Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 60: Court Shadow

(Second, ask for a red ticket)

Yongchang Hou's mansion occupies most of the alley in Yanshui Lane and is one of the most prosperous families in Jiangning. At the end of the alley is the back garden of Hou's Mansion. A small door opened. Fan Ding climbed down from the carriage. The servant took a lantern to light up the paved alleyway under his feet. When he walked to the small door of the back garden, he tapped "bang, bang, bang". A few notes.

"Who is it?" asked a slightly hoarse voice in the door.

"Me," Fan Ding asked softly, "Is Lord Hou in the garden?"

With a "squeak", the door was opened from the inside, and a man with a long beard stuck his head out from the inside: "Come here, the prince is enjoying the cool air in the garden, I didn't know you were rushing here at night..." Jiang Fan Ding Hu took the lantern in his hand, bolted the door from the inside, and led Fan Ding into the garden.

The moonlight is light and the shadows of the branches are slanting. In the west corner of the garden, there is a carved wooden pavilion standing by the water. Yuan Guizheng stands in the pavilion, looking at the direction of the tripod, one wearing a yellow half-length coat. , The beautiful woman in the moonlight skirt stood beside him. The beautiful woman watched Fan Ding come over, leaned back and left with the attendant maid, and let the pavilion out for their men to discuss matters.

"I hurried to the city in the middle of the night, what's the urgency?" Yuan Guizheng sat on the stone bench and looked into Fan Ding's eyes calmly.

"The one from the Duke's Mansion, I met Lin Fu today," Fan Ding respectfully stood aside, telling Yuan Gui that the prince had invited Lin Fu and Mu Guogong Zeng Mingxin to the banquet at the Xiaofan Building at night. Zheng Ting said, "After the banquet, the man from the government's government went straight to Sumei's house to drink tea, and sat for half an hour before coming out first. I rushed into the city, and I didn't have time to stare at the river mouth. I was afraid. It's Lin Fu who hasn't left Su Mei's house..."

"There's only one bait, who likes to bite, who will bite it?" Yuan Guizheng grabbed a sugar-fried chestnut from the table, peeled it off and stuffed it into his mouth to chew.

"The man from the Guogong's manor might open up the old case from 12 years ago and bring it up again tonight, otherwise it's unlikely that he will be in a hurry to meet Lin Fu on his trip back to Jiangning..." Fan Ding analyzed.

"If you care, you will be in chaos," Yuan Guizheng said calmly. "If you want to open up the old case thirteen years ago and bring it up again, when can't Su Mei do it? Why can't old man Zeng do it today? Lin Fu knew about the old case thirteen years ago, so what can you do? You said that in the world, except for the Queen Mother, who else can clean up the Su family's injustice? But I have to say it again, before you and me I really underestimated this pig herder. Who would have thought that in order to earn money for raising soldiers, he would dare to trade military exploits in private with that dead **** Hao Zongcheng. For his enthusiasm, maybe it is worth putting chips on him."

"I'm afraid he may not be easy to deal with," Fan Ding said with a frown, "before Jiangdong Zuojun became famous in Beinan, who would have thought that he would have secretly communicated with Li Zhuo?"

"People who are not easy to deal with are worth dealing with." Yuan Guizheng raised his eyebrows, his eyes were on Huaxi, which was illuminated by the moonlight. More worth dealing with?"

Fan Ding knew that the "Chu Manzi" in Hou Ye's mouth was referring to Yue Lengqiu. Yue Lengqiu's Mandarin had a strong local accent, and everyone called him "Chu Manzi" in private. Yue Lengqiu regarded himself as a party of Chu. He didn't take it seriously when he heard others calling his nickname.

For now, Yue Lengqiu is of course more worth dealing with.

Yue Lengqiu served as the governor of Jianghuai, ruled over the Changhuai Army, controlled the towns, and was powerful. . Although Lin Fu has become famous and his power has begun to form, he has risen in the most small county in Chongzhou, but compared with Yue Lengqiu, he is as small as a witch, and the Tang Haoxin and Gu Wuchen he relies on are far from being able to stand above the temple. Compete with Zhang Xie, who is the second prime minister.

However, once the capital is moved, Yue Lengqiu, the governor of Jianghuai, is a pivotal official in the court, and it is within sight of him to enter the cabinet to worship the prime minister. What great advantage can he have to be attracted by this side?

From this aspect, Chu Manzi is not worth dealing with.

To say unruly, who is the most powerful person in the world who is easily manipulated by others?

When Lin Fu first arrived in Jiangning, he drew his sword with the family of Fan's family - Fan Ding didn't mind the various unpleasant things that happened in the past, and he was not qualified to mind for the time being. .

Fan Ding knew what Lord Hou wanted to say, and patiently said, "Fan Ding is stupid, please enlighten me."

"The young pig herders have impulsive desires, and they look forward to drastic or even earth-shaking changes more than the old and heavy-handed ones, in order to find greater opportunities," Yuan Guizheng laughed, "Setting a trap to lure the music family into the house and break it in one fell swoop, you Do you think Gu Wuchen and Zhao Qinmin have the guts to play this kind of risky plan? The East China Sea bandits who gathered 400 armoured soldiers to fight ten times as many as themselves, and fought against Jiyang in blood, how many people in the world do you think are so strong? Look, how many people in the world have the guts to recruit 3,000 refugees for their bravery, and then directly pull them out to fight the Donglu iron cavalry? They all say that you need to be proud and young, and you need to be young. From Hu Hu, this son has become famous, but it is not a good story about the encounter between the ruler and the minister..."

"I'm afraid, it will be difficult to control in the future." Fan Ding said worriedly.

"Then we can control it now?" Yuan Guizheng asked rhetorically.

"..." Fan Ding was stunned for a moment. Apart from the noble titles, the Yongchang Marquis Mansion really had nothing compared to Lin Fu, who held the real power of the Jiangdong Left Army.

"You, the meat in the pot hasn't reached your bowl yet, so you are worried that others will **** the meat in your bowl," Yuan Guizheng pointed at Fan Ding's face and shook his head and smiled, "Rather than worry about how long it will take to It's better to think more about things, how can we transfer the meat from the pot to the bowl."

"I was overly worried," Phan Ding said.

At this time, Yuan Jinqiu rushed into the back garden with the smell of alcohol, and saw Fan Ding standing with his father in the pavilion. He thought that he was moving so fast, that he rushed over to spread the news earlier than himself. Jinqiu turned his head and walked back and forth, trying to avoid Fan Ding and his father.

"Stop," Yuan Guizheng stopped his eldest son Yuan Jinqiu in a deep voice, and taught him a lesson, "Is there someone you are so rude and rambunctious, turn around and leave without a word?"

"I don't dare to worry about my father's affairs." Yuan Jinqiu said in a stern voice, and gave a hasty nod. Before Yuan Guizheng could speak, he turned around and got into the moon gate and left the back garden.

Yuan Guizheng's face was as heavy as frost, and if he wanted to teach someone a lesson, he would let him slip away. He was so angry that he slammed his hands on the corner of the stone table, his muscles and bones were bruised, and he gasped in pain. Fan Ding pretended not to see it, and only said: "The prince and the pig herd are quite compatible, and they don't seem to be so polite..."

"Oh, is that so?" Yuan Guizheng asked with a gloomy expression, "The Queen Mother's 60th birthday, let him help with the arrangements. I can't just sit around and do nothing all day..."


Early the next day, Lin Fuxian sent people to the Yongchang Houfu to vote first, and he himself rushed to the office of the inspector, and formally negotiated with Xiao Xuanchou, who had just been promoted to the deputy envoy, to remove the prison island and build a prison at the Chongzhou Hekou. many things in the city.

Xiao Xuanchou completely drew Yue Lengqiu over, but Gu Wuchen was not Jia Pengyu at the time, and Xiao Xuanchou was not Gu Wuchen at that time. Xiao Xuanchou wanted to contain Gu Wuchen within the police department, but he still lacked a lot of heat.

Lin Fu served as the envoy of Jinghai Metropolitan, and was only controlled by the inspectorate, not under the control. In the past, Xiao Xuanchou was also Lin Fu's immediate boss in name. At this time, even this name was stripped clean. However, the construction of a prison city at Jiangkou in Chongzhou was restricted by Xiao Xuanchou, especially when they played tricks on the silver transfer, making Lin Fu quite helpless.

The Dongyang Township Party collected 100,000 taels of silver to take down the prison island, and the money would go to the unified support of the Xuanfu Envoy; the Xuanfu Envoy finally gave in and agreed to allocate 60,000 taels for the construction of a prison city in Jiangkou, Chongzhou. , but the money can only be taken out in batches from the silver treasury of the Xuanfu Envoy after Xiao Xuanchou's signature.

In this way, Lin Tie couldn't get around Xiao Xuanchou when he built a prison city in Chongzhou, unless he was willing to give up the 60,000 taels of silver;

When discussing matters, Gu Wuchen was the chief inspector, Xiao Xuanchou was the deputy envoy, and there were three other five-rank officials, and Lin Fu was the sixth-rank official. However, he has already been ranked in the fifth rank, and he has a title of nobility. Since the factor of Jiangdong Zuojun is aside, his actual status is no lower than that of the official of the fifth rank.

In the current bureaucracy, which is dominated by middle-aged and elderly people, Lin Bie is an extremely rare young man at the time.

Even if Xiao Xuanchou, who had completely wooed Yue Lengqiu in the past, was not so afraid of Gu Wuchen, he still did not dare to offend Lin Bie to death.

Even if Zhang Xie and Yue Lengqiu did not take the wrong step at all, in another 20 years, they would be dead wood and half of their bodies into the ground, far away from the center of power. prime of life. There is no need for manpower to fight. Just comparing the number of years, Lin Fu will beat Zhang Yue and discard his armor and lose his army. Maybe Xiao Xuanchou himself has returned to his hometown for retirement by then, but he is not sure that his descendants will fall into Lin Fu's hands and be devastated.

After drafting a statute of more than 2,000 words about the selection of the Jiangkou site in Chongzhou to build a prison city, Lin Fu's mission to return to Chongzhou on this trip was over.

In the morning, the guards sent to Yongchang Hou's mansion to send the post of worship also came back with the reply post of Yongchang Hou Yuanguizheng. Yuanguizheng held a banquet in the mansion at noon and invited Lin Fu to come over there~www.readwn.com~ If you want the real To uncover the behind-the-scenes truth about Akino's conspiracy, Yuan Guizheng must come into contact.

Hao Zongcheng represents the current emperor abroad; according to the father of the country, Yuan Guizheng is closely related to the Empress Dowager Liang and his foreign relatives, the Liang family. In the early years, Yuan Jinsheng rushed to Beijing thousands of miles away to study at the Imperial College, and he didn't know if there was such a factor in it.

Emperor Qingyu had no heirs. After he was assassinated, he passed the throne to his nephew, King Jin, who succeeded him as Emperor Delong. Although Emperor Delong had heirs, before he died of a sudden illness, the royal family was in turmoil because the aftermath of the Qiuye prison case had not yet passed. The younger brother of the weak and talented, who is the current emperor Chongguan Emperor - unfortunately, after the son of the current emperor Chongguan broke his neck on a wooden horse six years ago, hundreds of beauties in the harem died. No one has given birth to a son or a half son, and there is no heir to the throne.

Not only the sons of Emperor Delong can be adopted as the crown prince to inherit the great treasure, but from the blood of Emperor Qingyu, the descendants of the two lines of King Qin and King Lu also have the possibility to be adopted as the crown prince. It is inevitable that people will have a history. Reenactment of reverie. However, the current saint is only in his thirties, when he is young and strong, and he has given birth to a son before. The court and the opposition are not particularly worried about this. Li Di's suspicions naturally vanished.

In any case, the Empress Dowager Liang, who had a foreign relative who the Liang family could rely on, called the ministers to support Emperor Delong by the secret edict of Emperor Qingyu, and Emperor Delong died of a sudden illness. A shadowy figure leaning over to cover half of the court. The truth of the Akino prison case may fall on this woman. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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