Lord of the House

Vol 7 Chapter 72: say drop

Song Jia sat by the porthole and looked out. The moon shadow that was missing a corner in the Sishui River was broken into pieces by the water. The wind was blowing, and she was wearing a thin dress. .

Xiaoman took the medicinal wine to help Lin Fu wipe the bruises on his chest, but his mouth was not forgiving: "When I saw a beautiful lady, my hands softened by three points. If it wasn't for thick armor, how could it be good? Come and go in the wind and the rain, the delicate girl has tossed for a few years, no matter how beautiful she is, how can she be so beautiful, is it worth your mercy for her?"

Song Jia covered her lips and smiled, took a peek at Lin Fie's bare chest, and felt embarrassed. She secretly said to a man who is also a martial arts practitioner. How can his skin be so delicate and fair, it is comparable to a woman's - there is Xiaoman With such a sharp mouth, she doesn't need her to sneer.

Lin Bie rubbed Xiaoman's delicate hand on his chest. It was really enjoyable. What he said to Xiaoman should only be inaudible. He wanted to capture and kill Liu Miaozhen, and the situation did not need to be like this. It's complicated, but you have to be able to capture it and kill it?

"This beautiful lady, it's hard to surrender to your use. It's even more troublesome if the rumor that this goddess came into the world is spread," Song Jia said. Refugees, all of them are stupid and stubborn, and they are not afraid of death. Even if they are caught on the execution ground, they will be killed. They will all sit on the ground and laugh. die……"

Lin Fu thought that after Liu Miaozhen showed her true appearance and broke through, the refugee army cheered like taking a tonic, and also felt that things were difficult.

The uprising of the refugee army itself has a religious color of pretending to be a ghost. Liu An'er called himself Huangjuewang and Ge Ping took the Yellow River to repair the embankment in Jinan.

Lin Bie disdains to use these tricks, but it doesn't mean that these tricks are useless.

Whether it is the history that has already happened, or the history that has not happened in Lin Bie's memory, and may not happen again, there are several peasant uprisings that have become a general trend with religious overtones.

Liu Miaozhen fought through the formation with such valiant force, and broke through with her true appearance. Her beautiful face would not weaken her image, but would cast a layer of mystery on her body.

"What do you think you should do?" Lin Bie asked.

"Let it go," Song Jia said, "Yue Lengqiu can use Chen Hansan to restrain you, why can't you use the beautiful lady to restrain Chen Hansan? This Huai Sijiao has already been crippled, and the name is still needed. Under the jurisdiction of Chen Hansan, the Xuzhou Temperance Envoy, you will sell a loophole and let the beautiful lady take it, why not?"

Qin Chengzu suggested to let the red jacket girl cross the Bian River, but the so-called "Goddess came into the world" may spread more and more widely. It is not good for the red jacket girl Liu Miaozhen to fully inherit Liu An'er's power and influence.

Song Jia suggested that Sui Ning and Su Yu be released directly.

Sui Ning and Su Yu are sandwiched between Xuzhou and Huai'an. Chen Hansan will definitely attack Liu Miaozhen's department with all his strength. Why should Liu Miaozhen kill Chen Hansan first before he can deal with Huai'an. In this way, it can reduce the pressure of Jiangdong Zuo Army's garrison in Huai'an in the future, otherwise he will have to garrison heavy troops in Huai'an to guard against Chen Hansan, which also limits the development of Liu Miaozhen's department.

Lin Bie said, "How do you let it go, it's always bad to let it go?"

"It's nothing more than a fig leaf missing," Song Jia said. "First chase Liu Miaozhen to Huaiyang, recruit Sun Zhuang, and let him be the guard of Suining and Suyu. Do you think Sun Zhuang will surrender? Move faster and lead in Yue Lengqiu. Do these things well before the troops go south, and it's a big deal to finally recognize someone who is not familiar with the fault."

In combat with cold weapons, personal valour can play a considerable role. Lin Fu also planned to take Sun Zhuang for his own use. He still lacked a cavalry general under his command. Zhou Pu tried his best to capture Sun Zhuang alive.

However, Sun Zhuang is arrogant and arrogant, attaches great importance to love and righteousness, and is both murderous and bloody, and I am afraid that it is not so easy to conquer.

At this moment, someone notified that Han Caizhi was here and was waiting in the outer cabin.

With no one else around, Lin Fu put on a green shirt and asked Song Jia to accompany him out to see if Han Caizhi could play a role.

Han Caizhi was accompanied by Qin Chengzu and sat there talking. Seeing Lin Fu and Song Jia approaching, he hurriedly stood up and saluted: "Caizhi has seen Mr. and Mrs. Lin. Caizhi is willing to be a prisoner, and Mr. Lin treats me like this, and I have only one death. To be clear-minded..."

Song Jiayan smiled and said, "The slave family, like General Han, are people below the rank, but they are not some ladies."

Lin Fu smiled and asked Han Caizhi to sit down and speak: "I know you have brothers, Paoze, and your family all in Qinglonggang. If you don't surrender, I don't blame you. However, Liu An'er killed Chen Hansan in Xuzhou. Although the number of refugee troops in Qinglonggang is large, you must be very clear about the situation, Caizhi..."

Han Caizhi was silent.

"The situation is so, I don't need you to say it, I can see it clearly - Qinglonggang has 80,000 to 90,000 people, but there are still ten days of food?" Lin Fu asked, "Do you know what order I received from the Jianghuai Governor's Office? Can I tell you frankly that the Jianghuai Governor's Office ordered my department to entangle you all in Qinglonggang, so that you can't enter or retreat, waiting for the troops from all walks of life to come and encircle... Might as well tell you, Liu An'er When the news of Chen Hansan's killing reached Jinan, the Duke of Lu, Liang Xi, immediately ordered Liang Chengchong, the Marquis of Changxiang, to lead 20,000 elite soldiers to the south. It would not take ten days to encircle him from the west. Within ten days, I would be If you don’t hit you, and don’t seal the Bian River, can you cross the Bian River? Qinglonggang’s 80,000-90,000 rebels, even the Jiangdong Zuo Army, can’t handle it, so how do you face the encirclement of all the troops?”

"Liang Chengchong really led the army south?" Han Caizhi asked in panic.

"What am I kidding you for?" Lin Fu smiled and said, "Go back and tell Liu Miaozhen and the leaders of the rebel army that it is not my wish to meet with swordsmen. If she surrenders to me, I can't guarantee the rest. Yangsan County was ceded to you to guard, and you were also allowed to keep 20,000 elite soldiers... Suining, Suyu, and Huaiyang were originally allocated to Chen Hansan, and I would not feel sorry for them. If Liu Miaozhen wants to talk, It's up to you to be the middle man," he said to Qin Chengzu again, "immediately arrange for someone to send Caizhi back to Qinglonggang, Yue Lengqiu's movements in Tengzhou are very fast, time is waiting for no one..."

Qin Chengzu escorted Han Caizhi to Qinglonggang that night to talk about the surrender. Before dawn, Han Caizhi sent him back. Liu Miaozhen regarded Han Caizhi as a traitor, cut off his left ear as a punishment, and also showed his determination not to surrender.

Lin Bie had no choice but to get up from the bed in the middle of the night, and asked Qin Chengzu to comfort Han Caizhi himself. Han Caizhi had no intention of dying, so he cut off an ear, but instead he was able to untie the knot and go here.

The generals who came from Shanglinli, Han Caizhi, Lin Jiyuan, Zhao Qingshan, Chen Xiuyan and Zhao Hu, are all talents who can command the army to fight. Han Caizhi himself is a child of Shanglin, and his loyalty can be guaranteed when he returns.

But women in red jackets are always a headache, and it's not a good idea to fight now. If they don't fight, they won't fight. Lin Fu is restless and has no decision for a while.

Xiaoman slept in the next cabin, listened to the movement, got up and came to serve, listening to this woman being so hateful, he said, "Since she is so ignorant of praise, then send troops to destroy her..."

"It would be nice if the beautiful lady could be destroyed so easily. If you have to fight hard, at least half of the casualties will be filled in." Song Jia listened to the movement and ran over. He yawned and said, "Yue Lengqiu and Chen Hansan are happy, but they can run over to pick big peaches with peace of mind..."

"Drag, fight, play so many tricks, just don't want others to pick the big peaches away," Lin Fu said, "Even if you want to go back to the mountains, you can't let the evil mother-in-law take 70,000 to 80,000 horses. Take it away, in front of Li Bingbu and Mr. Gao, this can't be explained."

"The beautiful lady didn't kill Han Caizhi, she just cut off his ear, but she didn't plan to tear your face off with you," Song Jia said with a smile, "but no one's brother just killed you two days ago and asked them to surrender you. That's the truth! But it's strange to say that since the beautiful lady said that Han Caizhi was a traitor, even if she wanted to show mercy, there was no reason to cut off only one ear. Most of the time someone asked for mercy, so she would go down the hill. You go and ask Han Caizhi, Who is the refugee army who pleads for him!"

Lin Bie patted his head, thinking about the girl in the red jacket, forgetting the most important thing.

The red-jacketed women are still unable to convince the crowd. There are still 70,000 or 80,000 people in the Qinglonggang refugee army. Even if Ma Lantou Tiexin supports the red-jacketed women, there are more than 50,000 other refugee troops watching the situation. It’s just that Liu An’er has just been booby-trapped, and they are too wary. Heavy, dare not easily surrender.

Speaking of which, Sun Zhuang must be recruited first. With Sun Zhuang and Han Caizhi as precedents, it will be easy to do next.

Sun Zhuang is a man of friendship, and naturally he will not surrender easily. Speaking of which, we should use Song Jia's strategy and use Sun Zhuang as the defender of Suining. If Sun Zhuang had some brains, if he had some mind to endure humiliation and burden, he would pretend to be here first.

"Okay, come here with your clothes, I'll go see Sun Zhuang and say he surrendered to me." Lin Fu said.


Sun Zhuang sat in the cage and saw Lin Fu walking into the cell with a short stature. He spat a mouthful of **** phlegm and scolded: "If you kill the master, you will come here again and again to tell you to come down. You are not annoying, but the master is annoying. "

Lin Bie looked at the **** phlegm on the front of his clothes, smiled bitterly, and said, "The pole is really hot-tempered. You spit this mouthful, it's refreshing, but you have to work hard for others to wash it, why bother?"

Lin Fu asked someone to bring a bench to sit in front of Sun Zhuang and said, "You and Liu An'er are bandits, and I'm an official. You kill me and I'll kill you. It's only natural and righteous, and there is no enmity. I will use you as Suining's general and leave you four thousand soldiers and horses. What kind of hatred do you have? Go to Chen Hansan! I don't think that dog thief is pleasing to the eye. It's just that he is in the same palace as a minister at the moment. Get rid of him."

"Do you think I'm a three-year-old kid who can deceive me?" Sun Zhuang looked at Lin Bie coldly and smiled.

"Mr. Qin, Lord Crow, Lord Leopard, Cao Xiucai, and Chen Hansan are all **** enemies. I will never go to the toilet with Chen Hansan in my life~www.readwn.com~" Lin Fu said, "Yue Leng Qiu recruited Chen Hansan to be the envoy of Xuzhou, but it was still used to suppress Jiangdong Zuojun; Yue Lengqiu was the governor of Jianghuai, I can't oppose him openly, but I can't be so easy to bully, so I want you to surrender me ! I want to use you to keep Suining. Suining was originally assigned to Chen Hansan's territory, but I wouldn't give it to him. Besides you, who can I use? "

"...Humph!" Sun Zhuang snorted with disdain, but did not refute any more.

"If you let me down, I'll send the red jacket girl to cross the Bian River to the west," Lin Fu continued, "You can see the situation in Suining clearly, I don't secretly release the water, and the seven or eighty thousand soldiers and horses in Qinglonggang will all be dead ends. For a second, unless they have the ability to bite Suining down. But killing the red jacket girl, I have no benefit..."

"Why should I trust you?" Sun Zhuang said.

"I can let you go back to Suyu first. The situation is under my control, I'm not afraid of what tricks you can play," Lin Fu said, "You pick four thousand elites from Suyu as your followers. You know this truth better than anyone else. Except for the 4,000 elite soldiers, all other soldiers and horses must be disarmed and surrendered to me, as well as Chen Zhu and Zhang Gou. In hand. As long as you don't betray me in Suining, I will keep them both wealthy and worry-free for the rest of their lives..."

"Chen Zhu and Zhang Gou are my brothers, not my servants. I can't be the master, and I won't lie to you." Sun Zhuang said.

"If you can't convince Chen Zhu and Zhang Gou to be hostages when you go back, you will come to Suining alone to accept the surrender. I have the patience," Lin Fu said, "If you can't hide back to Suyu, then I will deal with Qing. The refugee army in Longgang has attacked... I will take Su Yu in the future, don't blame me for being ruthless in the future!"

At this time, Lin Bie stood up, instructed left and right, and said, "Send someone to **** Pole back to Suyu..." My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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