Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 103: change the game

(For the first update, ask for a red ticket. If the red ticket exceeds 8,000 today, it will explode in the third update!)

The Donghai Fox occupied Changshan Island, and Su Tingzhan sent people to talk several times, but he couldn't surrender. When the She family infiltrated and controlled the East China Sea bandit forces in the past few years, they encountered far more than one or two such characters, so they did not cause much vigilance.

Occupy the island as the king, and have no major forces to rely on. Although it is hard and dangerous, and licking blood at the edge of the knife, it is also happy and unrestrained. After all, few people are born willing to be slaves and be bound by others. Control is also mainly through Su Tingzhan, and then the thirteen East Sea pirates alliance. After a certain foundation is established, the minions will be exposed, and the dissident forces will be washed away calmly, but there are also three or four families who still refuse to tame. ——The luxury family is beyond the reach of this.

She Feihu, Qin Zitan and the others did not consider the possibility of collusion between Changshan Island and Chongzhou, but the East China Sea Fox appeared in the East China Sea earlier than Lin Fu rose to Jiangning. In addition, given the current situation, the East China Sea The possibility of the fox abandoning the extravagant family and secretly attaching to the Jiangdong left army is also very small.

In the first ten days of October, the southeast and northwest monsoons alternated, which was unpredictable, but Changshan Island was less than 300 miles away from Daheng Island.

She Feihu didn’t have so much time to grind water. The scout who sneaked to Yudong to cross the river for reconnaissance confirmed that the main force of the Jiangdong Zuo Army’s navy had indeed returned to Jiangmen to rest, so he assembled the reinforcements brought to Daheng Island and Su Tingzhan’s office. Some of the troops guarding the island, including nearly a hundred large and small sea ships, plus sailors, the troops were as many as 6,000, and they rushed towards Changshan Island with the momentum of thunder.

With such a force, even if they meet the main force of the Jiangdong Zuo Army's boat divisions at sea, they will still have the strength to fight.

Once they land on Changshan Island, they will be able to forcefully oppress the Donghai Fox forces occupying Changshan Island—even if the Donghai Fox does not bow their heads and attack an isolated island with 6,000 elites, it is not an easy task to quickly occupy Changshan Island. After that, the main force can ride the wind south to support the war in eastern Zhejiang.

The sea after late autumn is like a tame lake. On October 11th, the sun dazzlingly hangs in the sky at noon. The sea is as blue as jade and there are no clouds. It is a good battlefield for fighting and killing people. Going forward in a column, the front and back are four or five miles long, and it looks like the Great Wall at sea from a distance.

She Feihu stood on the deck of a ship, and he was able to lead such a fleet to attack the island, and he couldn't help but give birth to the majesty that I have in the world.

When Changshan Island showed a black shadow on the tip of the island in the distance, a shuttle like a sentry ship appeared in the field of vision. Before sending the clippers here to chase, a cloud of black wolf smoke rose from the sentry ship, which was so bright and dazzling in the sea and the sky.

"The East Sea Fox is not easy. The idea of ​​stacking beacon fire and wolf smoke on the sentry ship to warn... This method, we have to learn, at least one hour early warning at sea." She Feihu looked at the sentry ship fleeing towards Changshan Island. , said in a relaxed tone to Qin Zitan and the general Yu Wenshan and others who were sent by his elder brother to rescue Daheng Island but forcibly invited him to attack Changshan Island.

At this time, Changshan Island has only exposed the tip of the island, and there are almost 40 to 50 miles of sea road. It will take two hours to arrive at this wind. However, to prevent the sea battle of the East Sea Fox from Changshan Island, this side must be changed. Some boat formations, make some preparations, extravagant flying tigers are not good at water battles, he said to Yu Wenshan: "This matter will be handed over to you..." He returned to the cabin to recharge his energy and waited for Changshan Island to personally command the boarding. Island battle.

Who hadn't noticed that in the waters to the west of the fleet, there were two fishing boats moored, and they quickly raised their sails to the west after seeing the wolf smoke rising into the sky.

About an hour and a half later, the raiding fleet led by She Feihu was almost a hundred miles away. The two fishing boats tore off their camouflage at the same time, igniting the wolf smoke in the cabin, one boat after another, and the general sentiment was quickly spread. Back to Jiangmen.


When the enemy of Shengsi swooped on Changshan Island and the military information was passed to Jiangmen, the sunset was shining on the river, and Lin Bing sat on the sand embankment, casually wiping the bright knife edge with a silk cloth, watching the sea rise into the blue sky in the distance The wolf smoke was a bit dazzling when it was between the sea and the sky.

Donghai bandits must also have scouts lurking nearby. Lin Fu thought to himself: I don't know what judgments these scouts will make when they see the rising wolf smoke. In any case, when these sentries send the news of the army dispatched here back to Daheng Island, and then Daheng Island will send a ship to catch up with the ship that swooped on Changshan Island, the fastest thing will be after tomorrow's dusk.

Lin Fu put the knife into the sheath, stood up with his hands on the sand embankment, and ordered Zhao Qingshan and Ge Cunxiong who were standing on the left: "With you two, immediately lead the first battalion of Jinghai Battalion to Daheng Island. , occupy the mouth of the Beibu Gulf of Jinji Mountain, eliminate the remaining enemies on both sides of the strait, and create favorable conditions for the main force I arrived later to storm the Jinshanji stronghold!"

Zhao Qingshan bowed and folded down the sand embankment, boarded a small boat, and sailed to the first battalion fleet of Jinghai Camp, which was parked on the east side of Jiangmen Island.

No. 1 Shuiying Ship has been in a state of preparation for battle. It suffered little damage in the previous fierce battle on Daheng Island. After returning to Jiangmen, it did not need any rest and was always in a state of preparation for battle. Zhao Qingshan boarded the boat and made the messenger wave the flag to signal this side, and then dispatched the order, and led the first water battalion to swoosh out of Daheng Island again.

Lin Bie couldn't go to rescue Changshan Island. For the She family, they had no shortage of soldiers. Even if they rushed to Changshan Island to attack and defeat the enemy who swooped on Changshan Island, they would not be able to hurt the She family. The goal is the Shengsi Islands!

As long as the Daheng Island stronghold is captured and the Shengsi island chain is occupied, it is possible to completely block the passage of the East China Sea bandits into the northern waters, threatening the enemies of Daishan and Tushan - taking advantage of the strategic terrain, the enemy who is trapped in Hecheng is nothing more than Mustard plague.

Lin Fu ordered Ge Cunxin, Sun Wenyao, Zhou Tong, Zhao Hu and the others beside him: "Follow the four of you, immediately organize the second water battalion generals, the third, fourth, and fifth sentries of the Chongcheng Infantry Battalion. Soldiers and soldiers from various townships boarded the ship bravely, and completed the assembly before dark, without any delay, and set off with me to Daheng Island..." After Ge Cunxin and Zhou Tong and others went to prepare, Lin Fu said to Ao Canghai, "This If the battle goes well, you should also come out to lead the troops... I want you to guard the Shengsi Island Chain, and revenge is not urgent."

Ao Canghai nodded, gave a salute, and left the sand **** with a group of cavalry, heading towards Chongcheng.

Lin Fu estimated that the number of enemy troops left behind in Daheng was between 1,000 and 2,000. In order to ensure that Daheng Island could be captured by force, in addition to the two main battalions of the Jinghai Battalion, the third and fourth battalions of the Chongcheng Infantry Battalion were also dispatched. The sentinel was secretly transferred from the northern front, and the fifth sentinel of the confluence (reformed by Zhao Hu's department and the original prison guards) had nearly 800 elite soldiers, in addition to 2,000 more elite and brave county soldiers and civilians.

The total force of the surprise attack on Daheng Island reached more than 5,000 people, and most of the elites from Chongzhou were drawn out. Except for the first water battalion, the fleet was organized as before, and the second water battalion was organized into a large number of civilian ships to transport troops.

Although he would send a ship to intercept the sentry of the East China Sea bandits at sea, it was difficult for Lin Bie to guarantee how effective this interception would be in the vast sea.

Once the enemy of Shengsi who swooped on Changshan Island—Lin Fu was almost certain that the enemy army would be led by She Feihu and swooped on Changshan Island—in time to know the news of the surprise attack on Daheng Island, he could do something about it. There are only a few responses:

One is to return to aid Daheng Island and fight against Jiangdong Zuo Army on Daheng Island; one is to take the main force of Jiangdong Zuo Army to sneak attack on Daheng Island, swooped towards Jiangkou and attack Chongcheng and Zilang Mountain; City, relieve the siege of Hecheng City, and after joining forces, swooped on Zilang Mountain from the northeast of Chongzhou.

Lin Fu needs to leave enough forces in Chongzhou to contain the troops. In addition to the first post of Chongcheng Infantry Battalion, the second post of military soldiers and cavalry battalion, Ao Canghai leads the personal guard battalion to stay. To raid Chongzhou, at least with the cooperation of Min Yong, they should delay the time of the decisive battle until after the main force of Lin Bie returned to aid Chongzhou.


The East China Sea bandits didn't want to fight a big battle on the northern front, and Lin Fu was also unwilling to fight a big battle. At this time, the Jiangdong Zuo Army didn't have the conditions to fight a big battle, but there was no way. The situation was like this, and they had to fight hard.

Four days ago, they attacked Daheng Island. In the first battle, they cleared the camp of the East Sea bandits at the mouth of Beilu Bay, the stronghold of Jinji Mountain. They sank and burned more than 70 enemy ships and wiped out nearly 1,000 enemy people. This battle seemed easy. Not without paying the price.

Not to mention the casualties of nearly 400 people, twenty-six warships of the Jinghai Battalion were severely damaged in this battle. Twelve warships sank at the mouth of the bay and were forced to scuttle when they returned, including two Jiyun-class warships.

In addition, one Jinhai-class warship, two Jiyun-class warships and ten other small and medium-sized warships were towed into the dock and repaired for a long time before they could be incorporated into the water camp again.

The last batch of newly-added warships in the Jinghai Sea Battalion was almost consumed in this battle. The scale of such a water battle was actually not that big.

In the future, once the strategy of encroaching on eastern Zhejiang is successfully implemented by the East China Sea bandits, although they are at a disadvantage in the warships at sea, they will be able to bring down the Jinghai battalion quickly by fighting for the number and consumption.

This time, if it hadn't already requisitioned a large number of civilian ships at Guanyin Beach, Lin Fu might not even be able to gather the ships to transport 5,000 troops to attack Daheng Island this time.

The big battle has never been so easy to fight, and Lin Fu doesn't know how many troops can be drawn north to fight again without rest after this battle.

The situation in the north has become tense again. This year, the Donghu's actions are a little later than last year. However, according to the reports sent by the sentry, the Donghu people, including many Han people from Liaodong, who were previously attached to the Donghu, were reaped after breaking the border and entering the bandits last year. After Dafeng's encouragement, they all actively demanded that they should be incorporated into the Donghu army to enter the customs and make a fortune - the first troops of the Donglu had already arrived in Linyu, Xuanhua and other places.

Li Zhuo's time in charge of Jibei Town is still short. Besides, when he was the Minister of War, the Jibei Army was very chaotic, and he was restrained by Hao Zongcheng. In five or six months, he was just able to sort out the Jibei Army. Tested by actual combat, it is difficult to say that it has achieved great results - at the end of September, Li Zhuo once sent a messenger to ask this side to make preparations for going north.

Lin Fu smiled bitterly in his heart. The battle in Chongzhou may not be smooth, and he may not be able to draw out one soldier and one soldier at that time. Besides, the direction of the battle in eastern Zhejiang is not clear at this time.

Encouraged by the great victory in Chongzhou, Quan Ciqing also launched an autumn and winter offensive to regain lost territory in eastern Zhejiang. The East Marine Division went out to sea to surround Meishan in the sea to the north of Changguo, and occupied a foothold on Longshan on the main island of Changguo.

The East China Sea bandits in the main island of Changguo were very weak. However, after the Jiangdong Zuo army attacked Daheng Island, She Feihu was able to dispatch four or five thousand bandits from Tu Dai and other islands to help. It can be seen that the East China Sea bandits were far from exhausted in the early stage of the war in eastern Zhejiang. Go all out - once there is a change in eastern Zhejiang, Lin Fu still can't draw troops to support.


After Lin Fu reduced or exempted Ding’s tax, corvée and head allocation in Chongzhou, there was no need to hide Dingkou at the local level, and a large number of displaced households emerged. Chongzhou County has 200,000 registered Dingkou, which is already the population of Jiangdong County. Many large counties. When a large number of displaced households surfaced, the initial liquidation had already exceeded 320,000, and the actual number was even more. This kind of result is really shocking. The county with many mountains and few land has only three or four million people in the small mouth of one prefecture.

With a population of 300,000 to 400,000 people in Chongzhou, refugees from the north accounted for a considerable proportion. The inventory of land properties can also confirm that the land in Chongzhou far exceeds the registered 1.5 million mu of fertile land.

It can be said that Chongzhou's war resources have considerable potential to be tapped~www.readwn.com~ But no matter how great the potential is, it will take time to tap.

The Jiangdong Zuo Army has just established its foundation in Chongzhou, the time is still too short, there is no savings, and the foundation is still very thin, whether it is the stable supply of warships and armor and other war materials and the training of reserve soldiers. time to accumulate.

Lin Fu is almost chasing the time now. On the day the Kou soldiers captured the Hecheng Fortress, the people who built the new city didn't even stop work or leave the construction site.

Correspondingly, the silver flows out like water.

When Lin Fu led the Jiangdong Zuo Army into Chongzhou, he still had 300,000 to 400,000 taels of silver in his hand. To clear the power of the monastery, in addition to obtaining a large amount of farmland, directly clearing the property of the monastery also received tens of thousands of taels of silver. The family is extremely wealthy, but at this time, in addition to clenching his teeth and squeezing out 80,000 taels of silver as the starting capital for dredging and transporting the salt river, except for the 100,000 taels of silver that must not be taken lightly as military resources, the savings earned by the King of Qin in the north Because of this, it was all empty - the inner palace also accumulated nearly 100,000 silver, and if you really want to spend it, it won't last long.

When the war in Chongzhou is basically over, pension silver is another huge expense.

If possible, Lin Fu is more willing to lead the army to attack the enemy who swooped on Changshan Island, which is more secure. Although the chance of taking Daheng Island has become slim, there is no need to worry about Chongzhou being attacked on the back road - but the situation in eastern Zhejiang is unknown, and there may not be such a good chance to seize the Shengsi Islands in the future.

This risk must be taken, otherwise, for a long time, the luxury family and the East China Sea will not be able to gain the advantage of the terrain strategy.

Lin Fu patted his forehead lightly, leaving the troubles in the future for later. Right now, he is going to take Daheng Island recklessly, and give Jiangdong Zuojun one more chance of winning in the future change of the world! My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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