Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 74: Take the island

Song Bo wanted to see how strong the Jiangdong Zuo Army would be when attacking Da and Xiaoyangshan Island, but Lin Fu had no intention of fighting a dignified battle.

The big and small Yangshan Islands were completely displayed above the sea level in the distance, and the patrol fleet changed its formation.

The main battleships of Jiyun-class and Jinhai-class all lowered their sails and slowed down. Several sea loach ships, Cangshan ships and six captured broken pirate ships in the middle of the fleet formed a team to go ahead. The masts and sides of the dozens of ships were replaced with East China Sea bandit battle flags with the pattern of sea hares, and the armored soldiers and auxiliary soldiers were replaced with red East China Sea bandit uniforms. As a result, the patrol fleet formed two fleets that fled and chased, heading towards Dayangshan Island.

Big and small Yangshan Island are two islands separated by eight or nine miles. Dayangshan Island is similar in size to Changshan Island, while Xiaoyangshan Island is smaller, but both are bedrock islands. Together with Daheng Island, they form the Shengsi Islands, which are part of the East China Sea. The northern archipelago of the island chain. In terms of topographical distribution, Changshan Island is also part of the Shengsi Islands, but it stands alone in the sea two or three hundred miles to the north.

There are about 300 East Sea pirates occupied on the big and small Yangshan Island, and the patrol fleet appeared in the field of vision.

The sea loach boats, Cangshan boats and other boats disguised as fleeing pirate boats had shallow drafts and rushed directly to the beach on the northeast corner of Dayangshan Island. After trekking in shallow water and landing on the beach, he adjusted the formation a little on the beach, and then unfolded it in a cone-shaped formation to attack the enemy formation, but he shouted loudly: "The Jiangdong Zuo Army is here, go back to the stockade..."

Although the more than 400 soldiers and auxiliary soldiers who landed first were all wearing uniforms stripped from the corpses of the soldiers, they wore sweat scarves on their left arms for identification.

The Kou Bing leader at the Dayangshan Island stronghold was a little suspicious when he saw the situation. He wanted to prevent the soldiers from approaching, and shouted loudly: "Who is coming, the leader will come out and speak..."

Here, taking advantage of the hesitation of the Kou soldiers who were lining up in front of the stronghold, the armored soldiers were the main ones, with Modao, high shields, long spears, and bows and crossbows in the front, and the auxiliary soldiers with short swords and light shields scattered to the back, covering the two wings, all in one go. When they rushed to the vicinity of thirty or fifty paces, the bowmen would shoot arrows and arrows, while the swordsmen, lancers and spearmen, under the cover of high shields, rushed forward bravely and fought the enemy.

Only at this time did the Kou soldiers lining up in front of the stronghold confirm that the three or four hundred people rushing over were indeed enemies in disguise. Looking at the approaching sides, the Kou soldiers who were caught off guard scattered and shot arrows, and then watched the fleet approaching Dayangshan Island in the distance. , did not dare to fight in the wild, and retreated to the stronghold in a panic.

The leader of the Kou Bing retreated into the stronghold, looking at the strength of the incoming enemy, and ignoring that there were still more than 100 people who could not retreat, he shouted loudly: "Close the door and fasten the door; Ergou, take someone up the wall and put him on the wall. Mother's retreat can save Langzhong and the others. Jiangdong Zuojun wants to earn Yangshan Island, black knives, you go and burn the wolf smoke, several piles of wolf smoke are burned, Jiangdong Zuojun's fleet is so large, I am afraid there are more than 2,000 People. Tell the brothers, as long as you hold on for two days, you can send reinforcements from the south... Defend Yangshan Island, eat and drink spicy, Japanese girls, play bitches, relax, can't hold back, wait for the head to fall! "

Kou Bing closed the gate of the stronghold first, but was unable to grab the gate in one go. It was very difficult to capture the stronghold just by relying on the footsteps to rush. Watching the arrows raining on the walls of the fortress became denser, Zhou Tong was not as good as the one outside the gate. When all the bandits had been killed, they made a trumpet, and ordered the attacking soldiers to retreat to the outside of the ground, so that the bowmen would hide behind high shields and shoot the bandits outside the gate, so that they would not have a chance to escape. Go to the base.

The patrol fleet separated several ships and sailed to Xiaoyangshan Island to attack the stronghold there. The main force of the fleet anchored in the shallow sea at the northeast corner of Dayangshan Island. On the east bank, he found a deep-drafted bay and docked there, and Lin Bie, surrounded by the soldiers of the guard battalion, landed on the island.

"The thief, the pirates left seventy or eighty people outside, rushing to close the gate of the village, and didn't take the gate over all at once. Now it's going to be beaten." Zhou Tong said bitterly, holding his hand. He peeled off the pirate uniform on his body, revealing the scale armor he wore inside, shining with cold light. He squatted down and reported the situation after he led the team to the island to Lin Futing. The Kou soldiers had already shrunk into the stronghold. Outside the gate of the village, they were prepared to stand guard, and a team of scouts was sent to search the island to prevent pirates from hiding elsewhere on the island to be unprepared.

Song Bo and Wang Chengfu followed Lin Fu ashore. Seeing Lin Fu, they had no scruples, and they also came over to listen to Zhou Tong's introduction to the situation on Dayangshan Island.

Lin Bie frowned slightly and asked Ao Canghai beside him, "How do you think this battle is going to be fought?"

"First look at the emptiness and solidity of the village. There are high ground on the west and south. You can use a high shield to cover it. You can build an earth platform near the wall to be as high as the wall, remove the pallet from the boat, and build a cloud bridge directly between the earth platform and the wall. , take the cloud bridge to grab the wall of the village..." Ao Canghai and Lin Bing walked around the bandit village, and after seeing the surrounding terrain, they had a plan for attacking the village.

"Take down a few crossbows and attack the village gate to attract Kou soldiers. It is more certain to take the cloud bridge to attack." Zhou Tong added.

"Remove a few more scorpion crossbows, and it would be better if you can directly smash the gate of the village..." Lin Bie said.

"Why use a bull's knife to kill a chicken?" Ge Cunxiong said, "The scorpion crossbow is also troublesome to dismantle. If the gate is not thick, a crossbow can be used to pierce it at close range."

There are several catapults that exist in the world, all of which use manpower or heavy objects to pull down the tail and launch stone bullets, which are thrown at the enemy. These catapults cannot be installed on ships.

The catapult launched by manpower needs space for people to run and yank the tip of the crossbow. This is often a distance of dozens of steps. The Jinhai is only 40 steps long before and after, and the maximum length of the main deck is only 20. Six steps, naturally it is impossible to install the catapult launched by manpower.

Using a heavy object to yank the crossbow tip to launch a stone bullet is to tie a heavy object to the tail of the crossbow tip, first lift it to a certain height, and at the moment when the rope is cut, the heavy object slams down, pulls the crossbow tip, and puts the tip in the scalp. The stone bomb was thrown. In order to be able to throw a tens of kilograms of stone bombs hundreds of paces away, the weight of the falling object must be several thousand kilograms or even several thousand kilograms.

The scorpion crossbow is a small catapult made of torsion. It uses the bristles of cattle and horses, tendons of cattle and horses to make extremely elastic crossbow cables. The tip of the crossbow produces a very strong torque. Once the tip of the crossbow is released, the tip of the crossbow will turn violently and throw the stone bullet.

Due to the small size of the scorpion crossbow, it does not produce a huge vertical drop that destroys the deck when launching stone bullets, so it can be installed on the ship for water warfare.

In addition to the material of the tip of the scorpion crossbow, which is not slightly worse than the material of other catapults, the material requirements of the crossbow are also extremely strict. It takes almost hundreds of good bow materials to make a scorpion crossbow. The cost is high, and the key is that there is no technology passed down.

Ge Cunxiong said that he didn't need a bull's knife to kill chickens. In fact, he didn't want Song Bo to have a chance to observe the scorpion crossbow up close. He returned to Jin'an to imitate it, so that the Jiangdong Zuo Army would lose the weapon that can be relied on in naval battles.

Ge Cunxiong's thoughts, Lin Fu also understood, smiled and said: "The way to win is nothing more than to use the strong to bully the weak, to use more to break the few, so that less is more to more, but also to create as many points as possible to attack them, and focus on attacking one point. Opportunity. Since there are conditions and it is not very troublesome, there is no reason not to use it?" Ask Ge Cunxiong and Ao Canghai to assist Zhou Tong in preparing to forcibly attack the bandit village on Dayangshan Island.


Song Bo didn't know what Lin Fu and Ge Cunxiong said about the scorpion crossbow, so he just followed Lin Fu to watch the battle.

The beacon smoke ignited by the stockade went straight to Yunxiao, almost a hundred meters high. The wolf smoke was blown by the sea breeze, but it did not disperse. According to the Kou soldiers who were guarding the stockade, they were in their early 200s. They were looking forward to Daheng Island, Tushan or Daishan. The reinforcements from the island can arrive in time.

Song Bo sighed slightly, looking at the fleet of Jiangdong Zuojun moored in the shallow sea at the northeast corner of Dayangshan Island. , intermittently.

The Jinhai-class and Jiyun-class warships were built by the Longjiang Shipyard affiliated to the Jiangning Ministry of Industry, and the construction was supervised by Ge Siyu, the head of the Jiangning Ministry of Industry. Although it is difficult for outsiders to know the specific situation, the general situation still know.

The cost of such a huge warship is 20,000 taels of silver, which is almost six or seven times higher than the large wooden ship in Eastern Sichuan with the same level of capacity. It is hard to imagine that Lin Bieyi built four ships; Willing to use the same amount of silver to create hundreds or even more loach boats.

Four Jinhai-class warships can only make up more than 1,000 sailors, and the over-skills are only 2,000; while one hundred sea loach ships can make up nearly 10,000 sailors-for luxury families with limited resources, this account is very important. It is clear that the luxury family is reluctant to build large warships, not just because of the lack of keel wood for making large warships.

Wang Chengfu did not complain that Song Bo concealed his family background and caused him to put Lin Fu under house arrest. He watched the wolf smoke in the village and asked Song Bo in a low voice, "How many ships and reinforcements do you think the East China Sea pirates need to send before they can get there? Competing with Jiangdong Zuo Army at sea?"

Song Bo looked at Lin Bie, who was carefully observing the enemy's situation in the distance, and then looked at the patrol fleet on the sea in the distance. With a large fleet of loach, Cangshan, and squatting ships as auxiliary warships, he could not help but speculate in his heart: How many ships and reinforcements will She Feixiong send to compete on the sea?

Lin Fu turned around and looked at Song Bo and Wang Chengfu. Wang Chengfu was able to ask such a question. He should have been touched by the naval battle just now. He didn't expect him to be so sensitive about the use of troops in naval battles. He asked with a smile, "Wang Qitou also knows about military affairs?"

"I don't dare to laugh at the humble words," Wang Chengfu bowed his body slightly, and said humbly, "Fortunately to watch the Jiangdong Zuo Army go out to sea to suppress bandits, I have a little superficial feeling, but I have never seen a naval battle before I finished the service. It's not good to say, I'm afraid I'll make a joke for adults."

"Who is born to know this?" Lin Bie asked with a smile, "This official is all ears."

"Land field battles are based on the number of troops." Wang Chengfu seemed to be able to see a broad and open life path in front of him, so he said boldly, "Chengfu was fortunate enough to watch the naval battle, and he felt that the naval battle was the same as the footsteps. There is a big difference in warfare. Depending on the strength of the boat division, in addition to the number of troops, a strong and tall warship is to the navy, just as the city is to the defender. Although it can't resist ten times as many enemies as the defender's army, But it seems impossible that a warship can be stronger than the enemy ship, taller than the enemy ship, and equipped with more equipment than the enemy ship, and it seems impossible to resist two or three times the enemy!"

"Haha," Lin Fu laughed and said, "Wang Qitou really has good eyesight~www.readwn.com~ It seems that I want to invite you to watch a few more battles, and you will be able to know more deeply. No wonder Song Even though the pastures of Hecheng are far away, my brother is going to Jiangmen as a guest.”

At this time, Song Bo could somewhat realize that Lin Fu wanted to use the advantages of warships to make up for the shortage of Jiangdong Zuo Army in naval battles. This is nothing. The Jiangdong Zuo Army can repeatedly create miracles in Yannan by borrowing the fleet. Organize food and grass in the back, so that the Jiangdong left army will move to Yannan, without the worries of food and grass, and without the hardships of long journeys.

What makes Song Bo strange, Wang Chengfu was timid yesterday, but today he is quite open, and he also intends to show his talents in front of Lin Fu. How can he be sure that Lin Fu invites him to board the ship because he is eager for talents and talents ?

It's really good luck. Song Bo met Wang Chengfu in Hecheng Si by chance, and he had the intention of inviting him to Jin'an. This year, there are 30 or 50 missing exile prisoners who have been assassinated and consigned to the army, and no one will investigate the root cause. , I never expected that I would meet Lin Bie in Duting, Jiangmen.

Lin Fu is also a person who knows people. When he was in Duting, Jiangmen, he implied that Jiangmen was doing a good job, and it was not difficult to find Wang Chengfu's talents. Besides, Wang Chengfu also wanted to show it at this time, and wanted to invite Wang Chengfu to Jin. Ann's mind became a bubble.

Xiaoyangshan Island in the distance also ignited the flames of war, and it was almost integrated with the sunset in the sky. Song Bo and Wang Chengfu followed Lin Bing to find a high place and looked at the past from a distance. The light is plentiful, but I can vaguely see it.

The Kou soldiers were mainly concentrated on Dayangshan Island, and only twenty or thirty Kou soldiers were left to defend the stockade on Xiaoyangshan Island. There was no suspense at all. After the armored soldiers on the island forcibly smashed open the gate of the village, the soldiers all abandoned their weapons and surrendered, walked out of the village, tied them up and boarded the boat.

When more than 20 prisoners are escorted to Dayangshan Island, they are also ready to forcibly attack the village. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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