Lord of the House

Vol 8 Chapter 52: Jiang Ningxing

On the post road on the south bank of the Yangtze River, camel bells, horse hooves, and the sound of armour swaying and hitting each other while riding are intertwined.

Zhang Gou could already understand why the pole master gritted his teeth and wanted to save a cavalry, and why An Shuai paid so much attention to Chen Hansan who brought 2,000 cavalry to cast, so that he was completely unguarded in Xuzhou, but he felt that there was no more direct.

King Ning's edict arrived at Chongzhou at the same time with the letter of the governor's office. Lin Fu was ordered to go to Jiangning to discuss matters. Two thousand cavalry troops were dispatched from the cavalry camp to **** them, which was almost two-thirds of the Huaidong cavalry division's troops.

Bringing so many cavalry on the road is somewhat ostentatious, but it can't keep King Ning, Yue Lengqiu and others from having no crooked thoughts on the Huaidong Army Division; Carrying out a long march of five or six hundred miles, adapting to various terrains, is also one of the subjects of war training.

The width of the Jiangnan post road was limited, and the two thousand cavalry stretched out, and the line was five or six miles long. Over the years, although troops and horses have been constantly mobilized through the Jiangnan Post Road, no army can match the majestic momentum of the cavalry in front of them.

Although they were all unarmored military horses, the actual cavalry of more than 2,000 people was a mix of armored and light cavalry.

In the daily march, the war horses made by the armored cavalry will not wear heavy armor, but the war horses are more sturdy and strong, far from the Central Plains horses that are common in the south of the Yangtze River. The soldiers on horseback all wore black armor, and they all held standard lances that were nearly two feet long. When marching, the spear is raised to the sky, and the sharp spear tip that is one foot long reflects the light of the sun. From a distance, it really looks like a dense forest of cold spears.

On the other hand, the light knights wore brown armor with war knives hanging from their waists. The horses also paid more attention to speed and endurance, and the number of soldiers was four times that of the armored cavalry.

Compared with war horses and armors, the brave soldiers who have been tested by **** and cruel wars, ride on horseback, like a piece of burning iron that has just been pinched out of the raging fire, like a knife that is still dripping with blood. , like a long spear that had just pierced the enemy's chest, causing a strong impact on people's hearts.

A war horse snorted, as if contagious, and countless war horses followed.

Many of the people watching on the side of the road were trembling with fright at the abnormal noise made by the warhorse's nose, and more people were shocked by such a military appearance.

"This is the Huaidong Army. It feels cold when you look at it. The horses and infantry in the city are completely incomparable." Even arresting the robbers will kill the county soldiers?" "Did you know that Huaidong's envoys are Wuqu stars who came into the world only a hundred years ago. If it weren't for Wuqu stars, would they be able to bring out such powerful soldiers?" "Old Yangtou , you are talking nonsense again, Lin Zhizhi is a genuine Da Yue Ju Zi, but he just can't get used to those incompetent generals, so he gave up his pen and joined the army in anger..."

The onlookers were talking a lot. Zhang Gou was riding on horseback and could hear some one after another; this kind of discussion made his mood complicated.

It also took more than a month for them, the officers and cadets, to gather for tactical training. For more than a month, they have mainly learned terrain and tactical arrangements.

As intermediate and senior officers, those who are promoted to the cadet team for intensive study are all battle-hardened and have more or less experience in leading troops to fight. They all have an intuitive understanding of tactics and a preliminary experience summary. Even though many people are illiterate, when they are literate and literate, they all complain a lot, but when it comes to learning tactics, it is much easier than recognizing a few big characters. Compared with the concentrated study in Chongzhou, the field investigation and terrain explanation are more useful to the military officers and students, so this time I came to Jiangning together.

Compared with the single topography of Chongzhou, the topography of Jiangning is composed of hills, hills, valleys, lakes and rivers. It is a good place to learn terrain tactics on the spot.

No one would allow Lin Su to lead 2,000 elite cavalry into Jiangning City. After Lin Jingzhong was transferred to Haidong to be the inspector of the Jeju Inspection Division, Sun Wenbing served as the liaison for the Huaidong Military Division in Jiangning. The east head of Dongyang Town outside is ready to be stationed.

Zhang Gou and the others were not anxious. It was rare for them to come to Jiangning. Many people came back to Jiangning for the first time, waiting for the cavalry from the south to enter the camp. They learned that they could be a little freer, and then rode their horses to wait on the long embankment on the west bank of the Jinchuan River.

On the river's surface, the giant sails that were blown by the wind were like giant birds flying over the water. The Jinhai, guarded by the two Jiyun-class warships, seemed to be heading towards the mouth of the Jinchuan River slowly. The speed of the Jinhai against the water was no slower than that of the cavalry.

In the estuary, the houses in the town are row upon row, like a heroic city.

Han Caizhi was the only one who came to Jiangning. He pointed to the house and said to Zhang Gou and Zhang Jiheng, "Before my lord came to Jiangning, this area was only a small village with only a dozen households. Now you can take a look..."

At this time, someone came over on a horse. It was Lin Fu's bodyguard and said to Han Caizhi and the three: "My lord wants you to clean up and go see him..."

Hekou is mostly a party in Dongyang Township, and many people in Shanglin have settled here. Han Caizhi felt like returning home when he came back to Jiangning. Lin Fu called him over and was busy with Zhang Gou and Zhang Jiheng arranging the affairs of the student team. First, enter the town with the guards to see Lin Fu.

As soon as Lin Fu got off the pier, Yang Pu and Zhao Qinmin came to greet him on behalf of Gu Wuchen. Lin Tingli also came to Jiangning first, and also temporarily lived in the estuary. When Zhang Gou and the others arrived, Lin Fu was standing on the pier, complimenting everyone.

It was already dusk, and as a son-in-law, Lin Fu was inconvenient to spend the night in the Gu Mansion, so he would officially enter the city tomorrow and spend the night at Hekou tonight. It is rare for Gu Junxun to come back. He wants to have a good reunion with his parents for a few days. Tonight, he will enter the city to live in the Gu Mansion. Although she is six months pregnant, it is not tiring to take a boat. Prepare a carriage here and send her to the city to live in the Gu Mansion.

Zhang Gou, Han Caizhi, and Zhang Jiheng came over, Lin Fu introduced them to Zhao Shuhan, Zhao Qinmin, Yang Pu and others, and then asked Zhang Gou, "I heard that you have been studying maritime affairs and ship warfare during this time, and you intend to enter the water. camp?"

"It's a pity that the last commander was born in a water village, but he couldn't really fight the enemy on a warship," Zhang Gou replied, "I am under the command of the lord, and the last commander will have the opportunity to re-learn military affairs, so I want to study it with my heart. water battle..."

"Oh, I see," Lin Fu said, "you stay here, and after the banquet, go back to the camp!"

"Yes." Zhang Gou replied together with Zhang Jiheng and Han Caizhi. He didn't know if Lin Fu could read his mind, and he couldn't be completely trusted when he was incorporated into the Mabu Army, and he couldn't slaughter his former brothers. Only by being incorporated into the water camp can we escape the troubles of the past.

Of course, Zhang Gou's words were not entirely a pretext. As a water village, he was very interested in water warfare, except for small-scale water battles with officers and soldiers in Hongze Puli in the early days, and later he went ashore to lead the horse infantry army.

There is still more than a month before the end of the training camp, and Zhang Gou does not know his final destination. Chen Zhihu, known as the Tiger of the Southern Plains, led his troops to Biansi and took up the post of the Henan system envoy. Zhang Gou did not know that the woman in red jacket followed the pole Grandpa can handle it.


The thatched cottage was still left, and Lin Fu returned to Jiangning on this trip. As soon as the boat docked, the pilgrimage floated like snowflakes.

Lin Tie only met Lin Tingli, Zhao Shuhan, Yang Shi, Liu Xilin, Zhao Qinmin and others on the first night in the thatched cottage.

It will be two years before Jiang Ning comes back to marry Jun Xun. Although the time is not long, the battles in Shengsi, Huaisi, and Haidong have been experienced during this period, and it is also quite a sense of vicissitudes.

After the banquet, all the generals returned to the camp to rest, and Lin Fuliu Lin Tingli, Zhao Shuhan, Yang Shi, Liu Xilin, Zhao Qinmin and others talked in the thatched cottage at night. In addition to Zhou Pu and Han Caizhi, Lin Mengde also returned to Jiangning with Lin Fu this time.

Lin Fu came forward to say hello to the bank, but specifically persuaded the Dongyang Township Party and asked Lin Meng to come out and do some water grinding.

Lin Tingli was appointed as the prefect of Dongyang and the military supervisor. As a real power figure in Jiangdong County, he knew that the real representative of the rise of the Lin family was Lin Fu, who mastered the Huaidong Military Division. Even without taking into account the Jinhai forces that Lin Xuwen mastered, just relying on the forces of the Dongyang and Huaidong factions, the Lin family could be called the first-class aristocratic clan in the Dayue Dynasty.

After returning from Qingzhou, Yang Pu's health has not been very good. Although he was a martial artist, he was born and died with Gu Wuchen, and there were many hidden injuries on his body, but Yang Pu's muscles and bones were not as strong as ordinary people.

Yang Shi has really grown up. He has the appearance of a famous general. He is the second general of the Jiangning Water Battalion. Although he directly controls only half of the troops of the Jiangning Water Battalion, he is the elite of the Jiangning Water Battalion and Gu Wuchen's main assistant in the Jiangning Water Battalion. .

Liu Xilin has been serving as the captain of Dongcheng. After Zhang Yubo was transferred to Huai'an to serve as a judge and later learned of Xuzhou, Guo Pinxiao, who took over as Zuo Sikou of Jiangning's house, was also an official from Dongyang. He was unable to come to greet Lin Fu today. Zhao Qinmin has always worked by Gu Wuchen's side, but he has also built a lot of merits, which is recommended by Gu Wuchen, so he is also a doctor from the fifth grade.

In comparison, Zhao Shuhan has always been depressed. Although the tide has risen and the boat has risen to the sixth rank, he has never been able to obtain a real shortage to display his political talents. Most of the time in the estuary writing "Jian Zuo Jing".

"This time, the imperial court decided to send Chen Zhihu to lead his troops into Henan, and Ning Wangfu and Yue Lengqiu sent a message to summon everyone to Jiangning to discuss matters. The purpose is to concentrate the strength of the two Huaihe Rivers and wipe out the remnant bandits between Huai and Si in one fell swoop. Mr. Gu has been calling to discuss matters in Prince Ning's mansion for the past two days, and that's what he was talking about, and he didn't have time to write a letter to Chongzhou," Zhao Qinmin started talking and said to Lin Fu, "In the past two days, I have been discussing matters in Prince Ning's mansion all the time. Seeing that Sun Zhuang's subordinates are a hidden danger. I think Yue Lengqiu or King Ning will ask you to express your opinion when the official discussion the day after tomorrow..."

Lin Bie tapped his finger on the table and said, "We'll see the situation later. Su Yu and Suining have as many as 12,000 troops in the garrison. If they rebel again, it will be a headache. But Chen Zhihu led his troops over, and Lianghuai again The soldiers are strong and horses are strong, and a few refugee troops such as Sun Zhuang are attached to the generals, and they may be unstable, but most people may not have objections, and may not cause too much trouble... Instead of worrying about Sun Zhuang, they might as well worry that Chen Hansan will meet Alien."

The imperial court moved south from Datong Chen Zhihu's department because it was determined that before the autumn and winter, Donghu would not gather troops south, and most people in Jiangning should have the same optimistic judgment. Compared with the unstable minds of a few refugee troops such as Sun Ganzi, Lin Fu was more worried that the court was too optimistic.

Lin Fu has already sent someone to Jibei to contact Li Zhuo, but no one has come back yet. He really doesn't know the true thoughts of Li Zhuo and Gao Zongting. After Chen Zhihu was transferred to Henan, the burden on Li Zhuo's shoulders on the northern front would be terrifyingly heavy.

"There were voices in the imperial court demanding that Chen Zhihu be held accountable for his ineffectiveness in defending Datong, or that it was wise and wise to keep Chen Zhihu's position as the chief general of Datong. Why did you suddenly assign him to be the envoy of the Henan system this time?" Zhao Shuhan asked Lin Fu suspiciously. "Did you get the news in advance?"

"No, maybe Ning Wang and Yue Lengqiu will know some news, but before I came to Jiangning, I suddenly learned the news, and it was only a day before and after the edict sent by Ning Wang's mansion to Jiangning to discuss matters." Lin Fu shook his head. , Chen Zhihu used to be the garrison of Datong Town, the same position as the admiral, and was changed to the Henan system, which was a demoted appointment. This news was very sudden for Lin Fu.

Chen Zhihu's relocation involves the fundamentals of the Yanbei line of defense. If Li Zhuo knew the news in advance, he would definitely send someone over to communicate with Huaidong. If Li Zhuo couldn't help Chen Zhihu's transfer, it would not be hard to guess that the court really pushed this matter.

"I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing," Lin Tingli said. "If the remnants of the red jacket women are wiped out, Huaisi will be completely settled, and Chen Zhihu will lead his troops back to Datong. Huaixi soldiers and horses can also be transferred to the south with the She family. fight..."

"It's too dangerous to pin your hopes on one battle," Lin Fu shook his head slightly. "Someone from the She family had contact with the Donglu in Goryeo, and the She family always pays attention to contacting rogues, so it is difficult for the imperial court to take the lead..."

Coming up from the game of Go, moving Chen Zhihu's team to the south, it can be said to be out of the way. At first glance, it is a good move, but it leaves a very big hidden danger. In order to make up for this hidden danger, Li Zhuo is likely to be forced to dispatch troops from western Liaoning in advance, and jump from the inside to the outside to fight.

Chen Zhihu defended Datong. Although he fought fiercely, he defeated the Donghu people after all. Last year, the chaos in Huaisi was also largely eliminated. Yue Lengqiu subsequently won a series of victories against Luo Xiancheng in Huaixi. The line of defense formed by Jiang has also become increasingly stable, and he has repeatedly won small victories against the extravagant family.

In such a situation, the officers and soldiers also showed quite good combat effectiveness, which inevitably made people optimistic, and the financial pressure in various places was increasing, which inevitably made people impatient.

Lin Tingli also has an optimistic judgment on the situation. Lin Fu is not very strange. Without a bit of delusion, the court would not be able to send Chen Zhihu south. Lin Fu thought to himself: Maybe the real danger comes from the impatient thoughts in the emperor's mind, maybe he has no patience, as long as there is a possibility, he wants to give it a try.

There was nothing to discuss tonight, but everyone sat down and exchanged opinions initially.

In the middle of the night, Lin Tingli and others all went back to rest one after another, and they had to stay in Jiangning for a few days, so there was no need to talk about it tonight.


Although the night was deep, Lin Fu couldn't sleep, and he and Lin Mengde were still sitting under the moon talking.

"The meaning of the second master's words is that he really wants to calm down the situation in Henan and Huaixi, and he will not object to Prince Ning's manor's transfer of the Dongyang army to attack the luxury home!" Lin Mengde said, "His opinion on the current situation I am also optimistic. UU reading www.uukanshu.com”

"You can't blame him," Lin Fu said. "You can't expect others to think exactly the same as Huaidong!"

What more careerists want is just greater power, and when a few people have a little power, will they think of rebelling and fighting for the throne?

Speaking of power, Lin Tingli is also a high-ranking person now. If the world continues to be in chaos, it may not necessarily increase his power by one point, but it will bring the danger of many uncertainties.

From the perspective of personal and family power alone, it is understandable that Lin Tingli expects the Yuan clan to restore the rule of ZTE. However, Zhang Yubo, Zhao Shuhan and others were still deeply influenced by traditional Confucianism, and had a strong desire to be loyal to the imperial court.

With these expectations, the judgment of the situation will naturally be optimistic.

Lin Fu can only master the internal of the Huaidong Military Division and pay attention to unifying their thinking; Lin Tingli, Lin Xuwen, Zhao Shuhan, Zhang Yubo, and even Gu Wuchen, Gu Siyuan, Chen/Yuanliang, Zhao Qinmin and others do not belong to the Huaidong Military Division after all. They have their own minds, their own interests, their own ambitions and pursuits, and Lin Fu can't force them.

"I know this is the case, so I'm worried about the bank, and I may not get a good response in Jiangning." Lin Mengde said.

"Many times, you have to seek common ground while reserving differences to get things done," Lin Fu said. "If the situation can be stabilized, setting up a bank is a good move for everyone. Now Jiang Ning can have an optimistic mood and judgement, but he's not interested in the bank. It's good... You can't impatiently hope that the Dongyang Township Party will bet all its chips on Huaidong, don't be anxious, just do your best to what extent you can do it."

"Yeah, I'm impatient," Lin Mengde laughed at himself, "Now that the situation has improved, everyone will hope that money will make money!" My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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