Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 30: Beauty scheming

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Sun Wenwan and Liu Zhenzhi took over the defense, and went into the yard to reply to Lin Fu. Lin Fu called her into the room and said to Song Jia, "Young Madam, if you need anything in the future, just tell her to do it," he added, "It's not convenient to see the scenery from this yard. Tomorrow I will arrange for someone to change the yard with a better seat for the young lady..."

"Hey, it turned out to be a beauty!" Song Jia looked at Sun Wenwan's face for a moment, then she saw through the details of her disguise as a man, and smiled lightly, "Master Lin has countless capable ministers and generals, how can he be willing to let such a beautiful woman Son alone in the monastery with our two caged people?"

Sun Wenwan had just entered the room to stop Song Jiajiao Rong for no reason. Although she is quite conceited about her appearance, Song Jia's mellow and fragrant temperament, in her opinion, may be Su Mei who can be compared with her; Perhaps it is another kind of Qingliqingmei temperament. It is completely different from Su Mei's temperament. Song Jia's body seems to be extremely seductive and transcendent, and has a strange charm that shocks people's souls. It's hard to imagine that she has been reduced to a prisoner, and her appearance has not lost a bit. Sun Wenwan was wondering whether Lin Bie would be tempted by such a beautiful woman, but she didn't expect Song Jia to tease her first. Guard, teasing Song Jia, her tender face flushed red, wearing a scribe's clothes and holding a saber in her hand, she even teased Song Jia charmingly under the light.

Sun Wenwan lost her temper and realized that Song Jia was teasing herself, and when she looked at Song Jia again, she became a little more feigned; Song Jia was smiling, but her beautiful eyes were deep and charming, and it was difficult for her to be jealous even of the same sex. Heart of hate.

Lin Fu sighed slightly, Sun Wenwan was really not Song Jia's opponent, she pretended not to understand Song Jia's words, and said, "Miss Sun is the daughter of Sun Jingxuan of the Xihe Society, Yunwen Yunwu, taking care of the young lady and She Mingyue will not be like those rude ones. The man is so careless. I just returned to Chongzhou, and the young lady should know what Chongzhou is like. Maybe there will be some inadequacy in taking care of it a few days ago, and I need to ask the young lady and Miss She for understanding..."

Song Jia obediently said that Sun Wenwan was the daughter of the Xihehui, looked at her again, and said slightly cursing, "It turned out to be Miss Sun, I was rude just now, and I will entrust Miss Sun to take care of her in the future."

Song Jia's posture changed easily, but Sun Wenwan couldn't react for a while. Even if she had met Song Jia and She Mingyue, she had to leave first, there were still many things she needed to be familiar with.

There was no one else in the room, Song Jia stared at Lin Fu calmly again, smiled and said: "I haven't congratulated Lord Lin yet, it is a great help to know that Xihe will return, Lord Lin has come to celebrate these days. Quite a few..."

Lin Fu had long known that Song Jia was not a simple woman. Song Bo wanted to contact him in Jinan, and it seemed that he was also influenced by his sister. He said sternly, "The Sun family is for force, but the luxury family borrowed Jiangdong Zuo's help. The opportunity for the army to be trapped in Shandong and outright invade Chongzhou, is it also something to celebrate? If Young Madam and Miss She are not female, even though this mountain temple is big, I’m afraid it won’t be able to accommodate the two of you!”

"She Feixiong knew that you would lead the Jiangdong Zuo Army back to Chongzhou to gain a firm foothold. He would not be able to break through the Chongzhou Jiangkou line of defense in a short time, so he made the first move," Song Jia stared into Lin Bing's eyes indifferently, "But ah, but ah , he is far from being able to see through you and the Jiangdong Zuo Army. Although the invasion of the East China Sea has caused thousands of casualties in Chongzhou, and although the city of Chongzhou has been completely destroyed, it is cold-blooded. Isn't it a blessing?"

Lin Bie's heart seemed to be pierced by Song Jia's eyes, and he asked quietly: "According to what Mrs. Shao said, what should She Feixiong do, is it not someone Lin's blessing?"

"I'm just talking casually as a woman," Song Jia smiled and said softly, "Why is Lord Lin serious again?"

Lin Fu looked at Song Jia's eyes, which were as bright as lacquer, and they were really beautiful. She thought that she really didn't have the consciousness of being a prisoner, and she couldn't take the initiative to this woman, and said, "I know what you're thinking, maybe you I think She Feixiong should spare Chongzhou City and attack Xisha Island with all its strength regardless of casualties... I might as well tell you that Xisha Island can mobilize the elites and form another Jiangdong Zuo Army. I would like to know how much losses the She family can bear Going down to Xisha Island? You may have seen the incompatibility between the foothold of the Jiangdong Zuo Army and the local forces. She Feixiong’s attack on Chongzhou City may be for the Jiangdong Zuo Army to break the resistance of the local forces based in Chongzhou—in fact, You're wrong. You probably still can't figure out why I can rest assured to use the Hu family on Xisha Island. At this time, I might as well tell you that the answer lies in the Chongzhou boy case..."

In Lin Fu's eyes like Xingzi, there was a burst of vigor, and Song Jia's heart seemed to be scorched, and then she smiled and said, "Lord Lin said these words as if he wanted to compete with the concubine body, the concubine body. You are a prisoner of Lord Lin, how can you compete with Lord Lin to win? Occasionally want to fight, but you are afraid of making Lord Lin unhappy."

Lin Fu felt bitter in his heart and didn't want to stay for this woman to ridicule him. He stood up and said indifferently, "Don't disturb Mrs. Shao and Miss She's rest..." He left the Zen courtyard with his hands and left his sister-in-law and sister-in-law in the quiet Zen courtyard. At that time, I couldn't help but sigh in my heart: This woman is really powerful, if she is a man who is valued by the luxury family, she might be a rival in this life.


"The answer to what he said is in the Chongzhou boy case. What does this mean?" She Mingyue put away her panic after Lin Fu left. She couldn't understand what Lin Fu said, so she asked her sister-in-law Song Jia.

"I really can't think of it, how can I think of it?" Song Jia looked at Lin Fu's disappearing figure from the gate of the courtyard, walked over and closed the door, supported Mingyue's shoulder, and said, "Your eldest brother shouldn't have done anything to Chongzhou. ——You and I are afraid that I will never be free again, this hatred has deepened, and it is always not a good thing for you..."

Seeing that Mingyue was still thinking about what Lin Fu said when she left, Song Jia said, "Don't think too much, the Chongzhou County School was robbed last year, and more than 30 children from the county school were robbed. I have so far doubted whether it was your second brother who sent it here. The group of people who robbed Sumei dropped their hands on the way, but unfortunately those people were buried at sea and did not return, but Sumei and Lin Bie escaped safely - now it seems that they are really the same group of people, those who were kidnapped. They should all be rescued by Lin Fu..."

She Mingyue and her sister-in-law were together all day, and they were also exposed to many secrets. She asked suspiciously, "Since Lin Fu rescued people, why is the Chongzhou boy case still an unsolved case?"

"Maybe it has something to do with the commander of the Naval Division of Ninghai Town. It is said that the robbers in the Chongzhou Boys case were fighting with the Naval Division of Ninghai Town, but they escaped in the end... Maybe the tricky thing is here!" Song Jia said, "Your brother and the others They thought that Cihai and the others were well hidden in Chongzhou, but they did not expect that Lin Fu had one eye always staring at Chongzhou. Let us be imprisoned here for no reason."

"Ah?" She Mingyue was still a little confused, couldn't figure out the joints, Song Jia couldn't bear to reveal some details to her bloody, what happened these days was enough to make her panic and said: "You Take a shower and rest first..." She and Mingyue's mother-in-law also gave Ao Canghai the first silence to prevent the news from leaking, and no one came to serve them at this time.

Song Jia stood in front of the window and stared at the Zen courtyard under the moon outside in a trance. Sun Wenwan's figure appeared at the entrance of the Zen courtyard.

Song Jia thought that Lin Fu would not return to Chongzhou so early, but she didn't expect that as soon as she was delayed, she would become a prisoner and a bird in a cage with her. She thought to herself that the Sun family of the Xihehui should be completely relying on Lin Fu this time, she sighed slightly, both the luxury family and the Song family actually ignored these forces from the bottom of the society. It seemed that Lin Fu borrowed from the Lin family and Gu Wuchen. The rise, but seriously, the core of Jiangdong Zuojun are people with low status and no attention.

The most important subordinates trusted by Lin Fu, who can find out their identities and roots at this time, Fu Qinghe is a warrior who has been sent to the prostitutes, Zhao Hu, Lin Jingzhong, Zhao Qingshan are the children of commoners, Cao Ziang is a refugee, Ning. Zechen was a refugee, Ge Cunxin and Ge Cunxiong were refugees, Ao Canghai was a fugitive assassin, and Lin Mengde's background was not high. Although it is still unclear why the brothers Hu Zhiyong and Hu Zhicheng in Chongzhou suddenly became loyal to Lin Fu, the Hu family in Chongzhou is a small clan that is on the verge of bankruptcy.

In addition to these core subordinates, the core combat power of the soldiers of the Jiangdong Zuo Army is also a refugee who should not be trusted. Lin Fu used these people at the bottom who were easily overlooked to condense into the blockbuster Jiangdong Zuo Army in the King of Qin War. The short time and the strength of the Jiangdong Zuo Army in forming an army really surprised many people. Otherwise, She Feixiong would not have rushed to send troops to attack the foundation of the Jiangdong Zuo Army's foothold in Chongzhou.

Since most of the forces loyal to Lin Fu come from the bottom of the society, if Lin Fu wants to seek more benefits for the forces loyal to him to gain a more stable power, it will naturally touch the interests of the local township tycoons. Going to Xisha Island to provide relief to the victims in summer and autumn is the main factor that will cause intense conflicts with the local forces represented by the county magistrate Chen Kun.

She Feixiong wanted to invade Chongzhou, and after breaking the city, he wanted to kill and loot, massacre officials, destroy the city, and make Chongzhou a mess. In fact, it was the local officials and gentry forces that were hit the hardest, and these forces were the main force restricting Lin Fu's full control of Chongzhou.

There are more than 200,000 to 200,000 people in Chongzhou, and there are three permanent magistrates, county magistrates, and county magistrates.

In addition to these two or three people, the county government has set up six-room clerks and three-class yamen as minions, and set up archers and swordsmen to arrest murderers and robbers. In Lijia, there is a tax department township camp, and all of them are selected from the powerful clan, landowners, and wealthy households to select the seniors to occupy their important positions. These people and related people jointly form the local powerful clan of the township. .

The two or three Zhengyin officials appointed by the imperial court had to pass them in order to function normally in the Chongzhou county with more than 100,000,000,000,000 to 200,000 mouths.

For a long time, the imperial court and the local forces have formed a stable interest distribution relationship. For example, the Chongzhou Ministry of Homeownership allocates about 10,000 taels of silver every year. Generally speaking, the court designated Chongzhou as the source of salaries for the Jiangdong Zuo Army, and the Jiangdong Zuo Army’s annual salaries drawn from Chongzhou could only be about 10,000 taels per year.

Obviously, 10,000 taels of silver a year is far from enough to feed the Jiangdong Left Army. From this point of view, the local forces must be extremely alert to the Jiangdong Left Army to prevent the Jiangdong Left Army from encroaching on local interests.

Chen Kun is immortal, and the conflict with Lin Fu will only deepen and cannot be resolved, unless Lin Fuzhen is willing to honestly draw only 10,000 taels of silver from Chongzhou every year.

In fact, Chongzhou is located in a land of fertile fish and rice, and the actual salary that can be drawn is far more than 10,000 taels.

Based on the 1.5 million mu of fertile land in the whole county of Chongzhou, the annual grain output of Chongzhou County should be between 3 to 4.5 million stone grains.

Song Jia and her father have studied the taxation in various places, and know that if the local forces in Chongzhou County do not hide the population, land, taxation and land taxation and various bonuses together, they will almost reach the ratio of "five draws and one". Chongzhou county's tax payable The grain will reach an astonishing 600,000 to 90 shi; even if the "15 draws and 1" are used to calculate the tax, Chongzhou should have 200,000 to 300,000 shi of taxable grain. Only about 20,000 shi of grain was given.

The huge difference was not taken away by the tenant farmers or small landowners, nor did it disappear out of thin air, but was taken away by the local township tycoons and big landowners.

She Feixiong seems to have destroyed Chongzhou and destroyed the salaries of the Jiangdong Zuo Army, but this is only temporary, but in fact it has cleared the obstacle for Lin Fu to fully control Chongzhou. Once Lin Fu is given full control of Chongzhou, the amount of silver that Lin Fu can extract from Chongzhou every year will be far more than 10,000 taels, and may even be 100,000 taels or 200,000 taels!

It was Song Jia who saw through this point and said presumptuously that Chongzhou City was destroyed by East China Sea bandits~www.readwn.com~ The officials and a considerable number of big households living in the city were slaughtered cleanly, which was a big deal for Lin Fu and Jiangdong Zuojun. Great luck.

When Lin Fu first returned to Chongzhou, he couldn't wait to capture Guangjiao Temple. The Jiangdong Zuo Army also looked like he had taken root and lived in Zilang Mountain. Even if Song Jia was imprisoned in the Zen Temple on the top of the mountain, he could vaguely guess some of Lin Fu's arrangements. .

If Lin Fu completely abandons the ruined city of Chongzhou and rebuilds Chongzhou City on the basis of Zilang Mountain, Jiangdong Zuo Army will be stationed along Zilang Mountain, and will support Li Shuyi, Li Shutang, Hu Zhiyong, Hu Zhicheng and others in Chongzhou County, even if the imperial court appoints them. The magistrate and other Zhengyin officials were at odds with Lin Fu, and they could not prevent Lin Fu from taking full control of Chongzhou County.

The funny thing is, She Feixiong still thinks he has a plan, but he doesn't know that he has done Lin Fu a big favor.

The She family can gain a firm foothold in Jin'an, and it can also be said that the foundation of the She family's rule in Jin'an is inseparable from the support of the local Shangxiang nobles. She Feixiong takes it for granted that the local forces attacking Chongzhou , will also effectively strike the foundation of Jiangdong Left Army's foothold in Chongzhou.

Song Jia sighed slightly, thinking that She Feixiong probably didn't understand the core foundation of Lin Fu and Jiangdong's left army. It was neither the Lin clan nor Gu Wuchen and Tang Haoxin's support for Lin Fu, but those who gave to the She family. A humble person who can't be seen - Song Jia closed the window, not worried about her own fate, but she was a little curious, how far can Lin Fu's system go?

Ever since they met in Donghua City, Song Jia felt that Lin Fu had a very different bearing from those so-called celebrities and Qingliu, and also had eyes and insights far beyond the so-called celebrities or Qingliu. The funny thing is that other people can only do it in Lin Fu Only after the earth-shattering thing did I have to agree with this, I only regarded him as a ridiculous pig herd... My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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