibei Army, what good things should be done here, we will discuss it next time?"

"It's done!" Liu Zhi didn't expect Lin Fu to be so happy. He was able to ask for more food to share with the Jiangdong Zuo Army. Since Lin Fu didn't share the profits, it would be interesting to be able to allocate 2,000 more grains this time. He thought about it for a while, considering the current price of food in Gyeonggi, it would be a breeze to store these two thousand grains in his hands for a few days, and to make an extra seven or eight thousand taels of silver when he changed hands.

Lin Fu also knew that the price of grain in Gyeonggi was soaring, but he was responsible for assisting Lin Xuwen to supervise Haicao for the Ministry of Household. In addition to the fixed supply of grain and grass for the troops stationed along the navy, he could only sell the grain to the Jinhai warehouse, which was then organized by Lin Xuwen. Inland water and land transportation were delivered to the Gyeonggi Okang warehouse under the Ministry of Household. As for how the Ministry of Household handled it, and how to use these grains to collude with grain merchants to collect money from ordinary people, it had nothing to do with Jinhai and Jiangdong Zuojun.

I didn't expect Hao Zongcheng to reach out to get the money. Hao Zongcheng still controls the Jibei Army. It is very convenient for Hao Zongcheng to transport food to Gyeonggi. This is similar to using the army to smuggle. Ministry officials and household grain merchants who are affiliated with the Ministry of Household fetch it? My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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