Lord of the House

Vol 8 Chapter 35: Falling flowers

The torrent formed by the rebels swept away to the right flank of the Goryeo people. At this time, the beach outside the north gate of Seogwipo City was also ignited. It was Ajige and Qin Zitan who led five hundred Donghu warriors to **** the ships from the Koreans, trying to escape from Danluo Island first.

There are only a dozen or so boats in the beach bay outside the north gate of Seogwipo City, and there are not enough boats for everyone to get off the island. Qin Zitan was even more worried that after the war in Xiyeyuan was over, the Huaidong Army would be able to use more troops to block the waters north of Seogwipo City, and it would be difficult to get to the sky if they wanted to escape from Danluo Island.

But the Koreans who fought fiercely in Xiyeyuan didn't know the details. Seeing that the war was raging over there, the slaughter was loud, and they only thought that the Huaidong Army had landed from Beitan and blocked their retreat. Not long after, the entire right wing was also scattered by the rebels, killing each other and trampling to death, I don't know how many.

Zhen Feng, the generals and the guards also dispersed the chaotic army. Under the moonlit night of the chaotic army, he could not even control a group of more than 100 soldiers and horses, and was even less able to restore the current collapse.

The Huaidong Army was more deployed along the east bank of the Bailuo River to cut off the return route of the Koreans fleeing to Seogwipo City, and then in an orderly manner, they used a team of armored cavalry and armored soldiers to intersperse in depth to Xiyeyuan, cutting the Koreans. Cut them again to completely break them up, and there is no longer the possibility of gathering.

There was a sudden war at the beach head outside the north gate of Seogwipo City, and Lin Bie was quite surprised to see it standing on the wall of the Heiyan cottage.

Lin Fu did not arrange for the Second Water Camp to raid the North Beach at this time.

When there were no such things as wireless telegraphy, it was very difficult to communicate accurately and timely over long distances in wartime. If the coordination is not good, the second water battalion's attack time is not right, it is very likely that the main force of the Koryo people will be stunned, and the main force of the Koreans will withdraw to Seogwipo City ahead of schedule, and the entire battle plan will be in vain.

Besides, it is impossible for the Koreans to guard Seogwipo Castle without leaving troops, and it is extremely unlikely that they want to take Seogwipo Castle by surprise. In order to ensure the victory of the Battle of Kyonohara, the Second Water Battalion was dispatched to more than 1,200 soldiers to land on the shore to fight. Whether it was a surprise attack to capture the city or the search and annihilation of the Koryo Navy at sea, there was no military advantage.

"I'm afraid that the Koreans are fighting infighting, and someone wants to take the boat and go to sea!" Song Jia guessed while watching the movement on the Bund at the North Gate of Seogwipo.

Lin Fu and Song Jia didn't know that Qin Zitan and Nahe Azige entered Seogwipo City with the reinforcements, but they only knew that the boats left by the Koreans in the North Beach were limited. Unless the Korean Navy arrived in time, they would give more than a thousand at most. The Koreans escaped from Danla Island. It is undoubtedly a good thing that the Korean people in Seogwipo City are fighting infighting at this time. The balance of victory will be entirely in this direction.

"Since the defenders of the Koreans in Seogwipo City are also in a turmoil, will they immediately send troops to seize the city from the South Gate?" asked Li Ji, the prince of Danra.

Lin Fu raised his head and looked at the moonlight. On the road going down from Heiyan Mountain to the south gate of Seogwipo City, there were only vague traces in his field of vision, and he said to Li Ji, the son of the Prince of Danluo: "You lead the four battalions of the king's army to bring Fighting weapons to seize the South Gate, but don't force it!"

Song Jia said by the side, "You can do it with fire."

Prince Danluo was startled, Lin Fujing reminded Song Jia, and said, "It's very good, let's walk with fire!" Zhao Hu and Zhou Pu could not be contacted for a while. Seeing that, Pu can naturally guess the intention to seize the South Gate here.

In the night, the efficiency of the battle flag and golden drum command is extremely low, and the battalion commander cannot master the troops well, and more often relies on the martial arts and tactical literacy of the grass-roots military attaches such as sentry generals, **** chiefs, and flag leaders. In addition to improving their diet, the soldiers of the Huaidong Army had to undergo a lot of night combat training in order to have the current night combat capability.

The Danra King's army's ability to fight at night was extremely weak, and Lin Fu didn't even send them to attack the right wing of the Goryeo people during the chaos. Lin Fu was unable to send someone to find Zhao Hu or Zhou Pu from the chaotic battlefield, so he asked Li Ji to lead his troops to try!

There were only 2,000 Korean defenders in Seogwipo City, and they also guarded the ships of the North Beach.

However, the number of defenders in Beitan was limited, with only more than 200 people. Azige and Qin Zitan led five hundred Donghu warriors, and they quickly relieved the resistance of the Beitan defenders, grabbed the sea boat, and everyone worked together to push the sea boat from the shoal to the sea.

At first, the defenders in Seogwipo City thought that the Huaidong Army was attacking from the back, but seeing that there were not many troops there, they took one out of the only two thousand troops in the city to intercept it from outside the north gate. After going out of the north gate, he found out that the Donghu people were going to flee. The commander of the army urged Zongyu to vomit blood and hate him. He led the army to attack directly, and wanted to take the ship back. The battle at Beitan It suddenly became intense.

The more than two hundred Donghu warriors who had not yet had time to board the ship were suddenly killed in chaos, unable to resist, and they retreated one after another. Under the command of Azig, the Donghu warriors who got on the boat first shot back and stopped the Koreans.

Qin Zitan and Ajige took the Donghu warriors on twelve brigs. After leaving the shoal area, they dispersed to the sea and fled to Haiyang County...

Between the east gate of Seogwipo City and the Baekra River, there are also two thousand-person teams of Koreans. After the East Bank collapsed, the two thousand-man teams did not immediately withdraw to the East Gate. They wanted to cross the river to go to the east bank for support, but the east bank was in chaos, and there were shadows of Huaidong Army cavalry passing and galloping along the coast.

There was no clearer instruction from the senior generals, whether to fight or defend or retreat, and the two commanders could not make up their minds. It was only when Prince Danla led his troops to attack the South Gate that they thought of the importance of defending Seogwipo City and hurriedly fled to the East Gate.

King Danluo's army went to the south gate, following his plan to raise fire. Four battalions of soldiers and only two old battalions, it is difficult to ensure the order of the march on the moonlit night, and there is no way to walk with fire.

Walking with fire, although there is no guarantee that the sudden capture of the South Gate will arouse the vigilance of the defenders in the city in advance, but on the road from Heiam Mountain to the South Gate of Seogwipo City, hundreds of torches meander down two or three miles, like fire dragons. , no doubt also told the generals on both sides of the melee on the east bank of the Bailuo River that the defenders of Heiyan Mountain had left their camp to seize the South Gate.

The Koreans on the east bank of the Bailuo River had no time to take care of themselves, but Zhao Hu and Zhou Pu were able to mobilize their troops in advance, and urgently organized two sentinel soldiers, one sentry light cavalry, and a capital cavalry team to form a flower team, led by Zhou Pu. Crossing the Bailuo River, the two thousand-man teams that were chasing after the Koreans caught up outside the east gate and hit their tails.

The Koreans had lost the law of advance and retreat. They retreated in a hurry, and there was no force behind them to prepare for a later attack. They were defeated with a single blow. Nearly 2,000 people fled to the east gate and to the two wings. Having one more leg, I only hate that the third leg is too short to be a crutch...

At the break of dawn, Seogwipo City was captured by Zhou Pu from the east gate, and then the Prince of Danla led his troops to capture the city head from the south gate. Only a thousand remnants of the Koreans retreated to the Danra Palace and the West City for the last stubborn resistance.

The Koreans were completely defeated, and countless people were slaughtered, or trampled on each other to death, and thousands of people fled to the area east of Kinohara.

There was fog in the early morning, and the milky mist made the vision less than at night. It was only at this time that Lin Fu contacted Zhao Hu and Zhou Pu, and asked them to gather their troops along the east bank of Bailuo River and the southern edge of Bainiaozhai. There is no possibility for the Koreans to gather on a large scale, and the Huaidong Army should avoid unnecessary casualties.

Zhao Hu and Zhou Pu could only contact the commanders of the battalions and ordered them to gather their troops, but some sentry generals and pawns were killed happily, interspersed so deeply that they could no longer be contacted, so Zhang Jiheng, the commander of the third battalion, also led the way. A group of armored soldiers went to the eastern edge of Xiyeyuan and could not return for a while.

Less than half of the troops were temporarily assembled, and it was impossible to estimate the casualties of one's own side.

The bright red morning sun climbed the top of the treetops, the fog began to dissipate, and most of the army of the king of Danla entered Seogwipo City, where they fought street battles with the remnants of the city. Lin Fu also left the Heishi Mountain camp and came to the east bank of the Bailuo River. He personally directed the Huaidong Army to pursue the remnants of the Koryo people vertically and horizontally in Xiyeyuan.

From the beginning of the light cavalry attack in armor, Zhou Pu most of the time took the lead and killed happily. In addition to Zhou Pu's injury, Yao Xing, who instructed the second battalion of the Guards Battalion, was seriously injured during the counterattack and died in the night.

When Lin Fu first went to Jinchuan Prison Island, Yao Xing, Ma Pohou and others were selected from the prison guards to serve as guards for Lin Fu, and followed Lin Fu for three years.

"Take the coffin and bury it first, and send someone back to Chongzhou to ask his family's opinion. If possible, bury the city of Jeju thickly, and erect a monument in Jeju for the Huaidong Army!" Lin Bie said sadly, but the war can never avoid casualties, and this time also This is not the time to be sad~www.readwn.com~ to completely defeat the resistance of the Koreans!

At this time, Zhang Jiheng, the commander of the third battalion, sent someone to report that Zhen Feng, the governor of Haiyang County, and more than a hundred guards had sealed him in a mountain pass at the northeastern foot of Sunrise Mountain in Xiyeyuan.

"Tell Zhang Jiheng, if Zhen Feng escapes into Sunrise Mountain, this battle will be a waste of his life!" Lin Fu said to the communication soldiers sent by Zhang Jiheng, "If Zhen Feng is captured alive, he will be credited!" Sitting on the east bank of the Bailuo River, if you are injured, don't run around. Surrounded by a team of cavalry, he and Zhao Hu crossed Xiyeyuan to capture Zhen Feng, the governor of Haiyang County.

When Zhang Jiheng blocked Zhen Feng, there were not many troops, but he sent people to Bainiaozhai and the east bank of Bailuo River to communicate, and at the same time he went to gather nearby Huaidong soldiers. There are a lot of soldiers and horses interspersed throughout Xiyeyuan at night. Zhang Jiheng was originally the highest-ranking general in this area, and he had the right to control the generals and soldiers of the nearby battalions. Besides, when others heard that there were big fish blocked here, he naturally released them first. Pass the other defeated soldiers and come to catch the big fish.

When Lin Fu rushed over, there were about six or seven hundred soldiers, surrounded by the mountains that Zhen Feng led recalcitrantly, and more than a hundred armored cavalry on the periphery, killing the Goryeo people who were about to come to the rescue.

Lin Fu got off the horse, and Zhang Jiheng came to greet him.

Zhang Jiheng was originally a brave general under Ning Zechen's command. Lin Tie expanded the guard camp in Huai'an and transferred him to Zhao Hu. He was brave and good at fighting. After this night, he led his soldiers to kill in Xiyeyuan. His clothes and armor were stained with blood, but he was not injured at all.

"You also take it easy," Lin Fu did not like his bravery and reprimanded softly, "I am very saddened by Yao Xing's death, and the Infantry Division Zhongjun can't bear the loss of two brave generals who died in one night's battle!"

Zhang Jiheng replied in a muffled voice, and led Lin Bing and Zhao Hu to the front of the battle. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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