Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 24: Haoshou Diligent Administration

(The first one, ask for a red ticket)

Qingzhou is located in Shandong, bordering Yishan in the south and the Bohai Sea in the north. The city of Qingzhou is not big, and four or five large yamen were suddenly inserted into it, and the garrison also increased several times.

In the early morning fog, the city walls that had not been repaired for many years showed signs of incompleteness, the stones of Shiban Street were trampled smoothly, and the yamen drove the people to the side of the road. Lin Fu, wearing a green armor and a red robe, took the reins, surrounded by hundreds of elite horsemen, slowly entered the city from the east gate, and did not care about the people on the road, looking up, in awe, or envious.

Tang Haoxin visited Shandong on behalf of the emperor and occupied a large mansion in the east of the city as a line.

Tang Haoxin stayed up late dealing with business affairs, and just fell asleep in the early morning. Lin Fu rushed to Tang's house and didn't let Ma Chao go to wake Tang Haoxin. Tang Haoxin took on heavy responsibilities at his age, but it was not easy. He, Lin Mengde, Sun Jingtang and others waited peacefully in the lobby for Tang Haoxin to sleep. wake up.

After waiting for a while, the servant girl who served brought tea over, and Lin Fu felt that the house was too deserted.

When Tang Haoxin went from Beijing to Jinhai, he was served by Ma Chao and four or five family members, and the same was true from Jinhai to Shandong. Such a big mansion is empty, apart from the hundreds of guards allocated by Shandong, not to mention the manpower to handle affairs and guards, even the manpower to deliver messages is insufficient.

Thinking about Qin Chengbo’s departure from Jiangning, he had thousands of squires and servants, and his family, together with their belongings, packed 12 or 3 large ships. When they went north, tens of thousands of people gathered in the sky and on both sides of the Shiliang River to watch. , Tang Haoxin's reputation in this regard is much better than most of the officials of the Viet Nam Dynasty.

Lin Mengde and Lin Fu exchanged glances. Some words were inconvenient to talk about in Tang's house. The meaning in Lin Mengde's eyes was also obvious. Tang Haoxin had too few people to call.


When the Qingzhou army mutiny, Shandong Admiral Chen Debiao stabbed Liu Yefei in the back without hesitation, and gave Lin Fu a letter of credit to make him use troops in Shandong, but after suppressing the Qingzhou army mutiny, Chen Debiao did not show how affectionate Tang Haoxin was. . Ge Zufang is a mediocre and incompetent official, and he has no power in Shandong.

Tang Haoxin educated the Qingzhou government with the power of the ambassador, and was in charge of the military and political power in Shandong. Except for Zhang Jinxian and Du Juefu to strengthen their control over the grain transportation of the Jiaolai River, there are no more trustworthy people who can be promoted to serve as the post. Dear confidence.

This has to be said to be Tang Haoxin's biggest short handle.

Chen Tangyi was defeated, and the emperor was furious. The officials of the Western Qin Party who were responsible for this were demoted or charged with crimes in the court. First, because of his age and health, and because both of his sons are Adou who can’t support him, Gu Wuchen has just returned to Beijing after a ten-year career as a liar, and it doesn’t look like he can quickly rise to inherit his political prestige. Seeing that, Tang Haoxin pushed student Zhang Xie onto the stage.

After all, Zhang Xie is a student he has cultivated for many years, and his political assets are inherited and carried forward by his proud disciples. It can be regarded as a good story in the history of the country. Tang Haoxin only served as a vacant position such as Prince Shaobao, and did not directly control the power in the DPRK.

Even for the sake of his reputation, Tang Haoxin deliberately kept a closet and kept his words simple.

In this way, all kinds of people within the Chu Party naturally gathered around Zhang Xie. Zhang Xie himself is in his prime, he is very ambitious, and he also deliberately fosters private individuals. In just two or three years, Zhang Xie was not only promoted to the second prime minister, but also further consolidated the power in the DPRK, and also had the potential to completely replace Tang Haoxin within the Chu Party.

The Qingzhou army mutiny, the conflict between Tang, Gu and Zhang and Yue was almost open. Although Liu Yefei was completely defeated, most of the officials in the Chu Party were surprisingly unanimous on Zhang and Yue's side, even if some people still Without making a public statement, Tang Haoxin did not dare to use it.

The split between Tang Gu and Zhang Yue came suddenly and violently. On the surface, Lin Su led the Jiangdong left army to the north to the King of Qin, and the disagreement with Yue Lengqiu in Jinan because of the route of entry was the most direct factor that caused the conflict. After that, the Jiangdong left army was the first to win the four battles and four victories in Yannan. The catalyst for the intensification of contradictions, but there is no deeper reason behind all this.

As for the deeper reasons behind it, Lin Fu, Lin Mengde and Cao Ziang have all had serious analysis and thinking.

After Chen Tangyi's fiasco, the emperor was furious, and the Western Qin Party did not lose power all at once. All of this is not because the emperor is benevolent and righteous, but the most fundamental reason is that Li Zhuo, who was promoted by Chen Xinbo, holds nearly 100,000 elite soldiers from East Fujian and is the most important foreign aid for Chen Xinbo and the Western Qin Party.

The She family seized the opportunity and surrendered after the war. Li Zhuo was transferred to the garrison of Jiangning, the elites of East Fujian were split up, and Chen Zhihu's department was transferred to defend Yanshan. This enabled the Chu Party to officially replace the Western Qin Party in the DPRK. Chen Xinbo could still not fall at this time, except that Li Zhuo still had a high reputation in the court and the opposition, and it was mainly the emperor's intentions to limit the Chu party.

In fact, Chen Xinbo has done little in the DPRK.

It is impossible for Zhang Xie not to scrutinize the gains and losses of the Western Qin Party. After the Chu Party gained power, it is not that Yue Lengqiu would be able to serve as the governor if he wanted to go to Dongmin. Everything should be arranged by Zhang Xie intentionally.

Zhang Xie hopes that Yue Lengqiu will be in charge of the military in the outer county, and he can form a power structure of "internal minister and external commander, and mutual support" with him, so as to achieve the political goal of staying in the court for a long time and standing firm.

Zhang Xie may have been grateful to Tang Haoxin who cultivated him at first, but all the changes stemmed from Gu Wuchen's rise in Jiangning too fast, too fast, and too strong.

Gu Wuchen returned to the imperial capital after ten years of liubian career, and in just two or three years, he was promoted from the second-rank Guanglu doctor to the rank and straight to the bachelor's degree. After Li Zhuo was transferred from Jiangning, if Yue Lengqiu hadn't replaced him in time, no one in Jiangdong and Jiangning would be able to compete with Gu Wuchen.

The military talent shown by Lin Fu and the combat power shown by Jiangdong Zuojun and Dongyang Xiangyong are even more daunting. How can Zhang Xie not be afraid of the further rise of Gu Wuchen and Lin Clan in the process of attacking Hongze and Donghai pirates. ?

Taking a closer look at the relationship between Gu Wuchen and the Lin family, it is precisely the pattern of "internal minister and external commander, supporting each other".

At this time, the power of Gu Wuchen and the Lin clan was still far away from Jiangdong and looked weak, but once the Yanshan defense line completely collapsed and the imperial capital was forced to move to Jiangning, the power structure formed by Gu Wuchen and the Lin clan would quickly rise to A pivotal height - Zhang Xie made a slight mistake, and it is not unimaginable to replace Gu Wuchen.

Even if he couldn't blatantly suppress Gu Wuchen and Lin Clan, even if he watched Lin Clan stretch his tentacles to Jinhai next to the bed in Gyeonggi, Zhang Xie would quickly push Yue Lengqiu to the position of Governor of Jianghuai, restricting Gu Wuchen and Lin Clan. The further development and growth of the ethnic group in Jiangdong.

In fact, at this stage, the contradiction between Tang Gu and Zhang Yue can no longer be covered up, especially Lin Fu's attitude of not cooperating with Yue Lengqiu from the very beginning.

Even though the emperor raised Li Zhuo to be in charge of the Ministry of War and Chen Xinbo's positions tended to be further stabilized, Zhang Xie still regarded Gu Wuchen as his most urgent threat.

In the face of cruel and cold-blooded power struggles, the relationship between teachers and students is weak.

This is also the fundamental reason why Tang Gu is eager to marry the Lin family and marry Gu Junxun to Lin Fu. Tang Gu can no longer bear the loss of the Lin family to win over other families.

Lin Fu supported the troops to advance into Shandong. Even if there was a suspicion of "self-respecting and arrogant", Tang Haoxin would definitely choose to support Lin Fu and Jiangdong Zuojun.

Lin Fu held the tea cup, thinking about how to persuade Tang Haoxin to move closer to Chen Xinbo and Li Zhuo.

After Tang, Gu, Zhang, and Yue split, they only have the trump card of Jinhai Cao. The power in the court and the opposition is too weak to form a counter-force. Only by joining forces with Chen and Li is it possible to counter Zhang and Yue.

Lin Fu still wanted to help Li Zhuo to implement the strategic concept of Pingluce as much as possible; at this time, Yue Lengqiu recruited Xiao Xuanchou to restrict Gu Wuchen within the police department. If Gu Wuchen could get the support of Dong Yuan in Jiangdong, the situation would not be so bad. too passive.


Lin Fu sat in the lobby thinking wildly, Lin Meng had to chat with Sun Jingtang, and waited for an hour before Tang Haoxin woke up and walked out with his clothes tucked up, blaming Ma Chao while tying his collar. When you are bound into the city, you should wake me up, how can I let them wait for an hour? If I knew you were like this, I should have driven you back to Jiangning, so as not to delay the major event."

"Mr. Tang, I insisted on not letting Ma Chao wake you up. If you want to complain, it's better to blame me," Lin Fu stood up and saluted Tang Haoxin, who stepped in, "At this juncture, what happens? It's not as important as your body!"

His words are not flattering. Tang Haoxin is already in his 70s. His hair and beard are all white. He lives in the crown prince and is under the protection of the prince. He can assist in political affairs in and out of the palace. After they were all abolished and reorganized, everything was complicated, and there was no stable system to rely on. It can be said that Tang Haoxin was concerned about everything, and Lin Bie was most worried that Tang Haoxin's body would not be able to bear it first.

Zhang Xie smashed the mess of Shandong into Tang Haoxin's hands. Could it be that there is no such sinister intention in it?

Tang Haoxin sighed lightly. When he was in Jinhai, he only had the overall situation in his hands. Lin Xuwen, Lin Fu and others took care of everything for him. There was nothing to worry about. At this time, it was very different. When he started in Jinhai, it was already not as good as it was, and he knew his family affairs in his heart, but he had come to this point, and he could only hold on through gritted teeth no matter what.

Tang Haoxin comforted Sun Jingtang a few words about the mutiny in Changyi, and then talked to Lin Fu about Xiao Xuanchou.

In fact, Gu Wuchen's situation in Jiangdong was not very optimistic at this time. The rise of Dongyang Xiangyong also made the Dongyang prefect Shen Rong and the Dongyang government's army inevitably fall to Yue Lengqiu. Tang Haoxin also hopes that Lin Fu and Jiangdong Zuo Army can return to Chongzhou as soon as possible. As long as Jiangdong Zuo Army can gain a firm foothold in Chongzhou and continue the prestige formed by the **** battle of Jiyang, at least more forces in Jiangdong County can remain neutral for the time being.

"There's something, I want to tell you something cheeky." Tang Haoxin's face was full of folds.

"Tang Gong's instructions are exactly what he ordered." Lin Fu said.

"Are you going to take away the more than 400 people detained in the prison this time?" Tang Haoxin said, "You can ask them for me, if there are any who are willing to stay in Shandong, there is a place for them in Shandong. I plan to follow the glue. Laihe builds a team of transport soldiers to ensure the smooth flow of the Jiaolai River, and one person can be added to the transport team, and once the period of exile is over, it is not unforeseen to increase officials and titles..."

There are various types of exile punishment, such as Liubian, conscripting the army, and conscripting the army. The Liuhai Island is the "liu", and it can be counted as a conscripted army.

Lin Bie nodded and agreed, "Okay, let me ask Duke Tang. I think there are many people who would like to stay in Shandong."

Tang Haoxin saw that Lin Fu agreed simply, and he said that he promised to leave a group of people for him. Looking at Sun Jingtang on the side, he was obedient to Lin Fu's horse and obeyed his orders. , Those who win people gain power, but how to win people?

Thinking back to him, he thought that no one in the world could not sacrifice, and he would definitely not make a big effort for the small Xihehui to do such arrogant things as supporting troops to invade Shandong. Only Lin Biexiao was brave and drew his sword in anger. Naturally, he also gave up on the ground for Lin Fu's use.

There is no other reason to say here, only the Sun family and Xihe will recognize that Lin Fu can protect their interests, and naturally follow them.

This is easy to say, but difficult to do.

Tang Haoxin single-handedly prompted the Qingzhou army to mutiny. Although the overall situation of Shandong was settled in one fell swoop, the chaos caused by the rebels and bandits caused the disaster, and it was a great regret. Although all the guilt was put on Liu Yefei's head, it was not that there were no discerning people in the local area, which also made a layer of estrangement between the local forces and Tang Haoxin difficult to eliminate. As soon as Xu Jianshen came to Shandong, many people took the initiative to hug his thighs, mainly because local forces were worried that Tang Haoxin would sacrifice local interests in order to protect water transport.

Tang Haoxin also asked Lin Fu for his opinion on the resolution of the Changyi case. Seeing that Lin Fu had no opinion, he asked Ma Chao to give Xu Xuejian a reply, and sent a memorial document for 800 li to go to Beijing, so that these matters would be dealt with one by one. If you deal with it quickly, you will be able to sort out the clues.

"I have something to tell Duke Tang," Lin Fu said, "When I was guarding Yangxin, some of Shaowu's remnants were recruited into the Jiangdong Zuo Army for me, and some Shaowu generals stayed in Yangxin. Among the five hundred township soldiers, some officers were promoted from them, and they have a deep connection with the Li Bingbu, and these things should be told to Duke Tang..."

"Oh, I know. If I have talent, I will use it." Tang Haoxin nodded and said, this kind of thing can't be discussed in depth now, and I don't know the attitudes of Chen Xinbo and Li Zhuo. .

Lin Fu held a banquet in the city at noon to invite Xiao Xuanchou. Xiao Xuanchou was guilty of being a thief.

In the afternoon, Lin Fu officially took Sun Jingxuan, Sun Wenyao and others from prison. Nominally, they were jailed by Jiangdong Zuojun and sent to Chongzhou Jiangkou Island for exile for full service. Lin Fu had no scruples, and was in Qingzhou at night. A banquet was held in the city to comfort them~www.readwn.com~ In addition to the Xihe Society, more than 120 congregations from 21 other river gangs were captured. They were mainly the river gang forces in Jiangning and nearby areas.

In order to ensure that the Jiangning River Gang forces would not be defeated all at once, the Xihehui would bear the blame for the mutiny in Changyi. In the first few days, Liu Yefei mainly collected evidence of the Xihehui and the Sun family, and also provided conditions for the protection of other rivergang forces. Except for the two river gang forces who committed the murder in the Changyi mutiny incident, more than ten people were sentenced to exile and imprisonment along with the Sun family and others, and the other nineteen families were all acquitted and dragged to Lin Fujian. Coming to Qingzhou and then releasing it is to fulfill Lin Fujiang's favor.

Lin Bie told Tang Haoxin at the banquet that he would take in some of his staff to stay in Shandong.

The Sun family went to Chongzhou with Tie Xin and Lin Fu; Lin Fu didn't want the Sun family to stay, lest Tang Haoxin suspect that he intended to reach out to the Jiaolai River transport pawns. At this time, they should be more united.

Most of the people in the Xihe Association are from the East and the West. Although they are grateful to Lin Fu, after the dissolution of the Xihe Association, everyone has to consider the actual survival of themselves and their families, and they feel that staying in Shandong is a good choice.

In addition to the more than 100 people who were acquitted, among the more than 300 people who were exiled and imprisoned, there were also 40 or 50 people who were willing to stay in Shandong and serve their sentences.

Lin Fu negotiated with Sun Jingxuan and Sun Jingtang, as long as Tang Haoxin was willing to accept them, they could also let some ordinary members of the Xihe Society stay in Shandong.

While dealing with these trivial matters in Qingzhou, while waiting for the court to make a final decision on the Changyi case, on the night of April 6, Lin Tie suddenly received an urgent report from Chongzhou from Fu Qinghe in Qingzhou: On the night of April, a large-scale landing invaded Chongzhou! My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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