Lord of the House

Vol 8 Chapter 75: Secret Covenant (2)

In the dead of night, when Sun Jingxuan and Hu Zhiyong came over, Qin Chengzu and Lin Mengde entered the city with them, and went to the Xicheng Post House to meet Chen Huawen, Chen Mingzhe, Su Pinxiao and others.

"The Huaidong Army has been stationed in Shengsi, and Haiyu has been supplemented with food for nearly two years," Chen Huawen first complained. Compared with the past, the price of rice in Pingjiang has doubled; the price of raw silk has dropped even more than double. This rise and fall can be said to be more damaging to everyone's vitality than the robbery of the East China Sea in the ninth year of Chongzhou. These two years are also supported by the previous family. If this world situation does not improve for a long time, I don’t know if it can be delayed for three or five years!”

Lin Mengde remembered a new word "economic crisis" that Lin Fu used to say on a daily basis. In today's world, the economy is often interpreted as the economy of the world and the people. Lin Fu explained this word more simply, and the economy is livelihood.

Most parts of Jiangdong County were not directly affected by the war, but the livelihood of most people in Jiangdong County was seriously affected by the war, not only the general public, but also the powerful gentry.

Lin Fu pointed out that there would be a big problem in Pingjiang House very early, and the facts now only verify his prediction.

Although Pingjiang Prefecture has the most fertile land in the southeastern counties, the benefits of growing mulberry, cotton and tea are much higher than that of grain, so large areas of fertile grain fields in Pingjiang Prefecture have been converted into mulberry orchards, tea gardens, etc. cotton fields.

Although Pingjiang Prefecture is the most prosperous in the world due to this, but the reduction of grain fields requires a large amount of grain from Waifu counties every year to meet the normal demand.

The war caused the prices of many commodities, including raw silk, to plummet, and the prices of essential materials such as rice, grain, and iron tools soared. Pingjiang Prefecture was almost hit by a double blow. Chen Huawen said that this kind of blow was more serious than the East China Sea robbery in the ninth year of Chongzhou, which is not an exaggeration.

Lin Mengde knew that Chen Huawen brought this up and had other intentions. He glanced at Qin Chengzu and the others, and pretended to be confused: "My lord also noticed this phenomenon in Pingjiang Mansion, and once said that Pingjiang Mansion should be The prefects and county magistrates and wealthy households took the lead to convert part of the mulberry and cotton fields into rice grains on a large scale, instead of sitting there waiting for the world situation to improve!"

Chen Huawen thought to himself, what Lin Mengde said was undoubtedly a solution to the problem, but he was also hesitant. Who knows if the world situation will improve in the past three to five years? If the situation improves after converting the mulberry field into a grain field, it will take a lot of work to turn the grain field into a mulberry field. After tossing like this twice, the Chen family doesn't know how much more vitality it will hurt! The Chen family did not dare to take this risk lightly.

Besides Pingjiang, Hailing and other cities, a large number of urban households rely on silk weaving and dyeing for a living, and suddenly the mulberry garden was turned into a grain field. These weavers and dyers cut off their livelihoods, and it is impossible to predict in advance whether they will gather and make trouble. .

"As far as I know, the Huaidong Military Division built a silk silk factory in Chongcheng, recruited thousands of people, and purchased silkworm cocoons from traveling merchants in Chongzhou, Gaocheng, Xinghua, Hailing, Jianling and other places," Chen Huawen Said, "Haiyu can directly supply some raw silk to Huaidong. I don't know what it means here?"

Chen Huawen made this request straight to the point, and Lin Mengde also found it difficult; at this moment, there was the sound of horse hooves galloping outside.

Qin Chengzu and the others sat up straight and looked out the door. It was strictly forbidden to gallop horses unless the military situation was critical in the city. Listening to the sound of hooves, it was inevitable that people would be nervous.

"Sir is back!" At this time, someone was communicating outside.

"Can't I come back tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?" Lin Mengde and the others murmured and stopped outside the inn after listening to the sound of horses' hooves, knowing that Lin Fu came straight here, busy with Chen Huawen, Chen Mingzhe, Su Pinxiao and others. Going out to meet him, it really was Lin Fu who came back in a hurry.

"Why did you come back today?" Lin Mengde walked over and asked.

"This is General Pinxiao?" Lin Fu also held the horse whip in his hand, looked at Su Pinxiao who was standing beside Chen Huawen and asked, seeing that he didn't admit the wrong person, he explained why he rushed back at night, "Master Chen, General Su and Mingzhe came to Chongzhou as a guest, especially when General Su came back to Chongzhou for the first time. How dare I be neglected? It happened that Hecheng sent a few good horses, and I wanted to give it a try. We will start from Yanqing in the afternoon and go to Hecheng. I hit the inside and took a break, and I will come back at this time, these horses are not bad! I will go back tomorrow and bring two horses for each of you!"

No matter how true Lin Fu's words were, Chen Mingzhe was still very useful to hear what he said; Su Pinxiao's face was filled with excitement that could not be concealed.

Although Su Pinxiao was the leader of the Bainao Army, he was also the deputy general of the Haiyu Army at this time, but he was only a fisherman. It was only because he gathered the villagers to resist the most fiercely, gained the most, and made good use of troops during the East China Sea raiding Taihu Lake, that he was introduced to lead the Bainao army.

Lin Fu washed his face, washed some of the dust off his face, and came out to meet everyone again. He sat in the center seat and asked Lin Mengde, "What did you talk about?"

"We also just returned from Hecheng not long ago..." Lin Mengde told Lin Fu Daluo what he had just talked about.

Lin Fu lowered his head and thought for a moment, looked at Chen Huawen, and said, "A gentleman treats people with sincerity. I can introduce you to the situation in Haidong. I also want to know from you how serious the situation in Pingjiang Mansion is. ?"

Chen Huawen and Chen Mingzhe's uncle and nephew looked at each other, Chen Huawen hesitated for a moment, and said, "The situation in Hailing is better, but last month Pingjiang Prefecture almost broke out. Almost half of the people in Pingjiang Prefecture rely on this. During the meal, thousands of craftsmen secretly contacted and wanted to call a break in order to coerce the owner of the workshop to increase their wages, but fortunately I got the news in time and arrested the leading ones, and it will probably be sentenced to Chongzhou prison in a short time."

Lin Bie frowned, turned his head sideways and said to Qin Chengzu, "Everything goes into a dead end and can't get out."

Qin Chengzu sighed slightly, seeing that Chen Huawen was puzzled, and said: "In the past two years, among the exile prisoners received by Chongzhou Prison City, more and more craftsmen have been called to make trouble because their livelihood is difficult. Master Chen said, It's just more confirmation of our speculation."

Not only the peasants who can't survive will raise their flags to rebel, but the urban households who can't survive in the city will also make trouble.

"Calling for a break and making trouble" is actually a "strike" in later generations.

Although the world is still in a farming society, a rare urban agglomeration has emerged between Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

There are 160,000 Chengfang households in Jiangning, more than 80,000 Chengfang households in Weiyang, more than 40,000 Chengfang households in Pingjiang and Hangzhou, and more than 10,000 Chengfang households in Haiyu County.

Such a huge number of urban households, on the one hand, Jiangsu and Zhejiang are located in affluent, have fields, hired people to cultivate people, they are used to living in the city to enjoy; Work, you can engage in weaving and dyeing and other industries for a living.

Chen Huawen said that half of the urban households in Pingjiang Prefecture depend on weaving and dyeing for a living, which is not an exaggeration.

Commodity trade has suffered setbacks, while the price of rice has continued to rise. Handicraft workers have suffered the most, making it difficult for most people to make ends meet.

Farmers have no food and no way out, so they raise their flags to rebel. If these urban households have cut off their livelihoods, will they just sit still?

"The price of silk in Haidong is high, several times higher than that in Jiangdong, but the amount that Haidong can bear is very limited, about three or four thousand dans are saturated," Lin Fu and Chen Huawen said, "Pingjiang Prefecture has about How much raw silk? 20,000 or 30,000 dan?"

"The annual production of silk is about 28,000 dan." Chen Huawen said.

The Pingjiang Poplin Industry Association, the head of Chen's family, and the raw silk production of Pingjiang Prefecture are a mystery to outsiders. Chen Huawen is clear in his heart that the Pingjiang silk industry has been so bleak in the past two years, and there is no need to hide this number from Lin Fu.

"It's pretty much what I expected," Lin Fu said. "The amount of Hailing Prefecture and Huai'an Prefecture is less than one-fifth of Pingjiang Prefecture. The raw silk production in Pingjiang Prefecture is too high! I can eat it from Haiyu every year. Two thousand dans of raw silk, this is almost the limit of my ability, after all, I want to ensure that Hailing and Huai'an will not cause trouble..."

Chen Huawen didn't dare to covet too much. Huaidong could help digest 2,000 dan of raw silk, and he could almost solve the problems of the Chen family.

Of course, he was more concerned about the price of raw silk offered by Huaidong, but he suddenly found it difficult to speak, because Huaidong could get cheaper raw silk from other places.

Lin Fu could see the hesitation in Chen Huawen's eyes, and said, "I won't give you too high a price for raw silk, but I won't treat the Chen family too badly. After all, the Chen family has helped Huaidong a lot in the past two years," he asked Lin sideways. Mengde said, "Shangshu fields in Pingjiang Prefecture can produce three kilograms of raw silk and three stones of japonica rice. Can we calculate the price of silk for Hai Yu based on one kilogram of silk and one stone of rice?"

"Yes!" Lin Mengde said.

Lin Fu asked Chen Huawen again, and said, "Can Hai Yu accept this price?"

Chen Huawen has not been greedy enough that Huaidong can directly allow the Chen family to send silk to the sea. The key is that rising rice prices will be a major trend in the future. Lin Bie promised to use rice to turn silk, so the Chen family doesn't have to worry about rising rice prices that will cause silk prices to fall silently. This benefit is even greater.

"Hai Yu is very grateful for the trustworthiness of the envoy." Chen Huawen said.

Lin Fu smiled and said, "It's also good to repay the favor, Master Chen doesn't need to be polite."

Lin Mengde was secretly heartbroken. Huaidong was completely able to obtain cheaper raw silk from the market. Huaidong was about to buy silkworm cocoons and produce silk by himself, which was only half of the price paid to Chen's silk.

The price of silver is about to become unbalanced, and rice grain will become the new standard for measuring the scarcity of resources. Huaidong had just obtained 300,000 shi of rice grain reserves from Fanlou and Yudong Gongzhuang. At this time, Lin Fu promised to buy 2,000 dan of raw silk from the Chen family with 200,000 shi of rice every year. How to dream without heartache!

But weighing the pros and cons, it cannot be limited solely to monetary benefits. The Chen family and Haiyu, whose economy has collapsed, will not benefit Huaidong at all!

Lin Fu first asked the Chen family to support him and keep Dong Yuan's tentacles out of Pingjiang House. He had to help the Chen family overcome the difficulties and keep the Haiyu army in his hands. He also had to let Su Pinxiao and other non-Haiyu generals, all Can unite around the Chen family.

If the Chen family completely relied on Huaidong's support to barely hold the Haiyu Army in their hands, it would undoubtedly mean that Huaidong's lifeline was in their hands, and they would cooperate with Huaidong's actions in more aspects.

Chen Huawen, Chen Mingzhe, and Chen Huazhang, the current head of the Chen family, all play a pivotal role in the Wu Party; the fact that the Chen family can continue to control the Haiyu Army is also the result of the Wu Party's balance.

Needless to say, the past grievances and grievances, the Dongyang faction needs to be united with Wu Dang at this time to fight against the Ning Wangfu family.

"In the past, with the support of the Chen family and the Haiyu families, our army could gain a firm foothold in Shengsi," Lin Fu said, "Now the military commander can get more food and wages from Hailing House every year, and there is no need to work on the Shengsi side. Hai Yu is gone, but the previous help, I and the military officers, have all kept in mind..."

In the past, counties such as Haiyu wanted Huaidong to shelter their flanks, so they subsidized Huaidong's garrison on the Shengsi Islands every year according to the actual number. Now that Haiyu wants to increase the number of troops, his own money and wages are also tight. Besides, after the increase of troops, his own strength will be strengthened, so there is no need for Huaidong to help protect the flank.

Chen Huawen came here this time, hoping to cancel the previous money and grain subsidies for the Shengsi line of defense. However, it was difficult to speak. I didn't expect Lin Bie to take the initiative.

Even though they knew that Lin Fu was trying his best to restore the relationship between the Dongyang Department and the Wu Party, but it was so easy, Chen Huawen and Chen Mingzhe's uncle and nephew still felt that Lin Fu was reasonable and much easier to deal with than Dong Yuan.

These two things set the tone, and what follows is much easier.

On the basis of the Haiyu Township Battalion, the Wu Party should transfer backbones from the county and township battalions to form the Haiyu Army, including the infantry and the water battalion, and expand the number to 20,000, but most of the armour and equipment are maintained at the level of the township army. need to improve.

The continuous large-scale war has made Jiangning City's stockpile of ordnance and armor seriously insufficient, and the production capacity of the ordnance workshop is limited. Today, troops are increasing everywhere. It was too late for Ning Wangfu and Yue Lengqiu to restrict the Haiyu army, so how could they squeeze out how much of the army and armor that was already in short supply to the Haiyu army?

Prince Ning's mansion and Yue Lengqiu would rather allocate more silver taels for Hai Yu's army to raise it themselves.

Where can Hai Yu's army come from? Dong Yuan is still missing a lot. Pingjiang Prefecture also smelts iron, and there are also many blacksmiths. It is not a problem to create ordinary spears and arrows. If you want to create sophisticated knives and armor, not just anyone can do it.

Only ask Huaidong for help.

Huaidong has won a lot of great victories in recent years, most of them are great victories of the nature of nearly annihilation, and this kind of great victory can best capture soldiers and armor.

Almost all of Huaidong's initial armour and armament were supplemented by capture.

However, after careful calculation, Huaidong’s initial windfall was when he was in Jinan, buying a large amount of armor from the defeated army at a low price, so that before the battles in Yannan, the armor and equipment of the Jiangdong Left Army reached the level of the bow. The level of crossbowmen abandoning longbows, having a strong crossbow in their hands, and wearing heavy armor. Even the Jiangning workshop can only produce more than 100 sets of fish scale armor a year, and the Jiangdong Zuo Army also has 70 or 80 sets!

With the growing scale of the Huaidong Army, the armor and equipment can no longer be completely relied on to be captured. Lin Fu has long promoted the production of armor and ordnance. The scale has reached more than 4,000 people.

In addition to iron materials, Huaidong also purchased a large number of leather materials from the Haidong area to make light armor such as leather armor and combined armor.

Lin Fu originally planned to sell armor to the Haidong area to make up for the lack of spending~www.readwn.com~ It can be expected that the Haiyu Army will be an ally of Huaidong for a long time, and he will have restraint towards the Haiyu Army. The sale of armor is also a planned thing.

Chen Huawen and the others came here this time and made a list: 5,000 steel knives, steel guns, and steel spears each, and 5,000 bundles of arrows; the Haiyu Army mainly guarantees the armor of military attachés, and only needs to add another 1,000 sets.

The Haiyu army needed crossbows, but the production cycle of crossbows was longer, and Huaidong also lacked the reserves of crossbows, so they only provided them with 400 longbows and 400 crossbows each.

Huaidong is settled at the cost price plus twice the profit, which is much cheaper than the market price.

The Haiyu Army wanted to build a water battalion with considerable combat power on the basis of the Bainao Army. The production of warships, the Guanyintan Shipyard under the jurisdiction of Huaidong, has surpassed the Longjiang Shipyard under the Jiangning Ministry of Industry by digging corners. The Haiyu Army also wants to buy a batch of warships from Huaidong.

Lin Fu was also worried that after the Haiyu army's water battalion was strengthened, he would come to fight with Huaidong for control of the Haidong trade route, and naturally he would not help them develop their far-sea combat power.

Lin Fu only provided the Haiyu Army with three Jiyun-class warships on the grounds that Hecheng needed a large number of fishing boats to go out to sea to catch sea fish, and there were no restrictions on small and medium-sized warships.

The Crane City Fishing Ground has been as famous as the offshore fishing grounds of Mingzhou Prefecture since ancient times. It's just that the fishing industry in Crane City has been almost destroyed since the East China Sea pirates flourished. The Huaidong Military Division needs a lot of meat, and raising pigs and sheep takes up a lot of land resources and consumes a lot of rice grains. It is an inevitable choice to use the resources of the Hecheng fishery and the Lianghuai salt area to develop the fishing industry.

Compared with providing so much help, Huaidong's request to the Haiyu Army is to ensure that coal, iron, wood, lime and other resources in the southwest of Taihu Lake can be transported to Chongzhou through Taihu Lake without hindrance. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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