Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 26: Sanmen Killing Heart

(This is my New Year's Day. At four o'clock in the morning, it is still an honest code word, and a big chapter is written out. Can the red ticket be more powerful!)

Lin Fu rode his horse slowly forward, and in front of him was the city of Chongzhou in the setting sun. Although the Donghai bandits had retreated three days ago, the embers in the remnant city had not been extinguished, and black smoke was still floating.

Lin Bie restrained his horse and watched the tragic situation of Chongzhou after being attacked by the big bandits.

The south gate tower was also burned to ashes by a fire. Half of the gate collapsed, and the beams that were not completely burned were crumbling. A gust of wind blew through them, as if a hand peeled the black flying dust off the beams and columns and blew it everywhere. Both are. A large section of the rammed-earth city wall collapsed. Some sections of the city wall collapsed into the city, and some sections of the city wall collapsed into the moat, blocking the Hao River, the moat, which used to be rippling with clear water. Civilian corpses.

The people who survived the disaster wanted to cry without tears, or risked the danger of being hit by bricks and stones into the city to find some leftover objects to burn, or salvaged the corpses of their relatives by the moat river.

"After the city was broken for eight days and nights, the East China Sea bandits threatened the people everywhere to dig the ground and destroy the city. If they were unsatisfactory, they killed them and dumped them into the Hao River. The city wall was almost collapsed, so they set fire to the city. The fire didn't stop until the night before." Fu Qinghe left. With his arms hanging in the air, his beard under his chin slightly dyed white, he still gritted his teeth when he mentioned the incident of the East China Sea pirates destroying the city.

"The Donghai bandits' methods are so poisonous that people hate them to the core, so that the adults can avenge the people of Chongzhou after they know it. Ding Zhuang who could not be kidnapped, all the Donghai bandits were killed. There are still thousands of corpses in the Hao River that can't be picked up and buried..." Wu Meijiu, the secretary of the Hailing House, who joined the army, rode his horse to the left of Lin Fu, and said with an expression of righteous indignation.

Wu Meijiu just pretended to be indignant. He was not a local. The East China Sea bandits landed in Chongzhou on the fourth day, and the warning was sent to Hailing House. Wu Meijiu led two thousand troops to assist Chongzhou. Zhishui stopped moving forward until it was confirmed that the East China Sea bandits had withdrawn. On the 13th and night, the reinforcements arrived at the destroyed Chongzhou City, took over the defense of Chongzhou, and temporarily served as the county magistrate.

Hu Zhiyong, Hu Zhicheng, Li Shuyi, Li Shudang, and others were all from Chongzhou County, and they felt very painful about the destruction of Chongcheng. They even had their clansmen and relatives killed and slaughtered. I never thought that the East China Sea pirates would rest for several months after winning the islands of Changguo County, and the first big pirate would go straight to Chongzhou.

There were eight thousand pirates, not to mention that the two thousand troops led by Wu Meijiu were not enough, and Lin Biao's hidden forces on Xisha Island were not able to play their due role.

Although Xisha Island can mobilize three to four thousand or more troops at a time, the ships that are conducive to water warfare such as Jinhai are all transferred to Jinhai and Shandong for water service. Adding up all the ships, there are only fifty or sixty small and medium-sized river boats.

The Donghai pirates first attacked Guanyin Beach, and they should have expected that Lin Fu's hidden forces on Xisha Island would not be small. When they attacked Guanyin Beach, they quickly destroyed Xisha Island. After attacking Xisha Island, he turned to attack Chongzhou.

The East China Sea pirates left more than 4,000 pirates and more than 60 sea loach warships to block the river surface of Xisha Island and the mouth of the Zilang Mountain. It is not difficult to imagine that the water camp of Ninghai Town was garrisoned in Junshan Shuizhai. Fu Qinghe did not have any warships that could compete with the East China Sea bandits on the river. The riverboats preserved after the attack could only transport 500 or 600 people at a time, except for the 9th rainy night to transport more than 400 elites ashore to relieve Li. Outside the Jiazhai Fort, Fu Qinghe no longer has the conditions to organize troops to cross the river to aid Chongcheng.

From Guanyin Beach to the northeastern foothills of Zilang Mountain, less than 2,000 steps across the river is an insurmountable chasm. Xisha Island has only heroic soldiers, but they can only sit and watch Chongcheng being destroyed and the people being slaughtered.

Lin Bie held the saber tightly, stared at Chongcheng where black smoke was still rising, and said coldly, "The She family is coming for me this time, and I vow to avenge the people of Chongcheng... "

Wu Meijiu pondered what was appropriate. The court designated Chongzhou as the source of salaries for the Jiangdong Zuo Army. The East China Sea invaders invaded Chongzhou on a large scale, and mobilized a force comparable to last year's Taihu prefectures and counties. The first battle was only to destroy the city of Chongzhou. There is suspicion of targeting Jiangdong Zuojun and Lin Fu.

From the islands of Changguo County to Chongzhou County, it is necessary to travel five or six hundred miles by sea. It is not easy for the East China Sea bandits to organize a landing attack of nearly 10,000 people. Moreover, it is not easy to take advantage of the base camp of the islands in Changguo County to give the two Zhejiang water camps a chance to escape. risk of entry.

Although there were only more than a thousand defenders in Chongcheng, the East China Sea bandits landed on the fourth day, and they only broke through the southern gate and seized the city until the night of the eighth day. There were not a few casualties. I am afraid that the gains from the plunder from Chongzhou could not make up for the losses. Before Chongzhou, this situation should also be expected.

Even in such a situation where the gains outweighed the losses, the East China Sea pirates still resolutely led the big pirates to Chongzhou and resolutely destroyed the city.

Wu Meijiu glanced at Lin Fu, thinking that after the fall of last year, Lin Fu would respectfully call him "sir" when he saw him. Who would have thought that only seven or eight months had passed, and he would call Lin Fu in turn." adults". The world is really impermanent. In the past 30 years, the feng shui of Hedong and Hexi has changed too fast. Thinking that Lin Fu is only 22 years old this year. I used to laugh at him as a pig herd who only raises pigs, but at this time, I am afraid that Chen Mingzhe, the champion, is far less powerful than him.

Thinking about it, it's no wonder that the East China Sea bandits are so eager to attack Chongzhou. Lin Bie established a huge reputation in the **** battle at Jiyang and led the Jiangdong Zuo Army to the north. The East China Sea bandits rushed to the eve of the Jiangdong Zuo Army's return to the division. The big bandits in Chongzhou burned the city and destroyed the city, probably wanting to destroy the foundation of the Jiangdong Zuo Army's foothold in Chongzhou.

Chongzhou's current desolate appearance, not only can it not provide Jiangdong Zuo Army with a garrison city, but also fear that it will not recover within a few years, so naturally it is impossible to provide Jiangdong Zuo Army with money.

An elite army must first ensure sufficient salaries. No matter how loyal and brave the soldiers are, it is impossible for them to go to the battlefield to fight on the battlefield with rusty knives and shields.

The East China Sea bandits are playing the Qingye Jiuhu plan!

Lin Fu got off his horse, clinging to his horsewhip, and walked towards the half-collapsed southern city wall. A few dozen steps away, he saw that there were only a few scattered yamen along the moat river, organizing the people to salvage the corpses, but he did not approach the past. He turned around and asked Wu Meijiu, "How many scribes and yachas are still alive in Chongzhou? Is it just a few here?"

"It's not clear whether they were captured or captured, but the officers of Chen Zhixian and Hongxian both died when the bandits entered the city," Wu Meijiu replied. …”

No matter what kind of grievances and grievances he had with Chen Kun before, he didn't ask anyone to be a saint. If Chen Kun died in defense of the city, he could be regarded as a righteous official and a righteous official. Lin Fu sighed slightly and was about to ask if there are any descendants of the Chen family left. Wu Meijiu said to himself: "...but the monks from Guangjiao Temple have a compassionate heart. They set up a porridge shed at the north foot of Zilang Mountain, and set up a dojo outside the West City Gate to help refugees and save the dead. They have helped a lot..."

"Is it the Zilang Mountain Guangjiao Temple?" Lin Fu's brows suddenly stood up, and his voice became cold. Seeing Wu Meicun nod, he said, "Come on, let's go over and have a look. I would like to see how these monks help refugees, Surviving the undead!"

"Ah," Wu Meijiu didn't expect Lin Fu to be interested in this, and thought he was going to go into the city to see the ruins of Chongcheng City, and he asked Lin Fu, "Sir, do you want to go to the Chaodu Dojo outside the West City Gate, or to Zizi? Langshan sees the porridge shed?"

"Go to Xichengmen for me to take a look at the dojo and the monks who have gone beyond!" Lin Fu frowned and instructed Ao Canghai, who came with him, to assign half of the guards to him, and he said to Wu Meijiu, "Let's go Zilang Mountain!" The words were uttered in a loud voice.


Zilang Mountain was 11 or 2 miles south of Chongcheng, and the Jiangdong Left Army landed at Hekouzi on the side of Zilang Mountain. Wu Meijiu and others also rushed there to greet Lin Fu.

Lin Fu couldn't wait for all the Jiangdong left troops to land on the shore. He first brought more than 200 guards, and Wu Meijiu and others came to inspect the destroyed Chongzhou City. Wu Meijiu didn't expect that he had just arrived at the bottom of the city, not to mention entering the city, and he was still outside the city. Without taking a second look, he had to turn back to Zilang Mountain again, secretly thinking that Lin Fu, who pretended to be aware of the people's feelings, was too fake.

Wu Meijiu temporarily served as the magistrate of Chongzhou by joining the army as the secretary of Hailing Prefecture. He was a seven-rank civil servant. Lin Fu's official position was much more prominent than him, and he had the honor of being a civil minister. Even if he didn't want to, he could only follow Lin Bing back and forth.

In the afternoon, when they reached the estuary of Zilang Mountain to meet Linfu, the Jiangdong Zuo Army had just landed. At this time, when they turned back, the Jiangdong Zuo Army had already landed completely.

The ships parked outside the estuary had already withdrawn. For some reason, nearly 2,000 armored soldiers did not gather together after landing. They were scattered in the east and west, scattered around Zilang Mountain. Gathered in front of the gate of Guangjiao Temple at the northern foot of Zilang Mountain, arguing with the monks in the temple.

Wu Meicun followed Lin Fu on horseback, and looked at the soldiers of the Jiangdong Left Army who seemed to be forcibly entering the mountain gate. Dozens of monks sat cross-legged at the mountain gate, bowing their heads and chanting scriptures. Stop the soldiers from forcibly entering the mountain gate.

Outside the Beilu Mountain Gate was originally a large field. The monks of Guangjiao Temple set up a porridge here. Thousands of people gathered on both sides to watch. They all stood on the side of the temple monks and pointed at the soldiers who wanted to forcefully enter the temple. To fight for the injustice of the monks, some believers even picked up bricks and stones angrily and smashed them on the soldiers of the left army in Jiangdong.

Wu Meijiu didn't know why this was happening, or why these things happened suddenly, and asked Lin Bie in surprise, "Sir, what's going on?"

Lin Fu saw a middle-aged monk with no beard under his chin and a red face coming angrily. He didn't answer Wu Meijiu's question anxiously, but sat quietly on the horse and looked at the middle-aged monk who was rushing towards him. .

The middle-aged monk blocked the way for the guards, but still looked at Lin Fu with unabated momentum, and asked, "You are the commander of the superintendent of Yannan, I heard that you have a good reputation, why do you condone the soldiers to practice my mountain gate? quiet?"

"So, you are Cihai, the abbot of the mountain temple. When you see this official, why don't you kneel and speak?" Lin Fu raised his brows slightly, "Do you believe that this official will punish you for a crime of disrespect first?"

"You..." Cihai didn't expect Lin Fu to be such a rude and unreasonable character, and glared at him angrily, and said, "I meet Qian Zhifu, and we are also discussing the scriptures. Master Wu can testify why he saw Lin Du. Is the prison going to kneel down and talk?"

"Are you taking money from the prefect to oppress me?" Lin Fu snorted coldly and said, "It is said that Bodhisattvas are compassionate and monastics should be devoted to kindness. My Jiangdong Zuo Army rushed to help Chongzhou, chase down thieves, and work for a long journey. I borrow you The mountain gate is stationed for a few days, and you still push three and four, why?"

"The laborers are far away, and they should be stationed in the camp to rest. How can there be any reason to forcefully occupy the mountain gate? In this lawsuit, Lao Na and you will fight the governor's yamen, and you are not afraid of losing your reason!" stop before the horse.

Wu Meijiu didn't know why Lin Fu had to make Jiangdong Zuojun into the mountain temple to reorganize. In order to persuade him a few words, he heard Lin Fu shout: "It's not enough to recruit Qian Zhifu, but also to move Governor Yue out! Do you really think that I'm easy to bully, come here, take this bald thief down..." The front guard listened to Lin Bie's order and detained Cihai with his backhand.

Don't look at Ci Hai's muscular body and brute force. He was pinched by three or four personal guards, and he couldn't move. Only then did Ci Hai feel that something was wrong. He was born with divine power, and he could pull the mad cow down by holding the horns.

Lin Bie leaned over, stared into Cihai's eyes, and asked in a cold voice, "You offended me today, so you're not afraid that I'll put you on the charge of being a gangster, and I'll cut your head off first?"

Wu Meijiu jumped in his heart and secretly said: No matter how mad, you can't forcefully accuse the monks of committing bandits. They all say that Lin Bie is domineering. Push this errand, so as not to deal with this evil spirit, whoever has the ability to manage the family and let whoever come.

But Wu Meijiu couldn't watch Lin Fieguang frame up and frame the monk Cihai under the broad sun. If things went badly, he would also be held accountable, so he hurriedly advised: "Sir, sire, take a break and take a moment. Don't be impatient, Master Cihai and I are old acquaintances, and Master Cihai is not unreasonable. Jiangdong Zuojun came to work hard, and borrowing the mountain gate to rest for a few days is also something that should be done..." As he said, he gave Cihai a wink, asking He agreed first and then said, don't disobey the powerful Lin Dujian.

"Lin Dujian just wants to frame up and frame it, and Lao Na has nothing to say~www.readwn.com~ The quiet place of the mountain gate cannot tolerate the contamination of murderous soldiers!" Ci Hai said hard, how could he let him at this time? What about the Jiangdong left army stationed in Guangjiao Temple wantonly?

"Of course you're not afraid that I will kill you!" Lin Bie pulled out his saber, lightly clamped the horse's belly and drove the horse forward for two steps, holding the tip of the knife against Cihai's throat. Cihai still wanted to say a few hard words, but felt a pain under his neck. Lin Bing's hand used force, and the tip of the knife had been stabbed into his neck. He was dying and didn't know what the problem was!

The tip of the knife pierced the trachea and cut the artery, and the blood gushed like a spring. Cihai grabbed the guard tightly, and he couldn't even struggle when he died.

Wu Meijiu was horrified. He didn't expect Lin Fu to be so murderous. If he told an unarmed monk to kill, he would kill him. He wanted to reprimand Lin Fu's *****, but he was afraid of angering him and ruined his own life.

The monks who were sitting in front of the mountain gate and the people onlookers saw that the abbot turned his eyes and killed Lin Bie with his hands. They were shocked and didn't know what to say.

Lin Fu glanced at Wu Meijiu and said with a smile, "It's just killing one person. Could it be that Mr. Wu has never killed anyone?" Tiller took the reins, took a few steps forward, sat on the back of the horse, and announced in a loud, murderous voice, "It's been verified. , The monks of Guangjiao Temple secretly communicated with the East Sea bandits, the evidence is conclusive, and the heinousness is unforgivable. This official led the Jiangdong Zuo Army to capture the monks of the Natong bandits and questioned them, and those who captured them lay their heads on the ground.

Wu Meijiu was confused and asked subconsciously, "The monk is really a gangster, does your lord have evidence?"

"Go in, maybe you can find evidence!" Lin Fu smiled at him indifferently.

Hearing Lin Fu's words, Wu Meijiu almost fainted. Seeing the five or six hundred soldiers in front of the mountain gate pulling out their weapons together, they really killed the unarmed monk in front of the mountain gate, and she wondered how Lin Fu would clean up the mess... My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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