Lord of the House

Vol 7 Chapter 60: Under the moon laughing at the army

The Ancestral Hall is probably the most intact masonry building in this stockade. The masonry has not been removed to strengthen the outer earthen enclosure. It is also Liu Tingzhou's command post, and naturally it has become Lin Bie's temporary command post.

Lin Fu walked in. There were almost no decorations in the room. There was a stone table in the middle, a few stone stools on the outside, and there was no wooden furniture at all.

Five or six thousand people were trapped in the small stockade and couldn't make it through, but to survive not only needed rice, but also a lot of firewood. Almost all the things that could make a fire in the stockade were burnt out, and any wooden household items were dismantled and used as firewood. In the end, there was no way but to let a large number of corpses pile up in the pit to rot and grow maggots.

Tao Chun was lying on the straw mattress in the back room, the wound had rotted and festered, and the house was full of stench, but seeing his face was thin and sallow, there was no blood at all, and his mind was still awake, but his eyes were not a bit bright, and it was difficult to speak. I can't see how strong he looked when he first came to Huai'an for help.

Such a man, at the beginning, complained that Li Zhuo treated him unfairly, and failed to compete with Lu Jingyan for the position of the commander of Shao Wu's army, so he wooed Yue Lengqiu, and finally when he was in Jinan, he led his troops westward with Yue Lengqiu, which led to Shao Wu's army. The hundred battle elites were completely divided.

Lu Jingyan died in Jinan, but I don't know what he was thinking?

In any case, Tao Chun is a rare general. He broke through from Xuzhou to Huaian to rescue twice, and crossed Huaibei with Liu Tingzhou. He also took the lead and made great achievements.

Lin Fu summoned a medical officer to treat Tao Chun. Whether he can survive or not depends on whether he has this life or not.

When it got dark, Changshan Camp and Fengli Camp took over the outer defense, and the Duhuai Army withdrew to rest.

Fifteen thousand of the Huai Army crossed Huai and entered Siyang. At this time, there were less than 4,000 people, and most of them were injured.

The Huai Army has been able to survive until now by slaughtering military horses, but there is a shortage of doctors and medicines.

In the yard where serious injuries and illnesses are concentrated, when the door of the yard is opened, a disgusting stench rushes towards him.

For people who are used to seeing blood, this is nothing. Lin Fu, Liu Tingzhou, Zhou Pu, Xiao Kuian and others were about to walk in, when someone carried the dead body out.

Lin Bie asked people to wait for a while and looked at the unconscious corpse lying on the door panel. He was only sixteen or seventeen years old. There were still soft downy whiskers on his lips. The broken left leg was necrotic and rotten, and there were small White maggots get in and out.

Liu Tingzhou and Xiao Kuian were even more uncomfortable.

Severely wounded patients were lying in the atrium of the yard. Only three or five old soldiers could endure the stench. They were cared for here, and the heart-breaking groans and wailings came from the room.

Although Jiangdong Zuojun came to help the siege in time, these seriously injured patients had no joy or excitement, lying in this lifeless yard, waiting for the call of Lord Yama.

"Treat everyone as much as possible, as long as there is still a breath left, don't give up!" Lin Fu Shensheng ordered the medical officer behind him to enter the yard to treat the injured.

In order to allow the Duhuai Army to recover its ability to break through the encirclement as soon as possible without abandoning the wounded, Lin Fu dispatched medical officers and apprentices from each battalion to form a medical team of forty or fifty people to rescue the wounded of the Duhuai Army. .

Lin Bie was standing in the courtyard, watching the medical staff rescue the seriously injured patients. When the moon rose to the top of the trees, seven people were seriously injured and could not be rescued and died.

The other injuries have been treated initially, and there is no stench in the yard, but how many people will survive in the end seems to depend on the mood of Lord Yama.

In cold-weapon combat, the proportion of people who are killed or shot on the spot is relatively small, and more people die from blood loss or wound infection. When the army moves behind enemy lines, a large number of wounds often become a key factor that delays the army's speed.

There are many examples of seriously injured being abandoned.

Whether it is to abandon, or to bring the dying and seriously wounded forward in the team, it will seriously affect the morale of the generals fighting.

The town army also has medical officers, but usually only one medical officer is assigned to thousands or tens of thousands of soldiers. Once a fierce battle occurs, a large number of casualties occur in a short period of time, and the medical officers cannot take care of those many wounded at all, and getting medical treatment is often the prerogative of the generals.

The Jiangdong Zuo Army cooperated with a full-time medical officer in each battalion. In addition, several medical apprentices were organized into an ambulance team to ensure that the wounded in combat would not be injured and not die.

This is also an important factor for the casualty ratio of Jiangdong Left Army to remain at a low level.

Even in a battle, the casualty and attrition rate is high, but a considerable proportion of the wounded and wounded can return to the team after the war, ensuring that the overall combat effectiveness of the team does not decline.

Apart from giving an inspiring speech to the generals of the Duhuai Army before entering the stockade, Lin Fu said very little.

All the way, I listened to Liu Tingzhou, Xiao Kui'an and others in detail about what had happened in the more than ten days since the Huai Army seized the beach at Feixiaji on the north bank of the Huai River, and Lin Fu rarely expressed his opinion.

After all the seriously injured and sick patients in the yard received initial treatment, there was no stench in the yard, and there were not so many mourning and moaning that sounded like bone, Lin Bie slowly turned around and said, "I first heard the horse suit, the horse like a dragon fighting. Dead Fei Xiaji, I plan to show them merit to the imperial court; it seems that even if Ma Fu and Ma Rulong are killed, it will not be worth their crime of violating military orders and retreating without authorization!"

Lin Fu's words were cold and murderous.

Liu Tingzhou didn't know that Lin Fu refused to bypass the Ma family. Is it because of Ma's service and Ma Rucong's monstrous crimes, or is it intended to conspiracy the Ma family's wealth? However, he was powerless to stop what Lin Fu did to the Ma family. How many of the thousands of soldiers left in the Huai Army were willing to spare the Ma family easily?

It is ridiculous to say that among the remaining generals of the Duhuai Army, the proportion of soldiers in Shanyang County is quite high.

The formation of the current combat power of the soldiers in Shanyang County is inseparable from the financial support behind the Ma family and other salt merchants.

When Teng Xingyuan, the magistrate of Shanyang and the superintendent of Shanyang, was not dead, the soldiers of Shanyang County could be said to be an elite fighting force loyal to the Ma clan and other salt merchants.

Now these Shanyang County soldiers who survived the disaster have become the forces that support Lin Bie to fight the Ma family.

Maybe some generals are still inextricably related to the Ma family, but the Ma family is dead, and the Ma family's private soldiers are all wiped out. The Chu palace in Xuzhou is also precarious and its fate is uncertain. A delicious meal shared by other forces. For these generals, it is better to find a new owner as soon as possible, rather than being buried for the Ma family and tied to the tree whose roots have been cut off.

"In order to make it easier to break through the encirclement, the Duhuai Army will be reorganized immediately," Lin Fu ordered, "the remnants of the Duhuai Army will immediately organize with the Sandu team as one sentry team and the third sentinel team as one battalion, forming a total of five battalions, and the rest Each battalion chooses the first commander and the sixth deputy commander to serve as the commander and deputy commander, Xiao Kuian, please report to me the list of 35 battalion commanders and deputy commanders before dawn.”

"The last will follow the order." Xiao Kuian said.

When Liu Tingzhou formed the Huaihuai Army, he recruited military attachés who had recruited himself to cross Huaibei from the government army. Although the number was not large, the officer system generally formed a outline. Before the Duhuai Army went north, Lin Fu ordered the elites of Liuying Shanyang County defenders to be reorganized into the Duhuai Army, and its officer system was more complete.

Liu Tingzhou and Xiao Kuian led their troops to break through the siege to the north, and they were trapped in the remnant village and waited for help.

The entire Huaihuai Army was out of ten, but it was not torn apart.

Xiao Kuian quickly took out the list of thirty-five generals and schools that Lin Fu wanted, and brought the thirty-five generals and schools to see Lin Fu at the ancestral hall in the center of the stockade at dawn.

Lin Fu didn't have time to talk about anything in detail. After meeting with thirty generals and commanders, after comforting and admonishing them, he officially appointed them as generals and commanders of the Fifth Battalion of the Huaidong Army in the name of Huaidong Jingkou System. Will be credited for them.

The soldiers of Shanyang County were originally the system of the township army, and the Duhuai Army was recruited and organized on a temporary basis. Few of these thirty-five people had the official rank of military attache.

It is said that the Duhuai Army was recruited by Liu Tingzhou, and Liu Tingzhou should be the leader in applying for credit and rank. However, Lin Fu has the title of envoy of Huaidong Jingkou System, and is nominally the highest military commander of the three counties in Huaidong. At this time, Liu Tingzhou was not qualified to compete with Lin Fu for this dominance.

"From now on, you need to report to me if you have something to do, and you need to take my flag as an order. If you violate the law, the military law will not forgive you, have you heard it clearly?" Lin Fu sat on the hall with the only wooden In the Taishi chair, under the light of the torches emitting the scent of pine resin, his face was cold and serious, his eyes glanced at everyone, not angry but majestic.

Thirty-five generals in the hall, including Liu Tingzhou and Xiao Kuian, who were sitting beside Lin Fu, all looked at each other: Lin Fu wanted to directly deprive Liu Tingzhou and Xiao Kuian of the command of the Duhuai Army.

Maybe it was too hasty, the generals below didn't know what to do for a while, stood there stiffly, and no one answered.

Lin Fu didn't seem to feel the stiffness and solemnity in the hall at all~www.readwn.com~ and said to Liu Tingzhou who was sitting next to him: "In addition to the five battalions and fifteen guards, the Duhuai Army has more than a thousand wounded. You should take up this responsibility, Master Liu. When fighting the enemy, our generals can be killed on the battlefield and wrapped in horse leather, but they must not abandon a wounded soldier. Master Liu, what is your opinion on my decision?"

Liu Tingzhou could feel the pressure exerted on him by Lin Bing's eyes, which made him breathless, and said bitterly, "Xiaguan obeys the order!"

Liu Tingzhou clearly knew that Lin Fu was taking his power, but he felt that the Duhuai Army was in such a desperate situation, and he had an irresistible responsibility, and Lin Fu left more than a thousand wounded soldiers to him to command, and he couldn't find it. With an excuse to shirk, he had to knock down his teeth and swallow blood, agreeing with Lin Bie's arrangement.

Lin Fu said to Xiao Kuian again: "When breaking through the siege, I will protect the wounded and soldiers in the center of the camps, but I can't ensure that no few bandits will rush in. I want you to lead two hundred elites to assist Master Liu, and ensure that no one is used. Famous and wounded people fall behind during the breakout, can you do it?"

Xiao Kuian was a little bit upset for Liu Tingzhou, but he also knew that at this time, only the envoys could lead them out of the predicament. Liu Tingzhou agreed with Lin Bie's arrangement, so what could he resist? He replied in a muffled voice: "The commander will be ordered at the end." He thought to himself: Although the generals below will feel Liu Tingzhou's loyalty, but they will probably place more hope on the commander, right?

Lin Fu didn't force the thirty-five generals in the hall to make a statement, he waved his hand, and said, "You all go down and organize the team according to what you just discussed.

As a person selected by the thirty-five generals, there is more or less a team of soldiers and horses that they can rely on. Cut the excess and make up for the shortcomings, and arrange the wounded and wounded into the ranks of the wounded. According to Lin Fu's order, the elites were selected from the remnants of the Duhuai Army and compiled into five battalions and fifteen outposts, which were completed before dawn. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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