Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 12: Tsukai

(The third update, ask for a red ticket; tomorrow is Christmas Eve, I wish brothers and sisters a happy Christmas Eve!)

Without any notice, Zhuhai ships stopped unloading and replaced with fresh water, ordnance and other materials. Zhou Pu and Ning Zechen led two battalions of soldiers to block the passage between Jinhaicang and Jibei army camp, block Jinhai Port, and Jiangdong Zuo. The battalion was mobilized together and assembled towards the north bank of the Eddy River, and the situation in Jinhai suddenly became tense.

At dusk, the main mast of a 5,000-stone sea ship moored next to Wukou Cape raised the scarlet color of "Jinhai County Male, Chaosan Doctor, Jiangdong Inspector, Chief Supervisor and Supervisor of Jiangdong Zuoying Township Junlin" The banner, facing the sea breeze, launched hunting and hunting, announcing that Lin Fu's command tent had been moved from the camp on the south bank of the Eddy River to this five-thousand-stone sea ship.

Someone hung a box with a rope from the left side of the ship, and a craftsman stood in the box and took a large lacquer pen to write the two scarlet characters "Jinhai" on the side of the ship. The five-thousand-stone sea ship was officially named "Jinhai", and everyone with a discerning eye knew that Lin Bie wanted to use "Jinhai" as his command ship.

Before dusk, the 600 soldiers of the first battalion of the Jiangdong Zuoying Township Army had assembled at the dock and boarded the three ships "Jinhai", "Jiyun 1" and "Jiyun 2" in a silent and orderly manner.

This is a heroic soldier of the Donglu iron cavalry. The arrows, swords, and armor exude a cold and cold light. The people who come to the pier to watch the situation watch the soldiers walking from the south bank of the vortex river. Come on, feel suffocated.

Although Jiangdong Zuoying Township Army had sent people to post notices to appease the people at this time, and informed the yamen that everything in front of them was an emergency drill, except for the second battalion and the fourth battalion, the soldiers directly blocked the Jibei Army and Tianjin. Outside the passage between the sea warehouses, the only remaining cavalry battalion of the Jiangdong Zuoying Township Army also scattered out, blocking and martial law entering and leaving the passages of Jinhai Cang and Jinhai Port Wharf, which inevitably made people feel anxious.

"Jinhai" is more than 20 feet long and more than 40 feet wide. Above the bottom cabin is a solid combat deck, surrounded by a chest-high Mongolian cowhide thick wood parapet. On the deck, except for five ships of different heights Outside the mast, four crossbows are also fixed at both ends of the front side of the deck. In addition, there are three layers of stern cabins extending out from the stern, and the top deck of the stern cabin is two stone-throwing equipment scorpion crossbows using torsion.

In the stern cabin of the Jinhai, Lin Bie was wearing blue armor and a crimson official robe, and sat opposite Tang Haoxin, Lin Xuwen and others.

A soft couch was carried beside him, and Sun Wenbing, who had recovered from his recovery, lay weakly on the soft couch, and told Tang Haoxin, Lin Xuwen and others about the feelings before and after the mutiny in Changyi.

Lin Bie pressed his hands on the table, his knuckles turned white, and when Sun Wenbing finished telling the details, he said in a loud voice: "I will lead the Jiangdong Zuo army to the north to the King of Qin, and the Xihe Society will provide logistical support for me. You know! Sun Wenbing is Lin Mengde’s deputy and the deputy general of the Jiangdong Zuo Army Industrial and Yingying Battalion. He has made great contributions. In my memorials to the DPRK and the letters to the Ministry of War, all of them are requests for rewards from the Xihe Society, and the world knows it—Caochuan When the Jiaolai River was congested, the responsibility for not observing it was the Shandong County Secretary, and the river was blocked from the Shandong County Directorate. However, the food inspector killed more than 70 members of the Jiangning River Gang, including the Xihe Association, without asking the guilt. Killing. The congregation made a mutiny because of this, which is also justifiable. Sun Jingxuan and other river gangs first rested and calmed the people and appeased the congregation. They were innocent and meritorious. What is the reason for arresting him? Ignoring the fact that Sun Jingxuan had calmed down and appeased the congregation, the gang leader asked him to be punished. What was the reason for this? Without an official letter of inquiry, he directly sent troops to claim my general of the Jiangdong Left Army. What was this for? Like? This is a conspiracy against the Xihe Society from beginning to end, a conspiracy against my Jiangdong Zuojun, and a conspiracy against Master Gu and Tang Shaobao!"

Any conspiracy here is conjecture and cannot be verified. Lin Bie insisted that this was a conspiracy aimed at this side from the beginning, just to strive for a moral advantage.

"If something like this happens, you should ask me to discuss it with Tang Shaobao first," Lin Xuwen frowned slightly, feeling that the matter was very troublesome, and said, "Right now, this movement is a bit big, and the aftermath is a trouble..."

"I don't dare to delay," Lin Bie said bitterly, "I'm afraid that if you delay for a moment, Shandong will make a trick! They can do it completely!"

Lin Xuwen thought to himself that if there was really a huge conspiracy against this side, those who were extremely daring and ruthless might take the lead in treating Sun Jingxuan and the others as rebel leaders, and asked hesitantly: "What's the safest way to go next?"

Tang Haoxin remained silent. Lin Fu didn't discuss with him and Lin Xuwen, so he made such a big move and prepared the army to force Shandong. To put it bluntly, he was afraid that they would dissuade him from taking matters into his own hands. This is Lin Fu. With a firm attitude, Xihe will take the whole matter down for Xihe.

Tang Haoxin didn't expect that they had just confirmed the marriage of Lin Fu and Xunniang, and such a change would happen to Xihehui.

Tang Haoxin paid little attention to the Xihe Society.

There are 16 river gangs in Jiangning, and there are nearly 50 river gangs in Jiangdong County, and the Xihe Society is only one of them. In the entire political map of the Great Yue Dynasty, Xihehui was an insignificant force, and it gathered mud legs. Even if this is a conspiracy behind Zhang Xie, Yue Lengqiu and others, in Tang Haoxin's opinion, it's not worth it for Xihe to openly quarrel with Zhang and Yue clan.

If Lin Fu didn't directly put on such a tough attitude, Tang Haoxin would persuade him to hold back for a while and think of other ways to get people, and Lin Xuwen would have the same attitude, but Lin Fu had already taken a stance that he would never give in, Jiang Dong said. Thousands of elite soldiers from the left camp have already assembled on the north bank of the vortex river. It is inconvenient for Tang Haoxin and Lin Xuwen to persuade him. Instead, on the basis of this tough stance, they should solve everything as completely as possible without leaving troubles. it is good.

"You have assembled the entire Jiangdong Zuoying army, what are you going to do next?" Tang Haoxin asked Lin Fu in a hoarse voice, "It's not a good idea for the entire army to go to another place without publicity." , I still hope that things can be solved in a more gentle way or channel, there is no need to start such a bad head in order to protect a small gang.

"I'm also a headless fly. I couldn't find a tune, so I asked Duke Tang and elder brother to come over to discuss." Lin Fu said.

The most taboo in the Dayue Dynasty was to lead troops and generals to be spoiled and self-respecting. Lin Fu led troops without authorization and directly forced Shandong. Even if he forced the Shandong Commander to release people, Lin Fu would at worst get a "loving and coquettish, self-respecting soldier." ' accusations.

Tang Haoxin raised his head and glanced at Lin Fu, thinking that he might have made up his mind long ago, but many things need to be coordinated with Lin Xuwen here. Pile of tricky things.

Tang Haoxin pondered the rate and said, "I'm going to Shandong, I think my old bones can still play some role..."

At this time, the guard pushed the door and came in and reported that it was Liu Zhi, the deputy envoy of Jinhai Guanjun Rong, who asked to board the ship for an interview.

Lin Fu exchanged glances with Lin Xuwen and Tang Haoxin, and instructed the guard to let Liu Zhi come on board.


Liu Zhi complained in his heart, but Hao Zongcheng asked him to come here to hear the news, and he couldn't refuse, so he just came over.

The Jinzhong army closed its camp and did not leave the camp; the Jiangdong Zuo army came out from the camp. From stillness to movement, the Jiangdong Zuo Army completed the full-scale mobilization of combat preparations in less than two hours. Liu Zhi, who knew a little about military affairs, had to sigh that the Jiangdong Zuo Army was moving so fast that it was not comparable to the Jibei Army. In my heart, I couldn't help but think hopelessly: Lin Fuzhen wants to lead the troops to cause chaos, and the 20,000 Ji Bei army stays in Jinhai, can he last until the reinforcements come to support?

After hesitating for a while, Liu Zhi decided to leave the guards on the shore. The deck of the Jinhai was already full of armored soldiers. Lin Fuzhen wanted to detain him. There was not much difference between a dozen more guards and a dozen less guards. He climbed up the "Jinhai" along the rope ladder alone. He couldn't figure out what Lin Bie wanted to do, but in any case, it was too daring to gather the army without saying a word.

"Why did Liu Guanjun come here in such a hurry?" Lin Fu asked Liu Zhi to be brought directly into the stern cabin, ordered to add a low stool to Liu Zhi, and asked him to sit down and say.

"Tang Shaobao and Lin Duxue are also here," Liu Zhiqiang sat down calmly and said, "Jiangdong Zuojun suddenly blocked Canggang for a drill. I didn't receive any notice before, wondering if I made a mistake. What, what was missing, I came here to ask, did I make a mistake and what was missing?"

"I also had this idea temporarily. I was just going to send someone to tell Master Liu and Master Hao~www.readwn.com~ Lin Bie's lips were slightly raised, showing a stiff smile, and he said, "Jinhai Kaicao, completely dependent on Organize ship transportation for merchant shipowners who transport grain to Jinhai. In order to further ensure the safety of the grain transport fleet, I want to inspect the safety and reliability of the Bohai Bay Rim route before April, so as not to delay the grain transport plan, this is also a kind of exercise - the first One step, I will directly lead the generals who participated in this exercise to go to the Denglai area of ​​Shandong for a walk! "

"You're going to Denglai?" Liu Zhi's back was blown up, and he didn't know what Lin Fu was going to do when he raised his troops to Denglai. Without the deployment of the Ministry of War, Lin Fu led his troops to Denglai without authorization. How could this be an excuse to use drills as an excuse? of?

Lin Fu narrowed his eyes and nodded, and asked, "Liu Guanjun intends to travel with me by boat to test the results of this exercise together?"

"No, no, no, I'm afraid of getting dizzy when I ride a boat, I am afraid of falling when I ride a car, and I am afraid of falling when I ride a horse. How dare I add a big burden to you?" Liu Zhi quickly refused. .

"Master Liu, please report back to Master Hao, this is not just a simple exercise," Tang Haoxin said suddenly while sitting on the side, "Shandong County and the Ministry of Housing's grain supervisor in Shandong are suspected of killing the He Gang congregation, causing The Hegang congregation made a riot, and the Shandong County Secretary later transferred the garrison, and detained the Hegang congregation as if they were rebels and imprisoned them. It is not yet possible to determine who is right and who is wrong, but this incident has seriously affected Haicao and Jinhai Warehouse. The food plan, the old man decided to go to Shandong to coordinate the matter. The sea is unpredictable, and there are occasional pirates, so I asked Lin Dujian to lead troops to **** me on the journey, but I didn't expect to alert Mr. Liu to come and ask about this..." He In this way, he resolutely shouldered the responsibility for Lin Bie to move without a move and gather troops south to Shandong. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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