Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 95: Crisis unresolved

(The first one, ask for a red ticket)

Lin Fu had arranged the affairs of the inner house, and there were still some things to do before going to the Dongya to discuss matters, so he went to the study to read the ponds that came from various places in the past two days. This was a habit he had developed. Before dealing with the affairs of Chongzhou and Jiangdong Zuojun, Browse the supervisor first

Song Jia, who came first, saw Lin Fu come in, and she put on her sleeves and said: "I haven't congratulated your lord yet on your new victory in Hecheng..."

"Oh!" Lin Fie looked at Song with a slightly surprised look, and saw that her eyes were like pure jade, and she was graceful and graceful. She secretly thought that as an old wife of a luxurious family, there seemed to be no need to openly gloat in misfortune and hesitate. After sitting back to the table, he suddenly raised his head and asked the Song family, "The Kou soldiers left Shengsi and headed north, and five out of ten soldiers were killed... Do you think there is still a crisis on the northern front?"

"The heart of an adult is like a candle, and the solution or unresolved is in the mind of the adult..." Song Jia also learned from a man's official tone, speaking insincerely, but her eyes stared at Lin Bie's face boldly and recklessly. . The fact that the She family sent someone to assassinate her made her sever the last trace of affection for the She family, but she was not willing to be the canary that men competed for, but she was unable to fight for the fate that this era had arranged for women long ago. with the cage.

Song Jia was wearing a vest with embroidered gold silk piping outside the Ziyun Ru shirt, her hair like a crow was casually tied behind her shoulders, adding even more beauty, Lin Bie stared at Song Jia without being embarrassed, she sat down and took out an official document. While flipping through the pages, he was still thinking about her words, and Er asked, "How many people in the luxury family can see the danger in Crane City?"

In the eyes of ordinary people, the Hecheng military fortress threatens the hinterland of Chongzhou, but after the first battle yesterday, more than half of the invaders lost their morale, and they did not dare to retreat lightly. The morale has been greatly boosted, one has risen and another has risen, and even if the Hecheng army is in the Kou Bing, there is not much threat to Chongzhou. Lin Fu checked the public fields and had a deep grudge in Chongzhou. Yesterday, 40 or 50 big households came to congratulate in a hurry. It can be seen that the situation in Chongzhou has been settled. If nothing else, Kou Bing should be forced to give up the Hecheng military fortress under pressure.

"After this defeat, even if the Hecheng army is in the hands of the East China Sea bandits, the threat to Chongzhou is limited - as far as the luxury family is concerned, Hecheng is too far away from the Shengsi Islands, and it is easy to be isolated by the Jiangdong Zuo army boatmen. It is not easy to divide troops to defend Hecheng City, and it is not good to gather troops to attack eastern Zhejiang." Song Jia sat up straight, the Jade Girl Peak hidden in the autumn shirt stood tall and straight, and her clothes were stretched up, and said, "But you are in Chongzhou. The foundation is established, but the vision is far away from Chongzhou. Hecheng is the seaway from Chongzhou to the north and the sea. In addition to abandoning the Huainan salt field, it also threatens Huaikou - in addition to restricting the expansion of the Jiangdong Zuo army, the Huainan salt field is abandoned, making the price of salt soaring. "Although Jin'an produces less salt, the price of salt is soaring, and according to Hecheng's fornication with Yan Xiao, he can still make huge profits... Isn't there anyone in Jin'an who can see these kinds of benefits?"

"Can the advisors beside the young marquis see it?" Lin Fu asked.

She Feixiong and She Feihu are both the sons of the Marquis of Jin'an, but She Feixiong is the son of Ceci, so people are used to calling him the son of the prince. The son is not as famous as the elder and the second son.

After confronting She Feihu several times, in Lin Fu's opinion, She Feihu will pay more attention to Chongzhou than She Feixiong. For a man in this world, taking his wife is a big hatred, She Feihu should be eager to eviscerate himself and cramp. If anyone in the She family can go to the key point of the Hecheng Army Fortress, it is more likely that She Feihu's side is a counselor.

Song Jia's eyes stared at Lin Fu. The Hecheng Military Fortress was the real throat of Chongzhou. As long as someone from the luxury family could see the powerful relationship, the crisis in Chongzhou would be far from resolved. However, Lin Fu was not shocked to expose the pain. , making her puzzled: "Aren't you worried?"

"What's the use of my worry?" Lin Bie asked calmly.

Song Jia seemed to figure it out, Huo Ran stood up and walked to Lin Fu's side, and spread out the sea border map of Hailing Mansion on the desk. , turned his head and stared at Lin Fu, as if he wanted to see through the deepest secrets of Lin Fu's heart, and said, "When I was in Jiangning, I heard that there was a small island in the north of Shengsi Sea area, and there was a group of pirates, arrogant and arrogant, almost extravagant. Send someone to contact you, but you don’t care about it—could this be what you have in mind?”

Song Jia turned her head, her beautiful and unprovoked face was only seven or eight inches away from Lin Fu, and the two were almost hugging each other, but the secret revealed this time really shocked her. It seemed that the mystery of Lin Fu's rapid rise in a short period of time had been explained. Even though she gave him the hot breath between her brows, she forgot to move it away. She never thought to pay attention to the distance between men and women. When Lin Bie's mouth showed a slight smile, she was horrified. Step back and get out of the way, feeling a little flustered for no reason.

Lin Fu was also startled when Song Jianeng peeked into the secret of Changshan Island...


In the late autumn of September in the tenth year of Chongguan, Jiangning was enveloped in the boundless light rain at night, and the whole Jiangning seemed to be covered with a faint light film. The autumn rain was not heavy, and the raindrops fell on the leaves, eaves, and brick courtyards, making a rustling sound.

Qingfengxing slackened and tightened outside the main hall of Longzangpu in the south of Jiangning City. Except for the concierge occasionally sticking out his head to observe the dark piles that were ambushed by the yamen outside the courtyard, there was no movement.

It was raining, and there were no people along the blue brick path along the north bank of the river. There were several shops on both sides with red lanterns on the outer walls of the courtyard walls, revealing a dim light, reflecting the rain.

The two guys at the counter listlessly cleaned the counter with a whisk. The layout of the counter was not the same as other shops. They were staring at the door of the main hall of Qingfeng Hanging from the front. It was the inspector Sibu who was hiding here, staring at Shefei. Hu refused to let him do anything in Jiangning.

Qin Zitan wore a blue cloth and walked to the front hall where he was seated. He asked people to blow out the lights in the house and open the dark window to observe the movement outside the yard. Several dark piles that had been identified were the same as usual, and it took a long time. It was inevitable that he would be a little slack, and it would not be easy to notice if he had to sneak out a few people, but this time he had to be careful.

"How about it?"

When the light came on behind him, Qin Zitan hurriedly closed the dark windows, so as not to be found by the dark posts outside the courtyard.

When She Feihu walked in, he couldn't wait, and he couldn't help but come to the inner house to wait for news, and came over to see the situation in person.

"As usual," Qin Zitan said, "when the day breaks, Master Young Master also goes out to practice swordsmanship as usual, and his reserve boat travels against the water to the southwest, making the false appearance of returning to Jin'an from Jiangxi, and then turns around. Dao walk land and dive to Haiyu to go to the sea - I'm afraid that the eldest son will not be able to explain it..."

"What's there to explain? You need brothers to fight tigers, and father and son soldiers to fight," She Feihu raised his eyebrows and said, "Since they can't see the key points of the Hecheng military fortress, they think that the Hecheng military fortress is separated from eastern Zhejiang. Jiang Zhanhai, I will go and guard it, why not?"

Jiangning and Chongzhou are separated by 500 miles. Except for the official express shop and Tangyi, ordinary people are prohibited from riding horses and whips on the post road. The messenger sent by Cheng Yiqun set out from Chongzhou and rode the trail from Gaocheng to Jiangning. There are more than one day and one night, which is more than half a day slower than the usual Feiqi Express. It was only this morning that She Feihu knew that the Hecheng Military Fortress on the northeast corner of Chongzhou had fallen into the hands of Cheng Yiqun.

The East China Sea bandits controlled by the She family are currently divided into two fronts, north and south. The north is hidden in the south, the north is noisy, and the south is silent. They want to make a big splash on the northern front and lure the troops from eastern Zhejiang to counterattack Changguo immediately. The northern front is controlled by Su Tingzhan. , Cheng Yiqun, Shu Qingqiu and others are in charge. There was no plan to capture the Hecheng military fortress this time. After completing the "Shengdong" mission, the troops will shrink south and increase the cannibalization of eastern Zhejiang - this is a given. Strategy,

After unexpectedly and effortlessly winning the Hecheng Army Fortress, Su Tingzhan, Cheng Yiqun, and Shu Qingqiu had differences on the follow-up northern battle plan. She Feixiong clearly ordered Su Tingzhan to dominate the northern route. Su Tingzhan supported The plan remained unchanged, but Cheng Yiqun and Shu Qingqiu sent private messengers to Jiangning to inform She Feihu that they had captured the Hecheng Fortress.

She Feihu was trapped in Jiangning, like a beast trapped in a cage. Lin Bieyu hated him for taking his wife and taking his sister. He wanted to eat his flesh and drink his blood. He was trapped in the house. Qin Zitan said: "Hecheng's army is in the Jiangdong Zuojun, just as Jinhai is in the court, they are all vital to the throat. It is a gift from heaven and needs to be managed well."

She Feihu had already plotted to leave Jiangning, so Qin Zitan made frequent contact with Cheng Yiqun, Shu Qingqiu and other generals on his behalf, so as not to be left out in the cold, knowing that he had won the Hecheng military fortress, he knew that it was his time to leave Jiangning~www. readwn.com~ Without any hesitation, I decided to leave Jiangning immediately.

She Feihu went around in circles to Chongzhou. With the support of Cheng Yiqun, Shu Qingqiu and others, it was not difficult for him to squeeze Su Tingzhan out to take over the military affairs of the northern line. Cover it tightly, don't let me stick a finger in!

"Tattoo..." Hearing the sound of horses' hooves on the blue-brick path outside the courtyard, Qin Zitan opened the dark window and saw a horse riding in the rain, galloping to the front of the main hall. As soon as he turned over, he climbed the steps and knocked on the door.

The copper ring on the gate knocked loudly, and almost all the dark piles outside the yard were disturbed. Qin Zitan frowned and cursed inwardly: Who is so ignorant? If it arouses the vigilance of all parties, the young master will leave Jiangning tomorrow, and there will be more variables.

"The secret letter from Chongzhou is urgent," the door opened, the man almost fell in, and the man almost lost his strength, "Secrets are not copied on paper, but passed on by word of mouth..."

She Feihu listened to the secret words without error, and drove away the miscellaneous people, leaving only Qin Zitan and Du Cheli's confidants to listen to the messenger's dictation of the secret letter from Chongzhou.

"Hecheng was defeated, Shu Qingqiu was killed in battle, Cheng Yiqun was hit by four arrows, and there was no major problem for the time being. Ten troops and horses were lost in the north.

She Feihu heard that after the main force on the northern front had captured the Hecheng military fortress, he was still determined to sneak to Chongzhou to do something big. At this time, his heart was like snow, how could he think that it was only one day, and the situation changed suddenly. , the soldiers and horses going north from Shengsi actually lost half of them in one day?

She Feihu was hit by this, and his breathing was also very difficult. He held the table and stood down slowly without saying a word. Qin Zitan was relatively calm, and patiently asked the messenger about the battle yesterday and the details of the Hecheng Fortress. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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