Lord of the House

Vol 8 Chapter 44: Military Secret Art

When Qin Chengzu came over, Lin Fu called Han Caizhi, Zhang Jiheng, and Zhang Gou in to talk about the training of the army officer cadet team. Chen Lei left beforehand, and Sun Jingtang and Wang Chengfu had to stay to talk about other things, so they also sat next to them without evading.

"I know that many generals in the army were inspired by the Haidong victory, and advocated immediate military strikes against Daishan, Changguo and other places controlled by the She family. Everyone's enthusiasm is very high. This is a good phenomenon. We should not pour cold water," Lin Fuyao said. Han Caizhi, Zhang Jiheng, and Zhang Gou sat nearby, "However, we should also see that it's already the end of April, and Huaidong and the East China Sea will soon enter the rainy and rainy season. It's only a month or two away, yes It is difficult to complete a campaign preparation. Before the autumn, large-scale military operations against Daishan, Changguo and other places controlled by the Shejia may be damaged by bad weather at any time, resulting in unnecessary losses. To be avoided as much as possible…”

Having said that, Lin Fie paused, took a sip of tea, and continued: "...you go back and discuss these issues with the students of the student team seriously. should be considered."

The Huaidong Military Division must now concentrate more financial resources and repair the seawall. It is difficult to expand the army in the short term, but the training of middle and senior generals cannot be interrupted.

Compared with the chief military officer, the military attache at the first level of the flag, sentry generals, battalion generals, and higher-level generals, they all have higher and better skills in tactics, strategy, army management, commanding operations, even logistical supplies, personnel coordination, etc. complex requirements.

Lin Fu can't expect that all generals above the camp post are a one-time choice, with a talent that is one in ten thousand.

To train grass-roots officers, select the best from them, carry out systematic study and reinforcement, train a group of qualified middle and senior officers, and ensure that the army's command system can be effectively maintained in the rapid expansion. It imitated the purpose of the later military academies to set up a war training school.

However, some abilities and skills of middle and senior generals require long-term military combat practice to be better mastered, not simply after a few months of intensive study.

At present, the Huaidong Military Division has a total of forty battalions, and the military posts at the battalion and post levels are basically full. In the case of not expanding the army, the need for training middle and senior officers in practical military governance can only be met by adding new military posts.

A military commander is just one of the newly created military posts.

When he was in Haidong, Lin Fu selected more than 20 military attachés from the Huaidong Army, appointed them as military commanders, and incorporated them into the Danluo Wang Army.

Military commanders are equivalent to the combat staff and chief of staff in later generations, as well as the current military commanders and military officers.

Only the marching Sima and participating in the military are only available at the establishment of the military division and the line battalion. In order to avoid confusion, military commanders are established at the brigade, battalion, and post levels. Different from the lieutenant general who comprehensively assists the chief general in handling various affairs, the military commander mainly assists the chief general in training and combat commanding military affairs. In the army, the rank of commander comes after the lieutenant.

Lin Fu patiently explained to Han Caizhi, Zhang Jiheng, and Zhang Gou his intention to add military officers at all levels of the army. When it was over, Lin Fu said to Han Caizhi again, "Go and call Zhu Ai in!"

Han Caizhi thought to herself: What are you calling Zhu Ai for? He didn't talk much, and went directly to the side hall where Zhu Ai, who was still waiting for Wang Chengfu, called in.

Zhu Ai is also puzzled:

Han Caizhi, Zhang Jiheng, and Zhang Gou have been dispatched, and they are senior generals at the deputy brigade commander level. Qin Chengzu is the right Sima on the march, and he ranks alongside Fu Qinghe and Cao Ziang in the army. Sun Jingtang is the commander of the battalion and Wang Cheng. The service is the official order and the inspection department of the Crane City Inspection Department. They are the core layer of Huaidong Military Division. Lin Fu summoned them to discuss secret affairs in the middle of the way, and called him a small colony to do what?

Seeing Zhu Ai come in, Lin Fu asked him to come forward, and took out a stack of files from the desk to rummage.

Zhu Ai could recognize that the stack of dossiers were all materials for the construction of the seawall, nearly a foot thick. Seeing that the envoy had been searching for a long time and couldn't find what he was looking for, Zhu Ai only thought of asking when he had a **** repair, so he said, "What do you want to ask, my subordinates can remember the outline of the **** construction!"

"I'm looking for the map of defending the seawall in Yandu County that you donated. I remember it's in this pile of things. Come and help me find it together." Lin Fu said.

However, Sun Jingtang recognized the logo and helped to find it.

Lin Fu put Huang Baba and a few pieces together of Yandu County's seawall defense map on the desk, and said to Zhu Ai: "Your seawall defense map does not use the current Guanzhi Yandu County map, there are several places. Modification. The existing map of Yandu County was drawn a hundred years ago, and the topography of Yandu has changed a lot in the past 100 years. The sea entrance of Qingjiangpu alone has been narrowed by one third. The old workers sent people to measure it on the spot. I checked a few places and found that your picture is quite consistent with the actual scene, much more accurate than the old picture. Did you draw it by yourself?"

"Beijing makes a living by herding cattle and has nothing to do, but his footprints go to every corner of Yandu County," Zhu Ai said.

"Which one do you study geodesy from?" Lin Fu asked.

The drawing of accurate maps is beyond experience. Zhu Ai can draw a map of Yandu County, and naturally he has learned the geodesy of his predecessors.

"Pei's drawing six bodies and Zhao's bird flying method." Zhu Ai replied.

Lin Bie nodded and motioned Zhu Ai to continue speaking, to see if he had a thorough research on these two methods.

The current map surveying and mapping mainly inherited the six methods of cartography during the development of the Southern and Northern Dynasties. The bird-flying method is the development of cartography by Zhao Mingzhang, the minister of the former Ministry of Time and Industry. Since the Bird Flying Method, map mapping has become more accurate in terms of mileage and relative position.

Limited by the traditional cognition of "the sky is round and the place is round" for thousands of years, astrology that can measure the latitude more accurately is excluded from the traditional surveying and mapping technology because it will lead to the inference of "the earth is round".

Even in navigation, as a kind of astrology, the latitude measurement of the stars is regarded as an evil method, and even rejected by miscellaneous studies; before Lin Fu, only a few maritime merchants used it secretly.

Few people realize that astrology is a key technology for developing straight sea routes with equal latitude. Ships from Jin'an and Mingzhou to Kagoshima mainly rely on the experience and navigation of the currents of the black waters to go out to sea. Because the sea route of the southern line is very fixed, it has provided great convenience for Haidonghangying to send warships to intercept Zhejiang and Fujian maritime merchants.

Zhu Ai only knew the six methods of drawing and the method of bird flying, so he explained in detail in front of the writing desk. Only Lin Fu, Qin Chengzu, and Wang Chengfu knew about these two methods. Han Caizhi, Zhang Gou, and Zhang Jiheng didn't understand at all, and Sun Jingtang was confused.

After Zhu Ai finished speaking, Lin Fu said to Qin Chengzu: "The training of the military commander and cadet team for three months is not long. The tactical learning should be based on geography, and geodesy is precisely the foundation. I think Zhu Ai can pick one. In a month, I will help you teach the following generals how to measure the earth."

Qin Chengzu nodded and said, "That's the best. The military commander assists the commander, and he doesn't know how to do geodesy, so it's a bit unreasonable. But if only 12 people can master this method, I'll be thankful."

Zhang Jiheng was puzzled. He had a straightforward temperament and did not hide any doubts in his stomach. He stood in the hall and asked, "It's enough for the generals to understand the topographic map. What do you need to learn geodesy?"

"The topographic map is the requirement of the first-level chief of the capital. You are really unmotivated," Lin Fu said with a smile. "The largest surveying and mapping topographic map in the imperial court has been more than a hundred years old. In the past hundred years, the vicissitudes of life have changed. I don’t know how many of the river bends and routes have changed. It’s the map of Hailing Mansion, and we spent a lot of energy to compare it. There are many mistakes, how many topographic maps in the world can be completely trusted?”

"..." Zhang Jiheng scratched his head and said, "The map is inaccurate, finding a local person as a guide can always make up for one or two."

Lin Fu shook his head and said, "It's far from simple. Terrain miscellaneous knowledge, including geodesy, has a great relationship with the use of troops. It is very simple to arrange troops on a flat terrain, just choose whatever you want. Every sentry and battalion officer can speak the truth. But when we approach the enemy, it is mostly in a complex terrain environment. We combine the terrain with the army formation, and integrate the rivers and mountains, and the short and narrow distance into the army formation. Among them, is the way to get started with famous generals. At this time, you will find that the existing topographical maps are too simple, and the guides cannot have complete military knowledge. As the main general, you need to compare the terrain and formation of the field scouts with the troops. How can you explain the attack steps of each department to the subordinates, and how can you explain it clearly without mistakes? The so-called 'understanding astronomy and geography' is not that simple... If you can't learn it, give it to me Obediently go back to the Chinese Army and continue the camp."

Zhang Jiheng looked surprised, but didn't say anything.

Zhang Gou has reflected a lot during this time. He knows how big the span is from the battalion general to the town general (the brigade commander). Even with tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, it is impossible to take care of the whole army only by leading them with valour.

Seeing that Zhang Jiheng was still dissatisfied, Lin Fu smiled and said, "I'll give you a basic example: last spring, Liu An'er surrounded Xuzhou City, dug the embankment of Yanshan Mountain, and flooded Xuzhou with Si River. If the elevation difference between Yanshui Embankment and Xuzhou City is measured in advance, there will be no defense at all. Yue Lengqiu only needs to send troops to guard Duanlonggang in the northwest of Xuzhou City, and simply build a diversion dam between Duanlonggang and Xuzhou City. , in the later stage, there is no need to be so embarrassed." Lin Fu turned his head and asked Zhang Gou at this time, "Speaking of this, I have to ask you: Which of the generals in Huaisi can do geodesy? The mountain digs the Sishui embankment and leads Sishui to Xuzhou city."

Zhang Gou said: "Old coach Yang Quan learned it, Yang Quan died in the Hezhong Mansion, only An Shuai and the red jacket girl got it. An Shuai is also dead now, only the red jacket girl knows this secret technique. I don't know if the red jacket girl has this secret technique. Pass it on to others!"

"The strategist regards geodesy as a secret technique, but it's actually just a branch of miscellaneous craftsmanship. The old worker, Ge Fu, is the most proficient." Lin Fu didn't mind Zhang Gou's reverence for Liu An'er. Zhang Gou smiled and said, "You have to be careful, Zhu Ai will teach you Pei's six methods of drawing and the bird flying method, and You Sima will teach you the method of measuring the stars, the method of observing the water in the mountains, and the method of stacking rice. It’s just a little trick in the water. If you learn these, it’s more complete than the secret geodesic technique that is not passed down by the military!”

"Thank you for the last general." Zhang Gou was very indifferent to the general position of the Huaidong Military Division, but when he heard the secret military skills of the old commanders Yang Quan and An Shuai, in the eyes of Lin Fu, Qin Chengzu and others, It was so sparse and ordinary, and I was still shocked.

Thinking about it carefully, it was not surprising that he first obtained the highly prized Horse Infantry Code, and that the Huaidong Army could be popularized to the level of a commander. .

Seeing that Zhu Ai heard that there are other geodesy techniques in addition to the six methods of cartography and the bird flying method, Lin Fu showed a rather interested look, so he took out a thin booklet from the desk, handed it to him, and said: " You can learn the six methods of cartography and the bird flying method by yourself. After reading this book, you should be able to infer other geodesy methods, and it also happens to share some pressure for You Sima. The old worker's "Supplement to the General Works" is almost finished. Zhao Shuhan's The "Jiangjing" is less than half of the compilation, and I will have someone send you a copy of the existing version! In addition, books such as "Ship Code" and "Iron Metallurgy" are top-secret information of the military commander. If you have the opportunity, go to Chongcheng can borrow it, but I can't let you bring it out."

"Thank you, sir!" Zhu Ai couldn't help but kowtow in thanks.

"Get up and talk, you have to kneel to talk, and I have to stretch my head to see you, it's very troublesome." Lin Bie smiled.

Jiang Yue and Lin Fu have never met; Lin Fu recognizes that there are amazing talents in the world~www.readwn.com~ The old worker Ge Fu who is not literate is one, and the depressed Zhao Shuhan is one, for the political enemies of the DPRK and China Li Zhuo, who couldn't do his best at elbow restraint, was considered one of them.

In addition, Fu Qinghe, Qin Chengzu, Cao Zi'ang, Ning Zechen, Ao Canghai, Wang Chengfu, Ge Siyu, Sun Shangwang and others are all extremely talented, and Zhu Ai should at least be included in this category of people. middle.

In the early years, because Zhu Ai's face was half destroyed, Liu Tingzhou couldn't make him an official.

In comparison, Lin Mengde, Sun Jingxuan, Sun Jingtang, Hu Zhiyong and others have also spent half their lives in prostitution/personnel affairs, and only after knowing the mundane and pragmatic, they surpassed ordinary people and became the characters of the moment. Zhou Pu, Zhou Tong, Zhao Hu, Lin Jingzhong, Zhao Qingshan, Ge Cunxiong, Ge Cunxin, Wu Qi, Li Shuyi, Sun Daluo and others have expertise in fixed fields that others cannot match, and only surpass ordinary people.

Lin Fudu did his best to arrange all the talents he knew and used for him into appropriate positions. It's just that Zhu Ai has just joined Huaidong for half a year. Although he is talented, his actual experience in the world is still insufficient. Lin Fu doesn't want to be too stubborn and encourages him to experience it from the grassroots level.

Thinking that he came into this world for nearly four years, although he has the memory and experience of his past life beyond the time, but in the process of advocating miscellaneous arts and craftsmanship, Lin Fu knew that he would benefit the most. Only by combining the experience of the past life with the insights of people who surpassed the times and the miscellaneous arts and craftsmanship of the current world can we have true calm and self-confidence.

Lin Fu's command of the army at this time is just to integrate these into it. He hoped that the Huaidong Military Division would emerge a group of outstanding generals who could be called famous generals and teach them the techniques of governing the army. Naturally, there would be no reservations. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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