Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 71: house arrest

(Second, ask for a red ticket)

Seeing that Lin Fu was looking at Wang Chengfu, Song Bo knew that his identity was sensitive. He stayed in Jiangmen and interacted with Wang Chengfu. It was difficult not to arouse Lin Fu's suspicion.

Song Bo was obliged to explain two sentences for Wang Chengfu, and said to Lin Fuzuo: "After Jinan said goodbye, Song Bo followed Yuedu to fight in the east and west, and went to Jiangning at the end of February. After all, he is a son of the Song family, and it is rare for his colleagues to trust him. Then he resigned from his job and relaxed. He was not in a hurry to return to his hometown. During this time, he had been traveling in Jianghuai. Half a month ago, he went south from Qingjiangpu all the way to the Hecheng Division. , then came to Jiangmen as a guest, and I never expected to meet Mr. Lin here." He bowed to Wang Chengfu again, "Brother Chengfu treats me with sincerity, but I lied about my family background. I am ashamed. My father is Jinan Yongtaibo Song Fu, please forgive me, brother Chengfu..."

"Since Brother Song is passing through Hecheng, how can you not go to Chongzhou as a guest?" Lin Fu laughed, "I want to go out to inspect the sea, and Brother Song will follow me on this journey!"

"Respect is worse than obedience." Song Bo saw that Lin Fu invited himself to Chongzhou as a guest, with a firm tone and refused to refuse. He knew that he could not escape. He thought it was causing Lin Fu's suspicion and wanted to imprison him. He felt unlucky and dared not let it go. Resist, take off the saber around his waist, and the old servant who wants to travel with him in Jianghuai will also take off the sword and hand it over to the guard beside Lin Bie.

Wang Chengfu hit him with a sap and was stunned there.

Wang Chengfu only invited Song Bo to Jiangmen as a guest when he met in Hecheng Division, and occasionally met at the inn to talk about current affairs, and they were very similar. The direct descendant of the Song family, one of the eight surnames?

After the Donghai bandits infiltrated the children of the eight surnames of Dongmin, such as the She family, their power increased greatly, causing great damage to the coastal prefectures and counties in the past two years. This is even more so for the Jinghai Metropolitan envoy in front of him, who even used the name of the bandits to clear out all the monks in Chongzhou.

Under such circumstances, Song Bo traveled the Jianghuai River and visited the countryside, so it would be strange not to be regarded as a spy.

Although Lin Fu did not tie Song Bo Wuhua, but seeing that he invited Song Bo to Chongzhou as a guest in a tone that could not be refused, and asked Song Bo and his squires to hand over their sabers and weapons, Wang Chengfu knew that this had nothing to do with house arrest. what a difference.

Wang Chengfu was a prisoner of Yong Yun's assassination. If he was involved in such a thing, it was really difficult to keep his head on his neck. No matter how calm he was, he couldn't help but panic at this time.

"Wang Qitou can make friends with Brother Song, and if you want to come, it is also a person worth getting to know. Then please invite Wang Qitou to Chongzhou as a guest." Lin Fu stood at the gate of the public affairs hall and said in an unquestionable spoken language, "Except for Wang Qi Besides, who else is in charge here?"

Wang Chengfu's face was mournful, knowing that he had also become a prisoner at this moment, watching the guards next to Lin Bing come over, he took off his saber in frustration, and worried about the head on his neck.

There was a team of soldiers stationed in Doting, and the commander of the **** took a small team to the Hecheng Division for some reason. There were three banners here. Lin Bie waited for a while at the gate of the courtyard. The other two banners hurriedly rushed from other places when they heard the news. Come and prostrate yourself.

Lin Fu asked the two flag leaders to gather the soldiers and civilians on the left and right, and said: "The pirates are rampant, and they repeatedly invade the countryside. The left army in Jiangdong has the responsibility of guarding the sea frontier. Now I plan to set aside a piece of land in Jiangmen to build a beacon fire pier and a garrison. To guard against the Jiangkou bandit incident. It is reported that Zhao Hu, the deputy commander of the Jiangdong Zuo Army Chongcheng Infantry Battalion, will be in charge of the department, and the military and civilians of Jiangmen Duting are required to cooperate. Here is the official letter from the Weiyang Salt and Iron Division and my Jinghai Metropolitan Envoy The official letter signed by the Secretary, Wang Tianyi is not in Jiangmen, who will sign the letter on it..."

Zhao Hu took out two official letters from his arms and showed them to the two banner heads. These two flags were illiterate, so they took the official letter and glanced at it, but they didn't know what was written on it, and no one explained it to them, so they just pressed their handprints to stamp them.

Wang Chengfu knew in his heart that the Jiangdong Zuo Army was going to build a beacon fire pier in Jiangmen. Even if there was an official letter from the Weiyang Salt and Iron Company, it had to be approved by the Hecheng Company first, and the Jinghai Metropolitan Envoy Division and Hecheng Division were not under each other. There is no power to requisition Caochanghu and Yanding to build beacon fire piers.

In addition, Jiangdong Zuojun really intends to build beacon fire piers to guard against the enemy's situation at the sea exit. It needs to build one every ten miles, so that the bandit can be conveyed to the Jiangdong Zuojun base camp in a timely manner through beacon communication. If the construction and defense of each beacon fire pier and garrison were carried out by a deputy battalion commander with two or three hundred horse infantry, I am afraid that the entire Jiangdong Left Army would not be enough.

Wang Chengfu knew that things were very strange, but at this time he had no right to speak at all. The other two bannermen knew that Wang Chengfu and the guests he invited back were going to take Jiangdong Zuojun to Chongzhou for questioning. When he got involved, he didn't dare to speak for Wang Chengfu, and he didn't want to ask any more questions. Wang Chengfu thought of the rumored Lin Fu's behavior, and thought that it was Wang Tianyi's work from the Hecheng Division, so he didn't have the qualifications to say anything.

Lin Fu asked the other two flag heads to come and speak: "Because of the needs of building the beacon fire pier and the garrison, I have 300 horses of infantry that need to be temporarily stationed here. I think this yard is very large, and the southern half of the yard is temporarily lent to us. Use. A door is opened in the south wall, and another wall is built in the middle of the courtyard, and the north and south sides are not related to each other - what do you think of this arrangement?"

Where is this temporary borrowing, it is obviously going to occupy half of the yard! The two flag leaders did not dare to resist, they only said that they would have to wait until they both turned their heads.

Lin Fu said with a haha: "Then it's decided first. I'm going to patrol the sea, and I'll pass through here in a few days! If Wang Tianyi doesn't agree, he will tell me later." He handed the matter over to the eldest grandson Geng and Zhao Hu were in charge. He brought Song Bo and Wang Chengfu, surrounded by guards, and then returned to the river bank to board the ship and set out to sea.


The Jinchuan Prison as a whole was moved to Chongzhou, and more than 1,000 prisoners were moved to Xisha Island to be resettled in various workshops, under the supervision of Xisha Island.

Two hundred guard guards made a post and were directly incorporated into the Chongcheng Infantry Battalion. Zhao Hu served as the deputy battalion commander, and continued to lead the guard guards. In the name of building a beacon fire pier and a guard tower, they built directly on the north bank of Jiangmen Island. Prison city, placement of exiles.

Before the sentry found out the details of Jiangmen, Lin Fu did not expect that the conditions of Jiangmen were so good.

In addition to the more than 500 grassland households under the jurisdiction of Yidu Team Yanding, Jiangmen Doting also allows more than 1,000 displaced households to privately cultivate more than 20,000 mu of wasteland to grow grain, cotton and mulberry in the jurisdiction. In addition to the strong Fortress of Duting Courtyard, the roads and ditches in the area are also quite perfect, and the forests are full. It's just that all this is hidden in the depths of the grassland, and outsiders will not be able to find the clues if they don't go deep into Jiangmen and pass through the periphery. Since the officials of Hecheng Division make a lot of profit every year, and Jiangmen Douting has a lot of hay to transport every year, so they do not cause any trouble, Hecheng Division also turns a blind eye to the situation of Jiangmen Douting. Eye.

Jiangmen Duting can have such a climate. Even in early April when the East China Sea pirates were in Chongzhou, a small group of pirates landed in Jiangmen and repulsed the military and civilians/joint forces of Jiangmen Duting. Politicians are in charge.

Lin Fu originally thought that Wang Tianyi, the head of Jiangmen Duting, was a person. After investigating Wang Tianyi's background, he found out that there was another person, but time was limited and he did not find out who it was. After all, it was difficult for outsiders to approach Jiangmen Duting quietly. Floating households and pasture households to find out the information.

I didn't expect to come here in person this time, I would meet Song Bo who traveled in Jianghuai, and the person who is proficient in political affairs behind Jiangmen Duting is probably Wang Chengfu who invited Song Bo to Jiangmen as a guest.

Of course, Lin Fu unceremoniously put Song Bo and Wang Chengfu under house arrest, and brought them to the boat together to patrol the sea together.

Although he was under house arrest, Song Bo was calmer than Wang Chengfu, and he was still in the mood to look at the Jinhai after boarding the ship. Although Jin'an has put a lot of effort into building ships in recent years, due to the late start, the forest farms in the deep mountains in the hinterland of East Fujian are under the control of the Governor's Office and the County Division of East Fujian, and they have not been able to build such a large and strong ship .

After hoisting, the fleet left Jiangmen and continued to sail east. Jiangmen is already the easternmost part of the land on the north bank of the Yangtze River, and further east is a tidal flat 20 to 30 miles wide. The tide receded, and the exposed dark brown land was vast, but after the high tide, it was submerged by the sea, and it was impossible to even grow grass. Unless large-scale seawalls are built to keep the tide out, the tidal flats can be gradually improved into arable land.

When the fleet left the estuary, the vast twilight descended on the clear sea, causing the water to gradually settle from blue to black.

Lin Bing did not limit Song Bo and Wang Chengfu to move on the boat, but people were watching the movement. Song Bo slept peacefully in the cabin. When he woke up, the sky was bright. After leaving a few big islands, considering the itinerary, it should be the Shengsi Islands. The secret road Lin Shu led the Jiangdong Zuo Army to station in Chongzhou for nearly half a year. After the first wind and rainy season, it was finally time to formally contact the East China Sea bandits.

For decades, the Shengsi Islands have been the den of pirates, and they have been repeatedly attacked.

Last year, the thirteen pirates from the East China Sea formed an alliance, and they chose the Shengsi Islands. After She Feixiong, who goes by the pseudonym Yuan Tingdong, the East China Sea Harrier, conquered the islands of Changguo County, East China Sea pirates gathered on a large scale on the islands of Changguo County in the waters east of Mingzhou Prefecture. Shengsi Islands are still the most important outposts for pirates in the East China Sea. The number of pirates is no less than ever.

The Shengsi Islands are about 178 miles east of Haiyu County, about 200 miles away from Changshan Island in the north, and only about 200 miles away from the mouth of the Yangtze River. Shandao is five or six times larger, and to compete with the luxury family in the East China Sea, the Shengsi Islands are the first and most dangerous land to compete for.

Further south are the Tushan and Daishan islands, which are even larger in size. Together with the Changguo County Islands, they form a long and narrow island chain in the East China Sea. Almost all of them have been occupied by East China Sea bandits, posing a serious threat to the safety of coastal prefectures and counties in Jiangdong and Liangzhe.

Lin Fu stood on the deck and observed the terrain around the Shengsi Islands with Ao Canghai and Zhou Tong. He saw Song Bo and Wang Chengfu walking up to the deck. Judging from his performance yesterday, he didn't seem to know about Song Jia and She. Mingyue placed her under house arrest in Chongzhou and asked, "Brother Song traveled to Jianghuai after he resigned from the governor's office. During the past few months, have you ever had contact with Jin'an?"

Song Bo did not know that his sister and She Mingyue were captured at Guangjiao Temple. He saw that Lin Fu asked abruptly and replied, "I have no fixed place for the past few months. The old servant followed ~www.readwn.com~ and sent a few letters back to Jin'an to report safety, but he couldn't receive Jin'an's letter."

"..." Lin Fu didn't mention the affair between Song Jia and She Mingyue, and pointed to the Shengsi Islands in the distance, "During the wind and rainy season, the East China Sea pirates were not able to take the wind and waves to invade Chongzhou, but the Mingzhou Prefecture and Jiahang Prefecture are only separated by the strait. However, they were repeatedly invaded. Yuan Tingdong even retreated after occupying Xiangshan County for a month. I can't confirm whether any children of the Song family were among them. Once confirmed, Brother Song resigned from his post and went to Jianghuai. Don't blame me for not reminiscing about the old acquaintances."

Song Bo was calm, and said: "My Song family is in Yongtai County, two or three hundred miles away from the sea, maybe there are three or five unworthy children who are daring, change their names and surnames, and do things that harm the place in the East China Sea. , my Song family also hates it, but what does it have to do with my resignation to travel to Jianghuai?"

When the army of the She family was at its peak, there were 100,000 male soldiers. After the imperial court split the earth and sealed the marquis, the She family and the other seven clans retained nearly 20,000 elite soldiers, and a large number of the reduced soldiers and horses were placed in the coastal areas. Because Jin'an has more mountains and less land, and the long-term war has made the people very poor, a large number of soldiers have been laid off, and there is no livelihood. She Feixiong, who goes by the pseudonym Yuan Tingdong, the Donghai Harrier, not only went overseas with a small number of elites from his direct line and a group of military officers loyal to the She family, he could also easily recruit a large number of elite pirates from the coastal areas of Jin'an Prefecture, instead of sending the She family. and other seven surname families are directly involved.

Judging from the current situation, as Song Bo said, the Song family whose fief was in Yongtai County did not directly send their children to infiltrate the East China Sea bandit forces. It was because of this that Lin Fu thought that the Song family was divided. possible.

Lin Bie still wanted to say something to Song Bo, but Ge Cunxiong pointed to the distance and said, "The pirates sent a boat out..." My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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