Lord of the House

Vol 7 Chapter 53: broken camp

The crescent moon is in the sky, and the southeast wind blows at night.

When Zhou Pu led the armoured light cavalry to withdraw from the north, the Jiangdong Zuo Army's troops on the east bank of Sishui were only more than 4,000 people. To, peep from the east.

Aside from the other three sides, Ning Zechen led the three battalions of infantry to attack the Hedong camp only from the south, and Sishui to the west was mighty and galloping. , to block the three parts of Chen Han from the periphery.

Although Chen Hansan cherished the strength of his troops, but with the knife on his neck, he did not dare to fight hard battles.

The Yishui camp has been attacked. Next, the Jiangdong Left Army will not go to Siyang, but unexpectedly attack Su Yu's camp in the east of Sishui. lead to rather serious consequences.

After capturing the Hedong Camp, the elite infantry of the Jiangdong Left Army can cross the river and enter the west of the Sishui River, which will penetrate into the heart of the refugee army in the Huaisi area, which will directly affect the military deployment of the main force of the refugee army in the periphery of Xuzhou.

Although the Jiangdong Zuo Army did not make much of its westward advance this time, and temporarily stationed the Jiangdong Zuo Army in Shanyang County, it could mobilize the battle strength of the water camp northward along the Sishui River at any time, and the total number was only more than 6,000. The time refugee army in the Huaisi area has as many as 150,000 or 60,000 troops. According to reason, Jiangdong Zuojun should not be afraid to get in and fight, and there is a chance to wrap it up, but Chen Hansan always has a bad premonition in his heart.

The Jiangdong Zuo army attacked the Yishui camp, which was unexpected. They abandoned Siyang and attacked the Hedong camp in Suyu without taking any rest. It was even more unexpected—except for the fact that he led 2,000 cavalry. After catching up, Ma Lantou in Siyang and Liu An'er in Xuzhou didn't have time to react at all. Jiangdong Zuojun was too strong and too fast.

Ma Lantou is in Siyang, mainly to prevent Jiangdong Zuo Army from crossing the river from the north bank of Huai River and the lower reaches of Si River, and to rescue Liu Tingzhou's crossing Huai Army. Destroy the two large camps they set up in Yishui and Sishui, and go straight to the upper reaches of Siyang, and get into their belly.

What will Ma Lantou and Sun Zhuang look like in Siyang? What kind of adjustments will be made, and will they be able to eat Liu Tingzhou's remnants of the Duhuai Army in Siyang tonight, and then send troops to aid Suyu?

Chen Hansan had to consider that if he didn't make a move tonight, if the Jiangdong Zuo Army successfully captured the Hedong Camp in Suyu, what would happen if they crossed Sishui tomorrow?

Although the refugee army has a large number of troops on the west bank of Sishui, Su Yu at this time is not a big waist.

Chen Hansan had to seriously think about it. Once the military deployment of the refugee army on the west bank of Sishui disrupted the sharp, fast and effective offensive of the Jiangdong Zuo Army, the siege of Xuzhou would likely be disintegrated, and the Jiangdong Zuo Army's water camp warships would be disintegrated. No matter how long he drives straight into the Sishui River in the north of Suyu, the more than 20,000 soldiers and horses under his troops will be completely blocked in the east of the Sishui River.

Thinking of this, Chen Hansan's cold air ran straight to his tail, that Donghai fox was really ambitious and greedy.

The Donghai Fox is likely to have planned this way, otherwise it would be impossible to abandon the water camp and abandon the waterway, and take the land route to storm the Yishui Camp and the Suyu River East Camp. As long as the Jiangdong Zuo army's offensive is slightly setback in the Yishui camp or the Suyu River east camp, not only will the Jiangdong Zuo army lose its troops and generals, but there will no longer be enough time to rescue Liu Tingzhou.

Even if he didn't mention the blood feud of his brother's murder, as long as he speculated that there was such a conspiracy in the East China Sea Fox Forest, Chen Hansan could no longer stay out of the matter, and he would not dare to use his troops.

When he brought his troops over, he saw that the Jiangdong Left Army had set aside the other three sides and focused on the south gate of the Hedong Camp. Chen Hansan scattered the cavalry in the wild, and first ordered hundreds of elite cavalry to attack the Jiangdong Left Army from the right flank.

The crescent moon shines in the sky, the light is like water, and the weather at night is not hot, just suitable for night battles.

When most people in the world have very poor eyesight at night, the villagers call it "chicken blind", which means that when the chicken enters the nest, the eyes become blind and cannot see clearly. But for people who can eat meat regularly, the symptoms are much milder.

In fact, eating animal liver can relieve symptoms more obviously. There is already a recipe for using pig liver to treat night blindness in the medical books of the world.

The two thousand cavalry under Chen Hansan took a lot of hard work and hard work, and they were all elites who had managed to accumulate. , these two thousand cavalry are naturally the best, and the refugee army internally calls them meat-eating demons.

Although it is called a devil, many people eagerly want to squeeze in. After all, being able to eat several meals of braised pork in a row is the most extravagant dream of many people in their lives.

To say that there are elite soldiers in the refugee army who are suitable for fighting at night, the two thousand cavalry under Chen Hansan's department should be counted as one. In addition, cavalry is less dependent on command than infantry.

Hundreds of elite riders were thrown at once, and under the dim brilliance of the crescent moon, the black pressure spread out, and the hoofs rushed forward, with a terrifying momentum.

Just as the cavalry attacked the two infantry formations of the Jiangdong Left Army, they were all separated in oblique formations, and they were linked layer by layer, like swallowtails.

Jiangdong Zuojun infantry's fierce bows and crossbows are dense and incomparably sharp. They are buckled in front of the shield and car, and their spears, high shields and Modao are clearly arranged in layers, and they are extremely capable of resisting the impact of cavalry.

If it is possible, Chen Hansan does not want to attack the infantry formation of Jiangdong Zuo Army head-on.

However, apart from the more than 2,000 soldiers who were in charge of attacking the battalion on the inside, the infantry of the Jiangdong Zuo Army guarding the rear wing stood in six diagonal formations, like the tail of a wild geese with feathers and feathers, and like lotus petals.

Due to the occlusion of the field of vision and the distance, the formation of the Jiangdong Left Army could not be clearly seen.

Generally speaking, cavalry is used to cover the flanks of the infantry in the formation, but the formation of the Jiangdong Left Army is even more useless. Not only the heavy cavalry cannot be seen, but the armored light cavalry also presses the infantry formation on the inside, making Chen Chen Han San could not find any flanks with obvious weaknesses.

To say that it has shortcomings, it is that the rear wing defensive formation of the Jiangdong Left Army is a bit thin. The rear wing is only more than a thousand infantry, but it lists six juxtaposed oblique formations, with limited depth and thickness. limited.

In Chen Hansan's view, even if you can't find any flanks with obvious weaknesses, you can attack from the front.

Hundreds of cavalrymen from Chen Han's third department charged forward. The two infantry sentries of the Jiangdong Zuo Army in front of them not only did not gather and form a tighter defensive array, but instead pushed shield carts and raised the The shield, pushed out, has the intention of taking the initiative to engage.

In the current situation of Jiangdong Zuojun, the rear wing still has such a strong intention to take the initiative to fight, making Chen Hansan secretly startled, but at the same time also secretly feeling lucky.

The infantry array that is activated and advances forward will naturally have a certain degree of dispersion, and its ability to resist the impact of cavalry cannot be compared with the infantry array that is assembled in a tight formation, and it is easier for the cavalry to penetrate.

Infantry against cavalry relies on dense formation and the tacit cooperation between discipline and Paoze. Once the infantry formation is overwhelmed by the cavalry, it often means the beginning of a ruthless trampling and rout.

Seeing that he had a chance to win, Chen Hansan beat the drums himself, and the cavalry who wanted to go forward broke open the rear wing of the Jiangdong Left Army regardless of casualties, penetrated its formation, and broke down its offensive on the south gate of the Hedong Camp in one fell swoop. , he even arranged for the second cavalry to strike.

To Chen Hansan's surprise, the two infantry formations that the Jiangdong Left Army took the initiative to engage in, in the process of attacking, spread out to the left and right, actively leaving a large gap in the middle.

At this time, Chen Hansan felt bad. He handed over the flag to his deputy and drove his horse to the front of the Jiangdong Zuo Army's two infantry arrays to observe the enemy's situation. He saw that Jiangdong Zuo was flashing in the gap between the two infantry arrays. The armor of the heavy cavalry is cold.

The two infantry formations spread out due to the attack, and the gap formed in the middle just gave way to the heavy cavalry at the center of the formation to speed up the charge.

The speed of the heavy cavalry's advance was not fast. Chen Hansan was thinking in his heart. When his cavalry was in contact with the front ranks of the Jiangdong Zuo Army's infantry, the Jiangdong Zuo Army's heavy cavalry just protruded... Chen Hansan wanted to order the withdrawal of the army. No, each of the armored light cavalry of the Jiangdong Left Army has more than 100 people galloping out from the flank, just waiting for him to retreat to cover up!

There is a difference between a war horse and a war horse.

According to the standard executed by Lin Fu in Chongzhou, the vast majority of the cavalry under Chen Han's three troops can only be regarded as first-class horses and camels, weighing five or six hundred catties, which is already strong. The weight of the horses of Jiangdong Zuojun Jiaqi is more than 800 jin. The people wear armor, and the horse also wears armor.

It is not difficult to imagine the effect of the head-on collision between the light cavalry of Chen Hansan's three troops and the armored cavalry of Jiangdong Zuojun.

Chen Hansan's heart palpitated and his flesh trembled as the two armies met in front, and the flesh and blood flew. He knew that most of the flesh and blood that flew over were the elite cavalry he was easily reluctant to take out to fight hard battles. Very limited.

After seeing the Jiangdong Zuo army's infantry attack, Chen Hansancai resolutely ordered the withdrawal of the army, stopped the meaningless unilateral massacre, and made the second group of cavalry stand out dozens of steps to prevent the Jiangdong Zuo army's armored light cavalry.

A rough count, this time the charge was miscalculated, and nearly a hundred elite riders were damaged, and Chen Han Sanxin was bleeding.

Lin Fu also did not have the luxury of moonlight to kill Chen Hansan's cavalry in the wild. Heavy cavalry is easy to use, but his endurance is not long, and the speed of the infantry is not enough. Unless he can attack and save, he has not completely wiped out Chen Hansan's troops. Cavalry conditions.

Lin Fu ordered to rectify the rear wing and block Chen Hansan at the periphery~www.readwn.com~ His purpose was to ensure that the south gate of Hedong Camp where Ning Zechen attacked the refugee army would not be disturbed.

Only at this time did Chen Hansan clearly distinguish the formation of the Jiangdong Left Army on the rear wing. Although the 1,200 infantry formed six diagonal formations, each two diagonal formations with a heavy cavalry at the side and behind the formation, and light cavalry in armor near the center of the formation as a reserve, Chen Hansan only had cavalry available at this time, even if casualties were not counted. , it is also difficult to shake the rear wing formation of the Jiangdong Left Army...

The plan that Lin Fu negotiated with Qin Chengzu, Ning Zechen, and Zhou Pu was very simple: two battalions of infantry, one heavy cavalry and two light cavalry to protect the rear wing, three battalions of infantry as the main force, to storm the Hedong camp of the migrant army. The south gate of the squatter, occupy the upper wind, attack from the south gate, drive the refugee army out of the Hedong camp, and the dove occupies the magpie's nest, then it is a victory!

The pontoon bridge between Hedong Daying and Suyu City broke several knots of giant trees rushing from upstream, and two iron cables were broken, which could not be repaired at night, and the reinforcements from Hexi Suyu City could not cross the river.

The refugee army was on the east bank of the Sishui River. In addition to the reinforcements of Chen Han Sansuo, there were 6,000 troops in the camp.

It is said that the refugee army already has a lot of troops, and they still have the advantage of defending the camp. The gaps in various aspects such as training, combat cooperation, and weapons and equipment are becoming more and more clear.

When the Jiangdong Zuo Army still had enough strength and rhythm to replace the infantry who were attacking the fortress, the refugee army even had to carry out the money on the spot to call the dead soldiers who dared to intercept the Jiangdong Zuo Army's advance. More refugee troops were watching. After the blood road spreads out in front, resist a little, then retreat back...

Chen Hansan watched helplessly as the Hedong Camp was taken away by the Jiangdong Zuo Army inch by inch from the South Gate, and countless refugee army generals who had lost their will to resist escaped from the other three gates. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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