Lord of the House

Vol 8 Chapter 14: East China Sea situation

(Thanks to the vulgar brother of Hongpao Watching for his support, and in addition, vigorously ask for a red ticket)

Lin Fu and others landed on Jeju Island from Chang Cape, the outer harbor, and Ge Changgen and Danluo King Li Jian came to see him.

Ge Changgen's right arm was wounded, but it was not a big problem, but Li Jian, the king of Danluo, was in a terrible state. When we met at the beginning of the year, Li Jian had a beautiful beard under his chin, and a bit of a king's bearing.

The Koryo army that invaded Jeju this time was led by Zhen Feng, the governor of Haeyang County, Korea, and landed from Xianlupo on the north coast of Jeju Island five days ago.

Zhen Feng originally forced the garrison of Jeju, Li Jian sent his son Li Gong to lead the troops to Xianlupo to garrison, and negotiated with Zhen Feng. Zhen Feng pretended to discuss matters with Li Gong in front of the formation, using a warship to carry soldiers, and under the cover of Luo Yanling on the north bank, they landed from behind the formation and attacked Li Gong in a detour.

Of the more than a thousand elites of the Danluo Kingdom who worked hard for a year, sixty percent were lost in this battle; Li Jian's son, Li Gong, was strangled by Zhen Feng. After Xianlupo was victorious, Zhen Feng led his troops to attack Seogwipo City, the capital of the Danla Kingdom. Li Jian was defeated, and he led the dead, and fled from the west coast to Jeju Sai to rescue.

More than 5,000 water infantry troops landed on Jeju Island in Haeyang-gun, Goryeo.

Li Jian only led less than 400 soldiers to join the army. In addition to the 400 soldiers in Jeju fortress, Jianyong was urgently selected from Ding Zhuang who had moved in from the mainland. Ge Changgen could use only a thousand troops to defend the fortress in Jeju. At that time, the port had been blocked by the Goryeo Navy, and Ge Changgen was forced to abandon the ship and withdraw his troops to the shore to wait for reinforcements from Chongzhou.

Fortunately, Lin Shou led the reinforcements to come slowly, and Jeju Saicai was besieged for less than two days. Apart from all the losses of the warships, the casualties of the soldiers were not heavy.

"Haeyang County's navy has only more than 2,000 people, and most of it has been defeated by our division before noon. Please send the navy warships to Seogwipo as soon as possible, and attack the remnants of the navy, so that the road to return can be broken..." Ge Changgen suggested.

"Okay," Lin Fu originally planned to lead his troops to Jeju to see the opportunity, but he didn't expect that he would have the opportunity to capture and kill the governor of Gaoli Haiyang, and the Danluo Kingdom had completely broken with Gaoli, so there was no need for Lin Fu to worry about the Danluo people. Without hesitation, he instructed Ge Changgen, "I will assign a navy battalion to you. You can choose people from Jeju Sai who are familiar with the water situation on the west coast, and temporarily arrange each ship as a guide to go to Seogwipo and seek to destroy Haiyang/ The remnants of the navy..."

Ge Changgen immediately took out from Jeju Sai the sentries, scouts, and scouts who were familiar with the geography and hydrology of the vicinity of Danluo Island, and temporarily incorporated them into various ships. In the afternoon, regardless of the injury of his right arm, he led a battalion of warships to the north shore of Danluo Island. of Seogwipo.


In the afternoon, a waterway was cleared from the Jeju Saiwai Port, and nearly 5,000 soldiers from the infantry division guard battalion and the horse army division cavalry battalion landed one after another and stationed in Jeju Sailor.

At the beginning of the year, I made an agreement with the Danluo people to row a small piece of land from the west coast, the southwest foot of Sunrise Mountain to build a port. After nearly a year of continuous investment in construction, this 400 to 500-acre piece of land is sandwiched between two hills. Except for a small town with a circumference of 200 feet in the center, two hills on both sides are built with a solid 300 feet. Sentinel Fort.

One castle and two castles shield Jeju Port from the inside.

On the periphery of Jeju Port, a defensive stone wall was also built.

It was the defensive stone wall that Zhen Feng led the Haiyang infantry to attack in the early morning.

Each load of raw silk produced by Hailing House costs no more than 22 taels of silver. However, merchants from Kyushu and Honju come to Jeju to buy raw silk, and each load of raw silk is worth 400 taels of silver.

The silk produced in Chongzhou is limited, and the raw silk and silk in Pingjiang Prefecture are almost monopolized by several companies headed by the Chen family.

Just like that, in the past year, Chongju also shipped 300 dan of raw silk to Jeju for sale. Excluding the cost and shipping costs, 300 dan of raw silk can earn more than 100,000 taels of silver, which is unimaginable for ordinary people.

It was to gain profits from the sea trade and build Jeju Castle, which became the second fortress on Danla Island with a city wall besides Seogwipo, the capital of the Danla people.

With the rapid rise of Jeju City, the Danluo people are not without vigilance, but Zhen Feng, the governor of Haiyang County of the Korean people, launched a massacre against the Danluo people, which also made the Danlu king Li Jian in addition to borrowing troops from the Huaidong Military Division to drive the Goryeo people out. Besides Danluo Island, what other options are there?


As night fell, Jeju Inner Harbor was cleaned up, allowing the water camp warships to moor in.

Before this, Jeju had no other troops stationed except for the more than 600 soldiers in the two water camps led by Ge Changgen.

When Lin Fu returned to Chongzhou from Jinhai in March, the Sun, Zhou and other clansmen who had moved southward from the Hejian Prefecture, along with Lin Fu, went south, and some clansmen chose to settle in Jeju.

There were more than 200 households in the first batch, and then more and more households were added. Now there are more than 300 households in Jeju City, which is the earliest residents in Jeju City.

Jeju civilian households set up a lijia, and the li is Zhou Guitang, a distant brother of Zhou Guangnan brothers, who is forty-two years old. He is shrewd and capable. He was also a trader in the sea in his early years and accumulated a lot of net worth. It was just bad luck that he overturned two boats one after another and escaped his life, but he had no money left, and owed a debt.

When passing through Jeju, Zhou Guitang saw that Jeju had an opportunity and asked to stay in Jeju, and Lin Fu appointed him as Lizheng.

The construction period of Jeju Castle is still short, and everything needs to be streamlined and fast. Residential houses are also built between the city and the port. The main city is only more than two hundred feet long, about five hundred steps per week, and is placed inland, only a city walled system.

The three-storey brick building in the north and south is the core building in the city. In front of the building is a school field with an area of ​​10 mu, and on both sides are barracks, stables, granaries, armories and other auxiliary buildings.

After Lin Fu landed at Jeju Port, he quickly adjusted Jeju's deployment.

The Jeju garrison was fully incorporated into the second water battalion. Although the warships were burnt down, many warships of the Goryeo Navy were also captured. They are familiar with the hydrology and geography around Jeju, and are responsible for the defense of the sea around Jeju Port, and select scouts from them to monitor the movements of the Haiyang Army in the north.

Except for the sentry fort and the defensive stone battalion on the southwest side, a battalion of Jia soldiers was dispatched from the guard battalion, and the remaining 3,000 soldiers of the guard battalion camped along the open space between the headland and the main city; Used by Li Jian, King of Danluo.

There are more than 30,000 people in the small mouths of Danluo Island, but Li Jian is the monarch of a country. Zhenfeng, the governor of Haiyang, returned to Seogwipo, and Li Jianneng resumed his jurisdiction over most of Danluo Island.

Jeju Island is located at the eastern mouth of the strait between Goryeo and Kyushu Island. The surrounding ocean currents form a countercurrent flow from the west to the north, the south to the east, and the north to the west. Ge Changgeun led the water camp to attack Seogwipo and entered the strait between Jeju Island and Haeyang County, traveling against the current, and the speed could not be fast. If there was a situation, the land scouts would send back information first.

Lin Bie entered the main city of Jeju, and first summoned Lizheng Zhou Guitang to inquire in detail about the situation in Jeju, Goryeo, Kyushu, and Honju.


Since the Korean Peninsula was unified by the Seo Dynasty of the left side of the Three Han Dynasty two hundred years ago, it once pushed the boundary to the Cheongcheon River. When it was at its peak, the Fusang Dynasty in the south was engaged in a confrontation between the Southern and Northern Dynasties, and there was no threat. The Koreans once beat the Donghu people to the ground. In the north of the Qingchuan River, cities such as Dechuan, Changqing, and Anshuo were built, and a military division was established on the front line of the Qingchuan River.

After the Yuan clan seized the power in the Central Plains and established the capital of Yanjing, he regarded the two Liaos as a vassal screen, and entered two large-scale battles with the Koreans who had entered Liaodong. As far as the battles were concerned, there were victories and defeats, but Goryeo's national strength was crippled by these two battles, and they returned to the Cheongcheon River and bowed their heads.

In the past 30 years, the Donghu people have risen and gained Liaodong, in order to solve the threat of the rear wing and to avenge the grievances of the year, after the battle of Chentangyi, they quickly gathered their forces and invaded Korea from the southeast of Liaoning.

The Donghu people crossed the Cheongcheon River and captured Goryeo and Pyongyang.

Goryeo bowed his head to the Donghu people, and in addition to paying tribute, he also ceded all the city north of the Qingchuan River to Donghu, and all the troops stationed between the Qingchuan River and the Datong River were abolished and moved back to the south...

The Korean state system is similar to that of Dayuet. There are two capitals, Xijing and Pyongyang. After the fall of Pyongyang, the state capital Hanyangfu is left. Haeyang County is one of the nine counties of Goryeo~www.readwn.com~ is located at the southwestern tip of the Goryeo Peninsula, and Danra faces it across the sea.

Although the country of Danluo is small, it has always been a vassal of the Great Yue Dynasty with Goryeo. Goryeo wanted to annex Danluo, but there was no chance.

After the Yue Dynasty lost the Liaodong land, it lost its substantial containment on the Koreans, and the Koreans became greedy for Danluo. Goryeo once sent envoys to Yanjing to request an decree to lead Danluo on his behalf. At that time, the Great Yue Dynasty needed Gaoli to contain the Donghu people in Liaodong, and the Danluo Kingdom was too inconspicuous, so they agreed to Gaoli's request and made Danluo a vassal of Gaoli.

After defeating the Donghu people and turning their heads to the Donghu people, in the past two or three years, Goryeo wanted to find a balance, so they had to completely annex Danluo.

The Huaidong Military Division of the Dayue Dynasty built a fortress and a port in Jeju, but it was just an excuse for the Koreans.

Kyushu, on the east side of Danluo Island, although the area is more than ten times larger than that of Danluo, belongs to the four feudal kingdoms of Chikushi, Osumi, Hyuga, and Hizen. The area of ​​Honshu Island to the east is larger, which is equivalent to the entire Goryeo Peninsula, but there are more feudal powers confronting the territory.

There are also many pirate forces in the islands or border areas between Kyushu, Honshu, Jeju and the Korean Peninsula. These pirate forces are not willing to be subdued by the luxury family and cross the sea to the east. There are also pirate forces secretly supported by the Fusang feudal kingdom and Goryeo people to loot the enemy's territory, and there are relatively simple pirate forces composed of bankrupt wandering warriors... …

Although the sailing skills of the luxury family are not as good as that of Chongzhou, it only takes four to six days to sail a boat from Changguo to the sea. Once the news of Huaidong Military Division building a port on the west coast of Danluo spreads, it is impossible for the She family not to intervene. In other words, they have already intervened, but the situation here is quite complicated, and Huaidong Military Division has not been able to arouse vigilance. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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