Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 8: The benefits of private food

(Working hard to update!)

Lin Xuhong talked in detail about the destruction of Haozhou and other places after the Battle of Haozhou, and everyone felt heavy when they heard it.

Although there are righteous thieves in the world, but in this turbulent age, there are more ruthless robbers. Even a timid and honest person has a cruel side in his heart. Once he loses his restraint, anyone can completely expose his cruel side and become an unrecognizable beast and poisonous snake.

Lin Fu let out a sigh of relief, temporarily suppressed the anger in his heart, and looked at the map of Jiangdong's situation spread out on the desk. The movement of Liu An'er's department was clearly and unmistakably marked on the map. Although Liu An'er had the support of the She family at the beginning of the Hongzepu uprising, at this time Liu An'er moved the hundreds of thousands of rogues gathered under his command to the upper reaches of the Huai River in batches. All the capable troops entered the Huai Shangfu.

I have to admit that Liu An'er still has some strategic vision. He didn't rashly lead his troops to the southeast to attack Weiyang or Jiangning because the East China Sea bandits, who were directly supported by the She family behind the scenes, made great moves in the southeast of Changguo Islands.

Jiangdong County was the heartland of the Dayue Dynasty. Liu An'er led his troops to the southeast, which not only meant that most of the Qin Wang division stranded in Yannan and Gyeonggi areas would go south to fight, but also the local village forces were very strong, making it difficult for Liu An'er to go south. huge resistance.

However, Huaishang has been a place of trouble for bandits for decades. Although the bandits have been cleared many times, the bandit troubles in the past year appear to be peaceful on the surface. Besides, Huai Shang has been suffering from drought for years, people living in hardships, and the exorbitant and miscellaneous taxes have not been reduced in the slightest.

At present, not only Liu An'er's troops are moving to Huai Shang, but Luo Xiancheng of Jingchu, Gong Yucai and other powerful rogues are also moving to Huai Shang together - this shows that these groups have secret contacts several months ago, even if they don't. It is possible to form a larger force, but the coordinated movement of several rogue forces will be more destructive to the local area.

Liu An'er led his troops to Huai'an, but it actually relieved Yue Lengqiu's pressure. On the surface, it seemed that Yue Lengqiu led his troops to Huai'an Mansion, and the thief Liu An'er couldn't resist the pressure and fled west.

On the map, in addition to the movement of Liu An'er's clan, the Changguo Islands in the southeast also drew a big, dazzling circle for Lin Buna's charred charcoal branches.

The Donghai pirates who directly exerted influence behind the scenes by She Feixiong have already captured Changguo Island. Although the use of troops against Mingzhou Prefecture was frustrated at the beginning of the month, it also showed that the Donghai pirates at this time already possessed the ability to attack large cities with heavy defenses. This is a very fatal thing.

Last year, when the East China Sea bandits invaded the prefectures and counties along the Taihu Lake, it can only be said that Pingjiang Prefecture and other places have no experience in coastal defense, and they easily tore the defense line. In fact, the East China Sea bandits are not strong, otherwise they will not be frustrated. Under the city of Jiyang, but after the setback, the integrated East China Sea bandit forces became even more menacing.

"Maybe at the end of this month, we will return to Chongzhou..." Lin Fu said to Cao Zi'ang and others.

Gu Wuchen, who was also supervising the township camp at this time, had already made a request to the court to transfer Jiangdong Zuoying back to Jiangdong County to participate in the suppression of bandits, and the court would give a reply at the end of the month at the latest. As long as Jinhai can temporarily stabilize, there is no reason for Jiangdong Zuoying to stay in Jinhai.

At this time, it was not a question of whether the court would give Lin Fu the honor to call him to face the Holy Spirit in Beijing, but Lin Fu himself couldn't find the time to come to Beijing for this trip. Miansheng involves extremely cumbersome etiquette, which cannot be accomplished by riding a fast horse to Beijing in one day.


Before noon, Lin Xuwen sent someone to invite them to the north for a meal. Lin Xuwen wanted to wash the dust off Lin Xuhong and other Lin family members from Jiangning in person, and hoped that Lin Fu and Lin Mengde would participate together. Lin Fu asked Lin Mengde to go to the north first, and he still had some things to discuss with Cao Zi'ang.

Lin Fu was rushing to take the guards through the temporary closed river dam to the Jinhai Metropolitan Water Transport Department's office in the north, and saw that Lin Meng had to drag Ma Chao to Tang Haoxin's residence. Lin Mengde gave him two winks, and Lin Fu was confused for a while and didn't understand what Lin Mengde's wink meant, so he went straight to Lin Xuwen to talk about the personal food.

Lin Bie wanted to bypass the Jinhai warehouse and the Ministry of Household to transport it to Gyeonggi for sale. It was easy to deceive Tang Haoxin. After all, Tang Haoxin had no eyeliner in Jinhai, but it was difficult to deceive Lin Xuwen.

In addition to Lin Xuwen's actual control of the local power in Hejian Prefecture, Lin Fu has to transport a large amount of grain from Jiangdong to Jinhai, which is inseparable from the cooperation of Linji Warehouse.

Lin Fu even thought that after the situation in Jinhai had temporarily stabilized, he would pull out all the ships of Jiyun Club to the south to form an elite water camp, and leave the sale of smuggled grain to the Lin family's fleet.

The forces of the East China Sea bandits have become so powerful that they can conquer cities and swept the land in Zhejiang and Zhejiang. Lin Fu can no longer slow down the pace of forming a navy. His first step is to make all the solid ships under Jiyun Society suitable for transformation into warships. Ships are pulled out.

The matter of private food cannot be discussed openly. Lin Fu walked into the back house of the ya office and saw Lin Xuwen and Lin Xuhong chatting and laughing in the hall, so he directly invited him to the secret room to discuss matters.

"Brother, maybe you can't think of what Liu Zhi said to me in the morning?" Lin Fu said.

"What's the matter?" Lin Xuwen asked.

Important yamen, including Jinhai Metropolitan Caoyun Division and Jinhai Salt and Iron Division, are gathering in Wukou New City. It is also in line with Li Zhuoping's strategic concept of three-way layout to support the elite military equipment to defend the Jinhai Sea - Liu Zhi is likely to serve as the military envoy of the Jinhai Navy to exercise the power of supervising the Jinhai garrison.

Lin Xuwen knew that his military prestige was far from that of Lin Fu, so his personal control over the soon-to-be-established Jin Navy was far less than Lin Fu's control over the Jiangdong Zuoying. Whatever he did, it didn't mean that he had nothing to do when he came to serve as the Tianjin Navy Supervisor. Most of the court would not want to see Jinhai become the private army of the Lin family, which would increase Liu Zhi's power in the Tianjin Navy.

Lin Xuwen even worried that the upcoming Jin Navy would be the same as the current Jibei Army, forming a pattern of eunuchs actually leading the army.

Now Lin Xuwen can only try his best to win over and protect the generals of Jin Zhong, such as Ma Yigong and Yang Yihang, to prevent them from kicking Liu Zhi from the Tianjin Navy. As long as they are still in the army, they can at least form a rivalry with Liu Zhi. .

When Lin Xuwen heard Lin Fu mentioned that Liu Zhi had approached him in the morning, his ears perked up, wanting to hear what Lin Fu had to discuss about Liu Zhi's secret.

"Liu Zhi is here on behalf of Hao Zongcheng, and I hope I will allocate more food to the Jibei Army," Lin Fu said, seeing that Lin Xuwen didn't understand the joints for a while, he said bluntly, "Now, almost all the food in Beijing is stored by the Ministry of Households. The Gyeonggi Okura to which it belongs is in control. Although it is stipulated that the civilians are provided with rationed food at a daily rate, the supply is very small, ranging from the elderly to the weak, women and children. The actual amount of grain released by the warehouse reaches about eight taels per person per day, and most of this excess goes into the hands of private grain merchants... In addition to the affordable grain supply, the price of grain in Gyeonggi is already four or five times that of Jinhai. Taller."

"Hao Zongcheng also wants to intervene in this piece to make a fortune?" Lin Xuwen asked.

"Yes, Hao Zongcheng is quite greedy. He wanted to get the benefits of private grain before, but he didn't have the grain source. At this time, he didn't dare to deduct excessive private pay," Lin Fu said, "He asked Liu Zhi to come to me, probably just to see The idea came to us when we shipped more than 10,000 shi of grain from Chongzhou this time. This grain is outside the plan of the Ministry of Household, and it is actually our decision whether to enter the Jinhai warehouse or not..."

Lin Xuwen touched his chin and said, "Will it make Tang Haoxin and them suspicious?"

"What doubts can arise. Hao Zongcheng is not greedy for wages and rations for one day or two. Have you ever seen Tang and Zhang Zai intend to bring down Hao Zongcheng in this matter?" Lin Fu said.

Today, the daily amount of grain in Beijing is about 4,000 shi, and the supply at a fair price is less than half. The excess part almost goes to the grain merchants to make high-priced profits. All were taken away by these grain merchants greedily.

Zhang Xie now controls the Ministry of Household, and is not Zhang Xie's private person, so it is almost impossible to get excess grain from the Gyeonggi Okang. Grain merchants made huge profits, and naturally a considerable part went into Zhang Xie's private pocket. Since these grain merchants can be said to be Zhang Xie's private individuals, and the grain source is the Gyeonggi warehouse under the Ministry of Households, so the extremely high Gyeonggi grain price is actually intentional by Zhang Xie and others: both the people among the people The tolerance level is controlled within a certain range, and it does not prevent them from collecting oil and water from the public and falling into the pockets of individuals.

If the rest of the wealth in the hands of the people of Gyeonggi is scraped away by Zhang Xie and others, will Zhang Xie kindly lower the food price?

No, once there is greed, it is difficult to control people's hearts. Even if Zhang Xie still has the mind to take into account the overall situation, the grain merchants under him will become uncontrollable.

At this time, Hao Zongcheng should be let in to disrupt the situation. As long as there is a second source of food for the Gyeonggi households, unless Zhang Xie and Hao Zongcheng are able to act together, they will definitely reduce the price of Gyeonggi's food and ease the increasingly embarrassing plight of Gyeonggi households.

Lin Fu thought so, but Lin Xuwen was thinking about other things: First of all, they could not leave the Chu Party at this time, but it was also very obvious that if the Chu Party split into two factions, they would naturally be on Tang Gu's side~www.readwn. com~ Right now, the price of food in Gyeonggi is controlled by Zhang Xie and the Ministry of Household officials to make huge personal profits. Even if the matter is leaked to Tang and Gu, the matter will not deteriorate to the point where it cannot be controlled. Besides, Hao Zongcheng and the Minister of Internal Affairs formed their own line in the court. Even if Tang Gu was left behind, the Lin family would still have the qualifications to join Hao Zongcheng. It's just that Hao Zongcheng has such a bad reputation that Lin Xuwen couldn't save his face and thought about going to join Hao Zongcheng. However, with the current situation, even if he does not want to go to the **** Hao Zongcheng without hope, having a good relationship with Hao Zongcheng will undoubtedly help the Lin family gain a foothold in Jinhai.

"What are you going to do?" Lin Xuwen asked.

"I can't refute Hao Zongcheng and Liu Zhi's face, but I can't make a hasty decision," Lin Fu said, "I just promised to allocate an extra 2,000 stone grains to the Jibei Army this time, and I didn't say anything else, so I just came over to discuss with my big brother."

"How much grain can we pump out every month?" Lin Xuwen asked.

"Hao Zongcheng is in control of the Jibei Army at this time, and Liu Zhi will be the supervisor of the Jin Navy in the future," Lin Fu said. "Providing them an extra 10,000 shi of rations every month should make each other quite happy..."

Lin Xuwen nodded, the price of grain in Gyeonggi will be difficult to drop in the short term, 120,000 stone grains a year, the huge profit is also a considerable amount, the key is how to divide the problem.

Lin Xuwen looked at Lin Fu without saying a word.

Lin Fu said: "Xuhong came to Jinhai to help you, I think he will do it well..." Lin Fu hoped that the more smuggled grains shipped to Gyeonggi through the Lin family, the better. Liang couldn't disturb the good things of Huang Zhangxie and the Ministry of Household officials. Besides, Lin Xuwen actually controlled Jinhai and Hejianfu. He didn't want to argue with Lin Xuwen, as long as he could guarantee his own interests. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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