Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 67: overwhelmed

"Absolutely not!" Han Zai slapped the table and almost growled. He would never allow Lin Bie to do such a big thing in Chongzhou.

"Why isn't it feasible? Lord Han, please make it clear!" Lin Fu narrowed his eyes and stared at Han Zai coldly, "Is it not feasible to let the big households occupy the public land, and it is not feasible to conduct an inspection? Or is it not feasible to dredging the river channel and turning the waste land into fertile land?"

"Is it not feasible to rent the public land to thieves?" Han Zai stared at Lin Fu angrily.

"Master Han, you are going too far," Lin Fu said coldly. "My Jiangdong Zuo army has three or four thousand soldiers, most of whom are from the north, but throwing their heads and blood for the court, the four diligent kings stand upright. Special merit, go south to Chongzhou to defend the countryside, and Han Dakou also slander them as thieves when they speak madly?"

Wu Meijiu had a splitting headache. Lin Fu and Han Zai almost had to clasped their arms and stared at each other in recent meetings. He was the most difficult person to be among them.

"Although the Jiangdong Zuo Army has made outstanding achievements, the Jiang Zepu Rebellion is also a lesson from the past. How can Master Lin serve as a refugee in Chongzhou without becoming a thief?" Han Zai asked rhetorically.

"Hundreds of thousands of refugees in Hongzepu rebelled and rebelled. There are many reasons for this, and the most important reason is the lack of local resettlement," Lin Fu said. "I checked the public land and rented the public land to the refugees for cultivation, so as to reassure their minds. The possibility of making waves. With such fierce opposition from Lord Han, does Lord Han hope that the refugees will not be able to cause chaos in Chongzhou?"

"This matter is to be done, and it is also a matter of the county. It is not up to the Jinghai Metropolitan Commissioner to stand up and point fingers." Han Zai kicked the ball to Wu Meijiu, stared at him fiercely, and asked, "Master Wu, do you think this is feasible?"

Wu Meijiu also hated Han Zai, but did not dare to offend Yue Lengqiu and Wang Tian, ​​who were behind Han Zai, and said, "I think what Master Lin said is reasonable, and what Master Han said is also reasonable, if it hadn't been submitted to Hailing House and the county governor for a resolution ?"

"No need," Lin Fu patted the table, stood up and said arbitrarily, "It's okay to do this, do you think that the annual 40,000-50,000 stone grain salaries in Chongzhou County can really support the 3,000-4,000 soldiers of the Jiangdong Left Army? The Jiangdong Zuo Army guards the Chongzhou sea frontier, and its responsibility is very heavy. Taking Chongzhou as the source of the Jiangdong Zuo army's salaries, its responsibility is also heavy. If the due public land cannot be checked out to make up for the lack of salary resources, Master Han and Master Wu will place the Chongzhou Sea Frontier. Where to protect?"

"Ninghai Town's water battalion is comparable to that of the Jiangdong Zuo Army, and the ration is only more than 60,000 shi. The Jiangdong Zuo Army is a township army, and it is slightly worse. What's not to be satisfied with?" Han Zai retorted.

"Is Mr. Han really confused or pretending to be confused?" Lin Fu looked at Han Zai, "Ninghai Town's water battalion warships and armors are all arranged as usual, but Jiangdong Zuo Army needs to raise their own funds. Could it be that Mr. Han thought that a battle was fought? Come down, there will be no losses to the soldiers, armors and ships? Don’t give compensation to the dead and wounded soldiers? Or when the East China Sea bandits attack, should the Jiangdong Zuo Army hide and stand by and watch? Quest Report, Donghai Fox wants to invade Chongzhou, does Master Han really want Lin to stand by and watch?"

"You..." Han Zai's face turned ashen, "You are blatantly threatening this official!"

"Master Han will not make the Jiangdong Zuo Army's soldiers and armor replenishment, and will not make the Jiangdong Zuo Army's dead and wounded generals receive pensions. Why would the Jiangdong Zuo Army fight for Lord Han?" Lin Fu sneered, standing up with his hands on the table. Staring at Han Zai, "I have made a decision on this matter. Master Han might as well pass the paper to Master Wang and Governor Yue. Governor Yue collected one million taels of silver from the locality. I don't know if there is any excuse to stop me from being there. Chongzhou doing this? Even if there are three or five bitter masters, it is not the turn of Lord Han to stand up for them at this time."

Lin Fu said to Wu Meijiu again: "Sir Wu, I'm sorry, I don't want to embarrass you, but I can't let the soldiers go to the battlefield hungry... It is impossible to save money, check the public land, and turn the waste land into fertile land to open source. , is the only feasible move at the moment. Could it be that we watch the local village tyrants occupy the public land and ignore it?"

Wu Meijiu looked at Han Zai hesitantly. Before Han Zai's arrogance completely suppressed Lin Fu, he was unwilling to express his position casually.

"Wait!" Han Zai left the conference hall with his arms folded and returned to his residence angrily.

Lin Fu then said to Wu Meijiu in a kind tone: "Master Wu, I have no choice but to open so many mouths to feed, the whole country, the court and the public, are all waiting for the Jiangdong Zuo Army to make achievements in Chongzhou - but please rest assured, Lord Wu, the Jiangdong Zuo Army For every achievement, the contribution of Master Wu is indispensable."

"Han Zai will definitely file a complaint in front of Governor Yue and Lord Wang, and I can't control it too much," Wu Meijiu said.

Lin Fu smiled slightly. Wu Meijiu just didn't want to take responsibility in front of Yue Lengqiu and Wang Tian. As long as Wu Meijiu didn't forcibly stop it and check the public land, Li Shuyi and the others would be able to do it first in the name of the county house and workshop.

This matter must be done quickly. Lin Fu intends to directly involve Lin Mengde and Sun Jingtang with a large number of big hands, and strive to complete the preparations for the public field inventory and dredging before the autumn grain harvest is completed. The significance of this matter is very important, not to mention the strategic position of Yunyan River, not only can tens of thousands of displaced households directly benefit from it, but also become the backbone of the Jiangdong Left Army, and convert hundreds of thousands of acres of waste land into high-yield, The high-yield public land can directly make up for the shortage of food and salaries for the left army in Jiangdong.

To accomplish this, the material and financial resources used are extremely astonishing. On the one hand, Lin Fu recruited free young adults from the displaced households to participate in this task on the condition of reducing rent in the future. , Lin Fu naturally has to knock the bone and **** the marrow.


"The pig herder's plan is very big, I'm afraid that he will have a solid foundation in Chongzhou, and it will be difficult to remove him..." Wang Xueshan frowned and said with deep worry.

Wang Tian is also helpless. To say that Lin Fu and this Shuzi used to be arrogant and domineering in Jiangning before, who has really suppressed him for so long? At least in Chongzhou, there is no force that can resist Lin Bie, and there is no trouble in Chongzhou. It is also difficult to find trouble with Lin Bie in the details.

If you want to say arrogant and domineering, for the mutiny in Changyi, and supporting troops to push into Shandong, Lin Fu is no longer a general domineering, and in the end, is it something?

These many things have gradually made the local heroes see the reality of the Qing court, and see through the weak nature of the court. Those who support the army are not the pig herds alone, but they are the ones who tie Lin to Chongzhou for relief, and the behavior of the common people. Shang Zhezi participated in the impeachment, and most of the central authorities did not dare to lift the cover.

Ma Weihan stood behind Wang Xueshan and calmly looked at the people sitting in the hall, Yue Lengqiu, Cheng Yuqian, Wang Tian, ​​Wang Xueshan and others, all of them were a few ranks higher than Lin Fu in terms of quality and status. I can't help Lin Fu - but Lin Fu's actions this time are really bold enough. When investigating the public land, he almost completely ignored the local forces in Chongzhou County.

It was less than half a year before Yue Lengqiu arrived in Jiangning, so he brought Cheng Yuqian, Wang Tian, ​​Wang Xueshan and other important officials in Jiangdong County to his side, but he couldn't completely suppress Gu Wuchen and couldn't raise his head. Jiangdong Zuojun gave Gu Wuchen quite strong support in Chongzhou. In the whole court and opposition, after the internal division of the Chu Party, the officials of the Chu Party turned to Zhang Xie almost overwhelmingly. A few people in Tang Haoxin's family are in their hands. Behind this, it has to be said that Lin Fu has played a huge role...

This son of Lin Fu, can create such a situation in an absolutely weak situation, so that Hao Zongcheng, Li Zhuo and other people with monstrous power also secretly collude with him, Yue Lengqiu wants to suppress his actions in Chongzhou, it is difficult!

In late February, after the 100,000 eastern captive cavalry who had been looted in Yannan and Shandong left the customs, the court, which was almost in a desperate situation, naturally wanted to hype the miracle of the Four Victories in Yannan created by the Jiangdong Zuo Army, in order to maintain its weakness to the extreme. The morale of the center is maintained, and the final face of the center is maintained; this also enables Lin Fu and Jiangdong Zuojun to win great prestige in the court and the opposition - in this world, the military merits of winning more with less and creating miracles in seemingly hopeless adversity can always give the world more Expectations - even if Lin Fu and Jiangdong Zuojun were more arrogant and domineering in Chongzhou, at least they would be tolerated by most scholars and officials. Very weak, also evident.

Ma Weihan thought that Yue Lengqiu had called Cheng Yuqian, Wang Tian, ​​Wang Xueshan and others together, but he couldn't come up with any countermeasures. After one or two defeats, the myth of invincibility will be shattered, and Lin Bie's domineering arrogance will naturally be easily extinguished.

Yue Lengqiu observed his words, and Wang Xueshan also expressed his strong dissatisfaction with Lin Fu. Wang Tian and Cheng Yuqian were quite silent, probably with lingering fears.

When Lin Bie was in Jiangning, he was the prisoner of the prison island with a bigger sesame seeds. Wang Xueshan also gave him a disgraced face, and he was forced to compromise and make concessions to Gu Wuchen in everything. Even though Wang Tian and Cheng Yuqian were very dissatisfied with Lin Fu in their hearts, they would not take the initiative to stand up and act as the first rafters to personally suppress Lin Fu—I was afraid that they would bite Lin Fu back—Han Zai performed such a bad performance in Chongzhou, It also shows that conventional methods cannot deal with this pig herd who plays cards out of order.

"Jiangkou's defense can't rely too much on Jiangdong's left army. If Lin Fu's son is too ambitious, he dares to ride on top of us to pee and shit. I don't need to say anything more about this," Yue Lengqiu said, "However, At the time when the society was in crisis, many people needed to unite and help each other. They couldn't be beaten to death with a stick because of Lin Fu's mistakes, but he couldn't be allowed to be domineering to the point of unrestricted - Ninghai Zhenshuiying , The strength of the Jiangning water camp must be strengthened."

The strength of Ninghai Town Water Camp and Jiangning Water Camp was strengthened, and the status of Jiangdong Zuojun and Lin Fu naturally became less important.

Everyone here understands this principle, but to strengthen the strength of Ninghai Town Water Camp and Jiangning Water Camp, the most important thing is not other things, but money.

Wang Tian and Wang Xueshan frowned. What the local government wants to do now has a lot of promises from the central government.

According to Yue Lengqiu's plan, Jiangning Water Camp and Ninghai Town Water Camp should expand the number of troops, strengthen warships and equipment, and include the common servants requisitioned by boatmen and sailors into the auxiliary soldier order. The annual payment was suddenly increased to 120,000 taels compared to the current 40,000 taels, and the salaries of Jiangning Water Camp were also nearly doubled, which meant that the Minister of Xuanfu and Jiangning House had to pay more every year. Squeeze out 150,000 taels of silver.

Previously, for the reconstruction of the Changhuai Army, the local government took out 1 million silver all at once, and from now on, an additional 400,000 silver will be released every year.

After Yue Leng came to Jiangdong in the autumn, the local expenditure increased by millions. No matter how rich Jiangdong County was, it could not stand such consumption.

When it comes to the issue of money, Wang Tian and Wang Xueshan fell into silence at the same time, probably because they were too silent, and felt the atmosphere was depressing. I didn't hide it from Governor Yue, can you squeeze more out of Jiangning Mansion?"

For many years, the status of Jiangning Mansion and the Commander of the County were side by side, until the imperial court did not follow the regular system and set up the post of Governor of Jianghuai, making Jiangning Mansion and Commander both subject to the control of the Governor of Jianghuai.

Wang Xueshan was unwilling to be suppressed by Gu Wuchen~www.readwn.com~ Yue Lengqiu came over, and also had the name of the governor, Wang Xueshan naturally wanted to go to the past and wiped away the painful feet that Gu Wuchen had caught in the past.

It's just that this change is not easy, Yue Lengqiu's exploitation of the local is much more powerful than Gu Wuchen. At least when Dongyang Xiangyong was formed, Gu Wuchen raised the salaries by himself, and it didn't cost much. Even now, nearly half of Dongyang Township's money is raised from the Dongyang Township Party, and the other half is provided by Dongyang Prefecture.

Wang Xueshan said: "Jiangning mansion is now so poor that only pots and pans are left. When Li Bingbu was in Jiangning, the river tax and fish class were withdrawn, and the people were allowed to take it themselves. However, in the sixteen counties of the country, river tax, fish Only Jiangning House does not take the class, and it is a bit awkward. We need to raise money from Jiangning House to restore the river tax and fish class, and we can raise an additional 30,000 to 50,000 taels of silver every year..."

Ma Weihan stood behind Wang Xueshan without saying a word. When it comes to river tax and fish class, Lin Fu canceled many miscellaneous taxes including fish class and head apportionment in Chongzhou. Collection of mining tax. Last year, Li Zhuo proposed to cancel the river tax and fish class, and let the people take it by themselves. He also considered the situation of the refugees in the last year, so that the refugees could have another way to live and maintain local stability. Now Liu Aner's department has been expelled from Haozhou, and the situation in Jiangdong County is generally in general. After stabilization, there seems to be nothing wrong with Jiangning's restoration of river tax and fish lessons.

Yue Lengqiu thought for a moment, then nodded, and said, "Jiangning House had better raise an extra 50,000 taels of silver."

"I'm just reluctant to do it, I don't dare to make a ticket first." Wang Xueshan said.

The Jiangning Water Camp was the order of the Jiangning garrison. Cheng Yuqian naturally agreed with the strengthening of the Jiangning Water Camp. The only thing he didn't like was the fact that the Ninghai Town Water Camp received more money than the Jiangning Water Camp. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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