Lord of the House

Vol 8 Chapter 46: bank

The southward migration of the Haishang Group and its clansmen not only extended the Gyeonggi life-saving food route directly from Jinhai to Chongzhou, but also made a large amount of silver money from Hejianfu flow into Chongzhou, enabling the development of Chongzhou to obtain sufficient capital.

The Heishuiyang Shipyard, which has a capacity of 150,000 stone in the ocean, the Guanyintan Shipyard, which can build five Jinhai-class warships at the same time, the Beihetan warehouse and transshipment wharf, which can store 2 million stone of rice grain. These three projects directly absorbed the capital injection of nearly one million taels of silver. Otherwise, relying solely on Huaidong Military Division's own financial resources, it would be a big deal to be able to do one of them.

It was already dark, and no one in the house was tired. The sound of rain outside the window and the sound of the treetops blowing in the wind, the oil lamps were not bright enough, and the guards lit two more tall candles in the room.

Lin Fie sat cross-legged behind the desk, listening to Wang Chengfu describe the details of the Dianqian shop. Wang Chengfu's original intention was to use the money of the Nanqian people to resettle the refugees, so as to reduce the payment and pressure of the Huaidong Military Division in resettling the refugees.

Wang Chengfu's starting point was excellent, but Lin Fu thought about it a lot, thinking about the financial system with banks as the core in the future, thinking about the gold standard, and thinking about the issuance of banknotes.

Of course, Lin Fu's understanding of the financial knowledge of later generations is also very limited. He cannot rely on superficial impressions to bluntly copy the banking system of a thousand years later.

"Dianqianpu, Dianqianpu," Lin Bie tapped lightly on the table with his fingers and asked Qin Chengzu, "What do you think of the right Sima?"

"Lin Mengde is an expert in this. He has also read Wang Xianjian's proposal, but he is too busy, and everyone has no time to get together to discuss," Qin Chengzu said, "It is very good that this matter can be done, but There are thousands of refugees, how can Dianqianpu handle it? The pawnshops in the city can handle ten or eight businesses a day. The refugees are running around, and it is difficult for the Huaidong Military Division to control them. The refugees are poor and have no money. Mortgage, how can the Sun Zhou and other clan lend money and grain with confidence? When the money is borrowed, how can we guarantee that it can be recovered? Even the law is inappropriate. There are many escapees, because there are naturally more guarantors involved in the crime, Huaidong Can the army carry out arrests on a really large scale?”

Qin Chengzu's old man, even if he is not familiar with these things, can see many problems.

"I'm afraid it won't work to spread the code," Wang Chengfu said. "The refugees are grouped into Lijia, and Lizheng and Jiashou come forward to pay the loan and then share it internally, and the Dianqianpu can recourse to Lizheng and Jiashou. It is impossible to completely eliminate those who commit **** and crime, but using it when it is expedient can also have a multiplier effect..."

Qin Chengzu touched his chin. There were nearly 30,000 soldiers in the Huaidong Army, and he was trying his best to build and defend the seawall. Except for the family members of the labor camp, his financial resources were already used to the limit.

However, if Chongzhou is to be stronger, it will undoubtedly resettle refugees more quickly, reclaim wasteland, and increase the number of troops and tax sources.

Although Wang Chengfu's suggestion had some loopholes, as an expedient measure, it was not impossible to give it a try. He stroked his beard. Seeing that Lin Fu was silent, he thought he could not make up his mind, and said, "Ask Lin Mengde. What do you mean, send someone to ask Qing He and Zi Ang, if they can try it, they will discuss it on a large scale, and the key is to convince Sun, Zhou and other clans to be willing to invest money!"

Qin Chengzu and Wang Chengfu discussed the details of Mo Zhi, and Lin Fu gave Wang Chengfu's money. They have been thinking about the "Qianzhuang" for the past few days.

Hearing Qin Chengzu say this, Lin Fu came back to his senses and said with a smile, "Lin Mengde can definitely tell the truth," and asked Wang Chengfu, "Can you get out of your body these two days?"

"Yes!" Wang Chengfu didn't expect Lin Fu to be so eager to promote this matter. Seeing that his proposal was taken seriously, how could he not be excited? Nature is very cooperative.

"Then you can make arrangements in Hecheng first. It's best to go to Chongcheng with us tomorrow. If you can't, you can just delay it for a day." Lin Fu said.


The rain continued, and Lin Fu still set off early in the morning to rush back to Chongcheng.

Wang Chengfu always had to explain the affairs of Hecheng well before leaving, so he didn't go with Lin Fu.

Lin Fu returned to Chongcheng, Lin Meng had to go to Jiuhua for something, and he didn't immediately know his opinion on the matter, Lin Fu just sent someone to urge him to come back quickly.

Gu Junxun was pregnant with Liujia, so it was inconvenient to travel far, and he had been waiting in Chongcheng for Lin Fu to come back. If Gu Junxun didn't leave, Liu Yueer and Xiaoman's concubines naturally couldn't go to Hecheng to see Lin Fu.

He rushed Lin Fu back, and complained to Xiaoman for a while, saying that the army had returned to Chongzhou, but others were still running around outside, and it took half a month to come back.

Lin Fu only thought of why Song Jia returned to Chongcheng as soon as the ship arrived, and refused to stay in Hecheng to help with official business.

Lin Fu also thought about Xiaoman and the others, but everything in Huaidong was waiting, and there were no old rules to follow in many things. How many people from below him could relax? At this time, it was a pleasure to hear Xiaoman complaining softly like a yellow magpie. Lin Bie was playing with Xin'er, who had already started to speak, in his arms.

After having lunch in the inner house, Lin Bian kicked out Gu Junxun, saying that he would spend the day in the inner house not handling official business, and would make outsiders blame them for their ignorance.

Lin Bing couldn't take a day off, so he just pushed him to the front hall to handle official business. Xiaoman was very happy, and sent the letter to the mountain for approval. She, Song Jia, and a few female officials still sorted it out for Lin Fuxian.

Lin Fu was sitting in the front hall, still thinking about the "Dianqianpu".

Wang Chengfu was the one who came up with the prototype. Lin Fu had the knowledge of later generations, so he naturally knew how good this thing would be if it was done well.

Song Jia went back to Chongzhou first. She was an internal scripter, and almost all the letters and letters that Lin Fu wanted to review must go through her. She has also read the "Dian Qian Discussion" written by Wang Chengfu.

"Wang Patrol's proposal, you can give it a try." Seeing that Lin Fu was thinking about the pages of Wang Chengfu's letter for a long time, Song Jia expressed her personal opinion before he made up his mind.

"The name of Dianqianpu is not good, and Wang Chengfu said that the usefulness of Dianqianpu is too small..." Lin Fu asked.

"Which name sounds good?" Xiaoman asked beside him.

Lin Bie waved his hand to let others out first. Although there are strict confidentiality disciplines, when discussing important matters, try not to let irrelevant people wait there.

When the people left, Lin Fucai said, "Just use the name 'Qianzhuang'! When it comes to the use of 'Qianzhuang', do you know what a 'flying ticket' is?"

Xiaoman touched his head, expressing that he was not sure.

"East Fujian is narrow, and the trade of goods is almost controlled by a few companies, but Qingfenghang has issued 'flying tickets', I know a little bit," Song Jia said, "Do you want the bank to also be the 'flying ticket'? '?"

"'Flying ticket' is too ugly, and 'silver ticket' is much more pleasing to the ear," Lin Fie didn't mind to standardize the names of later generations in advance, and said, "Qianzhuang, Qianzhuang, and banknotes should not be taken for granted and should be attributed to Qianzhuang. to do it?"

At that time, there were no special commercial institutions such as "Qianzhuang, Yinhao", but some large-scale warehouses and trading companies, because the transfer of a large amount of silver money was very troublesome, they began to use some air tickets similar to silver tickets. used for settlement.

In addition to internal settlement, Lin Kee Warehouse only issues invoices to a very limited number of people, usually the Dongyang Township Party with business dealings.

If someone sets out in Jiangning and picks up tea in Dongyang, it would be extremely inconvenient to carry a large amount of money with them. You can first deposit the money in Lin Kee’s branch in Jiangning, take Lin Kee’s bills, and go to Lin Kee’s branch in Dongyang to withdraw cash, which will save you a lot of inconvenience.

The reverse is also the same, take the goods to Dongyang to sell, deposit the money in Lin Kee's sub-store in Dongyang, and then withdraw the cash after returning to Jiangning, so you don't have to worry about the Jiangyang thief on the road.

Even if the Ministry of Household entrusts the Salt and Iron Division to settle grain and silver settlements with maritime merchants in Chongzhou, only the Heishuiyang Shipping Society will benefit. Other ship merchants and grain merchants, when they go to Jiaozhou Bay in Shandong to pay grain, all pay with the grain, which is very troublesome.

The amount of a transaction can be as little as four or five thousand taels of silver, and as much as four or five thousand taels of silver, and the weighing of the silver is not a problem. Often because of the poor quality, there will be disputes for a long time.

It's okay to take a boat, forty to fifty thousand taels of silver is not significant, but there is a danger of capsizing the boat. Those who travel by land, forty-five thousand taels of silver weighing more than three thousand catties, are pulled by a few carriages. Isn't it tempting the thief Jiang Yang to steal and rob?

The world is not yet the time to issue money. With Lin Bing's limited financial knowledge and no idea on what kind of system to issue money, it will be a good thing, and it will not become a terrible bad thing, but the establishment of " Copper coins are used for small payments, silver ingots are used for medium payments, and silver notes are used for large-scale payments." The bank system ~www.readwn.com~ is relatively simple and much easier to control.

Lin Fu can only think about the bank affairs, Lin Mengde, Sun Shangwang, even Zhou Guangnan, Sun Fengyi and others are more proficient in these matters than him, and they will add the details.

Of course, Lin Fu was eager to build a bank, or wanted to borrow the bank to do another thing.

Huaidong has always been strangled financially, and making money is never faster than spending money. Lin Fu has long considered the possibility of borrowing money from private individuals to develop armaments.

Private people are naturally in awe of the government, and Huaidong Military Division is considered a good reputation. It was the Zhou, Sun and other clans. The Huaidong Military Division directly asked them to donate some money. As long as the amount was not large, they would readily agree. However, if they borrowed money from them, even if they were already the core figures of the Huaidong Military Division, I will also beat drums in my heart: I have borrowed this, can I get it back?

Moreover, if the Huaidong Military Division wanted to borrow money, it was usually a huge amount, often exceeding the supply capacity of a family.

There were all kinds of concerns. Although Lin Fu had the idea of ​​borrowing money to develop armaments, he didn't say it; he was afraid that if he opened his mouth, a good thing would turn into a bad thing.

Everyone is afraid of being a fat sheep, and human nature is like this, no one can blame anyone; it is a trivial matter to lend money or not to come back, and it is too late to regret if it causes the disaster of confiscating the family and destroying the family.

The bank was established, and through the bank, the remaining wealth in the hands of the maritime merchants and clansmen who moved south, the local forces in Chongzhou, the Dongyang Township Party and even the Lin people were concentrated. The way of saving money in the bank is to eat money and interest, and lend it to merchants, displaced households, or to Huaidong Military Division, and there is not much difference in essence.

Moreover, through the Qianzhuang, one can reduce the individual's fear and respect for the government, and the composition of the Qianzhuang itself is closely related to the foundation of the Huaidong Military Division, and has a relationship of kidnapping and supporting each other. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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