Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 51: May

(The condition is not good, it may be related to illness. I lack exercise at this time, and my physical fitness is very poor. I catch a cold and fever at any time.

After the East China Sea invaders invaded Chongzhou, they returned to the islands of Changguo County to rest. Except for the occasional cross-sea invasion of Mingzhou and Jiahang, there was no major movement in May. Li Zhuo, as the minister of military affairs and supervising Ji Town, gathered more than 60,000 soldiers and horses in Jinhai, Jizhou, and Ninghe for training. He also proceeded in an orderly manner. For a while, he could not see much effect or any drawbacks. .

The Donglu kidnapped 300,000 to 400,000 mouths at a time, and it took time to digest. Although the Jiangdong Zuo Army also sent sentries to Liaodong and Liaoxi, the work progressed very slowly due to the unfamiliarity with the various Hu areas, and it was not effective for a while. news came back. After the fiasco of Chentangyi, the court's infiltration scouts in Hudi were almost completely destroyed. Li Zhuo also intends to re-establish an intelligence search network for Donglu and Zhuhus, but it takes time and a lot of resources.

In short, after leaving the customs in February, Donglu was quite quiet outside the customs, and did not make any big moves. In Lin Fu's view, no news is not good news. Once Donglu successfully digests the 300,000 to 400,000 people who have been kidnapped, its military potential will go to a new level.

Whether in Liaodong or western Liaoning, there are a large number of barren fields for the Donglu to resettle the captives.

When the Eastern captives entered the pirates, the ordinary soldiers also gained a lot. In addition to a large amount of goods, there were also serfs who were used to farm the fields, which meant that the next time they entered the customs and plundered, the Donghu people became more active and greedy.

Under the maintenance of the Jinhai food route, Gyeonggi barely survived the food shortage in April and May, and the skyrocketing food price in Gyeonggi is also the meaning of the title. After Li Zhuo took charge of the military power in Jibei Town, Lin Fu still ordered Sun Shangwang to allocate part of the grain that arrived in Jinhai to the Jibei Army, and actually handed it over to Gao Zongting.

In order to implement the strategy of flattening the enemy and realize the strategic concept of the three-way layout, Emperor Chongguan allocated an additional 1.6 million taels of silver to Li Zhuo from the inner government. This amount of money seems to be a lot, but 80,000 soldiers in Jizhen, 30,000 in Dengzhou Zhouying and Zhenjun, and 10,000 in Tianjin navy, a total of 120,000 soldiers and horses divide the money, it looks very shabby.

Lin Fu's military budget for the Jiangdong Zuo Army was 250,000 taels of silver per year, with more than 6,500 soldiers in charge. Based on this standard, Jizhen, Dengzhou, and Jinhai need 4 million to 5 million taels of silver. In fact, with the additional money allocated by Emperor Chongguan from the inner government, it is only 3 million taels per year. Silver or so.

In fact, if the Neifu no longer allocates silver next year, the total military expenditure of Jizhen, Dengzhou and Jinhai will be reduced to about 1.4 million taels.

Lin Fu hopes to provide Li Zhuo with an additional 200,000 to 300,000 shi of grain, which will be transported to Beijing for sale through the Jibei Army. One is to suppress the high grain prices in Gyeonggi, and the other is to hope that Li Zhuo can raise several hundred thousand taels more. Silver pay.

The most urgent task is to resist the invasion of Donglu.

For the imperial court, the top priority is to break through the transportation bottleneck of the Jinhai grain route and gradually increase the total transportation volume of the Jinhai grain route.

For Zhang Xie, the Jinhai food route had already fallen under the control of Tang Haoxin, Gu Wuchen and the Lin clan, and the matter of blocking the Yellow River breach and restoring the river transport in Pingyuan Prefecture could no longer fall into Tang Haoxin's hands.

In mid-April, the court sent Chen Zhongnian, the right servant of the Ministry of Industry, to know about the affairs of Jinan and Pingyuan, and to supervise the Shandong Caoyun affairs.

So far, Zhang Xie has Chen Zhongnian and Xu Jianshen two pieces in Shandong to compete with Tang Haoxin.

Throughout May, the bandit suppression in Jiangdong County was also carried out in an orderly manner. Yue Lengqiu successfully recovered Shiliang, Sizhou and other cities, and expelled Liu Aner's bandits from Haozhou Prefecture.

Liu An'er and other rogues did not have the concept of building a base. In the initial stage, they raised food and salaries. The big robbers almost turned Haozhou into an abandoned city, conniving at the subordinates who raped/prostituted women and killed countless people. Although the number of rogues is large, they have actually lost the foundation of their foothold in Haozhou.

Yue Lengqiu is not an incompetent person. The re-established Changhuai Army has enough money and fighting power. It is not unimaginable to drive Liu Aner's bandits out of Haozhou. However, Yue Lengqiu's military victory in Haozhou Prefecture failed to curb the rampant momentum of the rogues.

In mid-May, Liu An'er, Luo Xiancheng, Gong Yucai and other seven robbers joined forces in Fangling to hold the "Fangling Conference". King of Jue", the public number has a million troops. After the Fangling Conference, the big rogues avoided the heavily defended Jianghuai, Jinghu, Zhongzhou and other places, and the main force moved to Sichuan and Shaanxi where the troops were empty. In late May, the rogues captured Hanzhong and went west The channel of Sichuan and Shaanxi.

It can also be seen that Liu An'er and other rogues have strategic plans to abandon the remaining areas such as Haozhou and Huaishang, and move to Hanzhong, Sichuan and Shaanxi and other places to continue to grow their forces. The imperial court envoy Yue Lengqiu gathered troops and horses from Jingchu, Zhongzhou and other prefectures to continue to attack the rogues.

Throughout May, Chongzhou, which had experienced the catastrophe, regained its rare calm, building a new city, investigating bandit cases, investigating monastic forces, confiscating temple fields, sending fields for punishment, replacing land properties, training troops, building military fortresses, and setting up war training literacy classes, etc. The work was actually carried out in an orderly manner under the control of the Jiangdong Left Army.

In early June, the imperial court approved Huai's petition to reopen the prison city in Jiangxinzhou at the Jiangkou of Chongzhou, abolished the Jinchuan Island prison and merged it into the prison city, and accommodated the prisoners in Jiangdong County and Jiangdong, Zhongzhou, Shandong, Liangzhe, Jiangxi, and Jingchu. Waiting for prisoners in six counties. There are a number of small officials in the book office, such as the first eighth-rank prison city supervisor, the first nine-rank deputy prisoner, the clerk, the commander, and a half-battalion of prison guards.

Lin Fu also served as the prison city supervisor, and promoted Sun Geng as the deputy supervisor.


The news of the reopening of the prison city was transferred from Jiangning to Chongzhou. When the letter and newspaper express arrived, Lin Fuzheng was standing barefoot in the water seedling field attached to Guanyin Beach to watch the rice seedlings grow.

Lin Bie sat on the field ridge, washed his hands with the water full of green apples in the seedling field, wiped dry on his jacket, took apart the letter, read the letter, and said to Hu Zhiyong next to him, "I'm going there. Jiangning has gone for a trip...I still want to rush to Hecheng, it seems that I have to wait until I return from Jiangning before I can find time to rush to Hecheng..."

Hu Zhiyong asked, "Can you persuade the county chief to set up more inspection divisions in Chongzhou when you go to Jiangning this time?"

"I'm afraid it's not that easy. If we can successfully replace the Hecheng Inspection Division with our people this time, we will be thankful. We can't ask more for other things," Lin Fu shook his head and set up more inspections under the county. It can effectively strengthen the control of the locality and restrain the local tyrannical power. According to Lin Fu's idea, six to eight inspection divisions are added under Chongzhou County, and the actual jurisdiction area is equivalent to that of the district-level administrative units that later generations are used to. It was mobilized for the Jiangdong Left Army to realize Lin Fu's purpose of raising an elite army in one county, but this goal must be realized slowly, "Many things are difficult to accomplish overnight, and everyone should focus on preparing for the famine and war at the moment. do it well..."

Lin Fu sat on the ridge of the field, washed his feet and put on shoes, and returned to Zilang Mountain with the message delivered by Jiang Ning. Before boarding the boat, he stood at the height of Guanyin Beach and looked at Xisha Island.


In Xisha Island, tens of thousands of acres of wasteland were reclaimed last year, and 8,000 stone were harvested from wheat cultivation in early June. Neither good nor bad. Today, Xisha Island holds more than 34,000 Dingkou. Before Xisha Island became self-sufficient in food, Lin Fu had to transport 20,000 shi of rice to the island every month.

One season of wheat yields more than 8,000 stone, which is nothing compared to the huge grain consumption of Xisha Island.

However, the situation always needs to be improved gradually. At this time, there are 30,000 mu of rice fields reclaimed along the Xiaoman River and its tributaries. Together with the old fields near Guanyin Beach, more than 40,000 mu of rice can be planted in June, and another cotton and hemp land can be planted. More than 10,000 acres, and more than 30,000 acres of mulberry orchards have been opened in Southeast Beach.

Lin Fuyou attaches great importance to this aspect. The quality of production and construction in Chongzhou and Xisha Island directly determines the future military potential of the Jiangdong Left Army.

Lin Fu has nothing to do, and often comes to the island to inspect the farming situation. In the words of Shizi Qingliu, he is a very pig herder and farmer.

In addition to daily training, Jinghai Camp also undertakes an important task, which is to organize manpower to dig bird droppings from offshore islands and transport them to Xisha Island for fertilizer accumulation.

Of course, it was a joke to use the precious water camp warships that were finally organized to transport bird droppings to the ears of Qingliu, a scholar in Jiangdong County. But throughout the month of May, the two battalions took turns to dig out more than 30,000 stone for bird droppings, which provided the necessary conditions for improving the soil quality of Xisha Island and accumulating fertilizer for the newly reclaimed fields.

Only by accumulating fertilizers and building water conservancy can the barren land of Xisha Island be turned into fertile fields with a yield of more than three stones of rice per mu, so that the self-sufficiency of Xisha Island can be achieved, and necessary farming materials can be provided for the Jiangdong Zuo Army and major workshops. .

In addition to digging and transporting bird droppings at sea, the biggest action in farming is pig and poultry farming.

In order to maintain combat effectiveness, the Jiangdong Left Army must provide a large amount of eggs and various meats to keep the physical fitness and physical fitness of its soldiers from declining.

There are 6,500 soldiers in the main force, and if each person provides 5 taels of meat every day, they need nearly 2,000 catties of meat every day, and they need more than 7,000 stone meat a year, which is about 30,000 taels of silver.

Although all this money is included in the military budget, which is an important factor for the high military budget of Jiangdong Zuo Army, the key point is that the scattered pig raising and other animal husbandry industries in Chongzhou County are provided to Jiangdong Zuo Army, which may not be able to satisfy Jiangdong Zuo Army. Left Army needs.

These days, people who can eat white rice are already wealthy; those who eat chicken, duck and fish are considered to be wealthy families.

Lin Biao can only organize large-scale pig and poultry farming on Xisha Island.

Due to the large number of beaches on Xisha Island, the work of raising poultry on the beach has already begun. For beaches such as Guanyin Beach, Hetan Beach, and Yueer Beach, the total number of free-range poultry has reached more than 200,000. It is also the main source of eggs and meat for the Jiangdong Left Army, saving a lot of expenses.

Xisha Island houses refugees in the form of enclosed houses. A large enclosed house can accommodate 80 to 100 households of refugees, which provides the most convenient conditions for establishing collective farms on Xisha Island.

In addition to the relatively dense surrounding houses near Guanyin Beach, the surrounding houses scattered along the Xiaoman River and its tributaries to the island were constructed with one surrounding house covering 1,200 to 1,500 mu of land. density standard.

A production group of 80 to 100 households with 3 to 400 households in a surrounding house, and 10 to 12 production groups as a production team, as far as possible from the family members or veterans of the Jiangdong Zuo Army as the production team. In addition to organizing production, warehousing and preparing for famine, the captain or captain is also responsible for organizing the training of the people and guarding against bandits. The primary training literacy class will recruit the production team leader and team leader.

To completely relocate more than 34,000 dingkou, it is necessary to build 80 to 100 large-scale enclosed houses, and almost 100,000 to 120,000 mu of land should be reclaimed. This is also the task to be completed before the construction of Xisha Island next year before the summer grain harvest.

In addition to reclaiming and planting 1,200 mu to 1,500 mu of wheat, rice and cotton and hemp fields for the small mouths accommodated in each enclosed house, the number of pigs in each enclosed house will also be increased from the current ten to six. About 70 heads, and responsible for part of the poultry breeding.

In this way, enough meat can be provided for the Jiangdong Left Army, and some fertilizer can be added to the fields by composting and accumulating manure.

Of course, to achieve self-sufficiency in Xisha Island, at least until next year's summer grain harvest.


By the first ten days of June, the Guangjiao Temple case, which had been delayed for nearly two months, was finally closed.

220,000 mu of land was inspected, and more than 80,000 stone were fined, and about 9,000 mu were collected as official land. In addition to providing for the construction of the city, there are more than 5,000 mu of official land reserved for the Jiangdong Zuojun army, and Chongzhou County has added more than 220,000 mu of land. The annual grain supply increased by 50,000 shi.

Even if various apportionments are not counted, Chongzhou County's ability to collect and endow money has increased to about 100,000 shi per year. By dividing the local expenses and the salaries into four or six parts, the Jiangdong Zuo Army can draw more than 60,000 shi of grain from Chongzhou County a year, which is more than double the previous year.

However, all of this is only a superficial account that the Jiangdong Left Army made of Chongzhou County, Hailing House and the prefecture.

In fact, throughout May, Li Shutang, Li Shuyi and others bypassed the Xuanwei Special Envoy Han Zai and Chongzhou County, negotiated directly with various powerful families, and made additional replacements at Xishan Hekou, Zilang Mountain, Jiuhua Temple and Hecheng. 140,000 mu were taken out as a farm.

Most of these 140,000 mu of land are middle and lower fields, but they are all mature land cultivated by tenant farmers. This time the summer grain harvest was bumper, and the Jiangdong Zuo Army directly had a lot of income from this 140,000 mu of land.

Chongzhou tenants renting farmland, in addition to bearing the grain and various apportionments, have to pay an additional 50% of the harvest to the landowner as the land rent, and the actual tax burden is more than 60%. In a disaster year, taxes may be reduced a little, but the land rent is not reduced at all, making the life of the tenant farmers in the rich land of Chongzhou extremely difficult, and social contradictions are fierce.

After the replacement of the 140,000 fields was completed, Lin Fu directly reduced the land rent from 50% to 30%, and all other apportionments were exempted except for the tax and grain, except that the actual burden of the tenant farmers was reduced to less than 40% of the harvest.

Even so, the Jiangdong Zuo Army still collected more than 40,000 shi of tax from the 140,000 fields after the summer grain was harvested.

In addition to reducing rents and taxes, Lin Fu also promoted permanent tenancy rights on these 140,000 fields. To promote permanent tenancy rights, although tenant farmers do not have the ownership of the land, they have the right to permanently renew the lease. As long as the rent is paid normally, there is no need to worry about the land being taken away by the landowner, thus making it the last resort to support the family.

Only by expanding permanent tenancy rights and reducing rents and taxes can tenant farmers increase their enthusiasm for production, organize them to build water conservancy, accumulate fertilizer to improve the land, and ultimately improve the overall yield of the land.

For the tenant farmers on these lands, the Jiangdong Zuo Army directly raised the rent reduction movement and the promotion of permanent tenant rights, so that they all received direct and huge benefits. Although the summer grain harvest has not increased much~www.readwn.com~, the average summer grain income of each tenant has increased by about 50% due to the reduction of rent and tax.

Tenant farmers and tenants are simple and unpretentious. Whoever brings them the most direct benefits will support them from the bottom of their hearts. This is the same reason that Liu An'er can gather hundreds of thousands of refugees in half a year. The key is that Liu An'er was unable to raise food and grass from normal channels to settle these hundreds of thousands of refugees.

Through simple actions such as reducing rents and taxes and promoting permanent tenancy rights, although the summer grain of 140,000 mu of land was reduced by more than 10,000 shi, the more than 6,000 tenant farmers and nearly 30,000 people who depended on it quickly became Jiangdong. The foundation of the Zuo Army in Jiuhua Temple, Xishan Hekou, Zilang Mountain and Hecheng actually enabled the Jiangdong Zuo Army to complete the in-depth penetration of Chongzhou County ahead of schedule in May.

In addition to stationing a guard at Jiuhua Temple and transforming Jiuhua Temple into a small military fortress that is conducive to the long-term protection of the garrison, Lin Fu also first selected elites from the tenants attached to Jiuhua Temple's farmland and established Jiuhua Township Camp. .

The Jiuhua Township Camp has only two posts with more than 400 people. What Lin Fu really wants to do is to organize the more than 3,000 strong young people in the tenants of Jiuhua Temple to conduct civil courage rotation training after the summer is over. After the autumn grain is harvested and stored in the warehouse , to organize the tenants of Jiuhua Temple to excavate the river channel that runs through the Xishan River and the Yunyan River.

To say that the most serious damage to the interests of the bandit case after the conclusion of the case is of course the monks and nuns of the nineteen monasteries, almost 900 monks and nuns were either expelled from Chongzhou County, or returned to their homes; Lots of senders.

This gang-related case made Lin Fu believe that conducting a county-wide census of Dingkou and field properties could squeeze out a lot of oil and water, and it would not be a big deal if Chongzhou's tax was doubled on the basis of doubling it. Surprising things. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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