Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 110: Suspicion and Betrayal

(Second, ask for a red ticket)

Before the dam was built to enclose the lake on Changshan Island, there was a grotto in Gukou, where Lin Fu and Su Mei and others took shelter from the rain two years ago. After the dam was built to enclose the lake, the grottoes were submerged under the lake water.

A fort is built on the southern cliff, a well is dug in the fort, it is connected to the grotto, and it is also connected to the dam lake. Usually, it is only for the convenience of fetching water directly from the fort, but it is also a secret way to leave the camp through the dam lake.

Ning Zechen led the elite soldiers of Fengli Camp to fight, attracting the attention of the Kou soldiers; Qin Chengzu sent more than 30 people from the camp to dive down the well to swim across Ba Lake, and dived to the forest west of Ba Lake in the twilight as a suspect.

In the entire North Slope, She Feihu had assembled nearly 3,000 troops. Even if he personally led his elite to resist Feng Li Jianyong's frontal attack, he still had enough troops behind him.

If the troops from the side and rear were enough to be crushed into powder by 30 or 50 people on the frontal battlefield, but at that time, the fierce battle in front of the battalion attracted attention. I did not expect that there would be ambushes rushing out of the forest. They were all panic-stricken, and they were caught off-guard by the killing, and suddenly more than 30 people were thrown into chaos.

Like a small stone thrown into the calm lake, panic quickly spread to the front. Not to mention ordinary soldiers died, even She Feihu was in a panic at that time, unable to distinguish the situation, and no matter how capable Tu Feihu was, he could not avoid the fate of being defeated...


When Qin Zitan woke up, it was already dawn.

The huge pain from his left elbow made him want to die immediately. His consciousness was still a little blurry. He could feel the confused lights in front of him. He heard someone say, "Mr. Qin is awake..." Qin Zitan's heart skipped a beat. Song, knowing that he did not fall into the hands of Jiangdong Zuojun, his arm was broken, at least one life could be saved.

He personally planned a battle to attack Xisha Island last autumn, and with Cheng Yiqun killed more than 2,000 soldiers and civilians on Xisha Island, breaking the arm of Fu Qinghe, who was so heavy on Lin Bie. extravagance.

Hearing the hurried footsteps, Qin Zitan effortlessly opened his eyes and saw She Feihu and Cheng Yiqun approaching.

He is not worried about how many casualties this battle will cause. After being defeated, the soldiers can escape into the dense forest. The forest is not deep, but when the soldiers from Changshan Island dispersed and chased into the forest, their lethality was relatively limited. Cheng Yiqun could also send warships along the island to accept the defeated troops—Qin Zitan was worried about She Feihu and others. , Under the circumstances at that time, the soldiers of Changshan Island would definitely stare at the well-armored and bright generals to hunt down.

Seeing Qin Zitan struggling to speak, She Feihu said: "We lost nearly a thousand soldiers and horses. Fortunately, you led people to repair the fort in time, so that when we exit, we still have a foothold in the Southwest Beach, and we won't be able to get away with it. In a hurry, they will be driven into the sea..." Speaking of which, he also sighed by luck, if the Southwest Beach did not have a fort to stabilize their position, at least seven or eight of the troops on the island would be lost. At this time I also regret that I didn't listen to Qin Zitan's advice, which led to the current defeat.

Seeing Qin Zitan's broken arm, She Feihu was also heartbroken, and said, "The sky will be bright soon. In order to prevent the main force of Jiangdong's left army boat division from attacking, I plan to guard the Southwest Beach first. It is beneficial for my navy to set up the formation. If the navy of the Jiangdong Zuo army is in the future before dusk, I will sail south and rush to Daheng Island at night. At that time, I will lead my troops to land on the east peninsula and contain the main force of the Jiangdong Zuo army in Daheng Island. Hengdao. Do you think this arrangement is okay?"

Qin Zitan moved his mouth and wanted to speak, but it was very laborious. He was worried that the second son would get into the horn and go to Chongzhou. No matter what the second son would fight with the eldest son, he had to keep the extravagant family first.

Although the situation of Daheng Island is still unclear, since the Jiangdong Zuo Army is attacking at night, the warships will be damaged a lot when they are on the beach. There is no loss of the warships here, even if they meet the main force of the Jiangdong Zuo Army at sea. , not without a point, but Qin Zitan figured out a long-standing doubt, and also expected that Lin Fu would not put all the strength of the boatmen in his hand and fight with them at sea.

"Send someone to Jiyang and ask Xiao Taoyuan if he knows about the Chongzhou boy case. It can be said that it belongs to the extravagant family!" Qin Zitan's lips squirmed. .

"Xiao Taoyuan? The Chongzhou Boys' Case?" Cheng Yiqun was very surprised. He didn't know why Qin Zitan woke up and said such a word inexplicably. He didn't even know the details of the Baisha County robbery, so how could he understand Qin Zitan? the meaning of this sentence.

However, Qin Zitan gave She Feihu enough reminders, not to mention that at dusk, the meaning of Qin Zitan's words was to suspect that the Changshan Island group had colluded with Lin Fu long before he became famous.

She Feihu frowned, only at this time did he consider this possibility.


At that time, Du Rong persuaded Zhao Laoao, a loose bandit on Tushan Island, to secretly attach himself. She Feihu designed Du Rong to invite Su Mei to Baisha County, and Zhao Laoao led his troops to sneak into Jiezhi, as Zhao Laoao's investment. Name, this is the beginning of the robbery in Baisha County.

With the assistance of Du Rong, Lao Yao Zhao was successfully robbed, but after the incident, Lao Yao and his subordinates disappeared for no reason. Su Mei, Lin Bie, Fu Qinghe and others who were involved in the incident went back to Jiangning without envy. She Feihu, Du Rong, Qin Zitan and others have always wondered what went wrong. No matter how strong Lin Fu and Fu Qinghe are, it is impossible for them to sneak onto the boat and kill Zhao Laohao and dozens of his subordinates who are licking blood and seeking life without a sound, and rescue Su Mei's master and servant, right?

After the autumn of last year, Lin Bing was light on Jiang Ning but attached great importance to Chongzhou, and he moved frequently on Xisha Island.

The She family laid the secret plan of Guangjiao Temple in Zilang Mountain long ago. At least before Guangjiao Temple removed Linfu, She Feihu and the others knew exactly what was going on in Chongzhou, so they knew where Chongzhou first belonged to Linfu. The power is not someone else, but the brothers Hu Zhiyong and Hu Zhicheng who lost their nephews in the Chongzhou boy case, and they investigated the background of the Chongzhou boy case incidentally.

As far as the public information is concerned, a few days before the robbery in Baisha County, Chongzhou County raided a group of pirates, and the county school children were robbed and claimed 30,000 silver. The pirates gave Ninghai on the southwest beach of Xisha Island Zhenshuiying found out, but they escaped by luck. The family of the kidnapped boy then paid the full amount of the redemption money, but the kidnapped boy never disappeared, and he was suspected of having torn up the ticket for the pirates.

Strangely, no one in the East China Sea knows who did the case.

Although the East China Sea pirates who were not controlled by the luxury family were scattered, there were many forces, but they all had some rules: if they received the redemption money, there was no reason to tear up the votes - whoever dared to do this would be provoked. Other East China Sea bandits attacked.

Qin Zitan suspected that Xiao Taoyuan was a ghost at that time.

Xiao Taoyuan is greedy and ruthless. As a fourth-rank military attache from the imperial court, he personally led more than a hundred confidants to intercept a small group of pirates. How could he have any good intentions?

Qin Zitan suspects that the pirates who committed the robbery had actually been annihilated by Xiao Taoyuan on Xisha Island, and the only one who escaped was Xiao Taoyuan's cronies. Leave those alive. Those boys who were killed may have long since been thrown into the sea, or abandoned on some deserted island.

Since the brothers Hu Zhiyong and Hu Zhicheng are not well-known figures, the Hu family can only be regarded as a small clan in Chongzhou, and Qin Zitan and the others did not investigate the Chongzhou boy case in depth. Even if they suspected that Xiao Taoyuan had a ghost, it was only suspicion. Without evidence in hand, they could not threaten such a character.

After guessing that Lin Fu might have colluded with the Changshan Island group at the beginning of his rise in Jiangning, Qin Zitan suddenly linked the Baisha County robbery case with the Chongzhou boy case, thinking that the Chongzhou boy case was probably the youngest Zhao Lao Only by leading his subordinates to Baisha County to do private work while passing through Chongzhou, can he explain many doubts and coincidences clearly, and the time is also correct.

Just as they did not know that Zhao Lao Yao led his subordinates to rob boys through Chongzhou, Xiao Tao did not know that Zhao Lao Yao, who was annihilated in Xisha Island, robbed Su Mei and Xiaoman master and servant-Fu Qinghe in Baisha County. The county got off the boat, and Lin Fu was also killed and launched into the water in Baisha County, but then they quietly hid on the boat and waited for an opportunity to rescue the master and servant of Su Mei and Xiaoman. With their skills, it was not impossible.

She Feihu suddenly realized that he was as stupid as a pig. With the sudden close relationship between Lin Fu and Su Mei after returning to Jiangning, he should have guessed this, which is almost certain.

When Xiao Taoyuan led his troops to attack the youngest Zhao, Lin Fu and Fu Qinghe, who were hiding on the boat, should be able to save Su Mei and Xiaoman's masters and servants during the chaos.

With Lin Bing's wisdom, it should not be difficult to understand Xiao Taoyuan's intentions at that time, but there were not many enemies at that time, and the four of them could only continue to hide on the boat and go to sea. After going to sea, send Xiao Taoyuan to kill the men who pretended to be pirates, and rescue the kidnapped boy - as long as Xiao Taoyuan personally leads a large number of subordinates to go to sea, with Fu Qinghe and Lin Bie's skills, secretly kill Xiao Tao after going to sea A few confidants far away, it is not difficult at all.

This also explains why Fu Qinghe took a long time to return to Jiangning, and it also explains why Hu Zhiyong and Hu Zhicheng took the risk of breaking with the locality before Lin Fu had no power in Chongzhou. , and holding military power, Lin Fu and Fu Qinghe did not dare to expose the Chongzhou boy case.

Perhaps at that time, Lin Fu and Fu Qinghe colluded with the group of people who had just settled on Changshan Island. Fu Qinghe took the kidnapped Chongzhou boy to temporarily live on Changshan Island, while Lin Fu returned to Jiangning to secretly cooperate— —This also explains the rise of Lin Fu in Jiangning~www.readwn.com~ Jiyun Club started out as a merchant ship business, and it also explains that this group of people started to open up wasteland and build dams when they occupied Changshan Island two years ago. , Build a fort.

Without the support of Lin Bie in Jiangning, and without Lin Bie's talent, how could an ordinary pirate manage a small deserted island in two years?

This also explains why Changshan Island relied on Lin Bie, and Changshan Island was supported by Lin Bie behind the development.

This can also explain why Xiao Taoyuan paid extra attention to the situation in Chongzhou after the Chongzhou Boys Case, and even set up a military camp to garrison the army - he was simply prepared for someone to suddenly expose the Chongzhou Boys case one day.

After the Battle of Jiyang, Gu Wuchen intentionally gathered Xiao Taoyuan, and Xiao Taoyuan also became intimate with Gu Wuchen, but Lin Fu and Xiao Taoyuan swore at each other, forcing Xiao Taoyuan to join Yue Lengqiu - this can also explain Why did Lin Fu do everything possible to force the forces of the water camp in Ninghai Town out of Chongzhou?

The most fundamental point, She Feihu and Qin Zitan began to wonder why Lin Fu gave up the great opportunity to join forces with Changshan Island to attack them, and took the risk to attack Daheng Island, even at the cost of leaving the base camp Chongzhou without soldiers. The dangerous place to defend - Lin Fu was simply afraid that the battle at sea would damage the boat division of the Jiangdong Zuo Army too much, and he was unable to deal with Xiao Taoyuan's rebellion.

In other words, Xiao Taoyuan should be able to guess everything once Changshan Island's secret chess surfaced.

It is also because they can't see this point, they will be caught in Lin Bing's suspicious plan, and yesterday they were defeated by the ambush on Changshan Island.


She Feihu clenched his fists, and it didn't feel good to play with others' palms. Although everything is still speculation by him and Qin Zitan, it is very simple to confirm, just send someone across the sea to see Xiao Taoyuan immediately. If the guess is true, Xiao Taoyuan will betray him. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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