Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 22: moonlight

(The first one, ask for a red ticket)

Zhang Jinxian wanted to continue his inspection of the Jiaolai River in the south, and went to Jimo to meet with Du Juefu, the former magistrate of Shouguang County and now the Minister of Xuanfu Envoy in Shandong, to discuss the matter of supervising the Cao Cao, and then bid farewell to Lin Bie in Kanjia Town.

The Jiangdong Left Army chose to camp on a plateau between the Tarbao Mountain and the Jiaolai River. The Xihe Congregation did not receive formal military training, so Lin Fu, the workers and the auxiliary soldiers, set up a camp on the sunny **** on the south side for the Xihe Congregation.

It was rare to see a good moonlight at night, so Lin Fu invited Sun Jingtang to come over and talk.

Cao Zi'ang and Ge Cunxin stayed at the Jiaolai River Estuary, and Lin Mengde stayed in Qingzhou City to deal with the trivial matters in the officialdom, so Lin Fu approached Sun Jingtang to speak, and did not let others participate.

The moonlight sprinkled on the rocks, as if the rocks were immersed in clear spring water, covered with a layer of crystal clear light and shadow, and the guards were scattered around. Lin Fu invited Sun Jingtang to sit down on the rocks and asked him, "How do you treat me? How much do you know about Jiangdong Zuojun?"

"To be honest with you, the reason why Xihe Club was so timid before was because I really felt that you were not something in the pool," Sun Jingtang said.

Lin Bie smiled slightly. In the past, Xihe would regard him as the cause of trouble, but it turned out to be called "things that are not in the pool". He doesn't mind this.

"I have been walking on a single-plank bridge for a long time. There is no way out. There are abyss that can shatter people's bones," Lin Bie said to Sun Jingtang with confidence, "This is a time of trouble, in order to survive, for the people around you to survive, Sometimes it is necessary to use some less upright means. This incident, think about it, you also understand, in this world, the jackal is in power, either you eat the jackal, or the jackal eats you, there is a second way for you and me to choose?" With a light sigh, he said, "Of course, the previous things are not important anymore, and there is no need to think too much about the previous things."

Sun Jingtang nodded and said, "My Sun family also wants to understand now. From now on, only adults will follow suit..."

Indeed, the problem of Changshan Island has not become a problem to this day, and there is not much risk. Even if the past of Changshan Island is exposed, it is probably just a small stain of insignificant, and maybe some people will praise this as a beautiful talk. Chen Zhihu, the official guarding general of Datong, was just a thief who rescued Li Zhuo from the execution ground and was about to be executed.

Lin Fu didn't tell Sun Jingtang about it seriously.

"I have discussed with Duke Tang," Lin Fu said. "It's impossible for the Changyi mutiny to not hold the Sun family accountable at all, and the court's face will be lost. But there's nothing to worry about. Even if he is sentenced to exile, he will be sentenced to Chongzhou. The islands outside the Jiangkou—this is the bottom line I can promise. The children of the Xihe Society plus seven or eight thousand family members, we have to carefully settle it.”

The deprivation of water can almost be said to be the lightest and inevitable punishment. Then the Xihe Society can no longer exist in name at least. After all, more than 2,000 congregations gathered because of water transportation, and it is also the water transportation business that maintains more than 2,000 congregations. And the livelihood of a larger number of family members - after the deprivation of Cao, it is necessary to rearrange the way out.

If the water is deprived, the water boats under the name of the Xihe Society will also be brought back to the government—these water boats were originally entrusted to the river gang by the government in the name of water transportation. Except for the grains and boats that were burned in Kanjiazhai, all other boats and grains were detained by Jimo County.

Sun Jingtang thought of one thing and said, "What should I do if Yue Lengqiu wants Xihe to lose boats and food?"

"Well, there is a possibility," Lin Fu nodded. In Kanjia Town, the Xihe Society had more than 200 boats full of grain and more than 20,000 stone grains burned down by the rioters. Ordinarily, the responsibility should not be placed on the head of the Xihe Society. On, but the official word is two words, Yue Lengqiu is the governor of Jianghuai at this time, and Xihe will be held responsible for killing it, which is also a headache. Lin Bie stretched out his fingers and scratched his forehead, "The danger in front of me is over, and these **** things will be left for later... It's actually impossible to let the Shandong County Secretary take the initiative to take the responsibility, and let Yue Lengqiu find the Shandong County Secretary. Pay the boat and pay the grain!"

Sun Jingtang nodded, thinking to himself that it was really a dangerous hurdle.

At this time, Lin Fu and Jiangdong Zuojun can be said to be emerging and gradually becoming a force, but this force is still weak after all, at least on the side of the couch in the hinterland of Gyeonggi, it is really not a big force.

The three towns of Datong, Xuanhua, and Jibei on the Yanshan defense line, together with the Yanjing Imperial Army, totaled 280,000 troops.

The Eastern captives entered the pirates, and the armies avoided the enemy and feared the war. Speaking of it, it was also a court battle and the intention was unclear. Especially after the Jinzhong army betrayed Hao Zongcheng, it directly led to the army's negligence.

In terms of elites, before Chen Zhihu took over as the guard of Datong, he directly brought 20,000 elites of the direct line north from Dongmin. With the 20,000 elites as the core, the total strength of the Datong guards after the reorganization was as high as 60,000.

The Xuanhua Army was slightly weaker, but the Jibei Army was actually not too weak.

In addition, the Dengzhou Zhenzhou Division and the Zhenjun also had a staff of 20,000.

Dengzhou, which is located in the northeast corner of Shandong, has the potential to control Liaodong. The imperial court has always attached great importance to the construction of the Dengzhou navy. The Dengzhou navy is not only in the formation of troops, but also the warships and generals are obviously stronger than the Ninghai and Jiangning water camps.

These soldiers and horses are nominally directly under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of War, and they do not trust the Ministry of War very much today.

This 300,000 army is almost one of the most important family assets of the Yuan clan.

Under such circumstances, Lin Fu resolutely marched into Shandong, supporting the Xihehui and the Sun family. In other words, it was an adventurous act of tying up with Tang Gu and taking the food shortage in Gyeonggi as a threat.

But Lin Fu really dared to cause chaos in Gyeonggi, not only Li Zhuo and others would stand on the opposite side of Lin Fu, but the army of 300,000 people would also rush over without hesitation, taking the Jiangdong Zuo Army with only 3,000 to 5,000 troops as the shredded.

This is completely a game of power. Smart people will only let their opponents see the existence of the bottom line, but they will not touch the bottom line until the last moment when the fish die and the net is broken.

Before, because they saw that Lin Fu liked to take risks, the Sun family and Xihe would be in awe and avoid them. At this time, Lin Fu would not avoid danger for the Sun family and Xihe, and the sword would stay on the sidelines. Attach, what else can I do?

In fact, the Sun family had no other choice than to go to the dark with Lin Bing.

Of course, neither Sun Wenbing nor Sun Wenwan could make this decision on behalf of the Sun family before. Sun Jingxuan was still in prison, and Sun Jingtang was the only person outside the prison who could make this decision on behalf of the Sun family.

Lin Fu is also eager to use the Sun family and the Xihe Association for his own use. He talked about some thoughts that have been lingering in his mind for the past few days: "Maybe some of the congregation will return to their hometown or find another way out. Mind, let's not block it. At least at this time, a twisted melon won't be sweet..."

Lin Fu, Lin Mengde, and Cao Zi'ang had discussed in advance, thinking that the congregation with wealthy families would not be likely to go to the dark with them, and many people might choose to leave the Xihe Society. These wealthy congregations are precisely the middle-level leaders in the Xihe Society who are more seriously infected with rivers and lakes, and these people are not good recruits. Those poor ordinary congregations actually have no other better way out. Due to the existence of permanent tenancy rights, it is not easy for them to return to their hometowns to rent land and become tenant farmers. This part of the people is what Lin Fu wants to win the most, and it is precisely the part of people who will choose to join the Jiangdong Left Army with the Sun family, and may become the core of the Jiangdong Left Army in the future...

"...When I return to Jiangdong, I will formally form a naval division, and Jiyun Club will also form a maritime merchant fleet, which requires a lot of familiarity with boatmen and sailors," Lin Fu added, "In my eyes, or in Jiangdong Zuojun Internally, you don't have to worry about your identity. Maybe it's not good enough, at least I'm working hard towards the goal of serving only one's ability and meritocracy. When Sun Huishou and Wen Yao come out, first heal the injury, After so many children and family members of the Xihe Society are settled down, they will be entrusted with specific tasks..."

"Please rest assured, my lord, the Sun family is willing to serve the lord..." Sun Jingtang clasped his fists and saluted.

"No one works for whom. In a world of crisis, we are all in the same boat," Lin Fu said. "When we go back to Jiangdong, we will not only directly fight against the East China Sea bandits and the extravagant family, but also fight against the fierce crocodile Yue Lengqiu. The road before was dangerous, and the road in the future will be even more dangerous. You have to be mentally prepared for this..." After saying this, Lin Fu chuckled and explained some things that Sun Jingtang could not touch. He listens.

Even though Emperor Chongguan has always severely reprimanded the remarks about the move of the capital in the DPRK, but Yue Lengqiu, as the governor of Jianghuai, has jurisdiction over the military and political affairs of Jiangdong County and Jiangning Prefecture. It is unprecedented, and there is a desire to pave the way for moving the capital.

The Changhuai Army was wiped out in Haozhou, and the Hongze bandits and the Huaishang bandits suffered severe disasters. The imperial court entrusted Yue Lengqiu to reorganize the Changhuai Army as the main force in the Qing Dynasty to suppress the Hongze bandits.

Before the battle of Haozhou, the Changhuai town army was fully organized into 20 battalions of soldiers, and the reorganized Changhuai army was directly expanded by three times, with 60 battalions of soldiers, with more than 36,000 people.

In addition to attaching importance to the suppression of bandit incidents, the court's deployment in this way also further confirmed the intention of moving the capital. After the capital was moved to Jiangning, the defense area was the first barrier to the north of Jiangning, the Changhuai Army general in the middle reaches of the Huaihe River. This barrier had to be solidified.

Before taking office as the governor of Jianghuai, Yue Lengqiu, the governor of the southern line of Qin Wang, was rebuilt on the basis of the East Fujian army led by Yue Lengqiu, in view of the fact that Hong Zekou also brought disaster to Chu and Henan. ) and the Jiangdong Qin Wang division led by the original Cheng Yuqian selected the elite from the three divisions of the Qin Wang division, eliminated the weak and retained the strong, and obtained more than 36,000 soldiers in the 60th battalion.

Of course, how much combat power these sixty battalions will eventually have, and whether they can become the core of Jingxi's banditry, depends on Yue Lengqiu's methods of governing the army.

In addition to the Changhuai Army under the direct jurisdiction of Yue Lengqiu, three towns including Ninghai Town in Jiangdong County and the nearly 70,000 town troops of the Jiangning garrison were under the jurisdiction of Yue Lengqiu.

Gu Wuchen has just established a firm foothold in Jiangning, and it is far from being able to cover the sky with one hand. Even if Gu Wuchen is used in the DPRK to balance Yue Lengqiu - even if Zhang Xie controls everything behind the scenes, it is impossible to control all Jiangdong County. The military and political power are placed under the control of Yue Lengqiu. In that case, Yue Lengqiu will expand into an uncontrollable figure of power - but it is undeniable that in the balance of power between Yue and Gu in Jiangning, Gu Wuchen is in a weak position. .

In the power structure of Jiangning, it is not only Yue and Gu, the governor of Jiangning Wang Xueshan, Cheng Yuqian who replaced Li Zhuo as Jiangning garrison, Wang Tian, ​​the envoy of Jiangdong County, and the leader of the Wu Party are actually the spokespersons of local forces Yu Xinyuan and even Wei Yang The prefect Dong Yuan is the core figure who can influence the trend of Jiangning's power structure.

Almost all of these figures or forces who can influence Jiangning's political situation have an ambiguous attitude. Even if they don't immediately support Yue Lengqiu, their attitude towards Gu Wuchen is obviously indifferent.

As far as military power is concerned, Gu Wuchen is also at a disadvantage.

The force of the government's army is very weak. At the moment, the army of Dongyang Palace and Weiyang Palace can be regarded as the elite under the control of Shen Rong and Dong Yuan. The government army who can be directly controlled by Gu Wuchen is the Dongcheng Wei under Liu Xilin's command. Two battalions of government troops. Gu Wuchen has the name of supervising the township camp, but in fact the township camp pays the local area and recruits local children. In fact, it is controlled by local forces. For example, Dongyang Township Yong is jointly controlled by Lin Clan and Gu Wuchen, and Jiangdong Zuoying is controlled by Lin Fu. Under the control of one person, the Weiyang Township Camp is controlled by Dong Yuan and Weiyang's local forces, and so on. The township battalion is responsible for the countryside, and has a legitimate name to refuse to leave the hometown to fight. Even if Gu Wuchen has the name of supervising the township battalion, it is actually difficult to dispatch the township battalion for his own use.

At this time, Jiangdong is indeed in a very dangerous situation, and it is not that they do not have an advantage on their side.

Go out of the Huaihe Estuary and take the sea route to Jiaozhou Bay, then take the Jiaolai River from Jiaozhou River to cross the Shandong Peninsula to Laizhou Bay in the north, then cross the sea from Laizhou Bay to Jinhai, and from Jinhai to Guoshui River to Weitai— - This temporarily used waterway can be said to be the lifeline of the army in the Gyeonggi region and the northern front. It is already under their actual control at this time, and it is also their biggest reliance at this time.

The most substantial meaning of suppressing the Qingzhou army mutiny and completely defeating Liu Yefei is to further strengthen the control over this temporary waterway. Tang Haoxin made little adjustments to the officials of the Shandong County Division, but the appointment of Zhang Jinxian and Du Juefu was directly related to the Jiaolai River water service.

Tang Haoxin also sees it very clearly~www.readwn.com~ No matter how badly Zhang Xie's elbow restrains him in Beijing, as long as the Yellow River breach is not successfully blocked and the Cao Canal Road in Pingyuan Prefecture is not restored, no matter the situation in Shandong Whether he can get better under his rule, his political status is rock solid.

Lin Bie couldn't easily see through Tang Haoxin, a mature and sophisticated character, but there was no chance of heart-to-heart talk with each other. He would watch Tang Haoxin's performance in Shandong.

It has been two months since the East China Sea bandits occupied the islands of Changguo County, no matter what, the time for the Jiangdong Zuo army to go south cannot be delayed any longer.

Lin Fu and Sun Jingtang talked a lot, and it was not until Yuezhi Zhongtian that he returned to the camp to rest. There are some things he can only say to Sun Jingtang, not to Sun Wenbing and Sun Wenwan.

A character like Sun Jingtang, who has grown up at the bottom, has a much stronger ability to actually do things than those officials. Responsible for water transport affairs, he has traveled south and north for half his life, and has had in-depth contact with officials, people, Jianghu associations and local forces at various levels, and his knowledge and experience are better than those of ordinary officials.

Lin Fu pays more attention to pragmatic talents. Although people like Chen Mingche have beautiful transcripts such as the top scholar and the first talent in Jiangnan, he does not look down on them.

When Lin Fu returned to the camp, there were post riders delivering letters and newspapers from Qingzhou overnight.

The first conclusion of the Mutiny Case in Changyi was quickly reached by the various ministers. After all, no one wanted to delay the matter. This preliminary conclusion needs the approval of Lin Fu to become a preliminary conclusion, so it must be handed over to Kanjia Town to give Lin Fu a new reading and approval before rushing into Beijing for eight hundred miles.

At this time, the vital interests of the Sun family and the Xihe Society were involved. Lin Fu sent someone to call Sun Jingtang, Sun Wenbing, and Sun Wenwan who had just returned to the camp to rest. Whether they could accept the conclusion of the Qingzhou Trial, they should respect their opinions. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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